-Caveat Lector-

France's virtuous Le Monde comes under fire for hypocrisy
Paul Webster in Paris
Sunday February 23, 2003
The Observer

Journalists at Le Monde, a monument of the French media, are awaiting
nervously the publication on Wednesday of an iconoclastic book which
claims the sober journal of record is dishonest, hypocritical and facing

With a daily circulation of more than 400,000 copies, Le Monde's
appearance each afternoon has been a key moment for opinion-makers
ever since De Gaulle confiscated the collaborationist Le Temps to set up
what many believed was the official voice of government in 1945.

But the sedate, almost photo-free, presentation and the ethics of its
independent-minded founder, Hubert Beuve-Méry, gave Le Monde a
special voice of authority and morality. This weekend, as the first extracts
of the book leaked out, Le Monde said it would await publication before
replying but already considered itself the victim of a smear campaign.

A decision by the top-selling weekly, L'Express, to break silence over the
book, The Hidden Face of Le Monde, printed secretly in Spain, has added
to expectations that irritation over the daily's supposedly unjustified
reputation for morality will develop into a press war.

Denis Jeambar, L'Express's chief executive, said that behind Le Monde's
idealistic mask was 'a thirst for power, that uses all the tools of power
traditionally hunted down by the press: cynicism, denunciation,
psychological pressure, abuse of position and autocracy. Today its
credibility is at stake.'

The 600-page book, written by two investigative journalists, Philippe Cohen
and Pierre Péan, accuses Le Monde's editor in chief, Jean-Marie
Colombani; editor, Edwy Plenel; and supervisory board chairman, Alain
Minc - an influential right-wing economist - of hijacking internal policy in a
takeover in 1994.

The trio are alleged to have misused their power to help conservative
political allies, allegedly covering up damaging scandals that might have
harmed their careers. Accusations of attempted tax evasion are made
against Colombani, who raised his salary by 85 per cent to £300,000 a year.

Perhaps the most damaging allegation for a paper in which journalists have
much of the daily control is that the paper's executives have covered up
the precarious financial situation with misleading annual reports.

L'Express, which claims Le Monde journalists live in a 'climate of fear',
published 14 detailed pages but said it had chosen 'neither the cruellest
nor the most shocking' revelations from a book which, according to
Jeambar, undermined Le Monde's claims to the moral high ground.

The publication comes in the wake of a flurry of investigations accusing
the press in general, and particularly Le Monde, of hidden political
compromises that led to the failure to expose economic-political scandals
over the past 25 years, particularly during the Mitterrand era.

Le Monde's case is unique, as the ruling triumvirate is said to have backed
the 1995 presidential campaign of Gaullist former Prime Minister Edouard
Balladur, (Minc was one of his aides) against the eventual winner Jacques

Having chosen the wrong side and then emphasising corruption charges
against Chirac in the run-up to the 2002 election, Le Monde now has
enemies across an administration that runs all France's main institutions.

Jean-Pierre Tailleur, author of a book on French press complacency, said
it was fair to say the paper had lost the moral high ground over the past
few years, but added: 'I hope the reality doesn't turn out to be just
another example of backbiting and jealousy among rival journalists who
hate each other and have scores to pay off.'

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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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