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Experts discount 'sprite' theory
Shuttle wasn't flying above thunderstorm
Matthew B. Stannard, Chronicle Staff Writer
Saturday, February 8, 2003
©2003 San Francisco Chronicle | Feedback

URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/02/08/MN117739.DTL

NASA officials said Friday they have asked experts in upper-atmosphere electric phenomena whether it is possible for such effects to occur at the altitude and weather conditions that the shuttle was flying through before it disintegrated.

But they said that so far they have found nothing in their investigation to indicate that the shuttle encountered such phenomena on re-entry. "There is nothing in the data stream . . . that would cause any concern on our part," said Ron Dittemore, NASA's shuttle program manager.

Independent scientists also said that speculation that ghostly electromagnetic events -- dubbed sprites, blue jets and elves -- might have triggered the space shuttle disaster conflicts with current theories of how those phenomena occur.

They can occur over large thunderstorms, but no major thunderstorms were raging in the shuttle's vicinity as it passed over the far Western United States, including Northern California, early last Saturday, the researchers said.

Still, the same scientists declined to totally reject the "sprites" thesis. They stress that it is simply too early to know the true cause of the accident,

partly because the shuttle Columbia began breaking up in a region of Earth's upper atmosphere about which researchers know comparatively little.

On Friday, a Chronicle story reported that federal investigators are reviewing records from ultrasensitive instruments that might have detected a faint thunderclap at the same time a photograph taken by a San Francisco amateur astronomer appears to show a purplish bolt of lightning strike the shuttle.

Asked about the electromagnetic phenomena, Ron Dittemore, the NASA shuttle program manager, said in a news conference Friday: "I really have no idea whether we had any static electricity, whether we had any electrical discharge.

"We are asking experts in the field of atmospheric science if those events are even possible, especially at the altitude that we were flying -- greater than 200,000 feet," and "especially in the relatively clear skies that we were flying on last Saturday," he said.

Dittemore also said that NASA has received, but still is analyzing the amateur astronomer's photo. (The astronomer has refused to release it to news media.)

Investigators will be reviewing photos of the Columbia re-entry and comparing them to similar photos from past shuttle missions, Dittemore said. He warned against drawing conclusions from photos, videos or other data at this stage.

"You want to draw conclusions as quickly as you can based on the information," he said. "You go down that merry path of making a judgment, or a rush to judgment, and you will be fooled."

Based on a reporter's description of the photo, Walter Lyons, a leading sprites authority, said that the object "is definitely not a sprite or a blue jet." In photographs, Lyons noted, sprites resemble somewhat spidery glows flickering over the anvil-shaped tops of thunderstorms.

Also, weather conditions didn't jibe with traditional theories of sprites and their cousins, dubbed blue jets and elves. "There were showers north of (the shuttle's flyover path)," but there were no thunderstorms in the area, Lyons said.

"There's just not the meteorology to support (the theory of a) sprite or blue jet. It's probably just an artifact of the (photographic) image," Lyons said in a phone interview. "All bets are off if the image turns out to be an artifact."

"The fact is that until we see the picture, we're all just flapping our wings," said Lyons, of FMA Research Inc. in Fort Collins, Colo., who has done contract work for NASA and other scientific agencies.

Martin Uman, one of the world's leading experts on lightning and other forms of atmospheric electricity, said sprites tend to occur over exceptionally large systems of thunderstorms, about 40 to 50 miles wide. There is no evidence that sprites occur independently of thunderstorms, Uman said.

Also, despite their famed, creepy-looking "arms" and "tentacles," sprites don't typically concentrate energy into extremely narrow, hot channels like lightning bolts, said Uman, who works at the University of Florida's Lightning Research Laboratory.

Sprites' charge is "spread out over a kilometer or something -- it's a really diffuse discharge," Uman said. "Whether a big metal body up there like the shuttle could focus some of this current flowing through the air is a question."

At the same time, Uman added, "we don't understand that much about that part of the atmosphere." The shuttle was about 40 miles above Earth as it passed over California. Sprites can occur across a vast atmospheric gulf ranging from the tops of thunderheads usually many thousands of feet high to approximately 50 miles.

The Associated Press reported that researchers at NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center in Florida raised concerns in a 2002 report that shuttles could encounter electromagnetic phenomena or ice crystals from the highest clouds on re-entry. The report estimated a 1-in-100 likelihood of a shuttle flying through a sprite, blue jet or elf during re-entry over a thunderstorm.

However, "expert panels so far have concluded that sprites, blue jets and elves do not pose a hazard to the space shuttle, which is designed to withstand a harsh electrical environment," said the report. The Kennedy Space Center researchers sent the report to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Reston, Va.

Chronicle science writer Keay Davidson contributed to this report. / E-mail Matthew B. Stannard at [EMAIL PROTECTED].

©2003 San Francisco Chronicle | Feedback

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