-Caveat Lector-

Preparing for War Part II - Sheltering
By The Sierra Times
It should be made clear that as this information comes from various
government documents, you'll see the word "authorities" used often. Here
at the News Ranch, you can replace the word "authorities" with "person or
people on hand having the greatest amount of firepower." As you will see
in what you read below, "government" or "authorities", will probably be far,
far way from you in most cases.

Taking shelter is often a critical element in protecting yourself and your
household in times of disaster. Sheltering can take several forms. In- place
sheltering is appropriate when conditions require that you seek
protection in your home, place of employment, or wherever you are
located when disaster strikes. In-place sheltering may either be short-
term, such as going to a safe room for a fairly short period while a tornado
warning is in effect or while a chemical cloud passes. It may also be longer-
term, as when you stay in your home for several days without electricity
or water services following a winter storm.

We also use the term "shelter" for Mass Care facilities that provide a place
to stay, along with food and water, to people who evacuate before or
following a disaster. The appropriate steps to take in preparing for and
implementing short-term in-place sheltering depends entirely on the
emergency situation. For instance, during a tornado warning you should go
to an underground room, if such a room is available. During a chemical
release, on the other hand, you should seek shelter in a room above
ground level. Because of these differences, short-term in-place shelter is
described in the chapters dealing with specific hazards. This chapter
describes steps you should take to prepare for long-term in-place
sheltering and for staying in a mass care shelter if you evacuate.

Long-term in-place sheltering.

Sometimes disasters make it unsafe for people to leave their residence for
extended periods. Winter storms, floods, and landslides may isolate
individual households and make it necessary for each household to take
care of its own needs until the disaster abates, such as when snows melt
and temperatures rise, or until rescue workers arrive. Your household
should be prepared to be self-sufficient for three days when cut off from
utilities and from outside supplies of food and water.

1. Stay in your shelter until local authorities say it's okay to leave. The
length of your stay can range from a few hours to two weeks. 2. Maintain a
24-hour communications and safety watch. Take turns listening for radio
broadcasts. Take note of the 50,000 watt clear-channel stations. These are
the AM stations from far away that you can hear at night. .
3. Assemble an emergency toilet, if necessary. . Use a garbage container,
pail or bucket with a snug-fitting cover. If the container is small, use a
larger container with a cover for waste disposal. Line both containers with
plastic bags. . After each use, pour or sprinkle a small amount of regular
household disinfectant, such as chlorine bleach, into the container to
reduce odors and germs. Or - dig a hole, sit between two logs. Use a fresh
leaves to wipe, bury when done.

Managing water supplies

Water is critical for survival. Plan to have about one gallon of water per
person per day for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene. You may need
more for medical emergencies. 1. Allow people to drink according to their
need. The average person should drink between two and two-and-one-half
quarts of water or other liquids per day, but many people need more. This
will depend on age, physical activity, physical condition and time of year.
2. Never ration water unless ordered to do so by authorities. Drink the
amount you need today and try to find more for tomorrow. Under no
circumstances should a person drink less than one quart of water each
day. You can minimize the amount of water your body needs by reducing
activity and staying cool.
3. Drink water that you know is not contaminated first. If necessary,
suspicious water, such as cloudy water from regular faucets or muddy
water from streams or ponds, can be used after it has been treated. If
water treatment is not possible, put off drinking suspicious water as long
as possible, but do not become dehydrated.
4. In addition to stored water, other sources include: . Melted ice cubes.
. Water drained from the water heater faucet, if the water heater has not
been damaged. . Water dipped from the flush tanks (not the bowls) of
home toilets. Bowl water can be used for pets. . Liquids from canned
goods such as fruit and vegetable juices.
5. Carbonated beverages do not meet drinking- water requirements.
Caffeinated drinks and alcohol dehydrate the body, which increases the
need for drinking water.
6. If water pipes are damaged or if local authorities advise you, turn off the
main water valves to prevent water from draining away in case the water
main breaks. . The pipes will be full of water when the main valve is closed.
. To use this water, turn on the faucet at the highest point in your house
(which lets air into the system). . Then draw water, as needed, from the
lowest point in your house, either a faucet or the hot water tank.
7. Unsafe water sources include: . Radiators. . Hot water boilers (home
heating system). . Water beds (fungicides added to the water or chemicals
in the vinyl may make water unsafe to use). . Swimming pools and spas
(chemicals used in them to kill germs are too concentrated for safe
drinking, but can be used for personal hygiene, cleaning and related uses).

Water treatment

Treat all water of uncertain purity before using it for drinking, food
washing or preparation, washing dishes, brushing teeth or making ice. In
addition to having a bad odor and taste, contaminated water can contain
microorganisms that cause diseases such as dysentery, cholera, typhoid
and hepatitis. There are many ways to treat water. None is perfect. Often
the best solution is a combination of methods. Before treating, let any
suspended particles settle to the bottom, or strain them through layers of
clean cloth. Following are four treatment methods.

The first three methods-boiling, chlorination and water treatment tablets-
will kill microbes but will not remove other contaminants such as heavy
metals, salts, most other chemicals and radioactive fallout. The final
method-distillation- will remove microbes as well as most other
contaminants, including radioactive fallout. Boiling is the safest method of
treating water. . Boiling water kills harmful bacteria and parasites. Bringing
water to a rolling boil for 1 minute will kill most organisms. Let the water
cool before drinking. . Boiled water will taste better if you put oxygen
back into it by pouring it back and forth between two containers. This will
also improve the taste of stored water.

Chlorination uses liquid chlorine bleach to kill microorganisms such as
bacteria. . Use regular household liquid bleach that contains no soap or
scents. Some containers warn, "Not For Personal Use." You can disregard
these warnings if the label states sodium hypochlorite as the only active
ingredient and if you use only the small quantities mentioned in these
instructions. . Add six drops (1/8 teaspoon) of unscented bleach per gallon
of water, stir and let stand for 30 minutes. If the water does not taste and
smell of chlorine at that point, add another dose and let stand another 15
minutes. This treatment will not kill parasitic organisms. . If you do not
have a dropper, use a spoon and a square-ended strip of paper or thin
cloth about 1/4 inch by 2 inches. Put the strip in the spoon with an end
hanging down about 1/2 inch below the scoop of the spoon. Place bleach
in the spoon and carefully tip it. Drops the size of those from a medicine
dropper will drip off the end of the strip. Water treatment "purification"
tablets release chlorine or iodine. They are inexpensive and available at
most sporting goods stores and some drugstores. Follow the package
directions carefully.

NOTE: People with hidden or chronic liver or kidney disease may be
adversely affected by iodized tablets and may experience worsened health
problems as a result of ingestion. Iodized tablets are safe for healthy,
physically fit adults and should be used only if you lack the supplies for
boiling, chlorination and distillation.

Distillation involves boiling water and collecting the vapor that condenses
back to water. The condensed vapor may include salt or other impurities. .
Fill a pot halfway with water. . Tie a cup to the handle on the pot's lid so
that the cup hangs right side up when the lid is upside-down (make sure
the cup is not dangling into the water). . Boil for 20 minutes. The water
that drips from the lid into the cup is distilled.

Managing food supplies

1. It is important to be sanitary when storing, handling and eating food. .
Keep food in covered containers. Keep cooking and eating utensils clean.
Keep garbage in closed containers and dispose outside. Bury garbage, if
necessary (controlled burning is better). Avoid letting garbage accumulate
inside, both for fire and sanitation reasons. Keep hands clean. Wash
frequently with soap and water that has been boiled or disinfected.

Be sure to wash: - Before preparing or eating food.
- After toilet use.
- After participating in flood cleanup activities.
- After handling articles contaminated with floodwater or sewage.

2. Carefully ration food for everyone except children and pregnant
women. Most people can remain relatively healthy with about half as much
food as usual and can survive without any food for several days.

3. Try to avoid foods high in fat and protein, since they will make you
thirsty. Try to eat salt- free crackers, whole grain cereals and canned
foods with high liquid content.

4. For emergency cooking, heat food with candle warmers, chafing dishes
and fondue pots, or use a fireplace. Charcoal grills and camp stoves are for
outdoor use only.

5. Commercially canned food can be eaten out of the can without
warming. Before heating food in a can, remove the label, thoroughly wash
the can, and then disinfect them with a solution consisting of one cup of
bleach in five gallons of water, and open before heating. Re-label your
cans, including expiration date, with a marker. . Do not eat foods from
cans that are swollen, dented or corroded even though the product may
look okay to eat. . Do not eat any food that looks or smells abnormal, even
if the can looks normal. .

Discard any food not in a waterproof container if there is any chance that
it has come into contact with contaminated floodwater. Food containers
with screw-caps, snap-lids, crimped caps (soda pop bottles), twist caps,
flip tops, snap-open, and home canned foods should be discarded if they
have come into contact with floodwater because they cannot be
disinfected. For infants, use only pre-prepared canned baby formula. Do
not use powdered formulas with treated water.

6. Your refrigerator will keep foods cool for about four hours without
power if it is left unopened. Add block or dry ice to your refrigerator if
the electricity will be off longer than four hours. Thawed food usually can
be eaten if it is still "refrigerator cold," or re-frozen if it still contains ice
crystals. To be safe, remember, "When in doubt, throw it out." Discard any
food that has been at room temperature for two hours or more, and any
food that has an unusual odor, color, or texture. If you are without power
for a long period: . Ask friends to store your frozen foods in their freezers
if they have electricity. . Inquire if freezer space is available in a store,
church, school, or commercial freezer that has electrical service. . Use
dry ice, if available. Twenty-five pounds of dry ice will keep a ten-cubic-
foot freezer below freezing for 3-4 days. Use care when handling dry ice,
and wear dry, heavy gloves to avoid injury.

Staying in a mass care shelter

The American Red Cross and Salvation Army, assisted by community and
other disaster relief groups, work with local authorities to set up public
shelters in schools, municipal buildings and churches. While they often
provide water, food, medicine and basic sanitary facilities, you should plan
to have your own supplies as well-especially water. See the "Emergency
Planning and Disaster Supplies" chapter for more details.

1. Cooperate with shelter managers and others staying in the shelter.
Living with many people in a confined space can be difficult and
2. Restrict smoking to designated areas that are well-ventilated. Ensure
that smoking materials are disposed of safely.
3. If you go to an emergency shelter, remember that alcoholic beverages
and weapons are prohibited in government shelters. Pets, except for
service animals, are also not allowed in public shelters. We also wouldn't
suggest it of there is little food around. Spot just may become someone's
dinner. Hide your guns. If you have an arsenal, a public shelter is not the
place for you.

Coming up Next: What to do when Team Jihad hits Home

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