-Caveat Lector- <A HREF="">www.ctrl.org</A> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at: http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html <A HREF="">Archives of [EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>

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-Caveat Lector-


            I can’t get the words out of my mind, they keep ringing, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…” (ROM 1:22)

            Yesterday, a space shuttle exploded.  On 9/11, Boeing jets destroyed the twin towers (or perhaps they got some help). I can assure you that both events were linked to the mind-control programming that has been put into the minds of people subjected to the Illuminati’s total mind-control. The two events have to deal with end time programming. Scripts and timetables have been placed into the split and tortured minds of these human robots. The end-time programming scripts often run off of events—not actual dates. In other words, the robot’s split mind is programmed:  when you see such and such event, your job is to do such and such. I can guarantee you that this space shuttle explosion was part of a script, and that means only one thing, it was planned and ruthlessly executed.

            But how will this event be recorded by “history”?

            The illusions of our so-called “history” continue. While recent students subjected to our dumbed down Public “Fool” “education” are at time not taught history at all, it is only marginally better when they are given dates and historical “events” to memorize.  I was asked to speak to some high school American history classes about the Civil War.  I decided to prepare myself by sitting through a class on a day prior to the one I would instruct. It turned out to be a B.S. session where the ignorant led the ignorant. The class was to discuss the issues of the war, but as no one really knew the issues nor cared, it was simply a chance for everyone to argue his own silly uninformed opinion. And this passes as education.

            But the human tragedy goes even deeper. Those who would want to rise above the common ignorance, and become “wise”, will then study what they think is “history” and unfortunately only increase their foolishness. To illustrate what bothers me, I am going to discuss one point in American history that we all know about. It has been a favorite subject of cartoons for children. It is a piece of Americana that stirs the American psyche, and strikes a positive cord in all freedom loving Americans. And it never happened—well, at least not in the way that Americans thinks. There is as usual a kernel of truth under the myth.

            The Boston Tea Party, we all know about it. It was a famous protest against high taxes, (or so we think).  This famous iconic “event” has been immortalized. Like Elvis has been immortalized by imitators, the Boston Tea Party has been restaged numerous times by others to make similar points (such as in 1970, 1973, and 1998).

            And yet, if you were to have been, (let’s say for the sake of discussion), in New York City during the American Revolution and you had mentioned “the Boston Tea Party” you would have gotten a blank stare. It was a non-event. Even in Boston you would have gotten a blank stare, as the listener would likely be thinking that some British social event, a ball for gentlemen and ladies, was being talked about. The Boston Tea Party first entered the American consciousness in 1834 when the public discovered a surviving participant in the “party”. It was this ancient participant in 1834 who gave the “event” the name “party”. His rather long name for a small man was George Robert Twelves Hewes. At the time, the new trade unions trying to overthrow capitalism with labor strikes needed “events” in history to buttress their agenda in America. George’s story about the “party” was just the thing.  In recent times, George Robert Twelves Hewes had his oil painting called “The Centenarian” (done by Joseph Cole) hanging in the library of the Boston Society. When a writer named James Hawkes discovered Hewes in 1833, both thought Hewes was 98. He was actually 91.  In spite of Hewes’ fame for being over 100 years old, he was never a Centenarian, for he died in 1840 after a few years in the national limelight as a “Centenarian” veteran of the American Revolution.

            Hewes was in great health for a 91 year old, but his memory played tricks on him. He remembered John Hancock, the wealthiest patriot merchant in Boston and a leading Freemason, helping him throw tea in Boston harbor. This was decidedly not a memory based upon real history. John Hancock was not part of the event.

            One night I came home after a long work day to discover that vandals had knocked out all the windows of all the cars parked on my block, including my own. Perhaps if I live into my 90’s, when no one my age is still alive, I can reframe this sad and expensive event as the Portland Car Party in which Patriots smashed the cars of those who terrorized us with tyranny.

            By now I have pushed the patience of some readers to the limit. So what did happen? If the Boston Tea Party didn’t happen what did?

            Yes, tea was dumped into the harbor of Boston on December 16, 1773. But it was a criminal committed in a far different context than is historically “remembered” and most participants kept their participation secret during their lifetimes lest they be prosecuted for the crime. The event was not a famous event because the leaders of the American Revolution were trying to portray themselves as the victims of British tyranny, not vandals who were themselves provoking their own British government by criminal acts. That is not to say that the common grapevine did not spread the news that  tea had been dumped.  The grapevine did spread the word, and other vandals in other cities went out and repeated similar criminal acts of dumping tea into their harbors also. Boston was not unique. They also kept their acts of vandalism secret too. In some places, tea was not dumped but burned on land. But then these other crimes didn’t have their George Hewes to elevate them from obscurity to “history”.

            The Boston vandalism on Dec. 16 1773, which destroyed tea valued then at £9,659 wasn’t inspired by bored teenagers, it was inspired by organized crime. The Masonic Lodges in the colonies were involved in smuggling tea (as well as gun running, and other contraband) into the colonies. When the British government drastically slashed import taxes, it greatly upset them. When taxes had been high, they could undercut legal prices with their smuggled goods. The lower import taxes were going to put them out of business. Something had to be done.

            Taxation without representation was not working—taxes needed to be high for their smuggling to be prosperous. The British crown had given the East India Company a virtual legal monopoly on tea, and these others wanted to participate in the lucrative profits.

            At the north end of Boston was a pub called the Green Dragon Inn. It was used by the St. Andrews Masonic Lodge. The destruction of the tea of three ships in Boston Harbor was planned for at least two months at the Lodge.  The motivation was not patriotism, but greed. The destruction was to take place at the regular scheduled meeting time of the Lodge. Rather than meet for rituals, they’d go down to the harbor camouflaged as Indians to hide their identities. John Hancock, although part of these Masons, let others do the dirty work. About 30 Freemasons made up the hardcore of the vandals. They took an oath of secrecy about what they planned to do. To assist their secrecy they in turn invited about 50 others to join them. The purpose of this extended group of men was to hide the identity and motives of the inner core. The non-Masons were given various excuses to join. Drinking tea was an important ritual for the British upper classes, who bought expensive silver tea pots, creamers, caddies, sugar bowls, and tea tables made from expensive materials. Expensive porcelain imported from China was used. The lower class vandals saw the “making of tea” in Boston Harbor as a great act of defiance against the upper classes. As one participant stated, “We were merry in an undertone at the very idea of making so large a cup of tea for the fishes.”  For these lower class guest vandals it was a great parady of the upper class. Some of these same men had also vandalized upper class homes in 1765.  Everyone involved continued to fear indictment and prosecution for their participation in this massive public act of vandalism, even long after the Americans won the war.

            In the Masonic magazine The Masonic Review, (Oct. 1902, Tacoma, WA, pg. 74-75) we read, “Wherever the conflict has been waged between the old and the new, between a narrow conservatism and real progress, our Masonic brethren have been found on the right side, witness the members of St. Andrews lodge of the Green Dragon who threw the tea into Boston Harbor.” In the book Ancient Wisdom and Secret Sects, (by Time-Life Books, Alexandria, Va, pages 74-74) we also read about how the Masons of the Green Dragon Inn dressed as Mohawks and dumped the tea overboard. George Hewes’ brother Daniel Hewes was a Freemason in Boston. His Hewes family seems to have originally come from Wales. Whether George was closely related to Joseph Hewes, the Freemason who was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and defacto first Secretary of Navy, it seems unlikely. By the way, George did have both a brother and an uncle also named Joseph Hewes.

            Although the Masons were the ringleaders, they invited some guests to help them. Along with these men were others who saw the action and self-invited themselves to the fun. By the time it was over, about 150 men, some disguised with faces blacked out, and the self-invited others without disguises. The leaders of the Smuggling Freemasons, however, are known to have made a point of not being near the harbor the day the tea was destroyed. Hewes a poor man himself, had been in trouble with the British authorities prior to Boston Tea Party.

            In 1848, Chicago discovered another man who it was claimed was 112 years old and a survivor of the Boston Tea Party. The truth was that the man was only a small boy at the time of the “party”, but he played his role well, and became famous, and in 1852, his funeral was held with full military honors and thousands of mourners. The affair simply shows how gullible Americans can be when they want to believe something. Shortly afterwards, Currier and Ives then helped the myth out by romanticizing it with one of their famous lithographs. Show the American people a picture and many are sure the event happened just as their eyes show them. The Boston Tea Party has now gotten a permanent sacred place in American history. One old man’s distorted private memory of an event that had been completely forgotten for half a century grew sacred wings. It has been written by some witnesses to the American Revolution that the motives of many of the revolutionary leaders were very tainted and not at all like the history books began reporting after the war. My purpose is not to turn people against the ideals of the Revolution, but to make people think twice about what they read and see. If this world survives that long, what will people read about the times we live in today?  You can be guaranteed that some of the people and events that barely get recognition by the controlled media will be elevated when it serves some future purpose.

            God’s Word says the wisdom of the world is foolish, and that He will destroy the wisdom of the wise. (1 COR 1) We are encouraged “That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.” The apostle says, “And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:…” (1 COR 2:5,4)  We need to stand on truth. God is where truth is. If we are to be wise we need to know the truth. But truth is a spiritual issue. People tend to discover and see what they want to see.  People wanted to find a Revolutionary war hero in Chicago in 1848. Someone was dishonest enough to play the role and be treated as a long lost hero. 

            Many of the history books’ heroes of the American Revolution were against the Bill of Rights being added to the Constitution.  Some of them were fighting to become the new aristocracy, hoping merely to shuffle the old government out of the way to make room for their own arrogance. It is most amazing to me that each and every flaw in the Constituition was warned about when it was debated. Opponents warned in detail how the rights of the people would be usurped and how the federal government would grow into a monster. For those who want a good collection of the actual words in the debate over the adoption of our Constitution a place to begin would be The Constitutional Convention, edited by Richard Haesly. Some of the ringleaders of the Boston Tea Party were also connected to the Constitutional debates.

            My message is to our hearts. Truth is an issue of the heart. If we want to discover the truth, the place to begin is to correct our hearts. If we want to share the truth, the place to best communicate it is to is the heart.  God has warned us about the evilness in the rulers of this world. He has warned us about the mass deceptions that would occur during these times. Why do we persist in not taking this ancient wisdom at face value?  Why do we persist in sucking up the daily propaganda that manipulates America?

<A HREF="">www.ctrl.org</A> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at: http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html <A HREF="">Archives of [EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>

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