-Caveat Lector-

>Well, you would be half right. Sort of. His family was Serbian, but had
>lived in the Croatian area for several generations. His father was an
>Orthodox priest. I am not sure, but I think they lived in the Kryiena
>(sp?) region mentioned as having recently gone through ethnic

Tesla was born in Split, in what is now Croatia (the borders back then
were much fuzzier, since the whole place was part of the
Austro-Hungarian Empire, this being before the Balkan Wars, the ones
from 1903-1913).  I seem to recall his mother was a Serb.  He went to
university in Prague, but didn't stay to complete his degree (ISTR all
he missed out on was the final exam, and by then he had basic patents
for several devices which were far better credentials than a bachelor's
degree would ever have been, so off he went to the US, eventually
becoming a naturalised citizen in 1899.



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