-Caveat Lector-

Arab News

The Clique Pushing US to Confrontation
Abdullah Hassan, Special to Arab News
Published on 18 February 2003

A popular Arab saying goes like this: "Your true friend is the one who tells
you the truth, not the
one who believes you."

Many friends of the US are reluctant to tell the US the truth since it will
only accept the half truths imposed upon it by a Cold War clique
manipulating the post Sept. 11 American psyche though their views and
agenda were developed well before Sept. 11.

Of course this generalization does not include US administration figures
who are not part of this clique, but they can only play a limited
moderating influence on American policy since the clouded legitimacy of
the present US administration was given a life of its own by the reaction of
the administration and the public to the events of Sept. 11, and no one
was willing to take action that might affect this new legitimacy.

There is nothing like a sense of despair and national catastrophe to rally
the people around the flag, and the administration exploited this fact to
the hilt regardless of the possible long-term negative consequenc-es to
the American people and the world. This manifested itself in the
institution of policies that diminish the very prerogatives enjoyed
constitutionally by the American people yet promoted internationally by
the US administration. In other words, the US is promoting ideals abroad
that it is negat-ing at home. This shows how fragile these American ideals

This will was brutally exploited by a deliberate policy advocating policies of
fear and hatred supported by truths, half-truths, outright fabrications of
fact and fiction that left many Americans bewildered and look-ing under
their bed every night. Without these politics of fear, the administration
and specifically the Justice Department could not have rolled over
Congress and the courts to go along with its constitutional transgressions.

Very few people in the world did not feel anger at what the US suffered,
and very few did not applaud the American response to the terrorists that
committed their senseless act. Yet many in the world watched sadly, as
the war on terrorism got sidetracked from its original purpose, to include
the dictates of the Cold War warriors and the neocon-servatives allied with
Zionist Christians, who control the policy-making functions of the US
administration. This clique and their supporters like Thomas Friedman,
George Will, William Safire, and others, convinced America that it is not
important to know why the US was unpopular, subjected to an attack of
unheard of proportions, and that what was important was to respond to
the ter-rorist attack. However flawed this argument is, it does make sense
coming from a group that does not want to advertise the fact that their
push through the years of American support for Israel’s brutal suppression
of the Palestine people in particular, and Arabs in general, is a main cause
of the events of 9/11. Exposing and publicizing this fact might have led to a
popular demand that the US re-examine its Middle East policy, which can
only reflect negatively on this clique, and its ideological approach to

In spite of all American protestations, this clique pushed the US into a
confronta-tion with the Arab and Islamic nations not because it is a
confrontation between two cultures or civilizations, however different
that may naturally be, but because there is a real divide between a
minority in the two camps, and in the US it is strongly represented by the
clique governing the policy making functions in the administra-tion. Their
strength and influence is not a secret and is known to every respectable
political journalist or observer, and refer-ences to the clique and the
subjecting of America’s policies and interests to Israel’s is an open secret,
however much they deny it in spite of the glaring facts. The interest of
this clique is to maneuver the president and the US, into so-called gradual
positions that would make it impossible for the US or for the president to
backtrack from the clique’s ultimate goal. A clear example of this is the
Iraqi question.

President Bush and his lieutenants declare again and again that military
action against Iraq is not inevitable. If so, will the president be able
politically to bring back all the American military assets sent to the Middle
East, at a cost of billions of dollars to the American taxpayer, without a
war to justify the billions spent on a war that never was. The answer is a
resounding NO since it will lead not only to a one-term Bush presidency,
but also to the routing of the Republican Party, and the ideological clique
leading the country from one confrontation to another. Of course the
latest confronta-tion is with America’s allies in Europe, where the absolute
majority in the European nations if not their governments, are against the
war for many reasons, among them the fact that they simply do not see
the need for an unjust and destabilizing war because the US and its
governing clique say so, and nothing presented by the US as evidence can
be considered reliable or acceptable. On the other hand, it would be
foolish to con-sider a European anti-war stance as being pro-Iraqi as it is
really a position against American hegemony and arrogance that has
exceeded all acceptable parameters.

America does not need enemies around every corner to survive; nor does
it need wars to prove its supremacy.

Courtesy: Al-Hayat

Opinion 18 February 2003

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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

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