-Caveat Lector-
Practically the entire (traditional) English language is comprised of 'corrupted' words from older tongues. That doesn't make them non-genuine.
However, one imagines the reason why there is no 'genuine' word for Poodle in Arabic may be similar to why there's no 'genuine' word for Haggis in the Navajo language. ;-)
----- Original Message -----
From: RevCOAL
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 12:49 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Poodle Piddle
>So while everyone in Britain knows exactly what is meant by describing
>Tony Blair as President Bush's poodle, Arabs are usually baffled. There isn't,
>in fact, a genuine Arabic word for poodle.

There isn't, in fact, a genuine ENGLISH word for poodle either; the word is a corruption of the original German name for the breed, 'pudle', the same word from which we get 'puddle'...which hints at the original purpose for the breed, which was as a German water spaniel used for hunting, rather than as a lapdog...



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