-Caveat Lector-

"Peace" Rally Organizer Supports Terrorism
By Chet Dembeck
FrontPageMagazine.com | March 17, 2003

If you want to get a better fix on who’s really behind today’s anti-war
movement, I urge you to take a hard look at the Workers World Party, a
group that never saw a terrorist it wouldn’t defend.
This vintage Communist organization’s website proves how wrong the big
media is in charactering the antiwar coalition as a groundswell of
soccer moms rising up against the foreign policies of President George
W. Bush.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Once you carefully peruse the pages of this shrieking Bolshevik
tabloid, you’ll begin to quickly understand that the current antiwar
movement is really an ensemble of perennial America haters. Like a
troupe of washed-up actors fighting each other to get to an open
casting call, these hardcore revolutionaries hope to stoke a fire
against the United States using the camouflage of peace.

Allying itself with enemies of the U.S. is a tactic Workers World has
enthusiastically embraced since its birth in 1959. But today, instead
of defending dictatorial Communist regimes – because most of them are
extinct—it defends Middle-East terrorists and dictators.

You can see this plainly by randomly reading articles from the
publication’s archives.

Once you get pass the orthodox, Marxist gibberish that fills every
page, you quickly discover a strident pro-terrorist theme, which paints
Palestinian suicide bombers as heroes and their terrorist leaders as
oppressed victims of an imperial U.S. and Zionist Israel.
Barbarism Equated With Heroism

For example, a headline on an article about a recent Palestinian female
suicide bomber reads, “Why woman Israel calls terrorist is hero to many

The piece then goes on to justify the woman’s deliberate murder of
innocent Israeli civilians by giving an anecdotal account of how the
suicide bomber’s witnessing of Israeli atrocities using weapons made in
the U.S. drove her to this heroic act.

“How much can a person take?” the piece asks. “Is it really so
surprising that, every time Idris saw a picture of a suicide attack,
she reportedly told her sister-in-law, ‘I wish I could do that.’”
It is surprising to me that this article and its publisher, the Workers
World, can’t distinguish the difference between Israeli soldiers
attacking and killing armed terrorists who are lobbing mortars at them
from someone who purposely straps ball bearings and explosives to their
waists then commits suicide by turning themselves into deadly shrapnel
in the midst of a crowd of women and children.

Unfortunately, both Israel and the United States have killed and
wounded innocents during armed conflicts. But the difference in how
these legitimate nations react to such tragedies speaks volumes.

Both the U.S. and Israel apologize and often pay compensation to the
relatives of the accidental casualties. For instance, when the U.S.
mistakenly downed an Iranian airliner, it paid millions in retribution
to Iranian citizens. Conversely, terrorists dance in the streets
celebrating the deliberate slaughter of innocent U.S. and Israeli
civilians and then pay compensation to the relatives of those who
committed the atrocities.
Another striking omission in this article is any mention that when U.S.
and Israeli soldiers are accused of committing atrocities they can be
tried and convicted of war crimes. Remember U.S. Army Lt. William
Calley? Even Prime Minister Sharon came under investigation by his own
government in 1983 for the Sabra and Shatilla massacre.
When is the last time the PLO investigated Yasser Arafat for the
massacre of innocent Israelis? Never.
Mendacity Of Calling For Justice
Another article in the Workers World’s archives entitled “Free, Free
Palestine” is a report covering a so-called 100,000-people strong
pro-Palestine march on Washington, D.C. As usual, there is no
independent verification of this number. There’s also more support for
Palestinian terrorism expressed in a quote of one of the 17-year-old
organizers, who is identified as an African American.
“It seems that the rest of the word is beginning to learn what the
Palestinian people have proven through heroic resistance: that there
will never be peace in the Middle East until there is justice for
A few paragraphs later we find out how this group defines this
sought-after justice:
“We have to end the criminal partnership between the U.S. and the state
of Israel.  We must oppose the exclusionary character of the Israeli
state,” the article exhorts.
This is a euphemistic way of demanding Israel to stop being a homeland
for Jews—in other words cease to exist.
There is no mention in this article about the numerous efforts Israel –
with the help of the U.S. –has made to resolve the Palestinian issue by
spending countless hours negotiating with the PLO in good faith, only
to have their actions desecrated by a suicide bomber attack against
Israeli citizens.  Also, there’s no mention of the U.S position that
any permanent peace must be linked to formation of a Palestinian state.
So why do groups like the Workers World ignore these prudent attempts
by Israel and the U.S. to stop the bloodshed?
The obvious answer is that they don’t really want a peace that doesn’t
include the elimination of Israel.
Hamas As A Victim
Along with characterizing the PLO as victims, Workers World also wrings
its hands for the terrorist Hamas organization. In an article entitled
“Sharon replies to 'peace plan' with massive assault,” the World
Workers justifies a recent Hamas terrorist bombing this way:
“Sharon's tried-and-tested method of dealing with recent negotiation
initiatives is to carry out extreme provocations against the
Palestinians,” the author wrote. “These provocations by themselves
cause little furor in Washington. However, when the Palestinians
retaliate, the cry goes up in Washington against the Palestinians and
the negotiations are iced.”
So once again, in the eyes of Workers World, the PLO and Hamas are not
responsible for murdering innocent Israeli civilians. It’s Prime
Minister Sharon who is at fault. This is the same perverted logic
voiced by common criminals who often blame their cold-blooded murders
and rapes of innocents on some real or imagined grievance they have
with society.
In an article entitled “Palestine will never accept colonialism,”
Workers World reveals the real reasoning for it defense of terrorists.
“Palestine is part of a global struggle,” the article says. “Capitalism
can’t offer a better life. The last 10 years we have seen an increase
in both poverty and wealth, according to the United Nations. In the
last four years the top 1 percent of the populations wealth has
doubled. There is a material basis for human solidarity. Capitalist
globalization will create workers’ globalization.”
So with the waving of a red flag, the Middle East conflict is instantly
transformed from a struggle between Palestinian terrorists and Israel
into a struggle between oppressed workers and their Capitalist
Dictator Becomes Oppressed Underdog
Along with defending terrorists, Workers World also defends the
governments of amoral dictators such as Saddam Hussein in a piece
called “Iraqi people prepare for U.S. invasion.”
Instead of asking legitimate questions as to why Iraq has never
complied with a United Nations resolution to destroy its weapons of
mass destruction, it makes Saddam’s government a victim.
“Beyond the initial attack lies the prospect of a long U.S. occupation.
This is a colonial war to steal the resources in an area where
nationalist and anti-imperialist sentiment is very strong,” the article
So here, once again, Workers World defends the regime of a brutal
dictator who has invaded and used poison gas on his neighbors over
supporting two elected governments that try and live within the
framework of international law.
What is the motivating force behind this insanity?
One word: Communism.
Intuitively, Workers World gravitates toward government’s run by such
megalomaniacs as Saddam.
That’s because no elected government trying to implement such a
bankrupt ideology would ever stay in power in a democracy. People
throughout the world have risen up to overthrow Communist regimes.
While watching a recent biography on Hussein, I noted with interest
that one of his heroes, as a boy was Stalin.
In an article entitled “Problems of the Soviet economic reforms,”
Workers World also appear to justify this monster’s murderous holocaust
of the millions of Ukrainian and Russian farmers.
“The imperialist bourgeoisie was intransigent in its attempt to
overthrow the young socialist republic and allied itself with all the
leftovers of the reactionary propertied classes,” the author writes.
“This is not to excuse Stalin's repressions, but his unlimited use of
terror during the entire period of his tenure didn't just fall from the
sky, it had a material basis.”
There you have it. Terrorism defended once again – the Workers World
Party way.
Chet Dembeck is a seasoned reporter who has covered business, Congress
and the federal government.

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