-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:515094">A Hidden Room - conspiracy web
site is open
Subject: A Hidden Room - conspiracy web site is open
Date: Thu, Apr 15, 1999 9:07 PM
Message-id: <7f6ghr$vec$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>From assassination to vaccine contamination, mind control and the octopus, a
hidden room covers a variety of subjects which affect our lives and sounds a
wake up call for the naive among us.

The site address is http://www3.bc.sympatico.ca/mindgame/hiddenroom/index.html

You are welcome to submit suggested links and forward articles of concern.


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<A HREF="http://www3.bc.sympatico.ca/mindgame/hiddenroom/index.html">A Hidden

A Hidden Room

In A Hidden Room can be found doors to a variety of topics which tend to
be buried under our carpets. The darker sides of our experiences can be
examined here.

aspartame - look at the first three letters and ask yourself if someone
intended to market poison as a sweetener (appropriately ironic).
Apparently, it was once listed by the pentagon as a biochemical warfare

fluoride - have you been drinking bitter water?

vaccine contamination - mankind innoculates himself with vaccines
cultured from animals and creates new plagues.

JFK - why was the coup master, General Ed Lansdale, on site in Dallas?
He's been positively ID'd by big guns, General Victor Krulak and Col.
Fletcher Prouty.

MKUltra - definitely not suitable for children. The horrors behind these
doors are difficult to come to grips with even for the hardened
researcher. A good introduction to this subject is The Manchurian
Candidate. The fragmenting of personalities for the creation of mind
control slaves involves torture and hypnosis, often started at a very
young age. What Dr. Cameron did to his patients was only the beginning.
Lack of awareness of these types of shadow government programs allows
them to continue. For the good of your fellow man, please open your
eyes, have the courage to enter this doorway.

the octopus - Danny Casolaro died trying to get this information to you,
and this investigative reporter has had to go into hiding. She writes
under an alias. Those wishing to understand how the beast can gain world
domination should look closely at the Inslaw stolen software case.

the money changers - is it time to throw them out of the temple? A few
presidents have tried, even Jesus was steaming mad, yet here they are...

Col. L. Fletcher Prouty - Col. Prouty tells it as he recalls and gives
us all the gift of insight into the mechanics behind the development of
the modern military industrial world. His experiences with the overt and
covert control of world governments are first hand. From assassinations
to coups, third world debt and Indonesia, Col. Prouty has some
surprising answers.

Mae Brussell - an exremely dedicated conspiracy researcher, the archives
of Mae Brussell can help us unravel an intricate power network which
embraces and seeks to control.

testimonial - at the time unnoticed by the Vancouver police, several of
us witnessed the severe police beating of a man who offered no
resistance once he was arrested.

copyright - the protectionist stopper of progress.

conspiracy links - here are some web sites to check out.

Perhaps it is most healthy to remember that to conspire is in human
nature, and not always to the detriment of the greater good. We do not
need to persecute those who fall by the moral wayside, all we need to do
is change the frameworks which allow victimization and abuse of power
and a natural evolution of change results. Instead of fearing change, we
can learn how to embrace it.

A good place to start is to lift the veil of naive trust. For those with
eyes to see, let them have the courage to look. For those with ears to
listen, let them find the wisdom to understand. Ultimately, if there is
corruption, it is because we have allowed it. We are responsible.

A first positive step is to take responsibility for the fact that there
may be many instances in which we continually allow ourselves to be
deceived. A second positive step is to shed ourselves of the invisible
culprit, the hidden "they". "They" did this. "They" are out to get us.
By resorting to such a depersonalized system of identification, we
remove people from the overall picture, replacing them with a robot
fantasy model fitting to our imaginations. Ultimately, we betray the
most valuable and precious gift we have, free individual thought. The
moment we decide what any other person is thinking, we rob that person
of the right to be heard as an individual. We also have much more
difficulty confronting a ghostly "they" as opposed to the real humans
involved. "They" are vast and untouchable, leaving us feeling helpless.

To suggest that there is one huge global conspiracy would be a
disservice to the individual. The unpredictability of the individual
causes the strength of a conspiracy to be directly related to the number
of people who don't know about it. In other words, if you want a
conspiracy to be successful, keep it a secret. On the other hand, this
does not exclude the possibility of using many unwitting participants to
fulfill the objectives of the conpiracy. There are ways to broaden a
conspiracy and keep it somewhat under wraps. Blackmail and threats may
be of some use. Then there's "need to know". Ah yes, "need to know". How
many things may be kept from you for reasons of "need to know"?

How many people innocently go about their jobs not realizing that their
actions support a corrupt framework. "It's not my department" may be
translated to "it hurts to think about it...go away!"

Worldwide, we have people sleeping on the job. What would happen if we
suddenly started to wake up? What if we could see how much difference
our every move makes, what if we were to take the time to look rather
than just passively accept? Could we take control of this machine? Would
it cease to be an irrational and destructive beast, consuming everything
in its path? Can we tame leviathan and lift ourselves up?

These eyes have seen a flicker of light, awareness in the common man.
The many hues of man form a diverse spectre. Man means "thought", so we
are destined by our designation to be aware.

When the world seems to be closing in on us, there are those who may
remind us that not everything is doom and gloom. A visit to the Sun Room
 can help shake the darkness which lurks in A Hidden Room.

a big house | sun room | alchemist kitchen | recreation room | control
booth | work shop

Mind Gallery | Electric Fungus Patch | Melting Point | progressive music

Col. L. Fletcher Prouty | Mae Brussell | conspiracy links

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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