-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

forwarded from L Moss Sharman Former Mendota circus head gets four years in prison for embezzling Pam Louwagie 2/22/03 "The former head of the Shrine Circus division of the Osman Shrine Temple was sentenced Friday to four years and three months in federal prison for embezzling more than $300,000 from the organization. Robert L. Janecek, 59, of Mendota....Bruno said after the sentencing that other Shriners knew Janecek was getting paid commissions for sales of tickets, concessions and advertising." http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/3668338.html

from backlash
Factors associated with women's risk of rape in the military environment.
Sadler AG, Booth BM, Cook BL, Doebbeling BN. Am J Ind Med 2003 Mar; 43(3):262-73 BACKGROUND: Health hazards specific to women workers have not been
adequately documented. This study assessed military environmental factors
associated with rape occurring during military service, while controlling
for pre-military trauma experiences. METHODS: A national cross-sectional
survey of 558 women veterans serving in Vietnam or in subsequent eras was
obtained through structured telephone interviews. RESULTS: Rape was reported
by 28% (n = 151) of participants, with consistent rates found across eras.
Military environmental factors were associated with increased likelihood of
rape, including: sexual harassment allowed by officers (P < 0.0001),
unwanted sexual advances on-duty (P < 0.0001) and in sleeping quarters (P <
0.0001). CONCLUSION: Violence towards military women has identifiable risk
factors. Work and living environments where unwanted sexual behaviors
occurred were associated with increased odds of rape. Officer leadership
played an important role in the military environment and safety of women.
Assailant alcohol and/or drug abuse at time of rape was notable.
Interventions and policies based on modifiable environmental risk factors
are needed to increase protection for women in the workplace.

three from L Moss Sharman Rabbi, Ethics Overseer, Denies Child Pornography Charges By DANIEL J. WAKIN Rabbi Israel Kestenbaum, an ethics watchdog for a national pastors association and a chaplain of the year for his work at ground zero, assumed a different role yesterday, that of defendant in a child pornography case. The rabbi pleaded not guilty in State Supreme Court in Manhattan to five felony counts of attempted dissemination of indecent material to a minor and 10 misdemeanor counts of attempted endangering the welfare of a minor....The police said he had engaged in erotic electronic conversation with someone  resented to him as a 13-year-old girl named Katie and had arranged a tryst with her at a Starbucks in Manhattan. In fact, he was talking with an undercover police officer....computers at the rabbi's home in Highland Park, N.J., had been searched and that the police had found at least one image of child pornography and messages to another under-age girl. Http://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/22/nyregion/22RABB.html

Abuse cost Twin Cities archdiocese $3.1 million Warren Wolfe 2/21/03 "Sexual abuse of children by priests has cost the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis about $3.1 million in the past 14 years, and its insurer has paid about $5 million more to settle lawsuits by victims." http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/3665693.html

McCarrick Decries Md. Child Abuse Bill Cardinal Questions Effect on Confessional  By Jo Becker and Caryle Murphy 2/22/03 "Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick is taking aim at the Maryland General Assembly, charging that a legislative proposal that would require priests to report suspected child abuse would violate the sanctity of the confessional. "If this bill were to pass, I shall instruct all priests in the Archdiocese of Washington who serve in Maryland to ignore it," McCarrick wrote in a column in the latest issue of the Catholic Standard. "...On this issue, I will gladly plead civil disobedience and willingly -- if not gladly -- go to jail." http://www.washingtonpost.com
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