-Caveat Lector-

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Posted By: ArtBishop <Send E-Mail>
Date: Sunday, 9 March 2003, 9:42 a.m.


Four out of five people we asked have no idea who the JDL are, much less
know that they are one of the TOP TEN FBI ACTIVE TERRORIST GANGS IN

Terrorism by Arabs? No, by Jews!

This is an excerpt of the book: "The Zionist Terror Network"


THE ZIONIST TERROR NETWORK: Background and Operations of the Jewish
Defense League and other Criminal Zionist Groups

JDL in America: Urban Terrorists with International Connections

This book documents the background and criminal activities of Jewish
Zionist terrorist groups, and especially the Jewish Defense League.
Particular emphasis is given here to terror--including murder--against
"thought criminals" who question the Holocaust story that six million Jews
were systematically killed during the Second World War.

Zionist terrorists openly proclaim an arrogant Jewish-supremacist ideology
and acknowledge their readiness to use violence against those who
disagree with them. With a well-documented record of bigotry and crime,
they pose a serious danger to our society, and to men and women
everywhere who treasure freedom.

Incidents of violence against revisionist "thought criminals" have included:

"George Ashley, a high school history teacher and supporter of the IHR,
has been the target of several terrorist attacks because of his revisionist
views. In April 1982, two bricks were hurled through the front window of
his suburban Los Angeles home. One month later, two gasoline fire bombs
were thrown against the front of his house, and in December of 1982, JDL
criminals ransacked Ashley's home, causing an estimated $26,000 in damage.
(note 68) Mordechai Levy later boasted: "We warned him [Ashley] that if he
continued his activity, he would pay a consequence...We warned that if
the school board does not stop Ashley, we would stop him."

The FBI "extensively investigated" whether late rap music stars Tupac
Shakur and Eric "Eazy-E" Wright were the victims of death threats and
extortion plots hatched by individuals aligned with the militant Jewish
Defense League, The Smoking Gun has learned. Following a 2-1/2 year
probe, bureau officials closed the investigation in May 1999, noting that
agents were unable to corroborate information provided by two
confidential FBI sources.


JDL the JEWISH DEFENSE LEAGUE : The Zionist Terror Network


"In FBI terrorism analyses published since 1981, responsibility for 18
terrorist incidents has been attributed to groups seeking to publicize past
and present injustices suffered by the Jewish people. While claims for
some of these acts have been made in the names of the "Jewish
Defenders,' "United Jewish Underground," and "Jewish Direct Action," 15 of
the incidents were attributed to the Jewish Defense League (JDL), by far
the most well known of these groups.

Also in 1985, the FBI named the Jewish Defense League as the second most
active terrorist group in the United States. (Only Puerto Rican terrorists
were more active during this period.) The FBI linked the JDL to 37 terrorist
attacks carried out from 1977 to 1984.

Two years later, the FBI announced that Jewish extremist groups had
carried out 24 terrorist acts from 1981 through 1986, 17 of which were the
work of the Jewish Defense League.

Another US federal government agency, the Department of Energy,
similarly characterized the JDL in a report issued in 1986

For more than a decade, the Jewish Defense League (JDL) has been one of
the most active terrorist groups in the United States. Although the JDL
maintains that it is a political action group concerned with dramatizing the
plight of Soviet Jewry and, in more general terms, protecting Jews and
Jewish interests worldwide, the FBI has long classified it as a terrorist

The underlying purpose of the JDL is to reverse the mythical image of the
Jews as victims. This militancy also fuels the anti-Soviet campaign designed
to create and foment new sources of tension in Soviet-American relations.

The JDL, however, has also attacked Arab, Iranian, Iraqi,
Egyptian,Palestinian, Lebanese, French, and German targets in the United
States In 1978 [for example], Egyptian diplomats were targeted.Attacks
have also been staged by League chapters in France, Britain, Italy and

In more recent years, the official report went on,The JDL has pursued a
dual-track strategy of acts of civil disobedience
and generally peaceful protest, along with acts of outright
terrorism...Bombing is the JDL's favorite tactic, accounting for 78 percent
of all JDL incidents. Shootings are next, accounting for 16 percent,
followed by arson, vandalism, and kidnaping, accounting for one percent

Since 1968, JDL operations have killed seven persons and wounded at least
22...Sixty-two percent of all JDL attacks are directed against property; 30
percent against businesses; four percent against academics and academic
institutions; and two percent against religious targets.

Typically, an anonymous caller will claim responsibility for a specific
terrorist act for either the JDL or one of its alleged subgroups, only to
have an official spokesman for the JDL deny the group's involvement the
following day.

In the past, although the JDL was among the most active terrorist
organizations in the United States, the threat it posed appeared to be
primarily symbolic...Recent events, however, suggest that this view
requires revision. The increase of militant Jewish terrorism represents not
only an escalation of violence, but a significant change in targeting
patterns, as well as a dramatic shift in tactics.

As this report shows, non-governmental Zionist terrorism has been a
problem for more than twenty years. It remains a serious problem today.

Espousing Jewish supremacy, the Zionist terrornetwork operates
internationally, linking Israel, Europe and the United States.

In addition to the suffering and destruction resulting directly from its many
crimes,the network's campaign of bigotry fosters a dangerous climate of
hate and intolerance.

Through intimidation, threat and violence, Jewish-Zionist
terrorists have succeeded in silencing numerous voices. Many others have
never spoken up out of fear that they might likewise become victims.

Particularly alarming is the important support provided to these criminal
groups by the government of Israel. This official collaboration poses a
threat not only to the freedom and security of individuals in many
countries, but to the very freedom and sovereignty of nations.

Moreover, the number of individuals and organizations that Zionist militants
perceive as "anti-Semitic enemies" has increased so dramatically in recent
years that any one person or group is less likely to be singled out for
attack. (Even the much-feared "anti- Semite" epithet has lost much of its
impact. In 1991, an Israeli government cabinet minister denounced
President George Bush as "anti-Semitic" because he wasn't acting quickly
enough in approving a $10 billion loan guarantee to Israel!)

The readiness of Zionist militants to use violence against those whose
views they reject is an implicit admission of moral and intellectual
weakness. By resorting to violence against Holocaust revisionists and
others, Zionist fanatics inherently acknowledge their inability to discredit
their adversaries' arguments in free and open debate. Each new act of
intimidation and violence only serves to further underscore this
intellectual impotence.

In the long run, ideas and arguments cannot be destroyed by
violence.Holocaust revisionism, in particular, has made such strides in so
many countries in recent years that it can no longer be effectively







"Zionism is another misnomer. Modern Zionism is not what its label would
indicate it to be. The managers of the new money collection -- millions of
it, badly used, badly accounted for -- are about as much interested in
Zionism as an Ohio Baptist is in Meccaism. For the leading so-called
"Zionists," Mt. Zion and all that it stands for has next to no meaning; they
see only the political and real estate aspects of Palestine, another
people's country just at present.

The present movement is not religious, although it plays upon the religious
sentiments of the lower class of Jews; it is certainly not what Judaized
orators among the Christians want the Christians to think it is; Zionism is at
present a most mischievous thing, potentially a most dangerous thing, as
several governments could confidentially tell you.

But it is all a part of the Jewish practice of setting up a label pretending
one thing, while quite another thing really exists.

Take anti-Semitism. That is a label that the Jews have industriously pasted
up everywhere. If ever it was an effective label its uses are over now. It
doesn't mean anything. Anti-Semitism does not exist, since the thing so
named is found among the Semites, too. Semites cannot be anti-Semitic.
When the world holds up a warning finger against a race that is the moving
spirit of the corruption, subversion, and destructive influences abroad in
the world today, that race cannot nullify the warning by sticking up a false
label of "Anti-Semitism," anymore than it can justify the sign of gold on a
$1.50 watch or the sign of "pure wool" on a $11.50 suit of clothes.

So with the whole group of labels that the Jews have trotted out like
talismen to work some magic spell upon the aroused mind of America. They
are lies. And when one lie fails, how quickly they hitch their hopes to
another. If "Anti-Semitism" fails, they try "Anti-Catholic" -- that might do
something. If that fails, they try "Anti-American" -- get the biggest talent
that can be hired for a night on the B'nai B'rith platform to shout it. And
when that fails, as it has -- ?

The American Jewish Committee is itself a misnomer. The committee is not
exclusively American and its work is not to Americanize the Jews nor even
to encourage real Americanization among them. It is a committee
composed of Jews composed of Jews representing that class that profits
most by keeping the mass of the Jews segregated from Americans and in
bondage to the "higher ups" among the Jews.

They are the "big Jews," as Norman Hapgood used to call them, who say to
the "little Jews," "You hang closely together; we will be your
representatives to these foreign peoples, the Americans and others." If the
American Jewish Committee would change its name to this: "The Jewish
Commission for America,"it might be nearer the truth. It has dealt with
America in the recent past very much as the Allied Commissions deal with
Germany. There are certain things we may do, and certain things we may
not do, and the Jewish Commission for America tells us what we may and
may not do. One of the things we may not do is to declare that this is a
Christian country.

There is one absolutely safe rule in dealing with anything emanating from
the American Jewish Commitee. Don't rely on the label, open the matter
up. You will find that the Kehillah is not what is pretends to be; that the
Jewish labor union is not what it pretends to be; that Zionism is a
camouflage for something entirely different; that the name and the nature
are nearly always different, which is the reason for a particular name being
chosen. It runs all the way through Jewish practice and presents another
little job for the Jewish reformer."






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