-Caveat Lector- http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_031303_schestrate_wanted.html

Wanted Dead or Alive: Osama Hussein or Saddam Bin Laden
By Mike Schelstrate

The recent scripted press conference hosted by President Bush included a very interesting question by a reporter; “If you order war, can any military operation be considered a success if the United States does not capture Saddam Hussein, as you once said, ‘dead or alive'?” This is a very interesting question.

To my knowledge, the current President Bush has never said he wanted Saddam Hussein ‘dead or alive’, at least not that has been widely distributed in the mainstream media. The party line has been restricted to the stated policies of Weapons of Mass Destruction Disarmament and Regime Change.

Bush has famously declared he wants Osama Bin Laden ‘dead or alive’. In fact, this is one of his more popular quotes, replayed repeatedly in the media for months following the September 11 terrorist attack. I clearly remember Cowboy Bush leaning back in his chair in the Oval Office, and declaring in a gruff voice something similar to, “I remember a poster from the old west; “Wanted Dead or Alive.” This is my intention for Mister Osama Bin Laden.” People all over the world saw this video clip, and is one of the reasons the Cowboy nickname was attached to our fearless leader by the Europeans. Could the reporters question have possibly been an innocent mistake? Not likely in a scripted press conference where all questions are approved beforehand by Ari Fleischer and his staff.

This press conference is a great example of professional lies and disinformation propagated by the media in conjunction with the current administration in Washington. If the Iraqi regime are not connected to the terrorist attacks, we have no reason to invade Iraq at this time. The entire Bush Administration has been working furiously during the last year in an attempt to link Osama Bin Laden with Saddam Hussein in order to legitimize the previously planned attack on Iraq. Thus far, they have failed to find a single shred of credible evidence to support this claim. Every time they produce another flimsy counterfeit link, it is exposed immediately as being false. Establishing this link is imperative to sway public opinion in favor of the war. Obviously, they are growing sufficiently desperate in their pursuit to resort to Orwellian doublespeak in an attempt to get their message across.

My greatest concern regarding this incident is that this scripted attempt at impressing a falsehood on a trusting public goes beyond propaganda. This is a sublime form of mind control. Implant a blatantly false suggestion in the minds of the listeners, followed by an enforcement of the suggestion with supporting comments. Repeat as necessary. Eventually the listeners will be convinced that the greatest absurdity is in fact truth. Two plus two equals five, or whatever the government wants it to equal.

Bush’s hundred year War on Terrorism is a war against a faceless enemy. This makes it difficult to retain the public support necessary to continue the war effort. Immediately following the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the press vilified Osama Bin Laden as the mastermind. Putting a face on the enemy provides people with a focal point; now the American public had a despicable individual to hate. This worked well for our invasion of Afghanistan, President Bush’s approval rating remained over 70% for many months during this aggressive action. The daily papers were filled with ominous pictures of the villain, and breathtaking accounts of how we almost caught him on numerous occasions. After the takeover of Afghanistan was complete, the hunt for Osama Bin Laden faded into the background. The Bush Administration focused their attention on the next phase of their attempt to establish a New World Order, conquest of Iraq, repossession of the oil reserves, and the remaking of the Middle East. Documents have been uncovered detailing the campaign for this illegal action by members of the current administration dating as far back as 1998. A massive public relations ploy was required to convince a gullible public to support the invasion. The government has found it desirable to transfer the malignant feelings people felt towards Bin Laden to Saddam Hussein in order to put a familiar face on this enemy, and retain public support for action. We have witnessed multiple efforts to accomplish this falsehood. A report that suspected hijacker Mohammed Atta met with Iraqi intelligence officers in Europe was one of the first attempts, and shows how long ago the plans to link Iraq to Al Qaeda were set in motion. This report was not credible, and was swiftly debunked by most credible experts. Many additional attempts to fabricate this link have followed. To date, all have been unsuccessful.

President Bush stated in the press conference, “Even if the fiendish Iraqi dictator was not involved with Al Qaeda, he has supported Al Qaeda type terrorist networks.” This propaganda was in addition to the attempt to morph Osama Bin Laden into Saddam Hussein. Rumor has it that the CIA, NSA and FBI have been directed to do whatever it takes to produce credible evidence of the supposed complicity, whether it is fact or not. This is not the way we expect our government to operate.

Propaganda and mind control are powerful tools, and the Bush Administration utilizes these methodologies extensively. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. These Orwellian philosophies are growing closer to reality each day. The idea that the masters controlling our destiny believe this obvious deception will be accepted as fact by the general public is infuriating. Their opinion of the average intelligence and gullibility of Americans must be extremely low. Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden represent opposite spectrums of the Islamic and Arab political arena. The idea that they are working in concert is absurd. The most disturbing fact is that they may just be successful in their attempt to sell this lie to the American public. Unbelievably, a recent poll found that 42% of Americans believe that Saddam Hussein was personally responsible for the 9/11 attacks! There is absolutely no evidence to support this theory. Our Republic is in danger of collapse if these illegal actions are not recognized and stopped. Americans need to wake up, move out of their dream world, and begin paying attention to the grand deception being imposed upon them before it is too late.

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