-Caveat Lector-

>From SPOTLIGHT web page -


Bilderberg to Meet in Portugal

            Like a blood hound on the trail of prey, Jim Tucker has once again
            chased down the global elite.

            By James P. Tucker Jr.

            Bilderberg is scheduled to meet June 3-6 at the Caesar Park Penha
            Longa in Sintra, Portugal. Sintra is a remote resort about 40
            from Lisbon.

            Information about the secret meeting was provided by an agent

            American and European financiers, manufacturers, media moguls and
            politicians meet at remote luxury resorts, allow only "loyal"
            to remain on the job, empty the establishment of all others, and
            employ platoons of police, military and their own private security
            to seal themselves off. They have tried to keep the meetings
            for 45 years.

            But this year, following extensive SPOTLIGHT-generated publicity
            last year in Scotland, and earlier in Germany, Scandinavia,
            and Canada, Bilderberg is taking more extreme steps, its agent

            Instead of closing down the Penha Longa to all outsiders a day,
            before the meeting starts on, June 2, Bilderberg has ordered the
            resort shut down a full 48 hours before the internationalist
            In addition, Bilderberg will pay hundreds of thousands of
dollars to
            reimburse the Portuguese government for deploying military
forces to
            guard their privacy and for helicopters to seek out intruders.

            All Bilderberg participants, their staff members and resort
            employees will wear photo identification tags that look much like
            state drivers' licenses. They will have separate colors to
            the wearer as participant, staff or employee. A computer chip
            "fingerprint" will assure the identity of the card's wearer.

            Any intruders are to be manhandled, cuffed jailed or if
resisting or
            fleeing, shot, the agent said.

            Bilderbergers are greatly disturbed over the growing public
            knowledge of their control of the world and of resistance to their
            schemes for a global government as nationalism sentiment grows
            around the world.

            Bilderberg was instrumental in tearing down Jean-Marie Le Pen, who
            founded France's National Front. The French-first party has
            the Establishment by regularly capturing 15 percent of the vote in
            that nation.

            A Le Pen lieutenant, Bruno Megret, attempted a coup late last
            Many populists believe Megret has became an agent of Bilderberg.
            Expecting recession, Bilderberg feared La Pen and "nationalists"
            from other countries would interfere with their "free trade" goals
            as they fight to protect their domestic industries from
            by the global cabal.

            Because Bilderberg shares common goals with the Trilateral
            Commission, the agenda that emerged in Washington (SPOTLIGHT,
            March  29, 1999) will be major topics in Portugal, too.

            This includes a "globalization summit" called for by Peter D.
            Sutherland, head of Goldman Sachs International. Sutherland
            the Bilderberg meeting in Scotland last May and is expected in

            Sutherland is expected to again call for "supranational
            institutions" to manage the global economy while denouncing
            that "cling tenaciously to their separate identities" while
            for "sharing sovereignty."

            In a related topic, there could be renewed calls for the UN to be
            able to directly tax all people. In the past, Bilderberg has
            proposed a UN levy on international travel and on oil at the
            well-head, so all who travel or drive will be taxed.

"Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God" - Thomas Jefferson

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