-Caveat Lector-

By staff writers and wires
March 24, 2003

FORCES in Iraq continue to search for chemical and biological weapons
this afternoon after seizing a suspected chemical factory in southern Iraq.

Iraqis drive past the US 3rd

Infantry as it moves through the farmlands of Ah Najaf / AP
Coalition military leaders are keenly
interested in the site in Najaf, south of Baghdad, and are interviewing two
captured Iraqi generals for information about Saddam Hussein's suspected
biological and chemical weapons.

US Central Command, which oversees the war in Iraq, said troops were
examining several "sites of interest".

But officials cautioned it would be premature to conclude any forbidden
weapons had been located.

American special operations forces found documents in western Iraq that
also could lead to chemical or biological weapons facilities, said General
Richard Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Myers said US commandos found the papers along with a cache of millions
of rounds of ammunition after a firefight on Saturday (local time), and the
discovery "might save thousands of lives if we can find out exactly where
and what they have".

"I just know that they have some papers that they want to exploit as
quickly as possible, and we're going to do that, of course," Myers said.

President Bush and other US officials say ridding Saddam Hussein's regime
of chemical and biological weapons is the main objective of the war.
Finding such weapons would be a huge boost for Bush, since much of the
international criticism of the US-led war has focused on the fact that
United Nations inspectors had not found any banned weapons in Iraq.

Saddam's Government denies it has any chemical, biological or nuclear
weapons or programs to produce them.

Asked at a news conference in Qatar about reports of the chemical plant,
Lt General John Abizaid of US Central Command declined comment. He said
top Iraqi officers had been questioned about chemical weapons.

"We have an Iraqi general officer, two Iraqi general officers that we have
taken prisoner, and they are providing us with information," Abizaid said.

If the plant is confirmed as a chemical weapons factory, it would be the
first find by the US-led invasion force validating US allegations that Iraq still
has weapons of mass destruction.

Iraqi officials have insisted that they destroyed all of the chemical and
biological weapons they made after the 1991 Persian Gulf War - a claim UN
weapons inspectors have questioned.

UN weapons inspectors were not aware of any large-scale chemical sites
which could be used to make chemical weapons in Najaf, said Ewen
Buchanan, spokesman for the inspectors. However, there were many such
dual-use sites in other parts of the country because of Iraq's
petrochemical industry.

UN inspectors visited a cement plant in the Najaf area earlier this year to
check on its explosives cache but did not report finding anything
improper. A team of biological weapons inspectors also visited a university
and school in Kufa, several kilometres north of Najaf.

The US military's discovery was first reported in the Jerusalem Post, which
has a reporter traveling with the unit from the Army's 3rd Infantry Division
which reached the chemical plant. The newspaper reported that about 30
Iraqi troops, including a general, surrendered at the plant.

In other developments:

IMAGES of captured US soldiers have been shown on Arab TV, as the US
confirmed that some of the 12 troops reported missing in southern Iraq
had been captured. (Audio: Footage shocks Americans)
TWO British soldiers are reported missing after an attack on their vehicles
in southern Iraq, the British defence ministry said. "Efforts are being made
to find and recover the two soldiers. Further information will be given
when available," a spokesman said.
AUSTRALIAN Special Air Service troops called in an airstrike to destroy an
Iraqi platoon overnight, Defence Minister Robert Hill has revealed. "They
came across what was interpreted as a platoon of Iraqi military with a
number of vehicles," Senator Hill told ABC radio. (More details)
BRITISH troops have reportedly secured positions on the outskirts of Basra
despite determined Iraqi resistance. Britain's 7th Armoured Brigade, the
famed Desert Rats, were reportedly hit with grenades, artillery, mortars
and machine guns as they advanced. US Marines have now withdrawn,
moving northwards towards Baghdad.
US Forces fought a seven-hour battle against militiamen desperately trying
to halt their advance near the Shi'ite holy city of Najaf, just 160 km south
of Baghdad. Reuters correspondent Luke Baker reported seeing the desert
"littered" with bodies after the battle. "It wasn't even a fair fight. I don't
know why they don't just surrender," said Colonel Mark Hildenbrand,
commander of the 937th Engineer Group.
TWO Tomahawk cruise missiles were misfired and landed in an unpopulated
area of Turkey, a US defence official said. There were no reported
MOPPING up continued in the port town of Umm Qasr where world
television audiences yesterday saw US forces pound a position where
dozens of die-hard Iraqis were dug in.
IRAQI police are searching for pilots in Baghdad after coalition airmen were
rumoured to have bailed out over the capital. US denies planes down in
the area.
TWO British fliers downed by "friendly fire" are dead, the British military
has said. The confirmation follows news this morning that their Tornado
GR4 had been shot down by a Patriot missile battery. (More details)
BAGHDAD came under intensive bombardment again overnight, with a
building in the Republican palace of Saddam Hussein among those hit.
(More details)
TURKEY and the US reached agreement on the deployment of Turkish
troops in northern Iraq, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said. Iraqi
Kurds, who have not been under the control of Baghdad since the end of
the 1991 Gulf war, have vowed to fight Turkish troops if they invade the
territory they hold.
BRITISH TV news reporter Terry Lloyd is believed to have been killed in
southern Iraq, apparently from "friendly fire", his employer ITN television
PRIME Minister John Howard denied Australia was at greater risk due to
the war in Iraq. He said the Government based its terrorist warnings on
advice from ASIO and intelligence indicated the threat had not increased
beyond an alert issued last November. (More details)

Despite the allies' worst day so far, Abizaid assured journalists that US and
British troops would soon be on the outskirts of the Iraqi capital Baghdad,
where the goal is to oust President Saddam Hussein.

"I think we are on track," he said.

"We'll arrive in the vicinity of Baghdad soon and I prefer to leave it at that."
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