-Caveat Lector-

When the devil became less spooky and less fashionable as the traditional fearful Roman Catholic effigy portrayed in the West, religionists had to re-invent him in a thousand different ways, much as they did their messiah.

Masons, like other various esoteric groups, became one of the new imps of focused religious paranoia as likewise has the US itself, after the break-up of Satan's alleged arch lair formerly inhabited by the godless Soviets.

In hindsight, well-worn and overrated iconoclasts like Anton Lavey and Aleister Crowley et al, now seem like mere pawns in the religionists game, for in essence they revived in the public mind the idea of the traditional "Satan" imagery however unintentional perhaps to their own paradigm such a notion was.

I could not locate the alleged passage in my copy Ovason's book on p. 219 given in the article. My copy is probably from the original title: "The Secret Zodiacs Of Washington DC". If someone has the other copy, they may wish to check the reference.

Having read another of this Fundamentalists sites citations from Ovason's book and after actually checking the context of the passage, I found it is so wildly exaggerated that you were left wondering how it could be so, if not for deliberate obfuscation.

People like Ovason do not share the interpretations of Cleric Fundamentalists who like to (mis)quote his book and the meanings he would attribute to terms such as "occult" which he, like many, partly view as a pursuit of esoteric enlightenment outside the established societal channels. 

As far as the alleged Masonic symbolism of the US Seal is concerned, I venture to say that the emblem(s) were simply widely-known hieroglyphs and art of the Renaissance to Enlightenment era, recognizable as much as today's Peace symbol or the Coke logo and with not a dissimilar awe attached.

Nothing mysterious or secretive about it apart from the fact that it's simplicity, even mundanety has been obscured by the paranoid gibberish of popes and their modern clones in the Religious Right and their varied earlier puritanical incarnations.
The stigma attached to Free-masonry by Vaticanism has deep roots. Clement XII issued his papal bull In Eminenti banning Masonry and forbidding lodge membership for Catholics. He declared:
"For the sake of the peace and safety of civil governments, and spiritual safety of souls, and to prevent these men from plundering the House like thieves, laying waste the Vineyard like wolves, perverting the minds of the incautious and shooting down innocent people from their hiding places.... no Catholic was to be a Freemason".
Eleven other popes would condemn Freemasonry in the most vitriolic language possible. Leo XII lamented the fact that Christian princes and heads of state had not fully obeyed the Vatican in suppressing Masonry, "as the safety of both Church and State required", in the words of one Jesuit writer.
Pius VIII declared of the Masons that "lying is their rule, Satan is their God, and shameful deeds their sacrifice....".
Gregory XVI wrote that Masons and kindred secret brethren were comparable to a sewer in which, "are congregated and intermingled all of the sacrileges, infamy and blasphemy which are contained in the most abominable heresies."
Pius IX, outdoing his papal predecessors, condemned Masonry in six separate bulls between 1846 and 1873, denouncing "those baneful secret sects who have come forth from the darkness for the ruin and devastation of Church and State...."
Catholic Hitler was dogmatically cultivated by Catholic monks and as he and his henchman rose to power they signed a political concordat with the Vatican. It is understandable how indoctrinated beliefs coupled with religio-political alliances turned Masons and those they aligned with Masons such as Jews, into targets for their hate.
How oft has been repeated the lie of a pope, Pius VIII, "Satan is their God"?
Or as you will find on every conspiracy-driven website, the word Satan is replaced by the more intriguing and mysterious, "Lucifer" whom Catholic and co-Fundamentalist clerics allege is the god of Masons and allege that the famous Mason Albert Pike claimed as much.
Unfortunately, what they cite is a specious report by Leo Taxil (real name: Antoine Jogand-Pages). Taxil, who publicly confessed in 1897 of his hoax-ster ways, sought to defame Freemasonry.
Hoaxers such as Leo Taxil know that the most clever lies are based on an element of truth. The Freemason philosopher Pike, in his book Morals and Dogma, did in fact write about Lucifer:
"Lucifer, the light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it HE who bears the Light, and with its intolerable light blinds feeble, sensual or selfish souls?"
Pike speaks of Lucifer as a bringer of Light (a metaphor for Wisdom, Knowledge, Enlightenment), and expresses surprise that the name became associated with the Spirit of Darkness. Elsewhere Pike wrote of "the false Lucifer of legend".

So what then is the relationship between Satan and the morning star (Lucifer) if any? 
The term "Lucifer" is misapplied by Fundamentalist-style conspiracy Christians. The term only appears once in the entire bible in the following passage:
"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" Isaiah 14:12 
If one reads the context of this passage, Lucifer simply refers to the morning star, an epithet of the planet Venus and is a poetic mock about the king of Babylon who persecuted the Jews and it speaks his downfall from a high and lofty position of power. It has absolutely nothing to do with nay a reference to a Satan as commonly held by Catholic and co-Fundamentalist conspiracy groupies.
Albert Pikes quandary of how a title of Light Bearer (Lucifer) could be trans-morphed into the Devil is best answered by the history of lore, legend and mythology of Roman Catholicism and it's myriad superstitions which have spread like a mycelium throughout the Western world.

It's origin is probably from a translation of the above biblical text by St. Jerome one of the "church fathers":
14:12 "quomodo cecidisti de caelo lucifer qui mane oriebaris corruisti in terram qui vulnerabas gentes," meaning "Why did you fall from heaven, Lucifer, who rose in the morning? You are ruined on the ground, you who wounded the people".
Reading this text out of context, one might suppose that it's about the Devil, Satan, the evil angel who fell from heaven. Many Fundi-Christians interpret the verse that way. For many modern Christians, Lucifer is another name for Satan. But clearly this verse is not about Satan. It is about a Babylonian king who persecuted the Jews. It is part of a satirical song.
In fact, verse 4 of the same chapter unquestionably identifies who the figure of Lucifer is, "That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon ..." - not any Satan as such.
The original author of Isaiah, who wrote in Hebrew, mockingly called the king Helal, which means 'day star'. Jerome based his translation on the Greek translation, the Septuagint, which translates the Hebrew word with the Greek name Eosphoros (morning Venus). As mentioned above, the Latin equivalent of Eosphoros is Lucifer.
Yet, in the same period as St Jerome, Lucifer was not a name ascribed to Satan.
In fact, a bishop from Sardinia, the founder of a Christian sect, was named Lucifer. (It is interesting that Jerome wrote a sarcastic essay against the Luciferians. In my opinion, 'Lucifer' is an appropriate translation of the Hebrew Helal, (or the Greek Eosphoros). However, I think that Jerome must have smiled when he wrote the above verse.)
To summarize the main facts:

At first Lucifer was not a name for Satan, but the Latin name for the morning star, Venus. Saint Jerome used the Latin name for the star to translate a biblical verse which mocks a fallen Babylonian king. Afterwards, people misinterpreted the verse as a reference to myth of the fallen angel, Satan. In this way, Lucifer also became a pseudonym for Satan.
The Freemason Albert Pike mentioned Lucifer in his writings as the bringer of Light, and was perplexed by the false neo-modern idea that Lucifer is the Devil. The hoaxer Taxil, in order to defame Freemasonry and ridicule Catholicism, spread a lie that Freemasonry is a Satanic cult.
As part of that lie, he invented a false quote in which Pike praises Lucifer as god. Taxil confessed in 1897, but some fundamental Christians continue to repeat the lie simply to attack Freemasonry.
Finally, to end these long tales of the Lucifer, the Morning Star and the Devil - with a little irony:
As we have noted, Lucifer means "morning star," curiously, in the biblical Apocalypse of St John (Revelation), god firstly promises to give good Christians a LUCIFER!
"And I will give him the morning star." Revelation 2:28 
Furthermore, Jesus says in Revelation 22:16:
"I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."
Jesus here says that he is the morning star, in other words, Lucifer! Some malicious sorts like to quote this verse to annoy Fundamentalist Christians. Personally, I would never do such a thing.
Given the above, the Mason Albert Pike with his sceptical quandary and puzzlement of how a reference to Light could be turned on its head to refer to Darkness would appear closer to the truth than are most Christians who pledge allegiance to their sacred text of the bible.
To abandon Catholic and co-Fundamentalist paranoia and leave its superstitious dis-information aside for now we hope to shed some light on the U.S. Seal itself:
On Independence Day, 1776 a committee was created to design a seal for the new American nation. The committee's members were Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams, with Pierre Du Simitiere as artist and consultant. Of the four men involved, only Benjamin Franklin was a Mason, and he contributed nothing of a Masonic nature to the committee's proposed design for a seal.

Du Simitiere, the committee's consultant and a non-Mason, contributed several major design features that made their way into the ultimate design of the seal: the shield, E Pluribus Unum, MDCCLXXVI, and the eye of providence in a triangle. The eye of providence on the seal thus can be traced, not to the Masons, but to a non-Mason consultant to the committee.

In fact, "The single eye was a well-established artistic convention for an 'omniscient Ubiquitous Deity' in the medallic art of the Renaissance. Du Simitiere, who suggested using the symbol, collected art books and was familiar with the artistic and ornamental devices used in Renaissance art." This was the same cultural iconography that eventually led Masons to add the all-seeing eye to their symbols. [1]
Accordingly, the beginnings of the symbolism originally had naught to do with Masons yet it is frequently attributed to them and oftentimes done so with mischievous intent.

[1] (cf Robert Hieronimus, America's Secret Destiny (Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 1989), p. 48.) 


----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Smith
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 11:30 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Illuminist Freemasonry Rules America

-Caveat Lector-
This illustration beautifully depicts the main thrust of this seminar, so we direct your attention to it.  Cutting Edge Ministries' artist, Gerry Warner, has correctly and accurately depicted the major and minor themes of this seminar.  He has used one of the official Illuminist symbols of the New World Order found on the back of the American One Dollar Bill -- the Eagle with the 13 stars above its head -- as his inspiration.  Let us discuss the rich detail he has provided us that correctly illustrate the different themes of this seminar.
The major focus of study is the reality that the Illuminati created the United States as a New Atlantis, an occult nation that would lead the rest of the world into the New World Order, defined as the Kingdom of the Christ [Biblical Antichrist].  The United States was planned to secretly work behind the scenes for about two centuries to quietly and surreptitiously guide unfolding history in such a way that the world would gradually coalesce into the One World Government, Economy, and Religion of the New Age Christ.  The moving force behind this global plan is Illuminized Freemasonry .
Thus, we have utilized the Masonic Double-headed Eagle as the major symbol of this illustration.  Secret occult history has recorded that Masons originally envisioned the American Eagle to be the Egyptian Phoenix Bird, that mythical occult creation that lives for up to 500 years and then deliberately causes its own death.  [The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital:  The Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C. , by David Ovason, Forward by C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33rd Degree, Sovereign Grand Commander, The Supreme Council, 33rd (Mother Council of the World), Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Washington, D.C, p. 219.].
As the Phoenix dies, its body suddenly erupts into flames and is totally consumed; however, out of the ashes of the old dead Phoenix Bird, another new Phoenix Bird arises.  The only reason these Masons changed the original Phoenix Bird to the American Eagle is that they were convinced that the American public would not stand for the obviously Satanic symbol that the Phoenix Bird represented.
Symbolically, our Masonic Founding Fathers intended to communicate that part of the New World Order Plan which stipulates that, at the right moment in our history, the America that has faithfully led the rest of the world for so long into the new global system of Antichrist, will suddenly burst into flames and be totally consumed by fire.  However, out of the ashes of the old America will rise the new global system of Antichrist.  We cover how we think this scenario will play out, and will fulfill the Biblical prophecies of Daniel 2 and 7, and Revelation 18.
Author Oavson, quoted above, reveals that the selection of the Eagle was, indeed, an "occult blind", defined by Masons, Rosicrucians, and alchemists as a symbol "designed to carry an open symbolism acceptable to the uninitiated, yet at the same time, to hide a more profound meaning accessible only to those familiar with Arcane symbolism". [Ibid., p. 218]
To illustrate the American Eagle Phoenix Bird bursting into the flames of immolation, Warner has created fire underneath each wing and below the tail feathers.  The flames escaping the main body of burning represent the parts of the body being consumed, just like a vigorous fire in wood will release parts of the wood into the air.
The stars above the head of the Eagle on the One Dollar Bill have a Satanic hexagram woven into it, as we demonstrate in this seminar.  Therefore, Warner has boldly made the entire center where the 13 stars are located into a hexagram.  The hexagram is the most vile Satanic symbol imaginable,and is the root word for "hex", denoting the curse a witch or wizard places upon some one or some thing after the correct ritual has been performed.  Note that one triangle is Red, and the other triangle is Blue, two of the three colors of the American flag.
The Illuminati selected the hexagram early in its existence as one of its major symbols.  As Dr. Cathy Burns illustrates in her book, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated , many organizations utilize the hexagram in their logos; whenever you see this, you can know for certain that the company is Illuminist.  We also demonstrate in our writings that the nation, Israel, has the hexagram as her national symbol because the Illuminati was behind her movement back to the land and her leadership has been Illuminist since 1948.
The All-Seeing eye atop the unfinished pyramid on the left-side of the One Dollar Bill is the occult symbol of Horus, who is Lucifer.  Lucifer -- Satan -- is the driving force behind this entire effort to create the New World Order.  Warner's version of the occult All-seeing Eye is unique, for it is drawn as a Reptilian Eye; Satan's kingdom is Reptilian, and the most powerful type of demon possession possible is Reptilian.  Just start being aware of the styles you see young people wearing today, and their tattoos, and the magazines they read, and you will be shocked at the number of times you see Reptilian representation.
The 13-star formation above the Eagle on the One Dollar Bill is surrounded by a puffy circle.  "The circle is the most important of all units in magic symbolism, and in almost every case where it is used, the circle is intended to denote spirit, or spiritual forces". [Magic Symbols , by Frederick Goodman, p. 16; this book is Luciferian].
Thus, by surrounding the 13 stars representing the original United States with a circle, our occult Founding Fathers were denoting that the force behind this young nation is primarily spiritual.  Of course, this understanding is consistent with our research that proves that Illuminized Freemasonry was the spiritual force behind the founding of this country.
But, the original circle on your One Dollar Bill is not just a circle, but a puffy cloud circle.  Puffy clouds denote a Utopia, and such depiction serves the New World Order Plan very well.  The head of this Kingdom of Antichrist is toi be none other than Anrtichrist, or The Christ as New Agers affectionately call him.  The Christ is to bring in 1,000 years of "Peace and Safety".  Hence, the puffy cloud surrounding the circle.
The Satanist also believes that the "serpent ... [is] the symbol of wisdom of the true philosophers." [Ibid.]  Further, when a snake is depicted in a circle, devouring its own tail [called an Ouroboros], such symbolism denotes "Time, from which alone Wisdom springs". [Ibid., p. 24]   Thus, Warner has depicted the Ouroboros -- the snake devouring its tail -- surrounding the hexagram and the Reptilian All-seeing Eye.  Thus are we representing truthfully what the Satanist believes, i.e., the United States of America was originally established through the supreme "Wisdom" and power of Serpent spiritual forces.  This symbolism is truly Illuminist as  it is the symbolism upon which this country was originally founded, and upon which it has been governed for over 200 years. The passage of time and planned events has brought the world steadily closer to The New Age Christ.
Now, let continue to examine the Ouroboros:
The Ouroboros also depicts endless Time, i.e., eternity. This symbol of the Ouroboros surrounding the hexagram of the young country, the United States of America, is intended to convey the occult belief that, once this New Atlantis had guided the peoples of the world into the New World Order, and to its Christ, all mankind would live as One for eternity, governed by a Utopian religious system based upon Serpent Wisdom .
This Latin translates a couple of different ways, both of which are significant to the Plan to produce Antichrist.  First, it means, "Out of many, One".  In school, we are taught that our Founding Fathers meant, out of many individual states, one united nation would arise.  However, our study of the occult plan demonstrates that the real meaning was, "Out of many nations, One".
Secondly, this phrase could mean, "Out of many cultures, many peoples, One".  Another current popular way to say this is "Unity In Diversity".  This meaning is very popular in New Age and United Nations circles today, but the fact is that this goal was the one originally devised in 1776.
Another major premise of this seminar is that the same Illuminism that created the United States of America as the New Atlantis in 1776, also created Communism from 1846-1848!  Once you understand this fact, you will understand so many historic questions that have never made sense before.  For example, you will understand:
*  Why American action to "combat the spread of Communism" actually built Communism stronger;
*  Why American and European monies flowed every decade to the U.S.S.R. to keep her economy afloat, even though Communist doctrine and rhetoric adamantly stated that it was their goal to destroy the entire Capitalist system.
*  Why President Franklin Roosevelt gave Eastern Europe away to the Soviets when no practical reason existed for him to do so.
*  Why superpower America, led by Republican President Eisenhower, allowed Fidel Castro to come to power and stay in power, when everyone knew from the beginning that Castro was a Communist. Then, Democrat President Kennedy deliberately pulled the plug on the Bay of Pigs invasion, thus assuring Castro that he would continue indefinitely as dictator.  Now, you will learn the truth, that America wanted Communism in Cuba to continue the Dialectic Conflict process.
To illustrate that the same Masters of the Illuminati created both the United States and Communism, Warner has placed the Communist worker's hammer in the right talon of the Eagle, in addition to the olive branch, and the Communist Scythe in the left talon, in addition to the arrows.  We demonstrate that the United States is the Thesis system in the Dialectic Process, while Communism is the Antithesis system.  Their resulting conflict -- known in the 20th Century as the Cold War -- was designed to produce the new Synthesis system, the New World Order, the Kingdom of The Christ.
We hope you will learn the many details in this fascinating story told in Seminar 2, America Determines The Flow of History.  Once you understand this truth, most of today's events will suddenly make sense.

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