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From:                   "northerntowns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Thu, 06 Feb 2003 02:27:52 -0000
Subject:                [CIA-DRUGS] Debunking Chemtrail Debunkers - The Government's 
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 Debunking Chemtrail Debunkers -
The Government's Quisling Shills
Letters to the Editor
By Julian Penrod

Dear sirs:

As disreputable as it can be to engage in the unethical and
underhanded, it can be as vile to know about the unscrupulous, and
not acknowledge its existence.

The past few years has seen an unusual occurrence in the skies over
the country.

Several or more times a month, jet planes, flying overhead, would
start leaving unorthodox trails in the sky. Instead of the normal
kind of contrails, usually accredited to jet aircraft, which stretch
for a short distance behind the tail of the jet, and dissipate, as
the sun warms and evaporates the ice crystals in the tails, these
would stretch, generally, from horizon to horizon. Jets would fly
overhead, spouting white, straight, thin clouds behind them, but,
instead of disappearing quickly, they would persist stubbornly,
forming a long path across the sky.

The lane of cloud laid, then, would start to spread, side to side.
Over the space of up to several hours, it would hang in the air,
expanding. As it spread, it would thin, but not enough to completely
evaporate. Indeed, apparently, never does a chemtrail actually
evaporate! Instead, it would form a haze, sometimes even oily in
appearance, from one side of the sky to the other, marking the path
the jet took, but many, many times wider.

As the substance left behind by the passing plane slowly spread
across the sky, it would come to be joined by one, then another, then
another, as other jets covered the same area of sky. Eventually - in
a very short time, in fact! - the entire sky could be covered with a
wispy haze, and what was once a crystal clear day, now wouldn,t show
a single patch of blue! And what sun did manage to shine through
could, often, be accompanied by an oily, multi-colored reflection
from the substance now lying thickly overhead.

This has been a commonplace in the United States, and apparently,
numerous other countries, as well, for about six years now! Those who
examine these phenomena have termed them "chemtrails", to distinguish
them from contrails, and to emphasize the evident presence of foreign
substances in the clouds. Since about 1997, these tracks have been a
constant presence in the skies of the country.

Sometimes, they can be in parallel lines.
Sometimes, there can be several.
Sometimes, there can be many, all at once.
Sometimes, they can be curved.
Sometimes, they can form "X",s.
Sometimes, they form "H",s.
Sometimes, they can form more elaborate patterns.
Sometimes, they will form the collections of lines called "spider
webs" or "grids".
Sometimes, they will form what is called the "fan pattern".
And, often, strange and even abnormal and bizarre effects can also be

And, when the trails appear, they can cause many different effects,
besides ruining the appearance of a day.

In some places afflicted by chemtrails, it is reported, for example,
that, shortly afterward, heavy rains, likely induced by the trails,
will form. But these rains, often, will rain down strange materials,
evidently from the tracks in the sky.

Some rainfalls will produce a thick, viscous, reddish material
covering trees, cars and houses. Sometimes, a fine, spider web-like
substance will be evident everywhere. And, often, residents living
below the clouds will begin to experience serious symptoms, from
headache to muscle aches to nausea to difficulty breathing to bloody
noses! Many describe the symptoms as similar to flu and, indeed, in
areas over which the chemtrails are formed, it is reported,
advertisements for volunteers in a study of flu will appear in local
newspapers a couple of days before the onslaught of chemicals in the

Attempts at analysis have been attempted by numerous individuals
determined to find out what is being done to the people, and
frequently opposed by evident betrayers of the public mandate. The
analyses that have been attempted have yielded constituents of the
chemtrails ranging from ethylene dibromide to aluminum chaff to
barium oxide to pseudonomas fluoroscens and pseudonomas aeruginosa.

Ethylene dibromide is a compound which, due to its fire repellant
properties, has been added to JP-4 jet fuel to produce JP-8 fuel. It
is a potent pesticide, which has also been listed by the EPA as one
of the deadliest chemicals known.

Aluminum chaff is powder, as fine as talc, used to scramble enemy

Barium oxide is a crystalline compound purportedly useful for
reflecting radio signals, supposedly making it possible to transmit
over the curve of the earth.

Pseudonomas fluoroscens is a bacteria capable of producing potent,
flu-like symptoms. Pseudonomas aeruginosa, on the other hand, is
considered one of the deadliest pathogens known.

These are only a few of the unusual materials found in abnormal
abundance after chemtrail appearances in many parts of the country!
In their wake, numerous theories have been advanced for their

Aluminum chaff has been suggested as being used to prevent terrorist
communications from being successful in the country.

Barium oxide has been proposed to be being employed to facilitate
American military and governmental broadcasts across the nation and
overseas. It has also been linked to the generally obscure, but
technically public, HAARP project. HAARP stands for High Frequency
Active Auroral Research Program. It resides on a site apparently more
than a mile square, near Galcona, Alaska. The purpose of the site is
an almost 30 acre array of 180 antennas. They represent their intent
to be to develop methods of using the earth,s aurora to facilitate
communication and as an espionage tool. Barium oxide crystals are
believed effective in this.

Ethylene dibromide and the numerous pathogens often found in
abundance after massive chemtrail presence over an area have led to
considerations that everything from eugenics to wholesale destruction
of populations is an aim of the apparent campaign of serial spraying
over the country.

Other theories such as weather manipulation and control of global
warming have been advanced for the spraying in the skies over the
nation. The fact that rainstorms are often claimed to result from
chemtrails in the Pacific Northwest can relate to this, but, in that
area, many of the instances of severe sickness after chemtrails have
also been reported.

In fact, though, it is often possible to raise objections to each
theory, and that fact is frequently employed by those who call
themselves "debunkers" to criticize, demean and even baldly ridicule
those who want an answer to the issue of chemtrails! It is possible
to counter each theory, it appears, because, in fact, no one is
universally correct! It appears that many different purposes are
being served by chemtrails, and, for each, different substances are
being sprayed into the air. To claim one unique purpose for every
case of aerial spraying is to run the risk of not identifying
correctly what is being done in each particular area.

For example, in the Northeastern part of the United States,
chemtrails have been a prevalent sight for some time, now. However,
there, they rarely, if ever, precipitate a rainstorm. Indeed, in that
part of the country, the purpose of chemtrails seems to be to
forestall rainfall.

Since at least winter of 2002, that part of the country has
experienced massive drought. Reservoir levels are down almost to
record lows, if not actually below them! Yet, in that time,
chemtrailing has been very frequent! In fact, it had become a pattern
that forecasters would predict showers or even thunderstorms a couple
of days ahead, then chemtrails would be seen in abundance in the sky,
and, afterward, the predicted precipitation would not come! The
region would be lucky if it got a misting on days when, previously,
thunderstorms were forecast. This went on through most of the winter
of 2002, and has begun, again, the past couple of months.

The reason for this seems to be that, in the Northeast, the purpose
of chemtrails was to disturb the process that can generate a

In general, a rainstorm can occur if warm, wet air rises particularly
quickly into an overlying cold area. This can result in the rapid
cooling of water into clouds like thunderheads. The sudden,
uncontrolled invasion of wet air into cool air seems to spawn many of
the systems that give rise to rainstorms.
What chemtrails seem to have been used to accomplish, for at least
the past year in the Northeast, has been to steadily gently mix the
air at the boundary layers between air masses. Flying in the border
between wet and cold air, the chemtrails seem to have been intended
to control the rate and degree of mixing of the air, allowing cloud
banks to form, but not swiftly and suddenly. Wispy but not stormy
cirrus clouds were the inevitable result, each time, the sky hazing
over into a sheet of white, but never cumulous clouds.

Among other things countering the "arguments" of debunkers that
chemtrails are only normal contrails, and not some kind of controlled
program on the part of government, is that, when chemtrails formed in
the Northeast, for at least the past year, cumulous clouds never
formed! If chemtrails were harmless and innocuous paths of water
vapor from random jets, there would have to have been at least one
case when cumulous clouds formed, following such an onslaught.

But they never did.

The only reason any relief was seen in the past year in the Northeast
was that chemtrails were not always laid immediately prior to an
expected storm system. For a period, near the end of winter 2002, and
into the beginning of spring 2002, chemtrails were not laid, just
before storm fronts were expected.

When a storm was predicted, and chemtrails were not produced in the
sky, the storm, generally, occurred.

Chemtrails have come to be watched for, reported and examined by a
number of people. There have even been a number of web sites devoted
to the subject. They include sites such as www.carnicom.com,
www.chemtrailcentral.com and www.chemtrail.com.

In the last of the letters we sent, we outlined the means whereby
chemtrails could be used to prevent rain and promote drought.

Immediately following them, the chemtrails slacked off in the
Northeast, rains picked up and the drought lessened significantly.

The connection is not easily deniable, if at all.

But a deliberate, planned nature of the phenomena is eminently

Certainly, the chemtrails utilized in the Northeast, for about the
last year, follow a pattern apparently geared toward controlling the
mixing of air layers.

Once they begin, they generally last for between four and six hours.
They can occur twice in a day, but not often. They have been known to
occur at night, also.

Not only do they evidently prevent cumulus clouds from forming, these
chemtrails almost never occur on a day when there are cumulus clouds
in the sky! Once the clouds characteristic of the kind of chaotic
mixing of air masses, that produces rainstorms, are present, it seems
the purpose of the chemtrails in the Northeast is obviated, so they
aren't attempted.

They generally do not occur, too, on very windy days, but they occur
more during windy days than on days with cumulus clouds. On windy
days, there, generally, isn't an air layer overlying another, so the
object of chemtrails seems nonexistent, for the most part, then.

They also seem to occur more often on warm days, than on cold, or on
the warmest day in a span of days.

Chemtrails in other parts of the country may be for other purposes,
and so may not be laid in the same patterns as those in the
Northeast - those in the Pacific Northwest, for example, may be
intended to facilitate the operation of the HAARP project, only a
short ways north, in Alaska - but the serious drought conditions that
afflicted the country, this year, seem to indicate that that was a
purpose for many of those observed in the last few months.

There seems little plausible reason - if any - to doubt that
chemtrails are deliberately produced, and not normal contrails.

Unsurprisingly, however, though, there are those who seek to oppose
the assertions of those who contend that chemtrails are abnormal, and
should be stopped. Apparently calculatedly, they term
themselves "debunkers", to inculcate the perception that concern over
chemtrails is, more than "misguided", an out-and-out hoax or fraud!
Indeed, a number of them have used the term "hoax" in describing the
concern over chemtrails - evidently suggesting that those who address
the issue are actually pulling a prank on themselves - and even
accused some who pursue the issue of doing it purely for personal

As if someone choosing to try to make a profit off a situation
suddenly makes that situation not exist.

Many have tried to hawk fake nostrums to eliminate the symptoms of
the common cold, but that doesn't make the common cold nonexistent.
Moreover, the "debunkers" regularly tout the software, Flight
Explorer, to "identify" aircraft using routes where chemtrails form.
Not only do they, apparently, wish to negate the existence of
chemtrails by simply calling them contrails, they seem to want to
convince the public that they arise from innocuous, harmless aircraft
simply because unidentified, unverified information a piece of
software displays on a screen says it does.

They try to "counsel" people against using the guidance of their eyes
and their common sense in chemtrails; they, instead, apparently, want
them to blindly obey "the official story".

Indeed, such faulty "reasoning", coupled with an attitude of guile
and contempt, seems universally to characterize the chemtrail

As their own "explanation" of the phenomenon, they carp the common
line that "under certain precise conditions of temperature, pressure
and humidity, water vapor from jet exhaust will act as the nuclei for
condensation of water in the air around the jet" The preciseness of
the conditions, evidently, is intended to "explain" why all jet
trails are not the elongated, long lasting sight that chemtrails are.
But, within at least the last year, days with chemtrails constitute
no less than about a third of the entire year! In many cases, we woke
up to already hazed over skies, indicating that chemtrailing had been
done before dawn, or deformed, but elongated, wispy clouds would be
present in the sky, indicating that chemtrails had been laid
elsewhere, and drifted to where we were. As a result, chemtrail days
constitute no less than one third, and, sometimes, no less than 40%,
of the days! Far from a "precise" set of circumstances.

If you add in the fact that, even after chemtrails may have passed,
persistent haze can remain in the upper atmosphere, turning the sky a
sickish white, or limiting the blueness of the natural sky that is
permitted to show through, you have that no more than two or three
genuinely blue sky days are permitted per month, anymore! Chemtrail
opponents list this as one of their primary complaints with
chemtrails, as well, the simple fact that they are being
systematically robbed of their blue sky.

Only a few decades ago, summer could guarantee weeks worth of clear,
blue days. Now, to have just one is an event, at least in the
Northeast. During the past summer, in Northern New Jersey, there
haven't been more than five or six days, all told, that were bright

Nor is this an insignificant thing. Substituting bright blue days
with heavily overcast, low-hanging skies, or persistent mists,
instead of the kind of rain that will clear a sky of haze, produces a
listless even despondent atmosphere. Over time, it can depress
individuals and even sap them of initiative.

Experiments during the Seventies and Eighties, in fact, suggested
that certain colors can promote certain types of responses. Pink was
found, in some, to have a calming effect; brown and orange were found
to stimulate appetite; and bright, light blue was found to promote
imagination. Isolation cells in a number of jails, as a result of
this, were painted pink, and the prevalence of browns, oranges and
reds in the color schemes of fast food restaurants, during the
Eighties, is testament to an evident unscrupulousness in
their "marketing" tactics! Withholding clear skies from the populace
seems, also, targeted at controlling the people's initiative and

Someone in government, it appears, doesn't want the people to think
for themselves about what they see going on around them.

As reliable as the provability of tenuousness in the
debunkers, "arguments" - and the eminent apparent danger in
chemtrailing - is the debunkers, coming up with yet other attempts,
at discrediting those who oppose chemtrails.

They couldn't deny the existence of days when huge numbers of
chemtrails clutter the skies, because innumerable photographs to the
contrary exist. If that wasn't the case, there is little doubt they
would try to utterly and baldly deny their existence, altogether.
Initially, though, they did, apparently, try the wheeze
that "aircraft exhaust can,t alter the environment"! That has since
been overturned by a number of studies indicating that, at the very
least, the obscuring effect of normal contrails was enough to lower
the earth's temperature by at least 1º Fahrenheit.

Equally as determinedly posited was the assertion that, even if long,
environmentally-altering trails were being laid, it wasn't
deliberate. Countering that is the revelation that numerous patents
and proposals for using aircraft to affect weather have been filed,
in the past few years alone! "Cloud seeding" is the least of the
methods; preventing global warming was a major goal of many.
Recently, too, even the military published a proposal to the effect
of using weather control in wartime as a "force multiplier" against
enemy troops. They termed their proposal "Owning the Weather by 2025"

In the face of these demonstrations of their evidently patent
falsehood in opposing chemtrail followers, debunkers have taken up
the line that, even though jet exhaust can affect the environment,
and even though there are plans to utilize that to control the
weather, jets never release anything other than normal exhaust into
the air. In the recent past, however, CNN aired a report of military
planes, among other things, releasing egg whites into the air to test
radar methods for, putatively, tracking drug planes! It is
questionable what aspect of the situation the debunkers will attempt
to attack next.

And the debunkers have shown every determination to oppose suspicion
about and examination of chemtrails as much as would be necessary to
end questioning about them! They have taken out whole websites
devoted to opposing chemtrail suspicions; they have even launched
mirror sites of websites, to provide as much a saturation of the
internet with their evident propaganda as possible! They run the
gamut from an individual that calls themself "ChickieDeb", and
identifies themself as "a housewife from Indiana" - ChickieDeb being
one of those who launched three websites devoted to debunking - to an
organization given the frankly questionable name "New Mexicans for
Science and Reason - suggesting they see "science" and "reason" to be
two totally separate and unrelated things.

Jay Reynolds, who seems proud to oppose the assertion that chemtrails
are not normal contrails, and who also sponsored three separate sites
to mirror his assertions, likewise states, on his website: "the real
state of things that agrees with facts and reality." Meaning,
presumably, that, for Mr. Reynolds, "facts" and "reality" are two
totally separate and unrelated things. Before struggling to oppose
investigation into chemtrails, the debunkers, it appears, should
attempt developing a pose that doesn't come across as that of an
incompetent poseur.

The nature of the debunkers, refutations, however, is consistent with
the stock in trade of those without a leg to stand on. Pre-eminent
among their "tools" is out-and-out derision. Jay Reynolds titles his
mirror sites "Contrails or Trails-CON?" One of the devotees of
chemtrail examination, William Thomas, he terms a "snakeoil

On ChickieDeb's site, cdebsjournal.topcities.com/Rhaltitude.htm, she
quotes Jay Reynolds as characterizing those who mobilize the movement
to study chemtrails as "X-file wackos", and ChickieDeb openly agrees.
Larry Lawson, whom ChickieDeb identifies as a "chemtrail
perpetrator", is also referred to, by her, as a "pipsqueak".

On the same page, incidentally, ChickieDeb condemns "religious
fundamentalists", like she models Mr. Lawson to be, who "think that
God is unable to take care of things by Himself". ChickieDeb seems of
the opinion that people should just sit still and do nothing, leave
it all to God - or whatever she tries to pass off as a deity - to do
things in the world. She seems intent on coercing others into a
willing complacence and disinterest in taking action in the world.
The title of another of her websites devoted, apparently, to
deceiving people about the reality of chemtrails is "DO YOU WANT TO

Apparently she couldn,t be happier if everyone agreed not to be
concerned about what is being done to their environment, and just let
their rights and interests be run roughshod over! Even an atheist
would accept that God would not have created man just to sit and
watch the world; a purpose for creating man was so that man could do
things and not leave it to God to "take care of things by Himself".
Having people stand up for themselves, however, seems anathema to
what ChickieDeb has in mind for them.

The debunkers seem never at a loss for disparaging names to call
those who seem to threaten the government secret they work so hard to
hide, or a boundless store of contempt for others.

The evident attempt to vilify suspicion of chemtrails is also a
commonplace on debunkers, websites. ChickieDeb titles at least one of
her mirror sites, worldzone.net/international.checkiedeb, "CHEMTRAIL
HOAX - The Best Kept Secret In the World". On that site, ChickieDeb
gives space to an article by Jay Reynolds, entitled "HOW TO RUN A
CHEMTRAIL SCARE FOR FUN AND PROFIT". On one of the pages on one of
ChickieDeb,s mirror sites,
www.worldzone.net/international/chickiedeb/cgi/col2.shtml, chemtrail
opponents are belittled for accusing debunkers of not using logic,
yet it is said, of them, that "they refuse to recognize logic and

"Rationale", it could be mentioned, for ChickieDeb's information,
means the "excuse" or "justification" one uses to "explain" their
actions. It is not an accompanying quality with logic. What
ChickieDeb seems to have wanted to mention - yet apparently did not
have the depth of education to supply - was "rationality".

On the page,
ChickieDeb acknowledges that a term the debunkers use for chemtrail
opponents is "Insane Cloud Posse".

Contempt is a large part of the debunkers, stock in trade.

When not engaging in determined vituperation of chemtrail opponents,
the debunkers attempt a "validation" of their condemnation of
chemtrail concerns, usually through patently indulgence in fraudulent
double-talk and specious "demonstrations".

The endless, arch and professorial expositions on "temperature,
humidity and pressure" is only one aspect of this tack. Even there,
though, the debunkers find it difficult to work within the bounds of
their own presentations. On
www.weatherwise.org/qr/qry.chemtrail.html, Thomas Schlatter, who
passes himself off as a "NOAA meteorologist", contends that long
lasting contrails can occur if the temperature is less than 70º and
the relative humidity of air, compared to ice is greater than 100%,
that is, there is more than enough water vapor to replace ice as ice
dissolves in the sunlight. The apparent purpose of this seems to be
just to give the impression that long lasting contrails are possible.

But it soon became evident that this was also describing an eminently
unlikely - if not patently impossible - situation.

To, apparently, patch up this problem, ChickieDeb, on the web page,
cdebsjournal.topcities.com/leadpage.htm, apparently desperately and
recklessly blurts that "contrails can occur with zero humidity if the
temperature is cold enough". Leaving aside the fact that she
conveniently says only that "contrails" - not long-lasting contrails -
 can occur under those conditions - which no one denies - on the web
page the link she provides leads to, someone named Dr. Patrick Minnis
asserts only that meteorological instruments reading humidity at high
altitudes have been, supposedly, consistently wrong, so that,
presumably, high altitude humidities are larger than expected.

Importantly, on the page, it also refers only to "contrails" forming,
not long-lasting contrails. In what seems to constitute little more
than what is termed "hand-waving", Dr. Minnis then goes on to state,
without explanation or justification, that relative humidities have
to be greater than 100% for "contrails to persist for very long",
but, "at those cold temperatures, a small error in moisture
measurement" can lead to "a large error" in the relative humidity.
Supposedly, then, not only are relative humidities at high altitudes
greater than previously thought, they, putatively, are even greater
than they appear, because readings might have a small error that can
translate into a massive difference in the actual humidity.

The "margin of error" the debunkers seem to want to lend to reality,
to back their contentions, appears even larger and more encompassing
that the actual situation.

Characteristic of other forms that the pedagogic patronizing of the
debunkers can take is in the typically flippantly entitled entry "fun
With Math", on web page

There, a "correspondent", who takes the name BEE, puts up the pose
of "proving" that "there is simply no way physically for anything
sprayed at the height at which contrails (or supposed chemtrails) are
observed to reach any kind of concentration on the ground which would
have any effect on people whatsoever".

He begins by considering a "worst case scenario" of a jet hovering
overhead, at various heights, dumping different amounts of material,
with wind going at various speeds. Among other things, though, he
assumes a "source rate" for the spraying of "63 billion
micrograms/second". This works out to 63,000 grams/second, or 140
lbs./second. That's almost 8 tons per minute! If BEE is willing to be
so unreliable in even this early part of the "explanation", there is
no reason to trust him in what he says later.

His conclusions are no less questionable. Proceeding from a supposed
height, for the jet, of from 2 to 2000 meters above the ground, he
reels off supposed "maximum concentrations" for the sprayed
substance. He goes from 19.3 billion micrograms/cubic meter to .75
micrograms/cubic meter. The highest value is related to a situation
for the plane 2 meters in the air, the lowest value, for one 2000
meters high. He evidently wants to "dramatically demonstrate" that
the results from a "realistic" situation are very, very low.

An eminent problem with that, however, is that, not only does BEE
look at varying heights for the jet, for each jet, there is also a
different distance downwind looked at. The jet 2 meters in the air
has a "maximum concentration" 60 meters downwind quoted, a jet 100
meters high has a value at 15,000 meter downwind given, and for the
jet at 2000 meters, the concentration at 3.5 billion meters, or 2.2
million miles, downwind! It is unlikely, if not completely
impossible, that material would drift for 2.2 million miles over the
earth, before coming to rest.

What is more, for all the insistence, by BEE, that winds would
dissipate chemtrail material, that has never been observed! They
spread and combine with other chemtrails, but they have never been
seen to be blown away by winds! In fact, it is their tendency to stay
in one place, unchanged, except for spreading, for hours on end,
which was one thing which brought them to the public,s attention.
If the purpose of the chemtrails was to stay in one place and, at
least, physically affect the environment, such as causing a drought,
or even form clouds and then let rainwater wash it down to the soil,
contaminating people that way, then they are, apparently, doing
exactly what was desired of them.

How easy it is for the chemtrail defenders - they shape up as little
more than that! - to "exonerate" chemtrails of things no one said
they were doing.

For that matter, too, all the supposedly legitimate physical
calculations BEE presumably performed does not prove that there
aren't substances which can affect, or even harm, people at
concentrations of only about 1 microgram/cubic meter! Allergens work
at very small concentrations, pathogens can be dangerous at those low
levels, and various poisonous gases can be potent at even lower
concentrations! Withholding important information can be as crucial
as misrepresenting information, in promoting a fraudulent proposal!
Add the fact that, on a day of regular chemtrailing, as many as 30 or
more trails can be left in any affected area of sky, and there is a
likelihood that huge amounts of dangerous material will be released.

And where displays of contempt and presumed exercises in sophistry do
not succeed, the debunkers appear to rely on out and out fraud! A
favored technique, for example, is saying that chemtrails are nothing
more than normal contrails, then going through elaborate proofs that
contrails are not unusual or dangerous and, because contrails are not
unusual or dangerous - which, in truth, has not been proved! - then,
what chemtrail observers complain about can,t be unusual or
dangerous! Just about every chemtrail debunker site has at least one
page devoted to "examining" and "explaining" contrails, then
diffidently insisting that that,s all that chemtrails are - using
even less proof than the chemtrail opposers use for their
statements! - and "concluding" that, therefore, chemtrails do not
exist, and chemtrail opposers are just chasing falsities.

The facts of chemtrails, however, do not bear out debunkers,

Among other things, the references to chemtrails began only around
1997. There are no references to unusual, persistent cloud trails
before that date. Contrails didn't suddenly start to become long-
lived under certain circumstances only after 1997. And it unlikely
that people will have suddenly started to become aware of something
as obvious, and apparently pernicious, as vapor trails that persist
for hours, then spread and coalesce into sun blocking cloud decks
only in 1997. The very fact that no complaints of long, spreading
contrails before 1997 is sufficient to establish that chemtrails must
be real, and not normal contrails.

Tellingly, though, and apparently not coincidental at all, is the
fact that, in October 1997, the system of reporting visibility date,
from the National Climatic Data Center, was abruptly reduced from the
then standard maximum of 40 miles, to only 10 miles. To reduce
visibility information that way only endangers such things as aerial
navigation! To do so peremptorily, in that manner, was utterly
incompatible with any consideration of protecting the welfare of

What it does seem geared for, however - what seems more important
than the interests of the public! - is keeping the government from
having to acknowledge that there was something out there that long
range data would need them to report! Something, too, that seems
likely to be nothing less than a hindrance to long-range visibility,
as well.

There was something out there that the government didn't want the
people to know about.

But the indications that chemtrails are real go beyond even that.

Debunkers, for example, could try to "argue" that, on days when
chemtrails don,t appear, it,s because the weather conditions at the
planes, height don,t permit them. The planes are there, they would
demand, but the peculiar conditions that turned innocent contrails
into extended lines in the sky simply weren't present. But, even at
the height at which chemtrails are apparently laid, planes can be
seen and heard slightly. Because they take a long time passing
through the sky, that high up, they form a low rumble that can
persist for many minutes.

On the days when chemtrails do not appear, neither the bright specks
that the planes appear as, nor the low rumble are heard. More than
that, not even normal contrails - which should form under just about
any condition! - are not present. When chemtrails do not form high in
the sky, it is because the planes that form them are not up there.
The forming of chemtrails, then, is related more to the presence of
special planes high up that particular day, and not, evidently,
certain conditions affecting planes that are, putatively, present
every day.

A phenomenon that chemtrail followers also point to to indicate the
suspicious nature of the trails is what is termed the "on and off
switch". Often, when chemtrails appear overhead, there will be a
space in the trail, where what seems to be aerial spraying was turned
off, for a time, then turned back on.
This does not happen, ever, for conventional contrails. Planes
forming the short tails of contrail fog behind them do not go through
periods when the cloud will disappear; the clouds themselves, even
though they last for a short time, do not show spaces in them.
Debunkers, unsurprisingly, dismiss these claims, insisting that there
is nothing in the breaks in chemtrails that indicate anything out of
what they term the usual.

Tellingly, though, actual addresses of the issue of the "on off
switch" are rare on debunker websites. In fact, only one site,
www22.brinkster.com/Seawana/Conspiracies/Chemtrails.asp, which boasts
the title, "The Way of the Dodo", actually devotes any real space to
an attempted "explanation" of chemtrail breaks.

In characteristically contemptuous and insulting fashion, the section
begins, "Ah yes. These rare photos are a favorite among the
believers." The originator of the site, who identifies himself as
Skip Ernst, describes "the neanderthals running" spray operations as
having "mistakenly turned off the spray for a few moments".

"Can you believe the government has hired a bunch of bumbling idiots
to perform their top secrets operations?", Mr. Ernst adds, mockingly.

He posits that the breaks are caused by jets having "simply passed
through a pocket of air where contrails" - carefully, he doesn,t
refer to them as "chemtrails"! - "will not form. The air could be too
warm or too dry to form the ice crystals which make a contrail

It is eminently unlikely, if not patently impossible, that air that
high up would be so warm, to begin with. The jets that form
chemtrails typically fly at at least three miles high. Even if it was
too warm, a trail, of sorts, of water vapor would be likely,
following the jet. And, even if the air were very dry, a trace of the
ice crystals from the jet engines, that supposedly form the "seed"
for the chemtrail, should be visible, and it is not.

And that is leaving aside, entirely, the fact that there is little
reason to believe that an isolated, tiny, patch of air could be so
radically different from the overwhelming mass of air around it! If
an area of warm or dry air were to intrude, it is likely that it
would be no time before the rest of the air around it would bring it
into equilibrium.

More than that, though, Mr. Ernst, will have to explain how it is
possible for chemtrails with breaks, supposedly caused by differing
air masses, to occur in close proximity to chemtrails with no breaks!
"I'll leave it at that and let you be the judge", he concludes

If he's telling the absolute, incontrovertible truth, which he
pretends to be, then he would be able to call it that! He wouldn't
have to leave it to the reader to "be the judge".

That, in itself, all but brands the material on the Seawana site
utterly untrustworthy.

Mr. Ernst also takes issue with, among other things, the observation
that "most chemtrails seem to be created at altitudes above
commercial flights", which can be taken to be an indication that
chemtrails are not normal contrails, but the result of government

"That is because the probability of a contrail being produced at a
higher altitude is much greater", he retorts.

"Next please", he adds, smugly, evidently content that he has put any
question of the formation of chemtrails to rest, firmly.

But, if the chemtrails are being produced at altitudes higher than
commercial jets use, as he, himself, seems willing to accede, what is
leaving them? It is apparent, then, that it is only government planes
laying the trails, and that is far from something that discounts the
likelihood of their being a government operation'

Moreover, how could Flight Explorer, which seems to record only
commercial flights, attest to the flight plans of those jets causing
the chemtrails?

Among the site's other demonstrations of the "character" of its
developer, are a "boss button" - a switch which you click so that, if
you're looking at the site instead of doing work, at the office, you
can call up a realistic looking spreadsheet screen, to con your boss
into thinking you're not gold-bricking.

"Surf freely with the security that comes from the knowledge that
your boss remains clueless about your daily internet practices!", Mr.
Ernst proclaims. Apparently, honesty and honor are alien concepts to
him. But, then, in the "encyclopedia" section of the site, he
proclaims he'll do just about anything for a bribe. Also in evidence
are Java language banners in which Mr. Ernst regularly vents his bile
at any of a number of common "pop-up" advertisements to be seen on
many sites.

One such banner takes aim at "the f***ing X-Cam", the miniature
camera you can hook up to your computer to see what's happening
somewhere else. The site also includes a pretentious "encyclopedia"
of "conspiracy theories", and a "news" page, both riddled with
misspellings, and full references to those who follow those theories
as "dopes", "morons" and "idiots"; and a page devoted to something
called "Drunken Stumble" a game "that allows you to get rip roaring
drunk - but with a purpose."

Mr. Ernst seems incapable of anything but viciousness,
disingenuousness and antipathy for everything that exists.

Nor, indeed, is it only apparently "disinterested individuals" who
have attempted to quell investigation into chemtrails. Branches of
the government have taken it upon themselves to denounce the
consideration that chemtrails were anything but ordinary contrails,
and even gone so far as to officially term it a "hoax."

The United States Air Force web page on the subject,
www.af.mil/environment/contrails_chemtrail.shtml, for example, is
entitled "The Chemtrail Hoax"

While it may be a purview of individuals to term something a "hoax"
at will, a branch of the government is considered more bound by the
law in its actions, so that, for them to term something a "hoax" is
automatically to have it characterized according to the legal
definition of the term. More than that, it indicates that sufficient
examination has been carried out to back that characterization.
Legally, a "hoax" is far more than just some kind of prank, gag or
practical joke; it is a willful and malicious act of mayhem, usually
for the aggrandizement of the "perpetrator".

By titling their page that way, the Air Force, then, officially
accuses all the honest, straightforward citizens genuinely concerned
about at least the affront of their skies being clouded over, and
sunlight all but banished from their lives, as malingerers and

A common tactic of the guilty is to cast the first stone and blame
the innocent, at least to try to buy enough time to shore up their
defenses against justice.

As with all other "debunkers", the Air Force proceeds to declare that
contrails can be caused to remain for very long periods, based on
temperature and humidity. Like the other debunkers, they never once
assert that the conditions that would allow contrails to persist - if
at all - are conditions that are likely to, or even possibly can,
occur on the earth, at the present! Unlike the other "debunkers", the
Air Force, on their site, don,t include barometric pressure in
the "explanation", an eminently glaring omission, utterly calling
everything they say into question! Also unlike the other "debunkers",
the Air Force does claim that "winds" can affect the persistence of

Too, and indicative of the fact that they may engage in the eminently
questionable act of taking it on themselves to term suspicion of
chemtrails a "hoax", but they are still bound by considerations of
justice and fairness, the Air Force, on their site, declare that
contrails can be caused to last long periods of time because
of "aircraft exhaust characteristics".

The nebulous reference is, apparently, meant to downplay the matter,
but, technically, "aircraft exhaust characteristics" includes what is
being pumped out.

And it is precisely the contention of chemtrail opponents that high
flying military jets are pumping unorthodox and irregular materials
into the air.

In phraseology evidently intended to gull the unwitting into
believing that normal characteristics of jet exhausts can, under the
right circumstances, be made to last long periods of time, the Air
Force, in actuality, seems to admit that unorthodox materials in
their exhaust are what is forming chemtrails.

They fill out their "disproof" of the existence of chemtrails with a
list of links to "debunker" web sites that no longer exist, and one
link to a site in Denmark that "demonstrates" the non-existence of
chemtrails by showing pictures of chemtrails and calling them
contrails! It is instructive that this practice of "proving"
something doesn't exist by simply calling it something else is taking
place on a site operated by the Neils Böhr Institute.

If that is the level of "intellectual discourse" involved
in "debunking" chemtrails, it is only further testimony to the truth
of their existence.

If that is the level of honesty involved in the movement against
chemtrail opponents, it strengthens the evidence that they are,
indeed, an act of craven contempt for the people.

But contempt seems a given, both in the perpetrating of chemtrails,
and in the apparent attempted cover-up.

Indeed, it is apparently inherent, how spiteful and disdainful the
sites devoted to debunking conspiracy theories regularly, are to
those who acknowledge their existence.

If conspiracy theories really were untrue, those who subscribed to
them would be deluding themselves. They would be genuinely wasting
their time. That is a tragedy, and would be approached as a tragedy,
by those with genuine honor and the kind of concern and regard for
others that would be consistent with telling them the truth. The
arrogance and disregard to be seen among the conspiracy theory
debunkers is that to be found in those incapable of the truth, or of
any display of honor or decency. Their very malignance proclaims
their assertions utterly untrustworthy and specious.

There is every reason to believe, indeed, that those who call
themselves debunkers are, in fact, quisling shills for government,
trying to keep the truth from the people. They willingly admit to
being considered that by many conspiracy theory examiners, and just
as quickly - and without proof - dismiss the accusation, but it seems
very near the truth, if not the truth itself.

And this demonstrated malevolence of character, more so than much
else, pronounces conspiracy theories far from unreliable; indeed,
anything but unproved, or disproved.

And that includes chemtrails.

The evidence is that, not only are chemtrails real, there seems to be
a dedicated movement to try to dissuade those who acknowledge the
existence of chemtrails from following up on the subject.

In recent months, since our own sending in several letters on the
subject, chemtrails in New Jersey have begun to take on a new form.
Instead of stretching from one horizon to the other, chemtrails laid
here have begun to take the form, only, of lines across part of the

It seems intended to give the impression that chemtrails do not
really exist, since these go only partway across the sky. But this
has only begun recently, so it cannot be a demonstration of something
which existed before. But it seems related to the fact that we
recently began sending letters to the editor from here on this

In the end, the people must take it on themselves to see that their
rights and interests are respected by government. They must involve
themselves, deeply and determinedly, in government. It is up to them
to see that it is their welfare that motivates government.

Julian Penrod

4 Fairfield Avenue
West Caldwell, New Jersey 07006
973 220-1601



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