-Caveat Lector-

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To:                     cia-drugs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:                   Tom Mooney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Tue, 11 Feb 2003 08:15:13 -0800 (PST)
Subject:                [CIA-DRUGS] Zapped by Yahoo!!!
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This was an article I tried to send Sunday but Yahoo
bounced me off Yahoo Groups and stopped all my
incoming e-mail from yahoo Groups. I sent it under the
subject "Vietnam, CIA-Drugs, and JFK". I don't know if
it was a glitch or something more sinister but Let's
try it again. Thanks to Lisa for posting URL.

 Vietnam, the CIA's Illegal Drug Trafficking, and
JFK's Assassination:
 An Overview of Michael Collins Piper's "Final

by Victor Thorn

  NOTE: The information below is derived from Michael
Collins Piper’s Final Judgment. My role is that of a
reviewer, and all credit for the research must be
given to Mr. Piper. I urge everyone to purchase a copy
of this book.
Final Judgment is published by The Center for
Historical Review, 132 Third Street, SE, Washington,
DC, 20003 (1-888-699-NEWS)

Perhaps the biggest secret of the Vietnam War is that
our Central Intelligence Agency seized control of the
infamous Golden Triangle during that time period,
then, along with assistance from various elements of
Organized Crime, shipped huge amounts of heroin out of
that area into our country. Because piles of money
were being made from this practice and many others,
those who stood to profit from this horrendous war –
the armament manufacturers, bankers, military men, and
drug dealers – met any suggestion to withdraw from
Vietnam with immediate consternation. But that’s
exactly what John F. Kennedy intended to do upon
re-election. In fact, he had already planned on
telling the American people that their troops would be
back home by 1965. Think about this momentous decision
for a moment. If we had exited Vietnam by 1965, EIGHT
years of bloodshed in the jungles and civil unrest on
America’s streets and campuses could have been

Michael Collins Piper writers in Final Judgment:
“Kennedy’s intended change in Vietnam policy – his
plan to unilaterally withdraw from the imbroglio –
infuriated not only the CIA but elements in the
Pentagon and their allies in the
military-industrial-complex. By this time, of course,
the Lansky Syndicate had already set-up international
heroin running from Southeast Asia through the
CIA-linked Corsican Mafia in the Mediterranean. The
joint Lansky-CIA operations in the international drug
racket were a lucrative venture that thrived as a
consequence of deep U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia
as a cover for drug smuggling activities.”

Piper’s simple one-paragraph explanation may be the
most concise overview of the Vietnam War ever written.
The military men and defense contractors were making
out like bandits from the War Machine, while the CIA
crooks and Lansky-led Mobsters (via Santo Traficante
as the major wheeler-dealer) were likewise padding
their pockets. Author Peter Dale Scott, in Deep
Politics and the Death of JFK, said of this
phenomenon, “The flood of drugs into this country
since WWII was one of the major ‘unspeakable’ secrets
leading to the ongoing cover-up of the Kennedy

To provide a broader perspective on this situation,
Professor Alfred McCoy stated in The Politics of
Heroin, “Since the prohibition of narcotics in 1920,
alliances between drug brokers and intelligence
agencies have protected the global narcotics traffic.
Given the frequency of such alliances, there seems a
natural attraction between intelligence agencies and
criminal syndicates. Both are practitioners of what
one retired CIA operative has called the ‘clandestine
arts’ – the basic skill of operating outside the
normal channels of civil society. Among all the
institutions of modern society, intelligence agencies
and crime syndicates alone maintain large
organizations capable of carrying out covert
operations without fear of detection.”

On the government side, the two main Golden Triangle
runners were Ted Schackley and Thomas Clines – the
same two men who ran Operation Mongoose (the plot to
take out Fidel Castro). Thus, from 1960-1975, the CIA
deployed a secret force of 30,000 Hmong tribesmen to
fight the Laotian Communists. They also created heroin
labs in this area; then brought it out via their own
private airline – Air America.

Alfred McCoy, in The Politics of Heroin: CIA
Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, describes how the
CIA first gave smack to our own American soldiers in
Vietnam before shipping it into the United States,
where Lansky mobsters dealt it on the streets.

Sam Giancana’s biographers reinforced this point by
stating that while organized crime did its thing, “The
CIA looked the other way – allowing over $100 million
a year in illicit drugs to flow through Havana into
the U.S. It was an arrangement similar to all the rest
they’d made. The CIA received 10% of the take on the
side of narcotics, which they utilized for their
undercover slush fund.”

After the Mob and the CIA generated this dirty money,
they laundered it into secret bank accounts controlled
by the international bankers. That way, the government
couldn’t get their hands on it and the funds could be
invested in the stock market, loaned out to other
businesses on the take, or channeled into the Secret
Services’ black budgets.

So, even though the above information is only the tip
of the iceberg, now do you see why it was so important
to the CIA/Mobster/international banker cabal that JFK
didn’t pull America out of Vietnam? The money (via
illegal drug trafficking and for the War Machine) was
incredible, while CONTROL of another area of the globe
(the Golden Triangle) was secured.

As a final note, only FOUR DAYS after John Kennedy was
assassinated, Lyndon Baines Johnson, his successor,
put his name on NSAM 273, which secured our increased
involvement in Southeast Asia. These guys weren’t
wasting any time! Within a few short months, our
involvement in Vietnam went from 20,000 troops to a
quarter of a million! The CIA had won, and ten years
later 57,000 American soldiers were dead - truly
shocking and abysmal behavior – an embarrassment and
blight on the American consciousness.

NEXT WEEK: The Media’s complicity in JFK’s



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"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator."

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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