-Caveat Lector-

PropagandaNetDaily don't you mean?

I'm not quite sure of the defining moment when I ceased to be a sheep and
became an independent thinker, but as the veil was lifted over my eyes I
began to get my news from "alternative" sources such as the WND you mention.

Being of a primarily conservative mind, I found it quite easy to demonize
liberals and read heaps upon heaps of self deluding left/right TRASH! (it
all seemed legit at the time)

Then as time progressed I found a wealth of information on other websites
that contradicted my "holy grail of all conservativeness......  aka
WorldNetDaily" I then learned a false left/right paradigm is in place to
conquer and divide us.

I soon realized that WND isn't nearly the Free Press for a Free People it
claims to be. It's like reading salon.com then "flipping channels" to
another infomercial. Two groups selling the same sh|t with a different brand

Joseph Farah is a SHILL and nothing more. I once respected this man but I
can no longer make than claim. Any praise I ever made of him turned to self
disgust for opening my mouth ages ago.

Nothing would please me more than to read some coked-up psycho gave him an
"immediate dispatch". That also goes for a lot of politicians too. (99%)

Gee... could wishing he got his "up & comings" get me kicked off this list?

Like I said earlier.... I don't give a damn!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 5:00 PM
Subject: [CTRL] An Open Letter to WorldNetDaily

> -Caveat Lector-
> An Open Letter to WorldNetDaily
> by Jimmy Cantrell
> http://www.patriotist.com/cantrell.htm
> Controlling the access of ideas is essential if you desire to prevent the
rise of opposition. If people remain ignorant, they will accept quietly
almost anything heaped on them, but if they know, they will begin asking
questions and perhaps making demands. That is the reason that Leftists
finding their Long March Through the Academic Institutions successful
immediately slammed shut the doors in the faces of non-Leftists so that no
one could enter to refute them. They now have full say, unquestioned say,
because they make certain that no one who disagrees fundamentally [as
opposed to someone who agrees with basic Leftism but disagrees over matters
of strategy or emphasis] is allowed to secure a position from which to
oppose them. They then, if forced to acknowledge the existence of ideas
contrary to received Leftist wisdom, assert that there is no need to address
concerns of someone like me, because if I were intellectually competent I
would hold a university teaching position
>   or w
> rite for some well-respected publication: as all really smart people who
are not evil - the Leftist is certain - think in sympathy with, if not
necessarily exactly like, the Modern Language Association and the Rainbow
Coalition and the African National Congress, the fact that I do not so think
proves that I am either unintelligent or evil. Because I am Southern, it
proves to the preponderance of Left-thinkers [who are never guilty of
prejudiced thinking, unless such is warranted] that I am probably both.
> To the deconstructive postmodernist and other Leftists, only a mindlessly
violent racist, sexist, homophobe would reject such beautiful logic, and,
obviously, no decent person will bother understanding the views of white men
deemed untouchable by enlightened Leftists, particularly those who meet at
least one Affirmative Action quota and/or deny Christ in the name of the
> Neoconservatives reveal their Leftist foundation in many ways, and
refusing, even as they present themselves as paragons of Free Speech, to
allow any real debate once they come to control an institution, is a key
one. Neocons [who are American Anglophilic Imperial Conservatives,] the pure
WASP George Will-types as much as the Jewish newcomers still reeking of
Marxism and passion to utterly secularize any Christian culture, hate and/or
fear the South and Southern culture as much as do Leftists. In fact, it
seems rather obvious to me that Neocons are on average far more willing to
engage in non-rancorous debate and compromise with Leftists than with
Southern Paleoconservatives; we they either dismiss as being too
anachronistic, too atavistic to consider seriously or assert are fit, in
this age of Enlightened Tolerance of Diversity, only for the genocidal
ministrations of archetypal Yankee WASP Imperial Conservative General W. T.
[the only good Indian is a dead Indian] Sherman.
> It should be obvious why Leftists hate and fear the South: as the South
is, and has been since at least the Revolutionary War era, the most
politically and culturally conservative part of these United States, any
movement to reject Leftism will be centered in the South and tied
inextricably to Southern values. If the Left can kill Southern culture and
Southern identity, it can rid itself of the greatest threat to its goals.
Without Southerners who are culturally Southern, American non-Leftism can
never amount to much more than mild pleas for Leftists to slow down a little
as they careen toward the multicultural socialist Paradise of Millennial
Peace that they have faith will replace Western Christian Civilization.
> The difficulty for most people [including conservative Southerners] is to
understand why Neocons often hate Southern culture and identity and
invariably dismiss the former as at best backwardly in need of being forced
to 'modernize' and the latter as ranging from primitively quaint to
treasonous. The key is to focus on Neocons not as largely Jewish, which they
are at least in contemporary leadership and emphasis, but as Yankee Imperial
Conservatives. Neocons, like their arch-hero Abe Lincoln, believe in an
American Empire with an imperial presidency and 'provinces' that serve the
favored regions of the Empire. Just as the British Empire could not operate
effectively around the globe, conquering and administering multitudes, if
Ireland were recognized as having the right to secede or if a Scottish
Parliament held States' Rights and could check the Westminster Parliament,
an American Empire cannot tolerate States' Rights or any 'regional' cultural
identity that could lead to ca
>  lls f
> or independence from an imperial government that runs roughshod over that
region's traditional cultural values.
> Neocons love the fact that Southerners are naturally opposed to Leftist
economic claims. They also love the 'patriotism' of Southerners as it
expresses itself in military service [ditto for English Imperial
Conservatives regarding the Scots and Welsh and Irish Protestants.] But
Neocons are fierce to whip Southerners away from recognizing that their
Southern cultural affinities and needs are rarely served, and often warred
against, by the Imperial USA [ditto for English Imperial Conservatives
regarding Scotland, Wales, and even Protestant Northern Ireland, which is
nothing but a creation of Empire for Empire.]
> Southerners, for example, rather naturally gravitate toward desiring
small, limited government that is as local as possible. The Imperial
Conservative requires centralized government that cannot be checked or
resisted and requires perennial tax increases and growing legions of
> Southerners are naturally wary of outsiders, naturally certain that
peoples with different cultural values will attempt, if given the
opportunity, to remake 'your' culture to please and profit them [Yankee
schoolmarms and carpetbaggers and Social Gospel ministers, for example.]
Imperial Conservatives, however xenophobic they might be at heart, must
inevitably embrace multi-racialism and multi-culturalism and faith in the
relative worth of all religions or else have exterminated the vast majority
of peoples they have conquered. To fail to take one of those roads with all
the power of the Imperial Government is to guarantee continuing rebellions
against the Empire [also, it must be observed that taking the road of
significant extermination/removal of a conquered population while attempting
cultural genocide is not always effective; the English took that road in
Ireland, and still the Irish rose and rose for national freedom - which
explains more than anything else the pathologi
>  cal h
> atred that many, or even most, English continue to hold for the Irish.]
> Thus, Neocons, who are first and foremost not about cultural values or
historic ties but about Empire, must oppose most that which could derail the
Empire; they do not focus significantly on those things [such as moral and
cultural decay; Neocons routinely deride Pat Buchanan for talking about
Culture War] that will harm the core population from which the Empire was
able to grow. Southern culture could harm the Empire, just as Irish culture
and identity, and once again Scottish culture and identity, continue to
throw monkey wrenches into the small-scale English Empire that is the United
Kingdom. Mass immigration, especially when the immigrants are given special
status and privileges [such as Affirmative Action,] not only will not harm
the Empire; it could help its existence both by keeping the conquered masses
worldwide from rising for national freedom and by diluting the percentage of
the homeland population that culturally is inclined to favor decentralized,
limited governm
>  ent,
> without which it is impossible to have a Republic. The Empire, the
Government, could be helped as many of its core citizens are harmed
economically, politically, and, - most importantly, I assert - culturally.
> Therefore, it is as logical for a Neocon, an Anglophilic Imperial
Conservative, to hate, or at least fear and want to weaken, Southern culture
and identity as it is for a Leftist. Both the Neocon and the Leftist covet
centralized government with ever-growing power to do good as they see it;
both desire to weaken permanently any cultural identity that could oppose
them in their overlapping quests to create bigger government to promote
bigger good for more people who will then owe their allegiance to the
centralized government. Both have made the culturally and politically
conservative South a whipping boy for the postmodern sins of racism and
sexism while making sacrosanct the plagiarizing, philandering,
Marxist-consorting, silver-spoon-born socialist Martin Luther King.
> Birds of a multiculturalist Big Government feather eventually flock
> II
> The preceding paragraphs serve as detailed introduction to my comments on
having yet another Letter to the Editor of WorldNetDaily rejected for
publication. Joseph Farah clearly is a man who desires most of the right
things for America, including something that at least approximates States'
Rights, but he apparently is driven by the false theology [heretical, in my
estimation] of pre-millennialism right into demanding American Empire to
enrich and protect Israel and possibly spur the world into Armageddon.
> Quite simply, it is impossible to have the Republic [small, limited
government] and also to have the Empire enforcing 'peace' and 'democracy'
and 'women's equality' and 'religious tolerance' at gunpoint around the
world. Joseph Farah, like far too may Americans, demands to have his cake
and eat it too. That is expected in an America filled with overgrown spoiled
adolescents screaming that they want their MTV and they want it now, but
when you realize that most 'conservative' Christian leaders are in that
camp, either because of ignorance and illogic or political pandering so as
to offend as few voters/potential church members as possible, you know the
depth and breadth of the problems facing us.
> And that is not the extent of the matter. It is impossible to have the
Republic and simultaneously have a strong central government that enforces,
at gunpoint and/or with the power to destroy dissenters economically, local
loyalty to the central government or 'civil rights' or 'women's equality' or
'economic justice' or 'equally funded schools so no child is left behind' or
any other Leftist flight of fancy.
> Because he posts columns by Pat Buchanan [who is routinely denounced for
'racism' and 'xenophobia' and 'anti-Semitism' by Neocons like Jamie Glazov
as stridently as any Leftist has ever denounced him for the same 'sins,']
Joseph Farah is far from the self-righteous Neocon who has slammed the door
on Paleoconservative views while lauding himself for exposing Leftists for
refusing to allow others to be heard. Thus, there is hope for Farah and his
> That is the reason that I have visited the site regularly and written
letters to the editor regarding columns that Farah has posted that at least
suggest an awareness of the perils inherent in government do-gooding,
whether domestically or for Israel and/or American investors in foreign
businesses. No letter I have written praising a Buchanan column has been
posted; the only letter that has been posted is the first one I penned
praising a column by Ilana Mercer.
> If you do not know Mercer's work, I encourage you to investigate it. In
both her analyses and her refusal to pander to PC sensibilities, she is
first rate. When I disagree with her, I do so with respect for her abilities
and her openness to intellectual inquiry.
> On 12 February, WorldNetDaily posted a column by Mercer that is a must
read for anyone who desires a return to the Republic or even the relative
sanity of the pre-Civil Rights era American Empire [in case any Neocons read
this, I remind them that the 'civil rights' movement was totally infiltrated
with and supported by Marxists, socialists, atheists, and Wilhelm
Reich/Alfred Kinsey sexual revolutionaries: such a culturally, morally,
spiritually rotten foundation must necessarily produce a house unfit for
habitation by civilized people and profitable primarily to the Robert
Mugabes and Marion Barrys it produces in spades.]
> Taking America Back starts with taking Lincoln down is as uncompromising
and ruthlessly correct as anything I might write. The title refers to
Farah's recent book, and Mercer's point is that it is impossible to "take
America back" if we do not dethrone Lincoln and all the Big Government that
flows from him. Below is the letter that I sent to Farah that WorldNetDaily
readers need to study:
> Ilana Mercer's article Taking America Back Starts with Taking Lincoln Down
is as fine a short article expressing that necessary truth as I have read.
If you love Big Government; if you love Empire; if you believe peoples
should have only whatever 'rights' the Big Government crowd in the Imperial
Capital allow them to have; if you, however reluctantly, are content to have
Big Government use its military powers to compel states and their citizens
to support centralization of power and enforce Big Government's vision of
democracy; if you support Presidents who arrest journalists and editors and
politicians who speak against their policies because those policies are 'for
the good of justice and equality'; if you support political leaders who make
alliance with those who represent all the social and cultural Leftist groups
of the day most specifically to wage war [cultural and physical] on the most
culturally and politically conservative part of the Union - then Lincoln is
your ma
>  n.
> Of course, the Left requires all that in order to remake society, while
true Conservatives, certainly those who understand how ideas have
consequences and that ends do not justify means, who thus understand that
the best intentions often do pave the widest, most beguilingly pleasant,
road into the gaping maw of Hell, will oppose all that.
> For true Conservative role models, I suggest Patrick Henry, George Mason,
John Taylor of Caroline, John C. Calhoun, and Robert E. Lee.
> If you demand Lincoln and his legacy for national adoration, you will
inevitably get Empire and all its centralized government horrors. If you
wish to see a return to the Republic, you must embrace Southern culture to a
significant degree for the whole of the Union and allow Southern culture to
be fully itself in the South; you must study and emulate not merely the
Southerners I listed in my letter but also Southerners such as George
Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, John Randolph, Roger Taney,
Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis, to whom Pope Pius IX, perhaps the
most knowledgeable opponent of Leftism in the world in the mid-19th century,
sent a crown of thorns.
> The problem is that New England Puritans, the original Yankees who
certainly provided the preponderance of cultural values and attitudes that
came to define the American north, loathed Southerners and saw them as
inherent inferiors when New Englanders were still shipping slaves across the
Atlantic and praying as Calvinists, which means the hatred and the
condescension have zilch to do with either slavery and the War Between the
States or Yankee evolution from WASP Calvinism to WASP Social
Gospel/Unitarian-Universalism. Protestant Yankees hated the Protestant South
for the same cultural reason that the English hated the Protestant Scots and
took every opportunity to enslave them to the Empire run from London. The
first American version of that hatred was installed as Union policy and part
of national popular culture with the War Between the States and
Reconstruction. As Neocons are merely the contemporary manifestation of
Yankee WASP Imperial Conservatism, Neocons are prone no
>  t mer
> ely to hating the South and fearing Southern culture, but also to
searching for allies among those who also hate the South. As Neocons love
Empire [and thus are willing to embrace multiculturalism in order to play
imperial games,] that is no problem for them.
> The great question is: Will the many Joseph Farahs of America [essentially
decent, conservative values folk who instinctively know we need a return to
the Republic] realize, first, that Empire, no matter the do-good
justification, is an abomination and, second, that no matter how furiously
Leftists, and many Neocons, call them 'racist,' they must defend and support
Southern culture in order to 'Take America Back'?
> The secondary question is: Do those who run The American Conservative,
which bills itself as the viable alternative to Neocon Empire worship, have
[1] the intelligence to know both that Southern culture and identity are
indispensable to both true conservative cultural values in America, thus to
any hope of the rebirth of the Republic, and that Yankee WASP culture is the
matrix and the nexus of all subsequent American Leftism and [2] the
character to assert both truths in print? Failure to do so only serves the
Left and/or the Neocons dead set on forging a new Anglophonic Empire.
> Mr. Cantrell may be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org</A>
> ==========
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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