-Caveat Lector-

Arab News

Wolfowitz and His Successfully Evil Cabal
Richard H. Curtiss, Special to Arab News
Published on 23 February 2003

Whatever comes next in the battle against Saddam Hussein, Assistant
Secretary of Defense
Paul Wolfowitz has achieved a life-long aim. He has diverted the search for
a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian problem onto the back burner
while turning up the heat on the problem of Saddam Hussein.

Wolfowitz has a long history working for the government. After completing
his university graduate work, he was a management intern in the Bureau of
the Budget (1966-67), where he began his steady ascent up the
bureaucratic ranks.

As assistant secretary of defense in the current administration, however,
Wolfowitz has come into his own. Some say he considers himself the
administration’s resident intellectual. Whether that is true or not,
Secretary of State Powell is his chief rival for influence in the White

At least once in the Bush administration Powell has come down hard
against Wolfowitz. But Wolfowitz indefatigably bounces right back from
such upsets, all the while pursuing his own private agenda. That agenda is
to deflect attention from the problem of Israel by finding Washington new
enemies anywhere else in the world.

This long-term goal of his has been Wolfowitz’ idée fixe for many years.
Apparently with the president’s blessing, he has elaborated this goal into
calling for the defeat of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and the creation of
a military occupation government. Wolfowitz maintains that, since Saddam
is so hated by his people, once serious military action begins he will fall
rapidly. It will not be terribly long, Wolfowitz argues, before a military
government can be melded into a democratic country, perhaps the first in
the Arab world. The civilian Defense Department official tends to minimize
problems that don’t fit into his world views — such as the fact that Iraq’s
Kurds may have different plans of their own. The country’s Shiites also may
have a different game plan. Waving aside these practical considerations,
Wolfowitz insists that these matters can easily be dealt with later.

There are others, however, who believe that Wolfowitz has a separate
agenda of his own, and who believe, in fact, that Wolfowitz welcomes each
new international problem. He may want the United States to remain
bogged down in various crises and thus give the Israelis more time to
consolidate their own conquest over the Palestinians.

Indeed, some Wolfowitz-watchers warn that he is, in the words of one
conservative, “the most dangerous man in the current administration.”
This is partly because he both advocates hard- line positions and has the
ability to defend them.

One observer has described Wolfowitz and his cohorts as “democratic
imperialists.” In addition, Wolfowitz and other hard-line commentators are
talking about US military action to bring about changes in both Syria and
Iran after subduing Iraq.

Said Hugo Young of The Guardian of Dec. 3, 2002: “In Washington, as well
as in Europe, Paul Wolfowitz is regarded as the most awesome of the hawks
in his appetite for war to overthrow Saddam Hussein. A Republican senator
saw him as a ‘weirdo’ whose views were so dogmatic as to put him outside
the realms of normal debate.”

In a press conference after Sept. 11, 2001, Wolfowitz declared that
American policy “is ending states that sponsor terrorism.” This earned a
public remonstrance from Colin Powell, who said that Wolfowitz “can speak
for himself,” but the US goal is only to end “terrorism.” Wolfowitz’s
enthusiasm for nailing Saddam was thus quashed for the time being, as
Powell and others made it clear that such a widespread war would destroy
the anti-terrorism coalition and infuriate Arab allies.

While this was neither the first nor the last time Wolfowitz and Powell have
clashed, the secretary of state has not totally quashed the assistant
secretary of defense.

Wolfowitz’ knack for the unexpected and his eagerness to deploy
American forces earned him a reputation for both prescience and
nuttiness, in the words of David Plotz. Wolfowitz reportedly has said, for
example, that “a kiloton of prevention is worth a megaton of cure.”

In October 2002, The New York Times published a leak about Wolfowitz and
his coterie. According to the article, Wolfowitz wants an immediate war
with Iraq, believing that the targeting of Afghanistan, an already
impoverished wasteland, falls far short of stopping the global war the
cabalists are seeking. Iraq, however, is just another stepping stone in
turning the “war on terrorism” into a full-blown “Clash of Civilizations,”
where the Islamic religion could become the “enemy image” in a new Cold

The Times also revealed deep divisions within the Bush administration,
describing how the Wolfowitz clique plots behind the backs of Cabinet
officials such as Secretary of State Powell in the name of the US
government. “The group wants to obliterate Iraq, and put the Palestinian
Authority and President Arafat on the terrorism list,” wrote Michele
Steinberg in the Oct. 26, 2001 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

The “Wolfowitz Cabal” is now determined to push the US in the same
direction as Israel’s most dangerous right-wing policy and take on as an
enemy every Islamic nation Israel perceives as a threat. In this Wolfowitz
and his colleague, Richard Perle, seem to have succeeded beyond their
wildest and most fevered dreams.

Richard H. Curtiss is the Executive Editor of the Washington Report on
Middle East Affairs Magazine.

Arab News Opinion 23 February 2003

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