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WSWS : News & Analysis : Middle East : Iraq

British journalist Felicity Arbuthnot speaks on Iraq

"There is going to be a bloodbath"

By Barbara Slaughter
18 March 2003

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Felicity Arbuthnot is a freelance journalist who has visited Iraq 26 times
since the 1991 Gulf War. She worked as senior researcher on the film
Paying the Price—Killing the Children of Iraq, which investigated the
devastating effect of United Nations sanctions on people of Iraq.

The film’s title refers to a statement by then US Secretary of State
Madeline Albright in 1996 that the deaths of over half a million Iraqis as a
result of embargo related causes was, “a hard price but the price is worth

Arbuthnot was interviewed by Barbara Slaughter just before she returned
to Iraq.

The US and the UK accuse Saddam Hussein of non-compliance with UN
resolutions, but the US and the UK don’t even have any mandate from the
Security Council to comply with. There is no mandate from the United
Nations for them to be patrolling the no-fly zones or indeed for the no-fly
zones themselves. The continuous bombings of Iraq by American and British
forces is illegal.

I personally am convinced that this will be a nuclear war. I think that Bush
and Blair are prepared to break that sacred vow on the Hiroshima
memorial, which says, “Rest in peace. The mistake will not happen again.”
And I’ll give you one of the reasons why. In 1991 in Tel- Aviv, just before
the Gulf War, the Israeli military gave a press conference, and one of the
questions was, “What will happen if Iraq lobs anything into Israel?” And the
spokesman replied, “We will turn Baghdad into a sheet of glass.”

Israel has the fifth largest nuclear arsenal on earth, with two hundred
nuclear warheads. Also US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his
British counterpart Geoffrey Hoon have made it clear that they won’t
hesitate to use nuclear weapons.

Nobody has really looked at what Britain and America are rather chillingly
referring to as “the day after”. We all remember that film in the 1980s
about nuclear war called The Day After. Who is going to take over?

There is going to be a bloodbath that the British and the Americans have
not thought through. Not because these are a warlike people but imagine
if the Iraqis or anyone else said “OK, we’ll come in and sort out Tony

One needs to look at the hue of the people outside Iraq who call
themselves the Iraqi opposition—the men George Bush says he can do
business with—quite apart from the fact that they get a great deal of
money from the CIA. Take Ahmed Chalabi for example, who is the
spokesman for the Iraqi National Congress (INC). He has been sentenced to
34 years and to 32 years in Jordan to run concurrently for allegedly
bringing down, virtually single handedly, the Petra Bank. This is a bank that
was set up on the basis that there wasn’t a Shia bank in Jordan and the
Lebanon. So Shia small businessmen, including market gardeners, farmers
and others put their money into his bank. The central criminal court in
Jordan found him guilty of siphoning off money into a bank in Geneva and
the Petra Bank just bottomed out and went bankrupt. Many of those
investors have committed suicide.

This story didn’t see the light of day in the West. In the early nineties
there was an international arrest warrant out for him for years. I don’t
know if it has been rescinded because of his relationship with Washington
and Whitehall. But would you give $97 million, which is what the CIA are
doing, to this man? I don’t think so.

Another one is Alaawi, who was once Saddam’s chief speechwriter. He
now edits the INC weekly newspaper, The Congress. He was interviewed
on German state television two months ago and basically said that when
the opposition takes over any Iraqi exile who is against this war will never
be allowed home. Those inside Iraq who have ever worked for the regime
will be brought with their hands and ankles in chains to Baghdad to meet
justice and their maker. About 70 percent of the population worked for
the regime in one way or another—in the nationalised industries and the
civil service, etc.

A couple of months ago I did a documentary for Channel 4 interviewing
Iraqi exiles here who are against the bombing. I thought it would be easy
since I have known the Iraqi community for a long time and been trusted
by a great many of them. Many of them said to me, “Felicity, no, sorry, not
this one. Saddam is over there but they are over here.” They were talking
about the INC.

A recent article on the World Socialist Web Site talks about Saddam being
accused of deliberately placing military hardware near mosques and
crowded places. Iraq is full of mosques and crowded cities. Here in Britain,
air force bases and missiles can be near to big cities. Look at Faslane.

I’ve visited many of these places. In 1999 we were going down to Basra, an
area where there had been an entire area wiped out by cruise missiles. A
Pentagon spokesman said at the time that this was because they were
hiding tanks and missiles in civilian areas.

We got to this poverty-stricken little area, where 47 houses were wiped
out and most of the people in them. We were travelling in two Overlander
type cars and had to park about half a mile away and lug all our equipment
with us because the streets were so narrow. You certainly wouldn’t have
got a tank down there and as for missiles; the houses were so close
together you couldn’t put a bicycle between them. When our clips were
shown to someone at the Pentagon, they just said it had been a mistake.

When we arrived people came running from all over, with lots of children.
Suddenly a door of one of the houses that had been rebuilt opened and
this man came out, about 30 years old. The crowd fell silent and parted.
He produced three battered, fingered photographs from his pocket. They
were these three beautiful laughing little girls, all under seven, who had
been killed in the “mistake”. Later I managed to find a photograph of one
of them after she had been pulled out of the rubble—this lovely little
blonde girl, with pigtails and her face all covered with ash.

In over 26 visits to Iraq, I have visited many sites of bombings. Most of them
have turned out to be in the middle of nowhere in the most poverty
stricken little villages or actually not even villages. In 19 months there were
11 bombings of flocks of sheep with child shepherds on the plains in the
middle of nowhere. It is just terrorising the population. There are just too
many examples that have no other possible explanation.

UNSCOM (United Nations Special Commission weapons inspectors) has said
that they now have spy satellites that are so sophisticated they could see
a Coca-Cola can in a trash bin. These satellites will also pick up gamma
radiation emitted if nuclear weapons are being manufactured. They also
say that if chemical or biological weapons are being manufactured they
throw out what is described as an “ether”, which sophisticated satellites
will also pick up. They haven’t picked up anything whatsoever.

When you look at the enormous facilities that are needed to manufacture
nuclear weapons— Los Alamos in the US for example—these are towns half
the size of Memphis. They can’t just spring up on the flat Iraqi plain
without being noticed. As for this nonsensical claim about the mobile
laboratories that make chemical, nuclear and biological weapons, you
know you can’t manufacture the stuff in the back of a wagon with a
couple of washed out coffee jars. You have to have really sophisticated

Two of the plants that allegedly produced chemical and biological weapons
are located at a place called Ardour on the outskirts of Baghdad and at
Malouja, which is west of Baghdad. Most people believe they were
veterinarian medicine factories. In October last year I went to visit both
sites with Hans von Sponeck, who is the former UN coordinator in Iraq who
resigned in February 2000. These were sites that UNSCOM had completely
trashed in 1996. They went in with fire-axes and they smashed the doors,
windows, equipment, light switches, ventilation shafts.

We asked for permission to visit and when we got there the gates were so
rusty we couldn’t open them. Then we had to fight our way through the
undergrowth and there was nothing, no electricity, nothing. At the end of
last year the Americans were saying these factories had been rebuilt and
that they were again making chemical and biological weapons. I rang von
Sponeck and asked him about it. He said, “Felicity, they are just in the
same state as when you and I visited in 1999. The only difference is that
the undergrowth is higher.”

While we are on the subject of lying, when Baghdad was bombed in that
four day blitz in 1998, Tony Blair stood up in the House of Commons and he
talked about legitimate targets. He said that the Ministry of Defence had
been bombed. I got in there two days later and found the Ministry of
Defence had not been bombed. What they had bombed was a most
beautiful Ottoman building on the banks of the Tigris, which had been the
Ministry of Defence at the time of the Ottomans and hadn’t been used for
that purpose for 60 years.

In the same statement Blair said they had bombed Saddam’s sister’s palace.
But no they had bombed the Abbasid Palace, which was nearly 1,200 years
old and has been used as a museum for about 70 years. It doesn’t even
have electricity or heating.

Despite all the anti-Saddam rhetoric, we know this war is about oil and the
strategic position of Iraq in the Middle East, as a kind of bridge to the Far
East, where America and Britain can pursue their oil and gas policies and
their political policies.

We are told that these two are Christian leaders, but they forget that this
is Mesopotamia. This is where Abraham, father of three of the great
religions, Islam, Christianity and Judaism, was born at Ur. The great ziggurat
is still there. This is the first major city on earth and it still gives you goose
pimples, it’s so beautiful. This where the land of milk and honey came
from. Just down the road there is another ancient site at Qurna where
the Garden of Eden is supposed to have flourished. Nearby is Babylon,
where you can still visit the sites of the Hanging Gardens and you can see
part of the original site of ancient Babylon from 6, 000 or more years ago,
where Hammurabi devised the first domestic laws to protect women and
children, their safety and their rights to property. You can go further
south to Basra, known as the Venice of the Middle East where the two
biblical rivers, the Tigres and the Euphrates meet at Shatt al Arab, where
Sinbad left for his magical journeys.

St. Matthew is believed to have been buried at a monastery named after
him, which in Arabic is Deirmatti. It’s a very ancient thirteen-century
monastery on top of a mountain. Nearby there’s another monastery called
St. George’s, where every spring Christians of all denominations have a

Are these two Christian leaders really going to wipe out this extraordinary
land of Mesopotamia? Are they going to wipe out Christian history? The
whole country is a world heritage site.

We are also told about Saddam’s huge reserve army. But if you see it, it is
so pathetic. Twenty years of war, a total of a million dead in the Iran-Iraq
war, then the terrible losses in the Gulf War in which it is estimated that
250,000 Iraqis died. And after that all the subsequent bombings, including
the 1998 bombings, when there were thousands killed.

Iraq is a country where 46 percent of the population are 16 years old or
less. So the embargo was imposed when these 16 year olds were three.
These youngsters have had their entire childhood snatched away from
them—no toys, no books, no pencils, and no normality. Nothing but
ongoing bombings.

These are children like those in every war zone who shake in front of
storms, because they think the bombers are coming again and time and
again they do. They know their parents can’t protect them. These
children grew up very young. They know that all the normal almost
primeval things like kissing them better or taking them to bed with you
when they are frightened just don’t work. And they are going to end their
days as cannon fodder in George Bush’s war for oil. The only people left to
go into the army, with a few exceptions, are these kids who have lost their
childhood. So this is a war against children.

And the women. It’s no secret—you can go to any schoolyard after three
o’clock and you will see the young girls being trained up, with school
teachers, doctors. Women, as well as these 16 year old kids is all they’ve
got left to fight with. A friend of mine is a professor at the university in
Baghdad. At the time of the 1998 crisis, her daughters were 16, 17 and 18.
The 16 year old weighed about 84 pounds and she was going off from home
in tears because they had been called up for training after school. She
was given this old AK 47 rifle and was taught how to load it and so on. But
she could hardly lift it.

This is what the US and British troops are fighting against and we are
sending in cruise missiles that have “Love to Saddam,” written on the side.

Everyone had always told me that Iraqis were a late night people. It had
been a very secular country and you could sit out in the evening and
enjoy a glass of wine until the embargo. Then in 1996 Saddam tried to get
the Islamic countries on board and it was all stopped. You never really saw
anyone out after dark; there was a kind of collective depression. They just
went home and struggled to live with the embargo.

Suddenly last October it was as if it was a new country. Every little side
street was filled with people playing board games, and people were selling
food off battered old tin plates, and people promenading around the
squares till late at night. It was as if they were saying, “Oh to hell with it,
let’s just get on with life.” When you asked what they thought was going
to happen, a number of people just said, “We don’t care anymore. We are
just too tired. We are going to live for the day and let them come and
bomb us. We just don’t care.” But others would say, “Every time I think of
another bombing I just die inside.”

I know there has been a lot of disquiet privately expressed by some US and
UK soldiers that this a war that does not have public support. You only
have to look at the extraordinary demonstrations, from one end of the
globe to the other on the February 15 to know that the world is not
behind this war. But the soldiers are being sold the idea that when they
go into Baghdad, or Basra or Mosul or anywhere else, when they cross the
border from Jordan or Turkey, they will be greeted with flower petals and
garlands. I don’t think so.

If you are trusted enough, you get to speak to people. If you ask the most
rabid anti-Saddam families whether they will be happy when the Americans
and British come and get rid of him, they say, “Over my dead body. We
have been occupied by different forces for 700 years and it’s not going to
happen again.”

I think these poor kids in the US army are being sold a pup, because once
they get over there you’ll see an uprising against the British and American
troops. They have to sleep somewhere and eat something in a completely
alien culture they know nothing about. What are young kids from
Cincinnati going to know about Iraqi culture? The situation is very complex.
You have the Shia in the south with allegiances to Iran. You’ve got the
Kurds in the north. You’ve got the Azeris, the Turkomans and the
Christians, plus a huge number of tribal complexities. You cannot compare
Iraq with Afghanistan. The only parallel I’d draw is with 1990/1991, when
the US encouraged rebellion in the north and the south and then they
were abandoned.

There will be a settling of old scores, with an awful lot of blood letting
that has nothing to do with Saddam. These young troops who do not even
speak the language are going to be in the middle of the old civil unrest
that haunted the Middle East in the 1850s, the 1920s, the 1930s and again
in the 1950s. It should never be forgotten that the last British imposed
prime minister was dragged through the streets of Baghdad, not that long
ago, and that all that was left of him was compared to the Arabic
expression for a shish kebab. We are going to go back to that.

The country has been held together, not perfectly, but more cohesively
than at any other time in its history. Had we allowed normality to return
by lifting the embargo, it would progress and sort itself out. Saddam is a
flicker in the eye of history. Iraq is highly educated, highly sophisticated,
highly urbanised. Along with the Palestinians, it has the highest number of
PhDs per capita on the globe. When the British left only a little over 30
years ago, the average life expectancy in Iraq was 26 years and the literacy
level was just a little over 10 percent. By the time of the Gulf War the life
expectancy was 74 for women and a little less for men and literacy was
around 90 percent. There was also 93 percent access to clean water and
the same for access to very sophisticated modern health care. These are
World Health Organisation figures.

They are very political people. Everybody has a radio, they listen to the
BBC World Service, and they listen to the Arabic services and know
everything that is going on. They might get wall-to-wall government stuff
on the TV, but they still know what is going on. It fascinates me when you
get foreign correspondents, including the BBC, coming on and saying these
poor people don’t really know what is going on in the outside world. Like
all the Middle East, the Iraqis live under a very repressive regime. But you
to have the ability to separate the people of countries from their leaders.

Those young American and British soldiers are going into a poisoned land.
Look what happened to the Gulf veterans, and what is happening to the
Iraqis. Among the Gulf veterans, the field hospital people who were there
for about three months were the worst affected even though they were in
Saudi and Kuwait because of the prevailing wind. This time the American
troops will be there for much longer. They are going to have the same
deformities amongst their children. They will share the same fate.

Nobody has addressed the problems of the Gulf veterans, or the nuclear
test veterans of the Pacific, or the Vietnam veterans, or the people in
Vietnam who suffered from Agent Orange. Now kids are being sent as a
different kind of cannon fodder to have their whole genetic integrity
impaired by being in Iraq.

We should remember too, that although there have been surveys done in
Basra in the south, Baghdad was the most heavily bombed and there has
never been a survey done to check the radiation levels in Baghdad. [In
Basra] some of the weapons used were tipped with depleted uranium,
some had a core coating and some had the actual core of the weapons.
According to Jane’s some of the weapons they are going to use at the
moment have as much as two tons of pure uranium in one bunker-busting
bomb. What has also been discovered now is that it is not even depleted.
That was bad enough—with a four and a half billion year half-life,
chemically toxic and radioactive. In Basra they have found the bombs that
were used had enriched uranium in them—neptunium. It had everything
you would expect to find in the nuclear fuel cycle, including three
different kinds of plutonium. Anyone who knows plutonium knows it is
more lethal than enriched uranium. The weapons experts estimate that if
it were possible to distribute just one teaspoonful of plutonium 239 across
the face of the globe, everybody at some point would get cancer. And we
are just dumping huge quantities on Iraq.

Israel will use the opportunity to clear out Gaza and the West Bank—in
other words ethnic cleansing. According to many people, they have
chosen a place in the eastern quarter of Jordan near Iraq—a completely
empty quarter—called Ashraq. I was initially quite dismissive but I have
heard so many well informed Jordanians, including newspaper people,
saying there is a lot of, a lot of American activity up there. I know that a
whole 1,200 kilometre stretch between Jordan and Baghdad and suddenly
there is this huge new army camp that has been built slap on the
Jordanian side of the border. I asked my driver whom I always use what it
was. He said that is the new American base for when they ship the
Palestinians out.

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