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-Caveat Lector-

>From Glen Kealey, National President,
Canadian Institute for Political Integrity

Noah and Lott Redux:

The stories of Noah and Lott are Masonic allegories written to define
who are the non-believers who "hear no evil, see no evil and speak no
evil" and will not act in the face of overwhelming evidence. (The

If you believe that the Bible is the "inspired word of God", before
reading the following message (once more?) I would ask you to consult
your Bible and read both these stories, first that of Noah (Noe) and
then, that of Lott.

Once you have refreshed your memory about how the citizens of their
times refused to believe the message they heard from these ancient
"patriarchs", then, ask yourself the question: "Why do I believe that
which was written more than two thousand years ago but I am unable to
believe the preponderance of the evidence that is all around me today.

The answer quite is simple. Unbeknown to you, you were "programmed" to
believe what you believe today, in spite of the evidence to the
contrary that is evident all around you. This overriding programming
was inserted into your brain by your care-givers; those who claimed to
love you most, ie: parents, priests, teachers and the media and
entertainment industries. But don't blame your parents, or your
teachers, as they were programmed before you were and they have only
transmitted to you what they also were programmed to believe.

To be truly human you must at one point in your life before you die,
stop taking other peoples word on faith, and begin to examine the
evidence for yourself. The Bible, a compilation of 66 books, is a book
which was dictated to the Christian Church by the Essenes at Byblos,
who main purpose was for it to be the principal open-source coding
manual of Freemasonry. It states, "In the End Times the signs will be
all around". Well, look around!

MAsonRY-pYRAMid-MARRY-g.RAM.MAR -MARrow - MAR-Y (Y means 2 into 1)

Everyone I meet today still ask me about how it was that I managed to
have the three top RCMP Commissioners charged with corruption by an
Ottawa court in 1991, and what happened to them and to the four
Senators, the four Cabinet ministers and former Prime Minister Brian
Mulroney's Chief of Staff who were charged, simultaneously, with
conspiracy to commit fraud upon the Canadian people. The following is
a synopsis of how I came to be involved and the 15 year investigation
I undertook that followed.

In 1959 I began a 14 year career with Gestetner Canada, a British firm
that manufactured and sold duplicating/copying equipment worldwide.
After spending time on service and customer relations in Toronto, I
was promoted to sales and then sales management, in Montreal and Ottawa.

I left Gestetner in 1973 to open a company of my own called Safari Office

Products and operated it for a year and a half. Lacking challenge
doing this I had stints managing the sale of printing and typesetting
equipment and then ran a couple of copy centre operations of which I
was part owner. It was in one of these businesses that I conceived the
Micot project, a $160 million "Intelligent Building Complex". This was
in 1981, long before the advent of the Internet. I put together a
fund-raising program that raised the interest of bridge financing
partners. Together we then raised a firm committment for the $160
million construction cost (from blue chip pension funds) of MICOT, the
Hotel/Office/Showroom/Convention/Retail/Education "city-within-a-city"
to be constructed on a 200,000 sq. ft. site directly across the Ottawa
river from Parliament Hill. It would enclose 1.5 million square feet
of "intelligent space" (pre-wired on a ten foot grid for computers and
communications) and the two towers would rise to 24 stories.

After acquiring the land from a school board and building a
replacement school worth $3.6 million, the MICOT project (Manager's
Institute of Communicating Office Technologies) was ready to proceed.
In 1986, letters of Intent suggested that the project would be fully
rented prior to opening day (3 years for construction) and that my
remaining shares would then be worth $23 million; with further
projected personal income amounting to more than $1 million annually.
This is when I was approached by the Mulroney Tory government (by Roch
LaSalle, the then Minister of Public Works) who requested that I pay
the Tories 5% of the cost of the project ($8 million), plus a $5,000
messenger fee for himself personally. I refused outright, and
subsequently the Tories, due to their secret insider Masonic contacts,
took actions that then prevented the confirmed financing from going ahead.

That is when I realised that I, in fact, must have lied to my
children, as had my own care-givers lied to me, when I had led them to
believe that in Canada we lived in "a democratic country ruled by
law". I then understood that, to the contrary, we live in "a fascist
country ruled by criminals" and I vowed that sometime before I died, I
needed to get to the bottom of this newly arrived at understanding.

To make a long story shorter let me just state that the Minister of
Public Works's secretary had contacted me at my office and asked me to
meet with LaSalle, at Nate's Restaurant, in Ottawa, for breakfast.
Once there, LaSalle stated "the time has come for the Government to
help your project ...and that will take some money." After a brief
sales pitch made to me by LaSalle, on how lucky I was to be dealing
directly with him as opposed to dealing through a third party, and
with emphasis being placed on the fact that help would come my way as
soon as I paid his up-front courrier fee of $5000 cash (known in sales
as "closing on a minor point"), he sat back and waited for my response.

When I said "no way", that I would never pay a bribe and then also
reminded him that our project was not a government project; that it
was private sector in its function, and also, that immediately it
would create 5,000 jobs for which he could take credit, LaSalle
laughed and restated "when you're ready for your project to go ahead,
call my secretary and bring the money to our next meeting". (Later, I
offered, took, and passed, a 3.5 hour polygraph test administered to
me by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, based on the events that had
transpired at this meeting).

I then proceeded to my office where, by phone to Montreal, I informed
my two partners, the financer and the architect. Both suggested that I
might have been a little rash in turning him down (my own business
experience was in technology and printing; theirs was in the
construction industry of which I knew nothing). No matter, I was the
President of the project and, as a result of our Unanimous
Shareholders Agreement, my partners could not act against my wishes
without breaching our contract.

Later, they tried to steal control of the project away from me, but
lost in the courts; the resulting publicity causing the project to die
before its construction. However, they did make a large profit on the
sale of the land to Bell Canada.

When this bribe request first occured I had put it down to the actions
of a lone crook who happened to be in political office. After
completing my investigation of all the facts surrounding the request
for a bribe (5 years), I presented all of the evidence confirming the
existence of a vast criminal conspiracy which I had compiled to a
criminal court in Ottawa. The court agreed with me that the problem
was systemic. Immediately warrants were issued for 16 people,
including: a) the top 3 Commissioners of the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police (ceasing and limiting police investigations of a political
nature); b) the Prime Minister's Chief of Staff; c) 4 Top Senators; d)
4 Cabinet Ministers (called Secretaries in the USA) and other backroom
flunkies, (all for Fraud upon the Government).

However, once backroom Masons in the Just-us Department got involved,
only 1 Senator was eventually sent to trial (Senator Cogger was
eventually was found guilty), while the rest scattered like the rats
they were, on former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's sinking political
battleship. Most of the corrupt cops then went to work as auditors,
either for banks or accounting firms (a la Arthur Andersen).

My first suspicion that Freemasonry was somehow involved came to me as
a result of an interview I did with the National Editor of the Toronto
Globe and Mail, Paul Polango, in my home-office, in 1991. His interest
in the role that Freemasonry had played, or not played, in my
investigation which led to charges of "ceasing and limiting police
investigations" being laid by the court in Ottawa against the top
three Commissioners of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police had sparked
my interest in Masons.

Later, following my first sleep-over at the home of the then Globe
reporter Stevie (Stephanie)Cameron, done at her invitation in order to
fill her in on my knowledge of corruption during the Mulroney years, I
was intrigued by the role that her husband had played in writing the
unconstitutional Meech Lake Accord, on behalf of the same politicians
that Stevie was, purportedly, investigating. As well, Stevie's
holidays in a villa in the south of France also peeked my curiosity.

Finally, the contacts that I had made during my years in business and
subsequent to my faxing campaign to the then 91 Embassies in Ottawa
during the Gustafson Lake native/Privy Council/ Rockefeller/media
standoff in British Columbia, helped me to further understand the
"missing links" in my ongoing research into The Grand Canal massive
water diversion project, and former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's
employment by the world's first food cartel led by Archer Daniels
Midland (ADM). ADM is the original spelling of the name Adam. It is
Freemaronry's code word, along with "dyke", meaning "containing the
flow and diverting" from the original.

As a result of all of the evidence discerned from the above,
Freemasonry became my prime suspect. Furthermore, my personal contacts
with MLA Gilles Rocheleau, the former mayor of Hull, Quebec, who later
became the Minister for Public Security for the Province of Quebec,
helped me to understand the links that existed between English
Freemasonry and the French Jacobins. When alive, Rocheleau's
restaurant in Hull (across the river from Ottawa) was called Le
Bocage, which phonetically converts to Jacob when read backwards. This
name conforms to the rules, or principles, of coding and decoding used
by Zoroastrian Freemasonry.

The rest was all reader-analyst type "police work" on my part.

As a result of my 15 year investigation I have no problem believing
that all politicians and all political parties are in fact "Cosmetic
Leaders" who take the "public heat" created by the corrupt system's
premier "Character Assassins" and opinion makers called the Media.
Politicians don't now, nor have they ever run the country themselves.
In Canada, they simply follow the instructions of Freemasonry which
are sent to them through the Privy Council. Priests of Zoroastrian
Freemasonry, with the assistance of their "character assassins" called
the Media, benefit most in the short run from this systemic corrupt

Dog Priests and Civic Cats

In 1118, St. Bernard convinced both, the then Pope and the King of
France, to create a new order of soldier-priests called the Knights

The first 9 of these Templars were sent to the middle-East where they
learned the art of central banking. Meanwhile, the Church, together
with the Lombards of northern Italy, under the cover of the Dark Ages,
created a construction company at Lake Como which then proceeded to
construct thousands of monasteries and cathedrals (American
Express-like banks) throughout Europe.

Once the construction of most of these Temples (local banks) was
completed and the "act" of banking well understood, central banking
was then transferred from being under the direct control of the
priests (eastern Sufi and western Templars) to being under the control
of a newly created middle-agency called the State (King of France).
This move, in the 13th century, was totally "cosmetic" in nature, as
it was well understood by both sides to be but a temporary condition,
done for the sole purpose of deceiving the public (taxpayers). As
well, Kings, and later Politicians, were told in no uncertain terms
that their right to use this cosmetic power would be supervised and
controlled from behind the scene; as "real power" would remain the
sole property of the Zoroastrian Priests of Organized Religion
(eastern priests would always rank higher than those in the west,
although the public would be misled about this fact).

In order to keep tabs on the activity of the State (politicians,
police, courts, prisons and the military) the Dog Priests of
Freemasonry also created new oversight and enforcement bodies which
fall under the broad designation of "SPIES". The main function of
these spies is to both overtly and covertly, gather and cull (gin)
intelligence on the true activities of the State, and more recently,
the Public.

Overt spies operate under the general designation "Free Press". They
are the "Character Assassins" known as the National Media; ie: CNN,
CBC, CTV, BBC, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The
Ottawa Citizen, etc.

Covert spies are styled "Secret Societies and Brotherhoods". These
"Hoods" are the physical assassins; ie: 1) Zoroastrian Freemasonry
itself and, in Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); 2)
National Security Agencies such as CSIS, SIRC, CSE, CIA, MI6, KGB,
etc,; 3) All Organized Religion and other "Care-givers", such as the
Red Cross, Big Insurance Companies like the Foresters, national chains
of Retirement Homes, Funeral Parlours and Orphanages, etc.; 4)
Organized Crime (Mafia, etc.) and other controlled Separatist
Movements such as the IRA, Kurds, Basques, FLQ, as well as those First
Nations who use the term "ABORIGINAL" in lieu of "ORIGINAL" peoples.

In fact, countries or states are agencies, arm's-length creations of
the trans-national, tax-collecting Zoroastrian Dog Priests of
Freemasonry who, themselves, own the Fascist multi-national Corporate
world. This view is opposite to what most people are educated to
believe. The higher one is educated the more one's brain is filled
with this sort of twaddle. This twaddle becomes the maze that prevents
one from thinking clearly, when examining a preponderance of the
evidence before us. The grand worldwide tax collection agency, which
also owns the Internet, still goes under the secret name The Ferme.
It, is an allegory meaning "where we cultivate our power and control,
while growing step-by-step, a New World Order populated mostly by
dumbed-down Hermaphrodites".

The main beneficiaries of the 9/11 tragedy in New York is the Federal
Reserve. They will by paid at least $1 trillion in new interest fees;
interest on "borrowed money" being given away by the government, to
organizations such as airlines which also belong to The Ferme.

Glen EP Kealey, National President
Canadian Institute for Political Integrity
PO Box 774, KemPTville, Ontario,
Canada, K0G 1J0

Tel. (613) 258-2893
Fax. (613) 258-0015

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Addendum to Synopsis on Freemasonry

For most people to conclude as I have, that Freemasonry controls our
government and that our goverment is an agency of a worldwide tax
collector styled "The FERME", the evidence will always be
circumstantial. This is because, today, either people's brains are so
filled with the twaddle they received in school (it teaches them to
act together like a school of fish) which is then reinforced by the
media, religion, the courts etc.; or, because they just were not given
the same amount of investigative brainpower as some have. I must admit
that in order to launch this investigative urge one needs to be
confronted with some cataclysmic event in their own lives that causes
them to refocus. I call it "being hit over the head with a
two-by-four". Most people are simply left with the possibility of
examining the obvious circumstances of their lives; Did my vote ever
permanently change anything in favour of "the people"? Or, is voting
simply an effective use, by the system, of the "yaw way"?

For me, however, my programming was different. Due to the
circumstances of my childhood, and the layout of the two bedroom
appartment that my parents rented, I was raised as an only boy child
in a family of five. That meant there was no bedroom available for me
and I slept in the hallway, a location situated between all of the
rooms. Because I was the youngest I was always the first to be sent to
bed. I quickly learned that my crying went unheeded and that adult
conversations continued unabated all around me. When my parents, or my
two sisters spoke, I learned to listen and to remember minute details
that would seem unimportant to most.

Remembering apparently irrelevant detail has always been in the
forefront of my daily life. This ability has helped me to realise that
most of what I was being taught in school, church, media, etc., was
not being taught to me for my benefit, but rather, it was to control
me. After experiencing sexual abuse on at least four seperate
occasions; by male priests, doctors, violent hoods at knife point
etc., it also helped confirm deep down in my psyche that "men do not
always do as they say they do", while women, on the other hand, to the
contrary seemed more trustworthy (that was before I understood the
concept of the "lipstick lesbian"). My marker became women's breasts
which later even became a fetish in my life; as female breasts seemed
to be the only definite confirmation of a "woman". Never concluding
that I was "a victim", I used this new-found "ultimate reality" to
seek, through women, "the meaning of life" and search for answers to
questions like "why am I here?" questions which bec ame the most
important motivators in my life.

This search for detail led me to do research into the secret archives
of "brotherhoods" such as Freemasonry, the Church and militaries, the
only groups with tentacles into all levels of POWER. I also noted,
while doing my stint on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, how the Prime
Minister had two offices, one in Parliament where he transmitted his
instructions to his Cabinet, and one across the street, at the Privy
Council, where he first obtained these marching orders from
Freemasonry. I also noted that the Bank of Canada, our central bank,
was not controlled by our politicians, but by powerful Freemasons in
the private sector. I also realised that Deputy Ministers remained on
the job irrespective of whatever changes were being mandated by an
election, and that it was their plan, not the politicians plan, that
continued beyond elections.

Having found "THE SCULPTOR" in me, I concluded that in the future my
main research would be driven by a need to first investigate and then
to sculpt away at the BS that covers up "Ultimate Reality"; the
knowledge of which is fundamental to people making reasoned decisions.
To date I have read more secret Encyclopedias, Bibles, Dictionaries
etc., of Freemasonry than anyone else I know.

Through this research I discovered that the English language is
without doubt Freemasonry's "Universal language", and that they, the
Freemasons who created it are, in fact, the original Hittites, Horites
and Ishmaelites; ie: the first secret agents created by the Mandan
"HOMINTERN" Troglodytes who, themselves, had guided the Greeks on
their ancient conquest of the Orient, and who, are now out to dominate
the West as they dominate the East.

Contrary to most people's comprehension, all languages stem from a
common root. Every language is in reality four languages in one.
First, there is the cosmetic version which is taught to "the slave who
does his/her own shopping". Then, there is a secret, standard
numerical conversion possible with all languages. It is taught to
second level "cats", on a need-to-know basis. This is the first of the
three levels of secret coding contained within the language. Likewise,
the third conversion (the second level of coding) relies on a standard
of phonetic change, to also allow phonetic conversion to a standard or
original meaning. Again, this is only taught to third level "dogs" on
a need-to-know basis. Finally, the language of the Picts, (the
predecessors to the Scots) comes in the form of pictograms. They are
assembled by using the basic Desdemona (destroy the demon woman) type
face and these pictograms are known only to the "top dogs", such as
Henry Kissinger and Zbignew Brezinsky (sic?), who secretly direct the
activities of all the "national" militaries worldwide.

When decoding the English language, through this
consecutive/concurrent use of the above described methods of
conversion, the answers lead one to a new appreciation of the minute
detail by which the modern English language was finally assembled
under the guidance of Francis Bacon and other "priests" of Scottish
Protestantism. Mind you, in reality, they were all guided by their
Franciscan, Jesuit, etc. sponsors in France, and ultimately, by their
Christian Sufi Zoroastrian Masonic connections in the Orient.

Love, to the Zoroastrian Freemason priests who control your life
through the Media, organised religion, schools and entertainment, is
all U needs.

Phonetically your controllers are known as "U" among themselves. To
them, "U" means your "unknown" superiors. You, on the other hand think
it means "you". When they say "All U need is love" what you hear is
"All you need is love".

Love, to "U" is a potato shaped asteroid called EROS, in the orbit of
Mars. If your controllers succeed at their "Ultimate Plan", they will
divert Eros from its present orbit and send it crashing into earth.
The resulting "earth-crust displacement" would destroy life as we know
it on the surface of the planet. It would not have any effect on life
underground. Your controllers, "U", have a plan to replace today's two
existing genders with a new single gender called Hermaphrodite. That's
why they created the Beatles, to sing "all you need is love".

Ultimate Reality:

Phoenicians, (Lutra mar, the Sea Otters or Sea Peoples) are being
guided by the Horite priests of Persia's Zarathustrian Freemasonry.
They, Homintern's Horite Priests, covertly market the virgin birth of
the 2000 year old Hermaphrodite, Mary Magdalene, as the mother of
Merovingian DNA. As well, currently, they plot for the destruction of
Iraq, as the Bible's (Biblos) business plan states will happen in the
End Times(Revelation 18).

Ultimate Reality:

The only questions remaining for those who seek Ultimate Reality are
...who are these Freemasonic, Zoroastrian, Canaanite people who occupy
Jordan and The Lebanon? Also, what is their original link to Mt. Sinai
and the Horites of the Gulf of Aqaba; and why did the nordic Danes, of
Denmark, cross Greece and Crete in order to join with these Canaanites
and Horites, merging with them, thereby becoming the Phoenicians? As
such, why then were these Sea Peoples always the "power behind the
throne" during the glory days of the Shepherd Kings of Egypt, Persia,
Greece, Carthage, Spain, Rome, Germany, France, and currently, NATO
and the British-(Canadian)-American Empire?


The entire world as we know it is an illusion.

Countries are the invention of a worldwide tax collection agency
called TRAPEZITAE, a wholly owned property of the Mandan troglodytes
who control the whole world.

Their prime weapons of control, MEDIA - MILITARY - RELIGION -
firmly anchored in the science called HUMAN ENGINEERING. Each of these
weapons is designed to make you "WILL THEIR WILL".


Smarten up before it's too late. Creation's patience is running thin.

Mandan troglodites have a plan in place to replace the people of the
planet with HERMAPHRODITES, the ultimate braindead unisex. It is to be
implemented within the next 40 years. They will create global warming
as a result of a catastrophy linked to EROS, an asteroid currently in
the orbit of Mars. Their business plan is linked to the orbit
interaction of the planets NePTune and PluTo (Both PT's as in
PTolemy). These orbits crossed each other's path in March 1979 and
March 1999. This is why we have embarked on the roller-coaster ride to
the end times, which they are about to create for us, unless we wake
up and stop them.

Glen Kealey, National President
Canadian Institute for Political Integrity

Glen      CI4PI

The SculPTor
Canadian Institute for Political Integrity

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