-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> "The committee had not personally interviewed a single witness. The report
> was based on 1,200 depositions mostly from refugees, taken by 22 barristers
> from Britain. None of the witnesses were placed on oath, their names were
> omitted (to prevent reprisals against their relatives), and hearsay
> evidence was accepted at full face value...[Later] a commission of inquiry
> ...failed markedly to corroborate a single major allegation on the report"
> . -- Phillip Nightly in "The First Casualty" describing how Britain used
> refugees to manufacture atrocity stories in order to bring the US into World
> War I
> flw

        The first World War was the first time there was
        highly organized state propaganda. The British had
        a Ministry of Information, and they really needed
        it because they had to get the U.S. into the war
        or else they were in bad trouble. The Ministry of
        Information was mainly geared to sending propaganda,
        including huge fabrications about "Hun" atrocities,
        and so on. They were targeting American intellectuals
        on the reasonable assumption that these are the people
        who are most gullible and most likely to believe
        propaganda. They are also the ones that disseminate
        it through their own system. So it was mostly geared
        to American intellectuals and it worked very well.
        The British Ministry of Information documents (a lot
        have been released) show their goal was, as they put
        it, to control the thought of the entire world, a
        minor goal, but mainly the U.S. They didn’t care
        much what people thought in India. This Ministry
        of Information was extremely successful in deluding
        hot shot American intellectuals into accepting
        British propaganda fabrications. They were very
        proud of that. Properly so, it saved their lives.
        They would have lost the first World War otherwise.

        In the U.S., there was a counterpart. Woodrow Wilson
        was elected in 1916 on an anti-war platform. The U.S.
        was a very pacifist country. It has always been. People
        don’t want to go fight foreign wars. The country was
        very much opposed to the first World War and Wilson
        was, in fact, elected on an anti-war position.
        "Peace without victory" was the slogan. But he
        was intending to go to war. So the question was,
        how do you get the pacifist population to become
        raving anti-German lunatics so they want to go
        kill all the Germans? That requires propaganda.
        So they set up the first and really only major
        state propaganda agency in U.S. history. The
        Committee on Public Information it was called
        (nice Orwellian title), called also the Creel
        Commission. The guy who ran it was named Creel.
        The task of this commission was to propagandize
        the population into a jingoist hysteria. It worked
        incredibly well. Within a few months there was
        a raving war hysteria and the U.S. was able to
        go to war.

        A lot of people were impressed by these achievements.
        One person impressed, and this had some implications
        for the future, was Hitler. If you read Mein Kampf,
        he concludes, with some justification, that Germany
        lost the first World War because it lost the propaganda
        battle. They could not begin to compete with British
        and American propaganda which absolutely overwhelmed
        them. He pledges that next time around they’ll have
        their own propaganda system, which they did during
        the second World War. More important for us, the
        American business community was also very impressed
        with the propaganda effort. They had a problem at
        that time. The country was becoming formally more
        democratic. A lot more people were able to vote
        and that sort of thing. The country was becoming
        wealthier and more people could participate and
        a lot of new immigrants were coming in, and so on.

        So what do you do? It’s going to be harder to run
        things as a private club. Therefore, obviously, you
        have to control what people think. There had been
        public relation specialists but there was never a
        public relations industry. There was a guy hired
        to make Rockefeller’s image look prettier and that
        sort of thing. But this huge public relations industry,
        which is a U.S. invention and a monstrous industry,
        came out of the first World War. The leading figures
        were people in the Creel Commission. In fact, the
        main one, Edward Bernays, comes right out of the
        Creel Commission. He has a book that came out right
        afterwards called Propaganda. The term "propaganda,"
        incidentally, did not have negative connotations in
        those days. It was during the second World War that
        the term became taboo because it was connected with
        Germany, and all those bad things. But in this period,
        the term propaganda just meant information or something
        like that. So he wrote a book called Propaganda around
        1925, and it starts off by saying he is applying the
        lessons of the first World War. The propaganda system
        of the first World War and this commission that he
        was part of showed, he says, it is possible to
        "regiment the public mind every bit as much as
        an army regiments their bodies." These new techniques
        of regimentation of minds, he said, had to be used
        by the intelligent minorities in order to make sure
        that the slobs stay on the right course. We can do
        it now because we have these new techniques.

>From a talk at Z Media Institute June 1997
What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream, by Noam Chomsky

        But the state lieth in all languages of good and evil;
        and whatever it saith it lieth; and whatever it hath
        it hath stolen.

        False is everything in it; with stolen teeth it biteth,
        the biting one. False are even its bowels.

by Friedrich Nietzche (1891)

Some good propaganda links:

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