-Caveat Lector-

>From Saddam to Osama, America Creates Its Own Nightmares
Monsters Of The Moment
by Sydney Schanberg
March 12 - 18, 2003

n the 1980s, Saddam Hussein was a U.S. ally, largely because he was at war
with Iran, a U.S. enemy. Washington chose to see Hussein then as a
potential force for good in the Middle East. Ronald Reagan thus took Iraq
off the terrorism list. That made it possible for Reagan and his successor,
George H.W. Bush, to authorize American corporations to sell Hussein
materials for his early chemical and biological weapons, such as the
anthrax virus. Bush's son, George W. Bush, now says these weapons are
among the prime reasons our armed forces must besiege and occupy Iraq.

Is it any wonder that so many Americans are confused about the second
President Bush's call to war? Confusion, in fact, has become the dominant
subtext of the campaign to convince Americans and the world of the war's
necessity. Clarity and truth have been kept out of sight. It's a murky world,
they whisper in the corridors of power, and sometimes we have to do
business with dictators and madmen. But it wouldn't be wise to tell the
people about it; that would only spread insomnia. Well, you didn't tell
them and yet their anxiety is palpable. Let them eat duct tape, one
patriot remarked.

We know that this man Hussein is an international outlaw, a certified bad
guy, but wasn't he a bad guy back in the '80s, when President Reagan sent
Donald Rumsfeld to Baghdad as special Middle East envoy to tell Hussein we
would do our darnedest to make sure that his country did not fall to Iran?
And that's the way it stood until Hussein overran Kuwait in late 1990 and
the first President Bush went to war to drive him out of that autocratic oil
kingdom, purportedly to preserve its so-called democracy.

Next came Osama bin Laden and his followers, who have sworn themselves
to lay waste to the United States of America and other "infidel" societies in
the name of an Islam that many Muslims find unrecognizable and abhorrent.
For a while, America thought that bin Laden, with his global terrorist
network, was the primary enemy.

Washington retaliated appropriately for the terrorists' murder of 3000 souls
on 9-11 by attacking bin Laden's Al Qaeda training camps and hideouts in
Afghanistan and sweeping aside the fundamentalist Taliban government
that had given bin Laden sanctuary. The American assault sent these
legions into the country's mountainous regions—and also across the border
into remote areas of Pakistan, a longtime backer of the Taliban with its
own large and powerful bloc of Islamic extremists.

In Afghanistan, too, there is troubling history for those trying to
understand Bush's call to war against Iraq. Back in the 1980s, the Russian
army had invaded Afghanistan, and a guerrilla army, with mujahideen
recruits from all corners of the globe, was fighting the occupation. The
United States took the side of the Islamic guerrilla army, with the CIA
supplying money and weapons. In the end, the bloodied Russians pulled
out, and the Taliban emerged from the resistance as a new force—as did
bin Laden and his Al Qaeda movement. Washington, still frozen in its Cold
War mind-fix and willing to help almost anyone who opposed the Russians,
wasn't paying attention to the long-term aims of these nascent groups.

Maybe all this is just the ebb and flow of history—or maybe, instead, it has
something to do with partnering up with nations and groups we have
nothing fundamental in common with. First we get behind somebody
because they're hostile to somebody we're also at odds with, eventually
lifting our "brave new allies" into power. Later, when it all turns sour, we
pretend the marriage never happened and brand them as hoodlums. The
real hobgoblin of our fears and conflicted thoughts these days is the
awareness that too many of our monsters of the moment were created in
our own laboratories.

Meanwhile, bin Laden and his top lieutenants managed to escape the U.S.
bombing and ground assaults. That was a huge disappointment in
Washington because Bush and his people had made such a big thing about
their determination to capture or kill him. In Bush's religious- sounding
pantheon of "evildoers," bin Laden was Evildoer Number One. But with this
Attila-Stalin-Hitler figure having slipped away, the White House needed a
more at-hand enemy to bring to account. And behold, there was Saddam
Hussein, still standing despite his defeat in the 1991 Kuwait adventure and
the subsequent economic embargoes and resolutions calling for elimination
of all his WMD—weapons of mass destruction. Thus did Saddam replace
Osama as the first-in-line evildoer.

Even here, there was another dose of contradictory "facts." The president
said there was nothing inconsistent about focusing on Saddam Hussein. He
insisted that all the pieces were connected. There was evidence, he said,
that Hussein was linked to bin Laden and the terrorist threat to American
security. He provided no details. The Central Intelligence Agency,
however, said that while some Al Qaeda types were taking refuge in Iraq's
hinterlands, it could find no clear connection between the Iraqi dictator
and September 11. No fresh evidence backing the White House position
has surfaced since.

At least one more country needs visiting to capture the full bizarrerie of
great-power foreign affairs and the irrational cohabitations that rise
therefrom. That country is Pakistan.

Pakistan, Muslim archenemy of Hindu India, separated from India in 1947 at
the birth of independence from British colonial rule. Pakistan has flirted
on occasion with rituals of democracy, but essentially has functioned as a
military dictatorship engaged in periodic wars with neighbor India, a
committed democracy. Each is paranoid about the other, and their
continuing dispute over Kashmir regularly erupts into violence. Both have
the atomic bomb.

During the Cold War, India forged a relationship with the Soviet Union,
while Pakistan lined up with China. Official Washington has generally
favored Pakistan, using the jejune argument that the Pakistanis are easier
to deal with—as dictatorships often are. Most Americans who have lived on
the subcontinent, such as myself, come away feeling that India, given its
democratic tradition, is a much more natural ally for the U.S. than
Pakistan. In 1971, Pakistan had acted as the go- between for the secret
Kissinger trip to Communist China to lay the groundwork for the
breakthrough Nixon visit the following year. For this and other favors,
Washington owed Pakistan.

Today, Pakistan and the U.S. pose for pictures as allies. But there are
deep internal contradictions. Is it not interesting that Khalid Shaikh
Mohammed, bin Laden's operational commander, was captured the other
day in a safe house in, yes, Pakistan? And not just in any old spot in
Pakistan, but in the cantonment town of Rawalpindi, which adjoins
Islamabad, the nation's capital. How long had he been there? Was he under
the protection of elements in the Pakistani government or military
intelligence service who are sympathetic, sometimes openly, to the Taliban
and Al Qaeda? Is Pakistan the next monster of our making?

More telling perhaps, Pakistan has secretly provided both North Korea and
Iran with nuclear technology and blueprints useful in producing atomic
weapons. North Korea, Iran, and Iraq—in George Bush's words— constitute
the "Axis of Evil." Should Pakistan be added to the list? The White House
has chosen to look the other way. To date, the North Koreans are
believed to have produced at least two bombs and have the capability of
delivering them to America's West Coast. Iran is believed now to have the
capability of building a bomb, and keeps expanding its technical reach.
Western intelligence says Iraq probably has some nuclear materials but has
not yet been able to build a bomb. Also, its missiles are all fairly short-

Is it not fair then to ask why, if North Korea and Iran both present a
greater and more immediate threat, our first act should be to declare war
on Iraq?

Many of those who support Bush's war policy on Iraq, including
editorialists, have done so with fingers crossed, calling it a "roll of the
dice." Somehow I don't see Vegas as a model for how best to bring about a
regime change.

Bush partisans say this president is a bold wartime leader whose audacity
could "change the world." But that is a colossal leap, especially when one
considers that this president has never really been out in the world he
wants to change and, in the pattern of his life, hasn't shown much interest
in it.

For myself, as I watch him on television delivering his speeches and
lobbying for international support (all while physically inside the borders of
the United States), I see a man in a hurry who reduces complex issues to
simplistic, missionary-like terms—such as the good vs. the bad. Is this a man
who has the stomach and patience to commit the government to the long,
complicated haul that is surely needed to turn around a nation like Iraq?
Or must it happen for him before the next presidential election?

Might it not be worth considering some less pyrotechnical strategy? What
if the president were to order a complete reassessment of our foreign
relationships with a view to making fewer accommodations with
dictatorships and rogue nations? We might not eliminate every corrosive
alliance of expedience, but there could at least be a shrinkage of them.
Some of the doubts in American minds today have to do with the nagging
thought that perhaps we've gotten into bed with too many wild dogs and
woken up with something more than fleas.

This is not a comforting feeling for a people who want to think of
themselves as the good guys.

As for the instant question of Iraq, what would be so wrong if, instead of
the all-out smash-and-destroy war the president and his people have
planned, the U.S. and Britain simply began to ratchet up the small, quiet
war that has been going on for quite a while. The air patrols in the
northern and southern no-fly zones could be gradually enlarged until all of
Iraq was blanketed with overhead surveillance that could spot and, when
necessary, knock out clearly identified weapons installations. Economic
sanctions could be tightened as well, with stiffer penalties against those
selling contraband to Saddam Hussein.

True, this would not bring about a change of regime as swiftly as a
blitzkrieg, but over time it would loosen Hussein's grip on power and make
change possible.

Several factors recommend this path. For one, some if not most of the
nations opposed to the present Bush war plan would have a difficult time
rejecting a more modulated, commonsense approach, using techniques
already in place. And the damage to Washington's relationship with old
allies would be softened.

There would also be significantly less destruction of Iraq's extensive road
system, bridges, and other infrastructure, making much easier any nation-
building effort to follow.

Finally—and not least—a lot fewer human beings would be killed, including

Something to think about.

As U.S. troops gear up for possible warfare in Iraq, the Voice keeps track
of what the president really wants in the Middle East, and why.

 Letter to the Editor  |  E-Mail Story  |  Voice Newsletter

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Justice Is a Game — The mess we now know as the Central Park jogger
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one of the city’s most notorious episodes of crime and punishment.

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