-Caveat Lector-
Yes. A hoax.
----- Original Message -----
From: RobGee
Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2003 6:44 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Hoax?

-Caveat Lector-

I received this today and think it a joke or hoax. Can anyone in Northern
Ohio confirm or debunk. It seems to be way out there, or is it?

This email is just to inform everyone about a new important group that the
government has formed. It is a way private citizens can serve their country
in these troubled times.

The organization is the Homeland Security Volunteer Program. People who have
graduated from the 6 week training course get a
beautiful little pin...the eagle's image with the stars and strips flowing
below it...and the HSVP in gold..and there is room for the little gemstones
they add on when you follow your training and report people who are
unpatriotic and a threat to our security.

One member, locally, is very active. If she hears of someone who is not a
Bush supporter, against the government as it is now, or had a negative
opinion about the War on Iraq....especially anyone who is one of those
peace-supporters.. they have a phone number that they call, and they give
the license plate, name, address..whatever they know or can get ahold of to
inform the authorities. She saw cars with peace bumper stickers on them in
Sandusky and took their plate numbers to turn in.

There are quite a few volunteers in this area ...all her friends that she
has been recruiting.. (they get a little blue stone for every 10 they
recruit)..if they finish the program.

They may be coming up with uniforms for the recruits.

She was asked if she had any business cards to give out to perspective
recruits - she said they don't give out cards...she takes the phone number
and gives it to her commander and he calls the new person..asks them
questions such as:

Are you a Republican or Democrat?

Did you vote for Pres. Bush?

How do you feel about the anti-government peace movement?

Do you go to church on Sunday, where?(they want addresses,etc.., and who is
your pastor and what are his/her sermons like?

Do you now know anyone who has anti-American views...like anti-war/peace

Do you feel angry about terrorism and terrorists..especially BinLauden and
Saddam Hussan?

Would you be willing to turn in someone who you were related
to....especially if it threatened goverment security?

In this area, I've been told, there are two training places. They each train
about 50 people every six weeks.

My section of the country will soon be very secure against terrorism. I
don't know if your area has this program going as of yet or if Northern Ohio
is just where the program is being started.

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