-Caveat Lector-

Kristallnacht – Hitler - Holy Grail – 9.11 – Columbia

OK, lets see if any can be persuaded by this numerical argument, that
certain of our leaders can have a demonic force corrupt their thinking.

Hitler, the last but not the last AntiChrist, performed a ceremony which
only Hitler was allowed to perform in which he ‘blessed’ new Nazi flags by
touching them against the ‘sacred’ flag which had been carried by party
members during the Munich Beer Hall Putsch on November 9th 1923. This act
was designed to convey the idea that the supposed ‘sacred’ metaphysical
nature of the bloodied first flag could somehow, as if by magic, convey
something of its ‘sacredness’ to the other Nazi flags which were to fly over
the nation.

Now if one examines the names of the early members of the Nazi Party, there
is a considerable overlap between a number of members who were known to have
been active in such small occult groups and, or, secret societies as the
Thulegesellschaft Society, the Germanen Orden, and the Order of the New
Templars. For example, Rudolph Hess and Alfred Rosenberg were both known to
have been members of the Thule Society. And Dietrich Eckart to whom Hitler
dedicated Mein Kampf, was known to have been active other organizations in
addition to the Thule Society. So there is no question about whether or not
Hitler made his company with known ‘occultists’ for he most certainly did.

And thus, the occult nature of National Socialism did not end with the
ceremony of the flags, or any of the other phenomenon with which the public
is well aware. Rather, it started with them. For the entire purpose of the
Nuremberg Rallies which were so rich in displays of preaching, ceremony, and
music and so these annual events were meant to appeal to the religious
nature in people.

OK, so to the SS. The very symbol of the organization was occult in nature,
the lightning bolts having originated in the Runes of the ancient Germanic
occult. To Himmler, the group was effectively a new order of Teutonic
Knights. In 1936, he sent out a memorandum defining the holidays which were
to be based upon paganism and Nazism; Hitler's Birthday (April, 20th), May
Day, Summer Solstice, Harvest Feast, the Beer Hall Putsch Anniversary
(November 9th), and Winter Solstice. He also devised ceremonies meant to
eventually replace Christian rituals in the New Order; Naming Rites to
replace Christian Baptism as an example.

But his most ambitious occult project was the restoration of Wewelsburg
Castle in Westphalia. It was ultimately envisioned as serving as the
‘Vatican City’ of an SS State.

And Time-Life's book ‘The SS’ from its series on the Third Reich states the
following under the caption ‘A Sanctum for the Inner Circle’:
"In 1934 Himmler selected a moldering clifftop castle in Westphalia to serve
as the SS high temple. Known as Wewelsburg, the seventeenth century fortress
was overhauled at a cost of more than three million dollars, a sizable sum
considering that labor was extracted free from concentration camp inmates.
The sanctum included a 12,000-volume library of Aryan lore and a cavernous
dining hall with an Arthurian round table for Himmler and twelve trusted
lieutenants. Reportedly, each knight of Himmler's round table received a
coat of arms; at the man's death, his emblem was to be incinerated in the
pit of the Supreme Leaders' Hall and the ashes placed in an urn atop one of
twelve pedestals there. Ringing the city would be walls 40 feet high. Even
the ground plan was of mystical significance. It represented the head of a
spear. Its tip pointing to the North."

And in the ‘Twisted Dream’ in Time-Life's series on the Third Reich there is
a picture of the knight Lohengren leaving to search for the Holy Grail. Plus
it is a well known fact that Hitler admired Wagner very much, and of course,
much of Wagner's work centers around the Grail.

In the ‘Holy Blood Holy Grail’ (the book about the mystery of Rennes Le
Chateau), the writers Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln believe that the
Merovingian bloodline is the actual bloodline of Christ himself, through
Mary Magdalen, who they say went to France with Christ's children following
the crucifixion to live out her final days. And there is said to be some
evidence that Mary Magdalen spent her final days in France and a reason that
Rennes le Chateau plays a part in the story about the Nazis and the occult.
This is because the Nazis believed that the Holy Grail was hidden at a
location in the South of France in the Rennes vicinity, and they conducted a
thorough search for the Holy Grail under the direction of SS officer Otto
Rahn, but the officer disappointed Heinrich Himmler when his quest for the
Grail ended in failure. And I believe not in the Jesus + Magdalene

Now Himmler was a confirmed occultist, and was convinced that the Grail was
likely to be found in that area because legend had it that the Grail had
made its way there when Mary Magdalen and Joseph of Arimathea carried it
with them on a rudderless boat which landed there some time after the

Now I need to stay on this Holy Grail theme, and the silver ‘Cup of Antioch’
was also thought to have been the Holy Grail and contained about half an
English gallon of 4 pints, that is 8 cups of 17.34 cubic inches, the ‘cups
of the Serpent Rouge’ (1.7 x 1.7 x 6).

And 12 ‘cups of the Serpent Rouge’ each at 17.34 cubic inches is the ancient
Hebrew Omer of 208.080 cubic inches, (Omer Day is the first day of Passover,
and at the annual  Feast of the Passover, four cups of red wine are drunk,
and the only full day that Christ spent in Hades).

The ‘Night of Broken Glass.’

OK, so ‘Kristallnacht’ is a German word that consists of two parts,
‘Kristall’ that translates to ‘crystal’ and refers to the look of broken
glass and ‘Nacht’ means ‘night’ and the accepted English translation is the
‘Night of Broken Glass.’

Kristallnacht was the name given to the first major attack on the Jewish
population of Germany and Austria, on the night November 9th and 10th 1938.
Both the SS and general population participated in burning hundreds of
synagogues, shops, and houses. Thirty thousand Jews were arrested and
deported. And protests from the West had no effect on Nazi policy.

So to the calculation, and curiously the year of the Deluge in Hades and a
local ‘Mount Ararat’ Flood on Earth, is shown, that is the year 2239BC and
1,632 years after Adam was created down below. And the Holy Grail, the Omer
at 208.08 cubic inches is called the Homer at 20,080 cubic inches and 0.75
is 1632 x 17.

And 2.0808000e+17 and /0.75 (1.632000e+16 x 17) and square root twice is
22,950.5062 days, 62.8364039 years, and counting from 3am on November 10th,
when synagogues were burning all over Germany and Austria, it is 9am
September 11th 2001, when the second Tower was about to be hit and set
alight. So a burning Holy Grail.

And counting down from 9am February 1st 2003, when an explosion of a kind
caused the destruction of the Shuttle Columbia and the killing of 7
astronauts including one Jew, to 7am November 10th 1938, when the Jewish
people witnessed the daylight destruction of the synagogues, businesses and
homes, is 64.228147 years, less 22,950.5062 days is 508.32348 days, and
multiplied x 22,950.5062 days x 32 is equivalent to 6110 x 61100, that is
the Serpent Rouge at 289 + the Skull and Bones at 322. And 6110 + 6110 is
the Sphinx, the Terror, the Biblical Beast, an AntiChrist at 1222 and made
up of Beast 933, (an elohim at 323 + the Ancient Egyptian falcon masked go
Horus, the merciless killer of the sky at 610) + the Serpent Rouge at 289.

Thus, you cannot get more wicked and evil than having the number reference
1222, and this is found in the very number which reveals the ‘Holy Grail’ x
the period from September 11th 2001 to February 1st 2003.

I rest my case for a supernatural realm, that through mind control, causes
selected humans in leadership to kill on mass for the purpose of a forced
immigration policy down into Hades, and as the medieval Roman Church once
said, “Kill all, for God knows his own.”


I say here and know I really believe that in these last days the skeptics
within society will decline to the point that to be a skeptic in respect of
not believing in another parallel world will seem ridiculous. For history,
from Ancient Egypt onwards speaks of a life after death, and so to enter,
for many this other world.

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