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Monday, January 27, 2003

The Jewish lobby?

Posted: January 27, 2003

1:00 a.m. Eastern

Editor's note: Are you ready for the Second American Revolution? Joseph
Farah's new book, "Taking America Back" exposes the weaknesses in
America's current system and offers practical solutions – solutions that are
real and doable, solutions that can revive freedom, morality and justice in
our nation. Order your copy now in WorldNetDaily's online store,

By Joseph Farah

© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com

There's a former U.S. congressman running around the world these days
blaming America for the Sept.
11 terrorist attacks.

His name is Paul Findley, and from 1961 through 1983, he served as a
Republican member of the House of Representatives from the state of

Last year, he said President Bush had it all wrong when he told the nation
that we were attacked by evil and fanatical Islamic terrorists on Sept. 11.
The real cause of the devastation our nation experienced that day was
because of our unjustified support for the nation of Israel, he explained.

Findley shares that view with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, Syrian
President Bashar Assad, the mullahs of Iran, the sheikhs of Hamas and the
fanatical terrorists of Hezbollah.

Just before Sept. 11, Findley released a book called "Silent No More," an
attempt to improve the image of Islam in the United States and vilify his
arch-enemy Israel. Obviously, the book didn't do very well in post-Sept. 11
America. But don't feel sorry for Findley. He seems to find enough money
to travel the world and give speeches – particularly in the Middle East.

Findley has never gotten over the fact that he was turned out of office
because of his own somewhat fanatical support of Yasser Arafat in 1982,
even while serving as a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs

Recently, in Saudi Arabia, Findley explained the Bush administration had
"overreacted" to the Sept. 11 attacks. Overreacted. He thinks most
Americans don't understand the complexities of the Middle East debate
because they have been hoodwinked and deceived.

"They have been misled by the American media, which is controlled by the
Jewish lobby," he said.

Findley thinks he was defeated by the Jewish lobby, and he thinks
Americans are deceived by the Jewish lobby.

He couldn't be more wrong.

The truth is there weren't enough Jews in his congressional district to
vote him out of office in 1982 – even if every single one of them opposed
him. And the truth is there aren't enough Jews in this country to generate
the broad political support Israel enjoys in every single public opinion
survey done over the last 50 years.

Findley was turned out of office not by Jews, but by Christians. And Israel
gets most of its political support in the United States not from Jews but
from Christians.

Therefore, it's not the Jewish lobby that gets the credit for defeating this
clown and for supporting the only free country in the Middle East, it's the
Christian lobby.

Why do American Christians support Israel so loyally and enthusiastically?

The strong evangelical church in America can read the Bible and see that
the Jews' only historic home is in Israel.
Most Christians understand that Jesus was a Jew who lived in a Jewish
state, albeit one under the colonial rule of the Roman Empire.
They understand that God chose to reveal Himself to the Jewish people
and the nation of Israel.
They don't see a nation of Palestine mentioned in the Old Testament or
New – with good reason: It never existed before or since, except in the
imaginations of people like Yasser Arafat.
They believe God made certain promises to the nation of Israel and that
today's Jewish state is a manifestation of those promises.
They understand that their Holy Scriptures indicate God will bless those
who bless Israel and curse those who curse it. They don't want to be on
the wrong side of that spiritual equation.
They understand their own salvation, in the person of Jesus, chose to
come through the House of David and minister principally to the Jews.
They grasp that the Jews alone – with the help of God, of course – have
made the deserts bloom in that Holy land, just as the prophets predicted.
They comprehend that the Jews alone formed a free society in the Middle
They can see that Israel has been an ally to the United States and a friend
to the free world throughout its 50-year history of rebirth.

In other words, Christians can see what people like Findley can't. Anti-
Semites like Findley aren't only at war with a few million Jews, they are
doing battle with hundreds of millions of Christians. And, more importantly,
they are doing battle with the will of God.

Joseph Farah's nationally syndicated column originates at WorldNetDaily,
where he serves as editor and chief executive officer. If you would like to
see the column in your local newspaper, contact your local editor. Tell
your paper the column is available through Creators Syndicate.

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