-Caveat Lector-

Sunday, Jan. 26, 2003

The CIA's Secret Army

Because of past scandals, the agency had largely dropped its paramilitary
operations. But the war on terrorism has brought it back into the business

The U.S. is not yet at war with Saddam Hussein. Not officially. But
quietly, over the past few months, some of its savviest warriors have
sneaked into his country. They have been secretly prowling the
Kurdish-controlled enclave in northern Iraq, trying to organize a guerrilla
force that could guide American soldiers invading from the north, hunting
for targets that U.S. warplanes might bomb, setting up networks to hide
U.S. pilots who might be shot down and mapping out escape routes to get
them out. And they are doing the same in southern Iraq with dissident

But the biggest surprise of all is that they are not even soldiers; they
are spies, part of the CIA's rough and ready, supersecret Special
Operations Group (SOG). Until fairly recently, the CIA, in an effort to
clean up a reputation sullied by botched overseas coups and imperial
assassination attempts, had shied away from getting its hands dirty. Until
about five years ago, it focused instead on gathering intelligence that
could be used by other parts of the government. Before that, traditional
CIA officers, often working under cover as U.S. diplomats, got most of
their secrets from the embassy cocktail circuit or by bribing foreign
officials. Most did not even have weapons training, and they looked down on
the few SOG commandos who remained out in the field as knuckle draggers,
relics of a bygone era. Now the knuckle draggers are not just back; they
are the new hard edge of the CIA, at the forefront of the war on terrorism.
And, says a U.S. intelligence official, "they know which end the bullet
comes out of."

It was George Tenet who began rebuilding the SOG five years ago when he
took charge of the CIA, but the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, accelerated his

Confronted with Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda, an enemy that has no army, no
fixed assets and no clearly defined territory, the Bush Administration
needed an unconventional military force. It wanted combatants who could
match al-Qaeda for wiliness, adaptability and, up to a point, ruthlessness.
It wanted its own army of James Bonds. So in the past year, hundreds of
millions of additional dollars have been pumped into the CIA budget by
President George W. Bush, a man who may be predisposed to believe strongly
in an agency his father once headed. He has ordered SOG operatives to join
forces with foreign intelligence services. He has even authorized the CIA
to kidnap terrorists in order to break their cells or kill them.

All of which could make for a more agile, effective intelligence agency. Or
it could also mean a CIA that once again steps beyond the realm of
collecting secrets to intervening forcibly in the affairs of foreign
states. In that area, the agency's history has often been one of blunders
and worse, from Iran and Guatemala in the 1950s through the Bay of Pigs
fiasco under John F. Kennedy to the Nicaraguan war that led to the
Iran-contra debacle in the '80s. Some longtime intelligence watchers are
wondering whether a reinvigorated paramilitary wing of the CIA could be a
mixed blessing for America once again. And the military itself is not too
pleased. It believes its special-ops forces are perfectly equipped to
handle these jobs. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has reacted in part by
planning his own secret unit, which would function much like the SOG but
would answer to him rather than Tenet.

Though tiny by Pentagon standards, the SOG has swelled to several hundred
officers. They are planted in Pakistan, Central Asia, North Africa and East
Asia. "These are people who are operating every day around the world," Jim
Pavitt, the CIA's deputy director of operations, told TIME. "I can insert a
team anywhere quickly and clandestinely." The future may bring even more
ambitious missions. Last May, Bush signed a top-secret directive
authorizing pre-emptive strikes by the Pentagon and the CIA against nations
that are close to acquiring nuclear weapons. Administration sources tell
TIME that the Department of Energy's nuclear-weapons experts are training
SOG operatives on ways to attack enemy nuclear facilities. In the current
crisis with North Korea, Washington so far is committed to diplomacy as a
means of pressuring Pyongyang to give up its atomic-arms program, but it
might well be a SOG team that gets called to action.

The latest debate over the wisdom of expanding CIA powers in this way has
been confined mostly to a small group of professionals, escaping the
public's notice. That's largely because the evolution of the CIA's mission
has proceeded so quietly. Americans did get a glimpse into the world of the
CIA paramilitary when American Johnny (Mike) Spann, 32, was killed in
Afghanistan in November 2001 after being overpowered by Taliban prisoners
he had been interrogating; uncharacteristically, the CIA confirmed that
Spann was one of its own, a member of the sog. Another peek into the
shadows came last November when it was revealed that the explosion that had
carbonized a carful of alleged al-Qaeda operatives in Yemen was caused by a
Hellfire missile let loose by a CIA Predator drone.

The outlines of this new mission are not new, but TIME has uncovered enough
fresh details to construct the fullest picture yet of the CIA's secret
army. It spoke to past and current intelligence officials, including an
active member of the sog, as well as to detractors within the Pentagon. Our

Officially, the war in Afghanistan began on Oct. 7, 2001, with the first
round of U.S. air attacks. For the SOG, however, the battle opened on Sept.
26, just 15 days after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon. That was how "John," one of the SOG's paramilitary officers,
unexpectedly found himself peering out the open window of a Soviet-made
Mi-17 helicopter that day as it soared over the Anjuman Pass and into the
Panjshir Valley, northeast of Kabul. Just ahead on the ground, John spotted
a patrol of bearded men in turbans toting AK-47 rifles.

John tugged the sleeve of the pilot from the rebel Northern Alliance, who
was aboard to guide the aircraft through the treacherous mountains of
northeastern Afghanistan. "They're not ours," the Afghan shouted, letting
John know that the helicopter could be fired on from below. The Taliban
fighters, however, were so stunned by the appearance of the beastly
aircraft roaring above them that they did not have time to shoulder their
weapons and shoot before it flew out of range. "Wonderful," the CIA officer
shouted to his Afghan comrade. Just a week earlier, John (who talked to
TIME on the condition that his real name not be used) had been studying at
a language school in Virginia, preparing for an entirely different
assignment overseas. (What language and what posting, he would not say.)
The agency yanked him out to join the first U.S. team going into
Afghanistan. That was typical for a CIA paramilitary officer, who at a
moment's notice may be thrown into what John calls a pickup team. John's
team included four CIA officers fluent in Farsi or Dari who for years had
been sneaking into Afghanistan, recruiting spies for the agency. Their
mission now was to hook up with those contacts, collect intelligence for
the impending U.S. aerial attack and hunt for bin Laden. Along with the
light arms, radios and rations they had packed into the Mi-17 were two
suitcases stuffed with $3 million. It was used for bribing Afghan warlords
to fight the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

Like all the SOG's other paramilitary operatives, John had spent years in
the U.S. military before joining the cia; five years is the minimum
requirement. CIA recruiters regularly prowl clubs like those at Fort Bragg,
N.C., where the Army's Special Operations Command has its headquarters,
looking for Green Berets interested in even more unconventional work and
higher pay (a starting SOG officer can earn more than $50,000 a year; a
sergeant in the Green Berets begins at about $41,000). Special-forces
soldiers, Navy seals and Air Force commandos are routinely dispatched to
the agency on a temporary basis to provide special military skills that the
CIA needs for specific missions. If a soldier is assigned highly
clandestine work, his records are changed to make it appear as if he
resigned from the military or was given civilian status; the process is
called sheep dipping, after the practice of bathing sheep before they are

Military commandos who join the CIA full time are sent to the "farm," the
agency's Camp Peary training center, located on 9,000 heavily wooded acres
surrounded by a barbed-wire-topped fence near Williamsburg, Va. There the
soldiers go through the yearlong course that all new CIA case officers must
take to learn such skills of the trade as infiltrating hostile countries,
communicating in codes, retrieving messages from dead drops and recruiting
foreign agents to spy for the U.S. The CIA wants its paramilitary officers
to be able to steal secrets as well as blow up bridges. John proudly
recalls overhearing an Afghan commander tell a comrade, "Yes, I have these
Americans with me, and, yes, they have rifles, but I don't think they're
soldiers. They spend all their time with laptops." Says John: "We wrote
hundreds and hundreds of intelligence reports."

At Camp Peary, new SOG recruits also hone their paramilitary skills, like
sharpshooting with various kinds of weapons, setting up landing zones in
remote areas for agency aircraft and attacking enemy sites with a small
force. Some are sent to Delta Force's secret compound at Fort Bragg to
learn highly specialized counterterrorism techniques, such as how to rescue
a fellow agent held hostage.

Over the years, the SOG has taken on some of the CIA's most dangerous work.
Paramilitary officers account for almost half the 79 stars chiseled into
the wall in the main foyer of the agency's Langley, Va., headquarters
commemorating all the spies who have died since the cia was founded in
1947. The newest star is dedicated to Spann. But the CIA suffered
additional casualties in Afghanistan and some injuries that the agency has
not yet publicly acknowledged. A CIA officer was wounded by a bullet in the
chest during a fire fight in southern Afghanistan, and one of the U.S.
soldiers confirmed killed was working with a CIA team when he was hit in a
separate skirmish.

The SOG traces its roots to the days of William (Wild Bill) Donovan, the
general in charge of espionage and clandestine operations during World War
II, whose Office of Strategic Services sent paramilitary commandos behind
enemy lines. The CIA, since its founding after the war, has always had a
paramilitary unit, which has carried various names. At the height of the
cold war, the agency had hundreds of paramilitary operatives fomenting
coups around the world. It was involved in assassination plots against the
leaders of Congo, Cuba and Iraq and was linked by a 1976 Senate inquiry to
ousters that resulted in the deaths of the leaders of the Dominican
Republic, Vietnam and Chile. When Ronald Reagan wanted to roll back
communism in the 1980s, the agency organized paramilitary operations in
Central America. These adventures had checkered results. The governments
that the CIA destabilized in Iran, Guatemala and Chile were replaced by
repressive regimes that ended up doing more damage in the long run to U.S.
foreign policy.

By 1990 the SOG had practically been disbanded, the victim of domestic and
international outrage over the agency's lethal meddling in other countries.
Congressional and CIA budget cutters slashed money for the clandestine
force, believing that billion-dollar spy satellites collected intelligence
more efficiently and without embarrassing the U.S. The pendulum soon began
to swing back, however, as intelligence officials realized that technology
has its limitations. Satellites, for instance, can't see inside buildings;
phone taps can't capture an enemy's every move. When Tenet was installed as
CIA director in 1997, he began fielding more human spies and rebuilding the

During the Balkan conflicts in the mid- and late 1990s, agency paramilitary
officers slipped into Bosnia and Kosovo to collect intelligence and hunt
for accused war criminals like Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and his
top general, Ratko Mladic. But the newly formed teams did not have enough
manpower for snatches even when they were able to pinpoint Serbian targets.
"The CIA," complains a former senior Clinton aide, "didn't have the
capability to take down a three- or four-car motorcade with bodyguards."

Today it does, and the sog's capacities are growing. Its maritime branch
has speedboats to carry commandos to shore, and the agency can rent cargo
ships through its front companies to transport larger equipment. The air
arm, which Pentagon officials have nicknamed the Waffen CIA, has small
passenger jets on alert to fly paramilitary operatives anywhere in the
world on two hours' notice. Other cargo planes, reminiscent of the Air
America fleet that the agency had in Vietnam, can drop supplies to
replenish teams in remote locations. For areas like Afghanistan and Central
Asia, where a Russian-made helicopter stands out less, the agency uses the
large inventory of Soviet-era aircraft that the Pentagon captured in
previous conflicts or bought on the black market.

The part of the air arm that has received the most publicity lately is the
fleet of remote-controlled Predator drones, armed with 5-ft.-long Hellfire
missiles, that the agency bought from the Air Force. In November 2001 the
CIA deployed the drone to eliminate bin Laden's lieutenant, Mohammed Atef.
Last November's Predator hit in Yemen killed an al-Qaeda commander and his
entourage of five, though the strike was controversial: one of the dead men
turned out to be a U.S. citizen.

There have possibly been other missteps as well. In February 2002 a cia
Predator fired at a group of Afghan men gathered around a truck, killing at
least three of them. U.S. intelligence insists the men were an al-Qaeda
band, but locals say they were nothing more than scrap dealers or
smugglers. And as the agency tries to pull together rival Iraqi Kurdish
forces into a viable guerrilla force that could take on Saddam, it must
confront its sorry history in that territory. In 1995 it attempted to
organize a Kurdish rebellion against Saddam, but in the end CIA officers
fled their base in northern Iraq, abandoning their Kurdish agents to Iraqi
police, who rounded up and executed hundreds. The Clinton Administration,
fearing the operation would end in disaster, had pulled the plug.

But perhaps the sog's most notable lapse in the field has been its failure
to locate bin Laden. "They're still developing their capability," says a
Bush Administration official who has worked with the unit. "It doesn't mean
that they won't be a force to be reckoned with. But they're not there yet."

The pentagon is not happy about the SOG's moving aggressively onto its
turf. When aides told Rumsfeld in late September 2001 that his Army Green
Beret A-Teams couldn't go into Afghanistan until the CIA contingent there
had laid the groundwork with the local warlords, he erupted, "I have all
these guys under arms, and we've got to wait like a little bird in a nest
for the CIA to let us go in?" What's more, Rumsfeld, according to a
Pentagon source, does not like the idea that the CIA's paramilitary
operatives could start fights his forces might have to finish.

The resentment burns even more because the generals know that when it comes
to special-operations soldiers, they have a deeper bench than the spooks at
Langley. And in Afghanistan, the Pentagon was regularly asked to supply the
CIA with people from that bench. The Defense Department already has 44,000
Army, Navy and Air Force commandos in its U.S. Special Operations Command,
who are as skilled in covert guerrilla warfare as the CIA's operatives. In
the basement vaults of the command's headquarters at MacDill Air Force
Base, Fla., sit secret contingency plans to send military special-ops teams
to any trouble spot in the world, complete with infiltration routes, drop
zones, intelligence contacts and assault points.

The CIA ended up having about 100 officers roaming in Afghanistan during
the U.S. invasion. But the agency teams were still critically short of key
operatives. "I kept signing more and more deployment orders for folks to go
to the CIA," recalls Robert Andrews, who at the time was a deputy assistant
secretary of defense for special operations. "They were looking for any
medics, operational soldiers and even intelligence specialists that we

Even some old agency hands think the CIA should stick to intelligence and
leave the commando work to the military. "Agency operators lack the
experience to be effective military operators," says Larry Johnson, a
former CIA officer and State Department counterterrorism expert. "They have
just enough training to be dangerous to themselves and others." And there
is the historic danger that CIA paramilitary operations, cloaked in layers
of secrecy, can become rogues. "Everybody has seen this movie before where
secret wars have developed into public disasters," warns John Pike,
director of GlobalSecurity.org, a defense and intelligence think tank.
"We're going to wind up doing things that, when the American people hear of
them, they will repudiate."

The CIA responds that its commandos take on the jobs the military can't or
won't handle. The SOG prides itself on being small and agile, capable of
sending teams of 10 operators or fewer anywhere in the world much faster
than the Pentagon can. One reason the agency was the first into Afghanistan
was that the Special Ops Command dragged its feet getting its soldiers
ready for action. Intelligence sources tell Time that the CIA had requested
that commandos from the U.S. Army's elite Delta Force join its first team
going into Afghanistan but that the Pentagon refused to send them.

Once deployed, CIA operatives have fewer regulations to hamstring them than
their military counterparts do. In Afghanistan, CIA cargo planes were
dropping warm-weather clothing, saddles and bales of hay for allied Afghan
foot soldiers and cavalry. One cable that officers in the field sent back
to Langley read, "Please send boots. The Taliban can hear our flip-flops."
Says Kent Harrington, a former CIA station chief in Asia: "If a military
special-operations soldier parachuted in with $3 million to buy armies,
he'd have to have a C-5 cargo plane flying behind him with all the
paperwork he'd need to dispense the money."

The CIA also has far more contacts than the Pentagon among foreign
intelligence services that can help with clandestine operations overseas,
plus a global network of paid snitches on the ground. The agency "deals
with everything from bottom feeders around the world to their governments
on a routine basis," says a senior U.S. intelligence official. "Name a
country anywhere, and (the CIA) can identify with a couple of telephone
calls four or five people who will have a variety of skills to go into that
country if it becomes a difficult place." Green Berets can operate covertly
in a combat zone, but they would stick out like sore thumbs if they tried
to infiltrate a foreign city, because they don't have the intelligence
network in place to conceal themselves. "We have the ability to hide in
plain sight, get in and get out before anybody figures out who we are,"
asserts a CIA source.

CIA officials, leery of being sucked into new scandals, insist that their
covert operations are now subject to layers of oversight. Before an agency
paramilitary team can be launched, the President must sign an intelligence
"finding" that broadly outlines the operation to be performed. That
finding, along with a more detailed description of the mission, is sent to
the congressional intelligence committees. If they object to an operation,
they can cut off its funds the next time the agency's budget comes up.

After approving a covert operation, Bush leaves the details of when and how
to Tenet and his senior aides. For example, Administration officials say
Bush did not specifically order the Predator attack in Yemen. But after
Sept. 11 he gave the CIA the green light to use lethal force against

Rumsfeld, nevertheless, is intent on building his own covert force. He
recently ordered the Special Operations Command to draw up secret plans to
launch attacks against al-Qaeda around the world, and he intends to put an
extra $1 billion in its budget next year for the job. Elsewhere in the
Defense Department, small, clandestine units, coordinating little with the
CIA, are busy organizing their own future battles. Several hundred Army
agents, with what was originally known as the intelligence support
activity, train to infiltrate foreign countries to scout targets. With
headquarters at Fort Belvoir, Va., the unit is so secretive, it changes its
cover name every six months. Delta Force has a platoon of about 100
intelligence operatives trained to sneak into a foreign country and radio
back last-minute intelligence before the force's commandos swoop in for an

The CIA isn't amused. "Don't replicate what you don't need to replicate,"
argues a senior U.S. intelligence officer. So who referees this dispute? In
addition to running the CIA, Tenet, as director of Central Intelligence, is
supposed to oversee all intelligence programs in the U.S. government. But
the Pentagon, which controls more than 80% of the estimated $35 billion
intelligence budget, doesn't want him meddling in its spying.

Ultimately, the man who chooses between them is the President. Both Tenet
and Rumsfeld report directly to him. And thus far, Bush has been eager to
give Tenet leeway to build up his commando force. With a major conflict
looming in Iraq, units from all branches of the military are mobilizing to
get a piece of the action. The CIA, at least, will have its own.

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