-Caveat Lector-

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Enron: Under Cover of Dark and the War
By Matt Bivens
The Daily Times Pakistan

There's not much doubt left today that the California energy crisis was an
Enron esque game. Just 10 days ago, a fifth former Enron exec entered a
federal guilty plea

The Enron scandal has all but disappeared from view. Let's check in on it,
shall we?

You remember Enron: It claimed to be making and holding onto lots more
money than it really was; it suckered people, including its own employees,
into believing it was a success; its top executives paid themselves lavishly
and then, when the pyramid shuddered, cashed out early.

That's the usual chronology, but the 800-pound gorilla it omits is the
summer of 2001 in California when "energy traders'' like Enron created a
phony "energy crisis'' in which, for the third summer in a row, they could
ransom their energy for eye-poppingly outrageous sums.

There's not much doubt left today that the California energy crisis was an
Enron esque game. Just 10 days ago, a fifth former Enron exec entered a
federal guilty plea. He admits he and his colleagues intentionally defrauded
Californians intentionally brought about those lucrative power outages.

Enron, of course, wasn't alone. Traders over at Reliant Energy (just
renamed Center point) have been caught on tape laughing about being the
cause of power failures across the West Coast, and then under cover of
dark sneaking away with the public's hard-earned money it was "cool'' and

So, game over, right? There's a consensus that 55 million Californians were
ripped off by the Fraudster 500; now it's just a matter of doling out the jail
time and the public shame, collecting what money can be recovered, and
ordering regulators to prevent it recurring, right?

Uh, no. For starters, Americans have forgotten Enron. We're too busy
duct-taping our windows shut against the possibility of a chemical,
biological or nuclear attack. The press derides the new government civil
defence advice as "duct and cover'' a joking reference to the old "duck-
and-cover'' Cold War drills, in which school kids would hide under their
desks from Comrade Stalin but that hasn't stopped hoarders from buying up
all the flashlights and bottled water in my hometown.

With no one watching, it's back to business as usual and the Bush
administration is eager to do the bidding of the oligarchy sorry, wrong
country, of its favourite "campaign contributors.'' So those Reliant traders
who thought themselves so "cool'' earned their company a playful wrist
slap: Their $13.8 million fine equals 0.03 percent of Reliant's (rape-of-
California) 2001 revenues of $40.8 billion. If Reliant had jacked a Mercedes,
this would be equivalent to a judge ordering it to keep the car but return
any change found behind the seat.

The fine was set by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC and
for anyone who missed the point, the White House just appointed a new
FERC commissioner: Joseph Kelliher, a former aide to Vice President Dick
Cheney. Kelliher was the Enron go-to guy he was once handed Enron's
"dream list'' of government policies and dutifully relayed it to Boss Cheney.

Meanwhile, the man who used to run Enron's corrupt energy trading
division is not only not in trouble, he's secretary of the US Army that,
incredibly, makes him the man in charge of the Army budget. Ken Lay, the
former Enron chief, is also doing well. He's having a day in court soon
because he's suing the US government. He and his wife think the US tax
authorities owe them $130,000 from the mid-1980s.

So this is why they say the first casualty of war is truth. --The Moscow

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written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
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