-Caveat Lector-

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From:                   Jim Rarey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Thu, 20 Feb 2003 04:28:32 -0500


by Jim Rarey

February 20, 2003


If the conclusion in the Columbia tragedy is not controversial, the investigators
themselves will more than make up for it. What with NASA spokespersons contradicting 
other, theories being put forth, then dismissed only to be postulated again and finally
admitting to the obvious, if the public isn't confused, they aren't paying attention. 
this doesn't even involve the so-called "independent " panel appointed by NASA
Administrator Sean O'Keefe.

Early on the first hypothesis was that tiles had come off that were damaged on takeoff.
Then, that was dismissed since that had been investigated a day or two after liftoff,
using projections and simulations. A few days later that theory was put back on the 
since no better theory arose. That is, no theory they were willing to consider.

Two photographs, one taken in California and the other in Nevada, showed the shuttle
being hit by significant electrical discharges of some kind. NASA's first reaction to 
California picture was that something may have been wrong with the camera or it was
jiggled (although on a tripod) when the photo was snapped accounting for the lightning-
like streak that appeared to hit the Columbia.

However that theory died when the camera manufacturer tested 1.000 identical cameras
(which were digital contrary to initial reports, thus not requiring film to be 
and could not duplicate the phenomenon.

That was before the Nevada photograph surfaced. Then the theory was advanced that the
bolt of electricity could have been a "Pixie" a fairly common phenomenon where, in
certain weather conditions, electrical discharges jump from clouds to the Ionosphere 
vice versa.

That was immediately discounted by outside scientists and meteorologists (who are also
scientists, before I get any hate mail) pointing out that there were no clouds or 
weather conditions at that time. NASA has on several occasions delayed shuttle re-entry
to avoid storm conditions. Since then, NASA and the media have been doing their best to
ignore both images.

Then NASA officials pointed to the fact that, up until then, no debris had been found
west of Texas, which didn't support the eyewitness who said he saw pieces breaking off
the shuttle over California.

However, yesterday (Wednesday) NASA finally admitted the obvious. The shuttle started 
break up over California. Of course any first year physics student, or even common 
would tell one that pieces coming off an object traveling at 21 time the speed of sound
at an altitude of more than 43 miles, would not touch down anywhere near where they 
off. NASA also pledged that any further information would be released through the
"independent" panel.

The NASA charter for the panel has already been revised three times in incremental
efforts to give the perception of independence from NASA. NASA Administrator Sean 
has made all the appointments. In this writer's article of Feb. 8, it was pretty much
established that the panel, as it was constituted then, was loaded with military brass
with connections to the Air Force directed energy weapons programs.

It has been acknowledged that one of the experiments carried out on the Columbia was 
release of two miniature satellites into space from the shuttle. Called 
developed by defense contractor The Aerospace Corporation and funded by DARPA, they are
the precursors of inspector satellites to spy on other full-size satellites.

A local sheriff in Texas has reported some of the shuttle debris recovered is
radioactive. So far there has been no confirmation or denial from NASA. One science
writer claims an experimental night vision multi-spectral telescope that was powered 
by a
new isotope used in nuclear power named Americium -242 was used in the Columbia's
orbiting around the earth to evaluate vapors in Iraq evidencing night-time disposal of
chemical weapons material.

The panel has a momentous task to sort everything out and didn't really need the
unnecessary controversies it has brought on itself (or been visited on it by O'Keefe's

For starters, a NASA spokesperson said O'Keefe appointed the panel the day after the
Columbia crash. However, O'Keefe later told the press that the panel was in place 
the Columbia tragedy as part of a contingency plan following the Challenger disaster.

Two appointments made over the weekend have stirred the pot. The first, Sheila E.
Widnall, a MIT professor seemed innocuous enough although she is also a former Air 
Secretary in the Clinton administration. We now find that she also was a paid 
to the Boeing Corporation. Boeing and its joint venture partner Lockheed Martin in 
Space Alliance manage both the space station and shuttle programs. The joint venture is
shielded from liability in the tragedy as NASA has indemnified it.

MIT and a spinoff (MITRE) are very much involved with the military space program. 
has been joined on the MIT faculty by John Deutch, former Director of the CIA and a
Director of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and CitiGroup.

In 1959, MIT spun off its Lincoln Laboratory as a private company and renamed it MITRE.
Its first Chairman of the Board of Trustees was H. Rowan Gaither.

"In the fall of 1953, Norman Dodd, Director of Research for the Reece Committee, was
invited to the headquarters of the Ford Foundation by its president, H. Rowan Gaither

According to Dodd, Gaither told him: "Mr. Dodd, all of us here at the policy-making 
have had experience, either in O.S.S. or the European Economic Administration, with
directives from the White House. We operate under those directives here. Would you like
to know what those directives are?" Dodd replied that he would. Gaither said: "The
substance of them is that we shall use our grant-making power so to alter our life in 
United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union."

MITRE has been involved in weapons development with the DOD since inception. Its first
facility outside of Massachusetts was at the Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado, home 
the Air Force Space Command. MITRE also developed the unmanned planes the CIA is now
using for reconnaissance (and assassination).

Most of the DOD appropriations for directed energy weapons go to the Air Force. 
the Department of Energy has played a large role in the research and development of the
weapons. At least four of the department's 10 secret laboratories are involved in the
general category of "directed energy" weapons. All ten of the labs are "GOCO's" that is
government owned, contractor operated.

For instance, DOE's Sandia lab located at Kirtland Air Force Base is in the forefront 
directed energy research and experimentation. It has a 23000 square meter building that
houses the world's most powerful gamma simulator. It is capable of generating extremely
short bursts of an electron beam of 13 trillion watts. It is used primarily for
simulating the effects of prompt radiation from a nuclear burst on electronics and
complete military systems. The contractor managing the Sandia lab is Lockheed Martin.

The Air Force operates 14 space weapons programs in space, and at least two ground 
platforms including Sandia and the HAARP installation in Alaska masquerading as a
scientific examination into the effects of high auroral activity on the ionosphere.

O'Keefe's second appointment over the weekend may be the most controversial.  Roger
Tetrault was supposed to quell criticism that the panel's members are too close to 
However, the Orlando Sentinel disclosed the day after his appointment that Tetrault is
former Chairman and CEO of McDermott, International at the same time that O'Keefe was a
director and member of the audit committee on a subsidiary, J. Ray McDermott of which
Tetrault was also the chairman of the board.

Before becoming CEO of McDermott International, Tetrault was vice president of a
McDermott subsidiary, Babcock and Wilcox, which made parts for the shuttles' solid 

Another McDermott subsidiary, BWXT is the sole supplier of nuclear fuel for the U.S. 
and for research and test reactor fuel for DOE's national laboratories. It also 
enriched uranium. In partnership with Bechtel National, Inc. it manages the DOE's Oak
Ridge uranium enrichment operation. Another joint venture of McDermott International
(DynMcDermott) with DynCorp has for the last nine years, and will for the next five
years, manage the DOE's U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

In 1999, during O'Keefe and Tetrault's tenure at J. Ray McDermott, former 
Littleton Edwards Walker pled guilty to one felony count of bid rigging. On May 16, 
the former president of the company, Michael Harless Lam, was indicted on one count of
conspiracy in bid rigging and two counts of mail fraud. As far as this writer can
determine, the above is the first mention in the media of the guilty plea and 
in relation to O'Keefe and Tetrault's involvement with NASA or the Columbia
investigation. But you can bet it won't be the last.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without
profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included 
for research and educational purposes.)

Permission is granted to reproduce this article in its entirety.

The author is a freelance writer based in Romulus, Michigan. He is a former newspaper
editor and investigative reporter, a retired customs administrator and accountant, and 
student of history and the U.S. Constitution.

If you would like to receive Medium Rare articles directly, please contact the author 

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