-Caveat Lector-

Rough Outline 1

a) Year(s) Bush caught as a pedophile
b) year Marc Dutreoux “the pedophile and serial killer”
    was in action (ref. 10 and 11)
c) Coors connections with  Regan, Bush, Gore, Dole or
       their families. (ref 8)
d) year(s) Clinton was governor of Arkansas – When the
    plasma was sold, that had STD’s in it.
e) the fact that AIDS has not been proved to be
    cause by a virus.

Canada and other countries low on plasma because
    of AIDS.

Africa losing one of it’s ways of making money
    (it can not sell plasma because of AIDS).

More turning to pedophilia in the belief that children do
    not have AIDS, yet.

France not planting as many flowers for perfumes
and fragrances (losing land) these are being based
on petro chemicals or just chemicals instead.
Rising rate of allergies.

CIA (Bush) “connected” to getting many welfare
recipients hooked on drugs.  Convicted Felons in
prisons in the news over their receiving food stamps.
Students with rich parents receiving food stamps when
they do not need them.  In cutting these people out they
cut out many legitimate families that need food stamps.

Willie Nelson in trouble with the IRS – but could it
have been because of “Farm Aid” and the fact that
he helped the farmers – instead of just because of
back taxes.

Belgium having problems, some countries see
pedophilia as normal.  Some places in the Soviet Union
allow sex as low as 14, too.

A Ruler (King or Queen) could not control all the
subjects personally, previously.  But with Data Bases
what government needs that autonomity of the states,
or even to have banks or any kind of professional or
education.  America’s “Rulers” are promising the
world because they do not see that they will have to
deliver.  With cloning and the potential that they might
be around hundreds of years, they want complete
control.  W.W.II was a dry run on how to do it to the
USA.  Why has it been slow?  They want to undermine
the constitutional ideas completely – world wide.  To
have complete control of the world.  Many see it as
Something that  “1984” by George Orwell or “Brave
New World” Aldous Huxley, it will be more like
Germany written by Adolph Hitler and Comp.  These
people are just putting out propaganda leading you to
these ideas.

AARP one of the largest special interest groups,
think what would happen it these people were
around hundreds of years because of cloning.
We are polluting their world.  Why do they need
so many people, they would think of us as a surplus.

Take America off the gold standard, inflate the prices
so that the land has little value to agriculture, put
individual farmers out of business by creating
catastrophes, all land being paid for with loans from
banks, declare a emergency take over banks,
“government” owns all land.  Take us off animal
products because animal breeders would see the
effects of what “they” are putting out as food faster
– more generations of animals.  Fur breeders would
see it the fastest.

They have attempted to put together a psychological
climate that justifies what they are doing.

Now I say that they are insane!  Why?  If we replicate,
where will we get the source code?  Take a look
at the wilderness – it is a DNA source code.  Where
are they documenting it?  They are destroying our value.
If there were an intergalactic stock market, what would
they trade in?  Gold and Diamonds seem to be in
many meteorites, probably common in space.  How
about in DNA source codes?  If you think about the
diversity of color and body styles in Africa you can
understand why the Dye companies that became
Pharmicudical companies would want to control
that knowledge and have it where many of us do
not think of Africa on those terms.  The different
hormones, steroids, minerals, vitamins ECT that
have contributed to Africa’s diversity.

Think of Deer or any other grazing animal, they
will overgraze their territory without predators.
They are not self sustainable, they go to the limit
of the advisable food supply, and the ones that
lead them do so mainly on the basis of brute strength.
When you take out the natural predators you better
have hunters.  They are putting us on the basis of
food animals and ruling by the basis of brute strength,
by not giving us all the knowledge we need to make
informed decisions.

Getting back to that “potential” intergalactic stock market,
when the Earth can not be traded as a source of
“DNA source codes” I guess it will be traded as a
source of food animals.  Consider they have shown
that Humans are non sustainable, have been shown
to be relatively brainless but we could take care of
ourselves until harvested.  With the amount of
chemicals doing us in, it seems as if we are suppose to
bury ourselves.  If that happens and they do decrease
the world like that, and we do go on the basis of
food animals – take heart in the knowledge that
they will be the first ones culled out!  Why?  Because
they would get rid of the very breeders that would
want to be kept!  If I were to take over the Earth
on that basis, the first ones that I would cleanse from
the Earth are ones that have advocated many of the
current ideas of surplus, considering they are much
of the reason for the "human" surplus.

Right now they are probably the safest people on
Earth because something else that we might be
able to trade is our history.  People love a good
book or a good story, and by keeping them around
we can follow what they have done and put in the
connections and have a full story to sell.

Foreign Investors, Large Corporations, Monopolies
are doing away with creativity and the diversity that
makes this Earth rich.  We will be one of the poorest
planets to enter an Intergalactic Community, if we are
even allowed to enter.

Other variable “in this chess game of life” is
(the Earth) being like an area that has to pay
to have someone come in and set it right.  We
will go out into space paulpers in “DNA source code”
area and also need to hire someone to come in and
put our biosphere right.  The Earth will really be
owned by foreign investors then.

Or the bible could be right and these people that
idolize strength will be out soon.  This would include
males that think that having a women say “Obey”
during the marriage ceremony and all ideas such as this.

1) Kushi, Aveline. Macrobiotic Cooking. New York,
Warner Books, 1985.  Aveline Kushi has written a
Macrobiotic Cookbook where the focus seems to be
the history of the food that is used in her recipes.  There
is more information about foods, sweeteners, and
historical information about the food that the body
needs, than you will find in many “nutrition” books.

2) Wade, Carole & Carol Tavris. Psychology. 4th
edition, NY, Harper Collins, 1996. This psychology text
book is written in such a way that it correlates modern
and historical psychology.    This gives the student a frame
of reference, that allows a better understanding, of the
impact psychology has had on our daily lives.

3) Tarpley, Webster G. & Anton Chaiktin.
“The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush”
1992. 15 Apr. 99
< http://www.radix.net/~tarpley/bushb.htm#Table >
Following the Bush family connections
from 1914 to the present. From the time of George’s
grandfather, Samuel P. Bush, the Bush family has
attempted to stay involved in politics.  The book
seems to show that since the family could not rate
by having royal blood lines or by having a high degree
of education, that they would try to control by a
philosophy of  “The one with the most money makes
the rules.”   They believe in “racial cleansing” and have
cultivated people like Adolph Hitler.

4) Wallace, Patricia Ward. A Spirit So Rare.
Austin TX, Nortex, 1984. A historical perspective
that starts twelve thousand years ago. This book
gives us a view of the women that settled the Waco
area, from native Indian tribes to settlers of the
original American land grants, and finally the
Waco of 1981.

5) Garraty, John A. The American Nation.
NY, Addison-Wesley, 1998. “The American Nation”
is a history book that presents more than just cold
hard facts.  The way it is written will open the American
Past.  This book shows how world history and world
affairs have impacted American history.

6) White, Dr. Michael A. Readings For U.S. History.
Iowa, Kendall/Hunt, 1992.  This book explores
some of the turning points in American history that
has been controversial.  By giving more details of
these times, it allows a glimpse into the view points
that helped shape America.

7) Johnson, Paul. A History of the Jews. New York,
Harper & Row, 1987. Paul Johnson’s book about the
Jews starts at about Two-Thousand BC.  He shows
how the world and it’s affairs have shaped the
Jewish Religion.  Johnson covers history in detail
and the parts of the book dealing with the Holocaust
could allow people learn, how the Holocaust might
have happened without having to “reinvent the wheel.”
8) Ewall, Mike.
“It's no accident that Coors is the right beer in America.”
Corporate Accountability Project
12 Dec. 1995. 15 Apr. 1999
< http://www.corporations.org/coors/index.html >
Mike Ewall’s article Should be titled
“The Other Adolph, Adolph Coors of Coors beer.”
This article details Coors connections with Ex-President
Bush and how Coors and Bush both have a policy of
“Racial Cleansing.”  Coors is anti-environmental,
anti-gay and seemingly against anything and anyone
that stands in their way of making money.
9) Akdeniz, Yaman.
“Regulation of Child Pornography on the Internet.”
Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties
 (UK) 18 Jan. 1999. 15 Apr. 1999
< http://www.leeds.ac.uk/law/pgs/yaman/child.htm >
Yaman Akdeniz calls his page a “compilation”
of many of the cases involving child pornography,
but reading his summaries of the cases can be as
informative as reading any magazine or newspaper.
Debating the pedophiles use of the Internet, with
the fact that to censer that use would involve giving
up the right of free speech, this site explores at both
sides of the issue.

10) Walsh,  James. “The Terror and Pity.”
TIME International, 02 Sept. 96. 15 Apr. 1999
< http://cgi.pathfinder.com/time/magazine/archive/toc/960902.toc.html  >
This article covers the
background of Marc Dutroux.  When the bodies,
of the eight year olds, Julie Lejeune and Melissa
Russo were found on Marc Dutroux’s property in
caused national outrage in Belgium.  Referring to
a possibility of an “international ring of pedophiles
and sex slavers”,  this article speculates on how
the Internet might have been used to distribute pedophilia.

11) Sante, Luc. “A house Divided.”
Time International. 10 Dec 1998 17 Apr. 1999 < >
This article puts the case of Marc Dutreoux
“the pedophile and serial killer” and details how
it has effected Belgium.  Belgium is the country
that host NATO.  It shows that even though it
host the organization that is suppose to be the
main force for world peace, but Begium is anything
but peaceful.  Rampet crime that is suspected to
have ties all the way to the highest levels of
government, and a national bvank owned by
foreigners.  There are definite problems in Belgium.

12) Dacyczyn, Any. The Tightwad Gazette II  NY.
Villard. 1995.
        Amy Dacyczyn’s book is very much like her
newsletter, see below for information on the newsletter.
        subscribable newsletter (snail mail) monthly
eight-page at $12 a year
        The Tightwad Gazette
RR1 Box 3570    Leeds, ME 04263

(20) Sugar Blues by William Dufty
(c)1993 by Warner Books Inc. NY
            This is good but he bases the whole
slave trade on sugar - He needed to go farther

(30) Saxon Math - (New 19 Nov 98) - Has
books at many different levels
< http://www.webcrawler.com/cgi-bin/WebQuery?searchText=%22saxon+math%22 > -

(31) The Core Knowledge Series (preK-6)
by Doubleday NY
        Each book covers that years (CORE)
curriculum, these are good books to help learn
or to         review with.  My children will even
read them on their own! (New 30 Cot 98)

(40) Money Doesn't Grow On Trees: A Parent's
Guide To Raising Financially Responsible Children
        by Godfrey and Edwards (c)1994 Fireside NY

(41) Positive Discipline by Jane Nelson, Ed.D.
(c) 1981 Ballantine NY

(42)  This site may not be politically correct sense
it seems as if parents are not to teach these subjects
         I think it looks good though!
"The Teenager's Guide to the Real World" (New 18 Nov 98)
        < http://www.bygpub.com/books/tg2rw/ >
        < http://www.bygpub.com/books/tg2rw/tg2rwbooktoc.htm >

(52) Jefferson by Saul K. Padover (c) 1942 Mentor NY

 (70) 1984 by George Orwell (c)1981 Signet
Classic NY originally written 1949

(71) Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
(c) 1932, 1946 HarperPerennial NY

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I am still redoing this page, I am attempting to say that homosexuals
and their ideas are not the ones that are doing this. that they are being used.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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