-Caveat Lector-

Edited on 02/07/2003 12:40 PM PST

The Salon Interview: Camille Paglia
Bad omen: Why the Columbia disaster should make Bush think twice about
rushing to war with Iraq.
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By David Talbot
Feb. 7, 2003  |

Camille Paglia is a rarity in the increasingly polarized world of public
intellectuals, a high-profile thinker and writer who is not readily identified
with any political camp or party line. She burst onto the scene in 1990
following the publication of her book, "Sexual Personae." Paglia was a
rough-trade feminist not afraid to challenge the orthodoxy of the women's
movement or its reigning sisterhood; a professor from a small college with
no qualms about torching the Parisian academic trends then enthralling Ivy
League humanities departments; a self-proclaimed "Democratic libertarian"
who voted twice for Bill Clinton and then loudly denounced him for
bringing shame to his office.

Given Paglia's originality and unpredictability, we had no idea what to
expect when we phoned her earlier this week for her opinions on the
Bush administration's looming war with Iraq. Paglia proudly describes
herself as a Dionysian child of the '60s, a generation not known for its
martial spirit. And yet, during her long run as a Salon columnist, she
developed an enthusiastic following among conservatives, including retired
and active military personnel, for her eloquent tributes to family, tradition,
country and uniformed service, as well as her stop-your-blubbering take on
modern American life.

Paglia retired her Salon column last year to focus on teaching -- she is
university professor of humanities and media studies at the University of
the Arts in Philadelphia - and to finish her fifth book, a study of poetry
that will be published by Pantheon Books. She returns in the Salon
Interview to reveal her opinions on Iraq for the first time. "The foreign
press has asked me repeatedly to comment on Iraq, and I've said I don't
think it's right as an American citizen to do that. I said I should reserve my
criticisms of the administration for home consumption," said Paglia. "That's
why I'm talking to you now."

What is your position on the increasingly likely U.S. invasion of Iraq?

Well, first of all, I'm on the record as being pro-military and in insisting that
military matters and international affairs were neglected throughout the
period of the Clinton administration -- which partly led to the present
dilemma. The first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 should have
been a wake-up call for everyone. However, I'm extremely upset about our
rush to war at the present moment. If there truly were an authentic
international coalition that had been carefully built, and if the
administration had demonstrated sensitivity to the fragility of international
relations, I'd be 100 percent in favor of an allied military expedition to go
into Iraq and find and dispose of all weapons of mass destruction.

But most members of the current administration seem to have little sense
that there's an enormous, complex world beyond our borders. The
president himself has never traveled much in his life. They seem to think
the universe consists of America and then everyone else -- small-potatoes
people who can be steamrolled. And I'm absolutely appalled at the lack of
acknowledgment of the cost to ordinary Iraqi citizens of any incursion by
us, especially aerial bombardment. Most of the Iraqi armed forces are
pathetically unprepared to respond to a military confrontation with us.
These are mostly poor people who have a profession and a dignity within
their country, and they're not necessarily totally behind Saddam Hussein's
ambition to dominate his region. There's just no way that Saddam's threat
is equal to that of Hitler leading up to World War II. Hitler had amassed an
enormous military machine and was actively seeking world domination. We
don't need to invade Iraq. Saddam can be bottled up with aggressive
surveillance and pinpoint airstrikes on military installations.

As we speak, I have a terrible sense of foreboding, because last weekend a
stunning omen occurred in this country. Anyone who thinks symbolically
had to be shocked by the explosion of the Columbia shuttle, disintegrating
in the air and strewing its parts and human remains over Texas -- the
president's home state! So many times in antiquity, the emperors of Persia
or other proud empires went to the oracles to ask for advice about going
to war. Roman generals summoned soothsayers to read the entrails before
a battle. If there was ever a sign for a president and his administration to
rethink what they're doing, this was it. I mean, no sooner had Bush
announced that the war was "weeks, not months" away and gone off for a
peaceful weekend at Camp David than this catastrophe occurred in the
skies over Texas.

>From the point of view of the Muslim streets, surely it looks like the hand
of Allah has intervened, as with the attack on the World Trade Center. No
one in the Western world would have believed that those mighty towers
could fall within an hour and a half -- two of the proudest constructions in
American history. And neither would anyone have predicted this eerie
coincidence -- that the president's own state would become the burial
ground for the Columbia mission.

Including one small town where the debris fell called Palestine, Texas.

Yes, exactly! What weird irony with an Israeli astronaut onboard who had
bombed Iraq 20 years ago. To me this dreadful accident is a graphic
illustration of the limitations of modern technology -- of the smallest detail
that can go wrong and end up thwarting the most fail-safe plan. So I think
that history will look back on this as a key moment. Kings throughout
history have been shaken by signals like this from beyond: Think twice
about what you're doing. If a Roman general tripped on the threshold
before a battle, he'd call it off.

The Bush administration is not known for thinking twice -- they pride
themselves on their certitude, a certitude that strikes many as arrogant.

I'd call them parochial rather than arrogant. Last summer, Bush's tone was
certainly arrogant, but he's quieted his rhetoric since then. I don't know
who got to him, his father or the elders around him. Talk about
destabilizing the world! "Regime change" and "You're with us or against us"
and so on -- impatient, off-the-cuff rants that tore the fabric of
international relations. You don't unilaterally demand the overthrow of a
government of a sovereign nation, for heaven's sake. It turns our own
presidents into targets. As for [Defense Secretary Donald] Rumsfeld, I think
he's some kind of hot dog. It's as if he's trying to pump up his testosterone,
to operate on some constant, hyperadrenaline level, to show "I can still
hack it, man!" I was of two minds about Rumsfeld's snide comment about
"old Europe." On the one hand, I love to see France put in its place,
because of course it no longer is the center of the world but keeps
insisting that it is. On the other hand, this is yet another example of the
ham-handedness of this administration in world relations.

I think that Bush administration officials are genuinely convinced of the
rightness of their positions, although their biblical piety is cloying. I think
they do intend the best for the American people. It's not just a covert
grab for oil to placate corporate interests. But I also think that their
current course of action in Iraq is disastrous for long-term world safety.
After 9/11, what should have been perfectly clear is that we need a long,
slow process of reeducating the peoples of the world, to try to convince
Muslims of the fundamental benevolence of American intentions. And we
had most of the world behind us in the days after 9/11, except for the
Muslim extremists. We desperately need the world's cooperation, from
police agencies to informers. Above all, we need moderate Muslims to turn
out the homicidal fanatics in their midst.

Do you think the Bush administration's focus on Saddam is a diversion from
this global campaign against terrorism?

The real diversion is from other global hot spots. If we get bogged down in
Iraq, China might think it's a good moment to retake Taiwan. Saddam is an
amoral thug, but he's not the principal danger to American security. The
real problem is a shadowy, international network of young, radical Islamic
men. And we have played right into their hands since last summer by
coming across as a bullying world power, threatening war with Iraq and
acting completely callous to the resulting human carnage and death of
innocent civilians. What privileges American over Iraqi lives? Why does the
chance of American casualties through random terrorism outweigh the
certain reality of Iraqi devastation in a crushing invasion?

But don't you think if Saddam were to succeed in his longtime goal of
building an operational arsenal of doomsday weapons, that he would then
provide an umbrella for this network of terrorists to carry out its plots
against the West?

But how are we going to counter that threat? Are we going to bomb
laboratories and facilities storing dangerous chemicals and release them in
the air near population centers? Are we going to poison Baghdad? This is as
barbarous as what we're opposing in Saddam. We need to be going in the
opposite direction -- to lower global tensions. This constant uncertainty is
bad for everyone. It's bad for the economy, it's bad for people's psychic
health, and it's going to endanger Americans around the world. How are
we ever going to do business around the world and function in a global
market, when any American traveling abroad is subject to assassination?

We know so little about Iraq in this country. It's enormous, and yet most
Americans can't even find it on the map. I love to listen to talk radio and
have been doing it for years. But I'm frightened by what I'm hearing these
days from commentators like Sean Hannity, whose program I listen to when
I'm driving home from school. He's conservative, but I'm not -- I'm a
libertarian Democrat who voted for Ralph Nader. These days I can't believe
what I'm hearing, the gung-ho passion for war, the lofty sense of moral
certitude, the complete obliviousness to the world outside our borders.
How many people has Hannity known who aren't Americans? Has he ever
been anywhere in the world? His knowledge of world history and culture
seems thin at best. This is increasingly our problem as a nation -- we can't
see beyond ourselves. It shows the abject failure of public education.

But there are a number of people with a more sophisticated view of the
world who also endorse war with Iraq -- people like Christopher Hitchens
or New Yorker editor David Remnick, who just came out in favor of
attacking Saddam.

I do believe that Saddam is a menace and that he must be confronted. But
the Bush administration is operating under an artificial timetable. There's
no reason not to give diplomacy and expanded inspections ample time to
work. We need the support of the world community, not just for this crisis
but the next one.

I tried to be open-minded about Bush's case for war. I waited for him to
present the evidence for an imminent threat to the U.S. But months
passed, and they hemmed and hawed. It was words, words, words. Do they
think the American people are fools? That we can't be trusted to
understand a casus belli? There was a shiftiness, a sleight of hand, a kind of
blustery bravado and smugness: "Well, we know, but we just can't tell you,
because it would compromise national security." Give me a break -- we're
about to go to war and kill or maim thousands of innocent people.
Americans will die too. And they couldn't lay all their cards on the table?

[Rep.] Charles Rangel is quite right that the burden will be borne by a
lower social class. The American elite don't view military service as
prestigious for their sons and daughters, whom they groom for white-collar
professions. In England, however, serving in the military is part of
aristocratic and royal tradition.

Rangel and others in the Democratic Party have raised sharp objections to
Bush's war plans, but what do you think in general of the Democrats'
response on this issue? Have they presented a coherent alternative?

I'm disgusted at the Democratic Party -- what a bunch of weasels. The
senators laid down flat in the weeks before the fall election and voted
without a full debate over Iraq. That was the moment for a searching
national discussion, no matter what the outcome. And since the
Democrats rolled over, of course Bush was right to proceed -- they gave
him carte blanche.

The Democrats should have provided the geopolitical analysis that the
Republicans were avoiding. In countries like Turkey that have reluctantly
agreed to let U.S. forces use their territory as a staging ground, for
example, there's a sharp disconnect between these government decisions
and what the mass of people think and feel. And we don't need that -- a
situation where moderate governments are overthrown by a rising tide of
Islamic radicalism.

I have a long view of history -- my orientation is archaeological because I'm
always thinking in terms of ancient Greece and Rome, ancient Persia and
Egypt. People are much too complacent in the West -- though their
comfort level has been shaken (as I predicted long ago in Salon) by the
stock market drop. Most professional people in the West do not
understand the power of Islamic fundamentalism. Westerners dismissed
Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini -- "Oh, how medieval; our modern culture will
triumph over that!" But guess what: Ever since Khomeini, Islamic
fundamentalism has been spreading and spreading right to our front door.

It's similar to early Christianity. Christianity began as a religion of the poor
and dispossessed -- farmers, fishermen, Bedouin shepherds. There's a great
lure to that kind of simplicity and rigor -- the discipline, the call to action.
There's a kind of rapturous idealism to it. No one thought in the first
century after Christ that this slave religion would triumph over the urbane
sophisticates of the ancient Roman world. Taking the long view, I think
Islamic radicalism is the true threat, not Saddam Hussein's arsenal. At the
worst, Saddam's biological or chemical weapons could take out a
neighborhood or send a drifting poison cloud through a city. But what I'm
talking about is a movement so massive it could bring down the West -- the
entire civilization of the West. No one thought that imperial Egypt or Rome
would fall -- but they did.

So do you agree with Oriana Fallaci's characterization of the war on
terrorism as a clash of civilizations?

Before 9/11, I would never have believed it, but I do now. For years I was
saying that the study of world religions in higher education will lead us
toward mutual understanding and world peace and so on and so forth.
Well, the attack on the World Trade Center opened my eyes. After a
decade of government neglect of this issue, we now face an entire
generation of ruthless young Islamic men who have been radicalized. The
solution is not to bomb Baghdad but to win over the Muslim center, which
has been alarmingly passive. We need a cultural war -- one certainly
enforced by targeted military strikes and espionage directed at terror
cells and leaders, like the Predator attack on that jeep in Yemen. Boom!
Perfect -- out of nowhere comes a missile that takes them out. Fantastic!
We need small, mobile units of special forces deployed everywhere, stealth
operatives -- kidnapping terrorists and debriefing and neutralizing them.
Undercover activity is the way to go. But this kind of conventional war
that Bush has planned for Iraq won't get to the root of the problem. All
Bush is doing is shifting moderate Muslims in sympathy toward the radical

There may be an apparent immediate victory in Iraq, but we'll be winning
the battle and losing the war. The real war is for the hearts and minds of
the Islamic world. We don't want a world where Americans can't travel
abroad without fearing for their lives -- or even within our borders, where
a small cell of fanatics can blow up a railway station or bridge or tunnel.

You mentioned that you don't think much of Rumsfeld -- how about the
other members of the Bush foreign policy and national security team. What
do you think about Condi Rice, for instance?

I've been a longtime admirer of Condoleezza Rice, because I like her
articulateness and style -- her toughness and rigor. However, she might be
a great national security advisor, but I'm not sure she has the touch and
finesse that are needed for international relations. I like how she huddles
with Bush to watch football and hash out strategy. She's got a military
mind. I love her steeliness, but there's something a little harsh in her view
of the world. She lacks the human touch. There's something a little off-
putting about someone who has no evident romantic relationships, who
sees life as basically a chessboard. One of the great moments in American
politics would be if Cheney is out as V.P. the next time around, and Bush
puts Rice -- a black woman -- on the ticket. That would put Hillary in her
place! [laughs]

What do you think of Colin Powell's role these days?

It's not very clear, is it? It goes back and forth. He's caught in the middle,
so that his public image has become blurred. His language is usually so
bland and vacuous that he's drowned out by Rumsfeld. By the time Powell
made his presentation of hard evidence to the U.N. Security Council this
week, he had a credibility problem. His words no longer had the weight
they once had. The administration should have been publishing
reconnaissance photos six months ago. After all this buildup, I was hoping
to see something more formidable than amateurish peekaboo games by
Saddam's underlings.

It doesn't seem that Rice or any other member of the Bush inner team has
spent any real time in the Mideast.

No, they have no visceral feeling for the people of that complex region.
The Middle East has been a seething crucible for thousands of years. All
the border lines there are provisional -- they're always being drawn and
redrawn. So this is madness -- even trying to sustain Iraq as a national
entity after destroying Saddam's tyranny. Iraq is just a self-serving idea that
the British had at the end of the Ottoman empire. It's a cauldron of
warring tribesmen. Clinton never understood this either -- about the
Mideast or the Balkans. He just wanted everyone to get along. What
naiveté! The fierce animosities, the blood memory in those parts of the
world. I understand it from my family background in Italy. We have long
memories: Things that happened decades or centuries ago are as vivid as
today -- it's tribal memory. That's what the Bush administration is missing
about Iraq. They think that destroying Saddam will create a nation of
happy Iraqis.

Another thing is that Saddam thinks of himself as the heir of Babylon and
Assyria. Most Americans don't understand the pride that he and his people
have in that history. They want to revive it. It's exactly the way Americans
take pride in our roots and our founding fathers and want to spread
American values around the world. It looks illogical to the Arab world when
we say, "Well, of course we have thousands of nuclear weapons, but you
can't have any." They don't see why the U.S. thinks it can decide which
sovereign nations should have nuclear weapons and which cannot.

What do you think of the ambitious scenario put forth by many intellectual
hawks in and around the Bush administration, who predict that by
destroying Saddam, the U.S. can reorder the entire Middle East
chessboard, making it a haven for Western-style democracy?

It's a utopian fantasy that will have a high price in bloodshed. We already
have one democracy over there, Israel -- and it's being shattered by wave
after wave of atrocities. War on Iraq may destabilize pro-American regimes
there. Who knows how long the Saudi regime can survive the aftereffects
of a war?

Of course some of these hawks would say, "Who cares if the Saudi regime
falls -- they're corrupt and their society breeds terrorism and they're not
trustworthy allies."

Yes, but who's going to take over Arabia -- the strongest alternative is the
radical Muslims. What if Egypt goes? The dream of the radical Islamic
movement is to topple all of the secular, pro-West governments in the
Middle East. Americans may say, "Oh, that can never happen." Well, yes it
can -- because of the discipline and rigor of these radical, self-contained
belief systems.

How will war with Iraq affect the volatile Israel-Palestine powder keg?

For years in my Salon column, I questioned the automatic way the
American government gave billions of dollars a year to Israel without
putting pressure on Israeli policy toward the displaced Palestinians. The
American major media were cowardly in avoiding the issue. The best time
to have created a Palestinian state was 20 years ago. But at this point the
situation is probably too inflamed. So the American media's inertness
"enabled" the Israeli government, allowing it to stay addicted to our
profligate funding. Hence compromises were not made when peaceful
relations between Israel and the Palestinians were possible. The suicide
bombings of the past two years have disillusioned me with the Palestinian
cause. Now I believe we have an ethical obligation to support Israel.

If our incursion into Iraq succeeds, it will clearly strengthen Israel. But if it
doesn't, and there's a domino effect of destabilized Mideastern
governments, then Israel is in mortal danger. It's so foolish to add more
negative energy to that explosive chemical mix in the Mideast. Why give
Islamic militants one more major grievance against us? This one will be even
more massive than the U.S. leaving military bases on Saudi soil after the
Gulf War, which added fuel to bin Laden's crusade to radicalize young

What do you think of the antiwar movement that is taking shape in the

Well, I had great hopes for it but am discouraged. I turned on C-SPAN with
great excitement to watch the big march in Washington last month. But
talk about shooting yourself in the foot! Several speakers were good, but
most of them tried to drag all sorts of extraneous issues into it -- calling
Bush a "moron," accusing America of imperialistic ambitions, "No blood for
oil" -- all these clichés. When fringe, paleo-leftist voices take over the
platform, it drives away the moderate, mainstream people in this country
who have nagging doubts about this war. I just don't believe the polls
claiming overwhelming public support for the war. I'm skeptical about the
way the pollsters are asking the questions. I don't know anyone who's
wholeheartedly for this war.

Whatever support the administration would have going into the war might
prove fleeting if there are significant casualties, or the occupation proves
costly and messy, don't you think?

Yes, but I don't want it ever to get to that point. You know, we've been
bombing Iraq for years, because of the conditions imposed on Saddam
after the last Gulf War -- the no-fly zones and so on. In effect, we've been
in a state of war for over a decade there. It's not like we've been ignoring
Saddam and merrily letting him do whatever he wants.

If we do go to war, I pray it's a brief incursion. But this idea of occupying
Iraq! When we need those billions here. Our medical care system is
staggering, inner-city education is still a mess, the elderly are in straitened
circumstances, and Social Security is in jeopardy, and we're going to
spend all this money not only in bombing Iraq but then building it again
from the rubble and governing it? This is madness!

Why aren't more public figures speaking out about the war, both pro and
con, outside of the usual circles? I mean, on the antiwar side, of course,
we have some high-profile Hollywood liberals like Sean Penn and Susan
Sarandon ...

Yes, that's one of the problems. Of course actors have a right and even
obligation to speak out. But so many of them -- not Sarandon, whom I
respect -- come across as witless or knee-jerk. They question Bush's
intelligence, or they sneer and snort. They don't sound fully mature; they
don't sound like they've fully considered the complexity of the positions
that any president and his administration have to take. The infestation of
the issue by posturing celebrities and the usual suspects on the fruitcake
far left make people think, "I don't want to be one of them."

And then there are the intellectuals like Susan Sontag and Noam Chomsky
who've made a career abroad out of anti-Americanism. Sontag's made no
secret of her lifelong adulation of all things European. My take is different:
My immigrant family escaped poverty in Italy, and so I look at America in a
very positive, celebratory way. So I'm reluctant to become part of this easy
chorus of anti-Americanism.

I also don't want to do anything to undermine national morale, if we are
indeed going to war. It's wrong to be divisive when families have parents or
children in danger on the front lines. I don't want to add to their grief.

Do you think war is a certainty at this point?

I'm still hoping against hope that somehow backstage pressure on Saddam
from Arab regimes will finally force him to accept exile in some plush
pleasure spot. It's so late in the day now. The media should have been
focusing six months ago on who the Iraqi people are, on the history and
dynamics of the region.

If I could, I would assign everyone to watch "Gone With the Wind" -- which
is dismissed these days as an apologia for slavery. But that movie beautifully
demonstrates the horrors of war. Everyone is so wildly enthused for war at
the start, but Ashley Wilkes says, "At the end of a war, no one remembers
what they're fighting for." It shows the destruction of a civilization, the
slaughter of a whole generation of young men, and people reduced to
squalid, animal-like subsistence conditions. And that's what's missing right
now, as we prepare to march off to Baghdad -- a recognition of the
horrors and tragic waste of war.

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About the writer
David Talbot is Salon's founder and editor in chief.

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