-Caveat Lector-

Clear And Irrefutable Proof The US Government Planed And  Executed Genocidal Acts Against The Iraqi People.


Our Worst Fears Confirmed.

Washington professor Tom Nagy appeared tonight (March 13 , 2003) on the national Swiss TV-channel SFDRS 1: 

This Washington professor presented Pentagon papers providing hard evidence on the past and present war-doctrines of the USAF and other US troops . 

These documents are hard evidence and proof of intentional genocide against the entire Iraqi civilian  population. These war crimes we committed by destroying the water systems with precision bombing . 

The bombing of the Iraqi water systems never was an obvious intentional target ! It' worked well in 1991, so we can expect that they'll use it once again. These US-War Criminals  should be brought to justice.

A further US attack on Iraq's water purification systems will bring untold deaths due to lack of clean drinkable water and will ultimately lead to the deaths of million of Iraqi Civilians.

We really have to face this clearly.

 The US-Government is prepared to commit intentionally an unimaginable GENOCIDE. 
We have the common duty to do whatever it takes to stop this war, everything possible which fits the concept of Peace and avoids the concept of War .

Our Swiss reader has been kind enough to provide this further update

Hi Tom ,

Yes , your right , it's already late-night here in Switzerland , but this
incredible war-craze merits every effort at any time to be stopped .
So this is what happened on Swiss-TV tonight :

Tonight , March 13., 2003 , approx. 21:15 Swiss Time , the Swiss National
TV-Channel SFDRS 1 broadcasted it's regular weekly show MTV (stands in
German for Menschen , Technik , Wissenschaft = Humans , Technology ,
Science) .

In the prime-news at 20:00 they gave already a short info on this
coming issue , that an interview with US Professor Tom Nagy on the Water-War
and Genocide on the Iraqi population will be broadcast in the MTW-show .
Professor Nagy works at the George Washington University , Washington DC,
20052 USA , in the Department of Management Science .
His email address is
his website-url is :

both of these links were provided on the Swiss-TV homepage
and there under programs(Sendungen)/MTV , and there was also the link to the
declassified Pentagon papers he cited and explained in the interview :

During his interview (about 15 minutes altogether) , Mr. Nagy presented
several Pentagon-files from 1991 to 1998 .  He said these documents were strictly classified until they succeeded in their struggle to get them
declassified not so long ago .

He showed a Pentagon paper from 1991 and explained that it contains the USAF's strategy to  intentionally destroy the Iraqi water-systems , which is a very hard breach of the Geneva-conventions and therefore a warcrime to be prosecuted under international law . 

When asked by the interviewer , if he shares this view , Mr. Nagy was sad because he had to agree completely . He showed then further Pentagon papers from 1998 which made the following statements and comments necessary from his part : the USAF concluded , that this method used in the first Gulf-war was very effective , even more in combination with the fact , that the US and the UK abused the embargo to prevent Iraq from the import of chlorine for water-desinfection . 

This drama caused already the death of more than 500'000 Iraqi children , Mr. Nagy said , and currently are 6000 Iraqi children dying in a week due to nothing else than the lack of clean water ...  .  

And then he went on saying , that the US Generals found this method really convincing and working , and that the orders given to the USAF for the coming war give precise information on the planned and intentional destruction of the entire Iraqi water-supply-system . 

He said , the USAF will therefore use their high-precision laser-guided missiles again to bomb the Iraqi water-systems definitely into the ground now , and that this will be officially  communicated as 'collateral damages' .

And then he made a kind of résumé of all these bitter facts and had to conclude , that there is no other way to look at this than as a clear attempt to commit intentional Genocide , because the USAF and the US Army knew and knows today that this strategy will kill literally Millions of innocent Iraqis . He said it will be  only a matter of months then until probably the great majority of Iraqis will have died , the children first , for they are sick already now ..... .

This is in brief the essential message which was given in this interview . 

Well Tom , this is what I can do for the moment . I have no idea if this serves your request , but I hope so for now . If you need further details or information , please contact me at any time , your welcome , and I will try to do my level best , ok ?

Thanks for your good work , it's much appreciated here !

Readers Name Withheld

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