-Caveat Lector-
This is just a reply I made on worldnetdaily's message board.... you might think it's interesting
I just got finished flipping through Time/Life's "The American Spirit"... the big glossy 911 special Edition thingy.

Out of it's 128 pages that comprised 162 pictures (front back covers not incl.), there was only ONE picture of the Pentagon, and only ONE picture of the Pa. Crash scene. Now get this..... the pentagon pic was POST rebuilding, and the Pa. pic was take LONG after all the grass in the field had grown back and the (missing) wreckage removed.

Now I wonder why they didn't include crash photo's of those two sites? It must be because I couldn't see a single airplane part anywhere.

But on the other hand there were 27 pictures of wtc in ruins, which we know planes indeed hit.

So they try to re-tramatize me with all these pictures lest I forget,... then omit 2/3rds of the crash scenes.....interesting.

There were 57 flags in pictures...

So the priority is 1) Be Patriotic ...so you will be 2) retramatized by the wreckage of wtc and 3)learn toput in the back of your mind 2/3rds of the crash scenes that planes wreckage wasn't found in.

You think? Lol
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