-Caveat Lector- On Sun, 23 Feb 2003, William Shannon wrote:
> <A > HREF="http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/allnews/page.cfm?objectid=12665852&method=full&siteid=50143">http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/allnews/page.cfm?objectid=12665852&method=full& > siteid=50143</A> > > Feb 22 2003 > UN inspectors trash Bush's 'evidence' > From Richard Wallace, US Editor, In New York > > US intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction was "garbage", UN > inspectors said yesterday. > > They claimed "undeniable" evidence that Saddam Hussein was double-dealing > over disarmament was "circumstantial, outdated or completely wrong". > > The weapons team said they found NOTHING at an alleged nuclear research site > shown in satellite pictures to the UN, and NOTHING at a Saddam palace where > they were given precise co-ordinates of incriminating evidence. > > Other claims relating to nuclear research and missiles were also fake. > Claiming the inspectors had been fed "garbage after garbage after garbage" by > President Bush's spy chiefs, one said: "We've better things to do than run > around the country chasing bogus evidence." > > The slapdown came as Tony Blair said he would defy any peace plea from the > Pope, who he meets today. > > Stepping up the "moral" case for war on Iraq, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw > said that reports showed Saddam was planning to use chemical and bio-weapons > against a range of targets. Is that what they call a "Straw Man" argument? POC <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply. Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at: http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html <A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of [EMAIL PROTECTED]</A> http://archive.jab.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ <A HREF="http://archive.jab.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl</A> ======================================================================== To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email: SUBSCRIBE CTRL [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED] To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email: SIGNOFF CTRL [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Om