-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 04/18/99) --  Noam  Chomsky,  a professor at Massachusetts
Institute  of  Technology,  compares  USA-led  NATO  actions   in
Yugoslavia  to  a Mafia-like protection racket.  Are USA's stated
"humanitarian concerns" dubious?  Chomsky  responds:  "If a Mafia
don who runs the local branch of Murder Inc. shows some  kindness
to children, the humanitarian concerns don't rise to the level of
'dubious' -- and that's even more so if he shows his humanitarian
concerns by kicking the kid in the face."  [1]

Chomsky says "credibility of NATO" is "Newspeak", comparing it to
the  "rep" (reputation) of a Mafia "family."  "If someone doesn't
pay protection money, the don  has to establish 'credibility,' to
make sure others don't get funny ideas about  disobeying  orders.
So  what  Clinton,  et  al., are saying is that it's necessary to
ensure that everyone  has  proper  fear  of the global enforcer,"
writes Professor Chomsky.  [2]

In other words, USA fears  to  be  seen  as a "paper tiger."  Our
other colonies might  get  funny  ideas  about  paying  up  their
protection money were that to happen.

Continuing the Mafia analogy,  Don  Feder,  writing in The Boston
Herald, sees U.S. Secretary  of  State  Madeline  Albright  as  a
high-ranking  gangster:   "Doing a bad imitation of Vito Corleone
at Rambouillet, Albright  told  the  Serbs  she would have either
their signatures or their brains on the peace accord." [3]

Albright  made  the Serbs "an offer they can't refuse."  But then
the Serbs "dissed" (disrespected)  *consigliere* Albright and now
the Washington "family" is breaking legs.

One of the  Washington  "button  men" (killers) playfully scrawls
little messages on his bombs.  He writes:  "Bad times.  Isn't  it
lovely.   See  you  guys.  I'm going home, Eric N., Italy."  (The
serial number of that particular  bomb:   30003  70 4 AS 4829 MFP
96214) "The bomb  wounded  farmer  Slobodan  Djordjevic  and  his
sixteen-year-old daughter, who received major skull fractures and
is in critical condition at the Neurosurgery Clinic of Nis." [4]

The  mobsters  in  Washington have hired extra "muscle" for their
vendetta.  Mob boss of bosses  Bill  Clinton has had a "sit down"
with rival mobster Osama bin Laden.  "Don" bin Laden  has  agreed
to  assist  "Don"  Clinton,  in return for a piece of the action.
American planes fly new  recruits  of  the Kosovo Liberation Army
"into Albania and Macedonia and wherefrom they are being deployed
on the territory of Yugoslavia..."  [5] CNN,  the  Criminal  News
Network, helps spread the word: KLA is hiring.

Part  of  the  loot  which  the  two crime families will divvy up
between them (unless  the  Washington crime family double-crosses
the bin Laden/KLA crime family) includes the fabulous Stari (Trg)
mine (gold, silver,  zinc,  cadmium,  lead).   Kosovo also has 17
billion tons of coal reserves. [6]

Section 112 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 112),
according to a White House  "Executive  Order"  dated  April  13,
1999,  supposedly  legalizes  the  Balkan  shoot-em-up.   [7] But
former mob enforcer Michael Milan would be skeptical:  "I'll tell
you something about law and what it  means to be inside of it and
outside of it.  I was both at the same time and you couldn't tell
one from the other.  Know why?  Because law is  made  by  lawyers
for  lawyers.   It  ain't  made  for people.  When you wanna take
something that's outside the law and bring it inside the law, you
simply change the  law."   [8]  And  sneak  in the change, hidden
deeply within the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1] "Noam Chomsky Replies re Kosovo."  From the ZNet Forum System
(presumably  affiliated  with Z Magazine).  Courtesy A-Infos News
Service, http://www.ainfos.ca/
[2] Ibid.
[3] "Clinton, Albright lit Kosovo's fire,"  by  Don  Feder.   The
Boston Herald, 4/13/99.
[4] "NATO  bomb  with  a  hand-written  message  by a psychotic."
Tanjug news wire, 4/16/99.
[5] "Civilians fired by the NATO bombs." www.serbia-info.com/news
[6] "Below It All in Kosovo, A War's Glittering Prize," by  Chris
Hedges. New York Times, 7/8/98.
[7] "Text  of  Executive  Order  Designating  Combat Zones," U.S.
Newswire 13 Apr 18:22
[8] *The Squad:   The  U.S.  Government's  Secret  Alliance  With
Organized   Crime*,  by  Michael  Milan.   New  York:   Shapolsky
Publishers, Inc., 1989. ISBN: 0-933503-36-9.

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