-Caveat Lector-

''Who leaked Iraq's arms declaration?''
Printed on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 @ 00:01:13 EST   ( )
By Firas Al-Atraqchi

YellowTimes.org Guest Columnist (Canada)

(YellowTimes.org) – In recent weeks, much has been made of the Iraqi
weapons declaration, which Iraqi officials have claimed is final and

The world will never really know because the report was seized en route
to the United Nations Security Council from Cyprus by U.S. officials who
claimed that the declaration contained vital information and military
technology secrets that could not be distributed to the rest of the non-
permanent members of the Security Council. And definitely not to the rest
of the world, who would love to see how Iraq's weapons procurement
program had gotten so advanced, so discreetly.

During the weekend preceding the handing over of the declaration, the
U.N. Security Council had decided that the report would be distributed
simultaneously to the permanent members, followed by the non-permanent
members. (France, China, Russia, the U.S. and the U.K. are the permanent

However, in an about face, the Security Council later decided (was it a
decision or a unilateral decree?) that the U.S. would effectively receive
the report first and foremost.

This was an extremely suspicious affair since it is the U.S. that is leading
the call to wage war against Iraq, much to the disillusionment and chagrin
of the rest of the Security Council.

Since December 11, when the declaration was handed over to UNMOVIC,
little has been made of the declaration except to be lambasted by U.S.
officials as incomplete and in clear material breach. UNMOVIC head Hans
Blix has said that some issues remained unresolved and that he would press
the Iraqis to answer some questions. This has since happened as of
January 19, 2003, when Blix and IAEA head Mohammad Al-Baradei visited
Iraq and obtained some answers (and documents) to their queries.

Prior to December 12, the deadline for the Iraqi declaration, mainstream
media, at the behest of the Bush administration, taunted the date as a
fulcrum for going to war. That date has since passed. Why then has there
been no war?

Mainstream media quickly jumped in and reported that White House
officials, although dismayed by the lack of information and citing it as a
material breach, would give Iraq another final chance.

Some media analysts dared to challenge this change in the U.S. position,
but, within a few days, the focus shifted to such entertaining stories as
how the White House was preparing for Christmas and the Trent Lott
alleged racism fiasco.

In Europe, however, where media is a lot more risqué and intrusive,
another theory surfaced.

Die Tageszeitung, one of Germany's leading alternative newspapers, claimed
it had secretly obtained vital information contained within the Iraqi
declaration. The information consisted of a list of nations who had
discreetly equipped, supported, and engaged in aiding Iraq's weapons
procurement program. The list included 24 leading and highly successful
American companies which were directly involved in arming Iraq during the
1970s leading up to the eve of the 1991 Gulf War. The list also includes
some 80 German companies as well as others from the U.K., Russia, China,
France, Sweden, and Belgium.

Ironically, the list highlights the level of "cooperation" between the U.N.'s
permanent members of the Security Council, most notably the U.S., with
Iraq. It would be naïve to believe that many of these countries acted
without explicit U.S. support.

The Iraqi declaration was eventually "edited and abridged" to 3,000 pages,
much to the shock and abjection of the non-permanent members of the
Security Council.

The reasons are clear: Should the American public demand to know why
such companies as IBM, DuPont, Honeywell, Hewlett-Packard and Eastman
Kodak armed and supplied Iraq with vital chemical, biological, and nuclear
weapons related information, the entire state of the U.S. economy would
undergo massive upheaval.

The U.S. economy is already reeling from widespread layoffs, the Enron
and WorldCom scandals, and the weakening of the NASDAQ. A quick look at
the "contributors" list reveals that many of the aforementioned companies
are prominent, and indeed, sustaining the vitality of the NASDAQ.

The U.S. economy could not handle such a blow. Neither could the White
House, which has tried to stave off numerous rumors of duplicity in the
Enron (and Halliburton, among others) scandals.

Furthermore, an increasing number of U.S. Gulf War veterans are
demanding an investigation into mysterious illnesses they have contracted
since their return from Iraq. Stories of exploding chemical munitions
storage facilities in Khamisiyah (southern Iraq), in the sight of unprotected
U.S. army divisions, have surfaced in mainstream media in recent months.

A 1997 CIA White Paper, titled Khamisiyah: A Historical Perspective on
Related Intelligence, admitted for the first time that chemical munitions
were stored at the 25-square kilometer weapons storage facilities.

To date, nearly 88,000 U.S. Gulf War Veterans have reported mysterious
ailments since their return from the theatre of operations. Of those,
nearly 5,000 have launched a class action suit, led by attorney Gary Pitts in
Brazoria County, Texas, against U.S. companies claiming they helped Iraq
purchase chemical agents.

Should the American public get its hands on information within the Iraqi
declaration which links U.S. companies to Iraq's weapons procurement
program, the fallout would be catastrophic. Company CEOs would face
criminal negligence suits; financial payouts in the hundreds of billions
would be sought; and many of these companies would no longer exist.

Solution? Seize the report, edit it, call it incomplete, and move on.

Europe, however, did not move on. Europe (except for a few former East
European nations groveling to join NATO) is firmly united against a
unilateral, unsanctioned war. "Go through the U.N.; give the inspectors
more time," they say.

This author has received several emails begging the questions: Why didn't
Iraq release the list to embarrass the U.S.?

It is likely that Iraq did release the report to the press, but in a
Machiavellian gesture of suspicion and paranoia, was careful who would
receive its contents.

Several developments point to why Iraq may have released the list, and
why Germany, or the German press, was determined to be the best

Firstly, German companies have been featured prominently in several Iraqi
trade shows in recent years. The latest was held in November and
included the greatest number of German companies in over 12 years. One
hundred German firms (greater than France's 86) participated in Iraq's
International Trade Fair, mainly operating in the oil, electricity and
industrial sectors.

Germany is also one of the few European countries that have full
diplomatic relations with Iraq.

While France and Russia seem to fall in and out of favor with Iraqi officials,
Germany has been gaining commercial and logistical influence in Iraq.

In late 2001, Germany sought to create an economic sector between Iraq
and Egypt by exporting German- licensed products in Egypt to Iraq.

"Marketing products manufactured in Egypt under German licenses is a way
to enhance trade ties between Germany and Iraq," Peter Goepfrich,
director of the German Chamber of Commerce in Cairo, told reporters in
August 2001.

Secondly, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's ruling coalition streaked
to an election win this fall by campaigning against a U.S.-led war in Iraq.
Schroeder went so far as to indicate that Germany would not support in
any way an invasion of Iraq even if it were mandated by the U.N. He has
even threatened to withdraw the chemical weapons analysts Germany
currently has stationed in Kuwait.

This greatly impressed the Iraqis.

Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz told reporters in September that he
wished Arab countries would support Iraq's plight in the same manner as
Germany was increasingly doing.

The above is a stark statement that Iraq trusts Germany more than it does
its Arab neighbors.

In addition, Germany this month becomes a member of the 10 non-
permanent members of the Security Council. Germany's vote will be crucial
should the Security Council take up the issue of another resolution on

Iraq has also switched to dealing in Euros rather than dollars, giving
European economies a slight nudge.

The report may also have been leaked to Germany to embarrass German
Intelligence (nearly 80 German companies are listed in the declaration),
who late last year made the claim that Iraq already possessed a nuclear

Andreas Zumach, a reporter for the German daily Die Tageszeitung to the
United Nations, obtained an unedited copy of the Iraqi document
submitted to the U.N. Security Council outlining the status of Saddam
Hussein's weapons arsenal.

In 1997, Zumach also broke the story of French involvement in the sacking
of the Bosnian village of Srebrenica, where thousands of Muslim males

Further analysis that Iraq leaked the report to Zumach, or through third
parties, can be derived from the fact that the report was in UNMOVIC's
guarded possession from Baghdad to Cyprus and finally to New York, where
it was immediately seized by U.S. delegates to the U.N.

However, Zumach announced almost immediately after December 11th that
he would be publishing information from highly classified portions of the
Iraq declaration.

If Iraq had not been the source of the report Zumach received, likely
suspicion will fall either on UNMOVIC (unlikely) or U.S. officials themselves.

It is highly unlikely that U.S. officials would presume to torpedo their own

[Firas Al-Atraqchi, B.Sc (Physics), M.A. (Journalism and Communications), is
a Canadian journalist with eleven years of experience covering Middle East
issues, oil and gas markets, and the telecom industry.]

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