-Caveat Lector-
What did I wake up to this morning, when I turned on the radio news? Get this, George W. Bush is going to petition the American Congress today for ... get this 65 Billion dollars in an aid request package, to pay for this genocidal invasion of iraq.
Hmmm... that is interesting, 65 billion dollars huh? So in other words this invasion (not war) has not even been paid for by taxpayers of america as of yet, but is a campaign being fought on borrowed time and money.
One can only wonder if that is the case, how long George W. Bush can continue this charade of mock freedom fighting, which is nothing more than re-buttressing of the chickhawk republican zionist right wing guard in Washington.
My question though is specifically directed towards the American Taxpayer. Is this invasion worth that type of price tag? Ask yourself? I mean, I am a practical guy, and find it interesting how confusing issues such as war propoganda proliferation etc etc, confuses even the wise amongst us, but when the accountant sits down to tally the count in dollars and cents, things become crystal clear in such situations.
65 Billion dollars America
... no not million, billion we are talking about here....
you don't have to be Michael Moore, or for that matter from Hollywood to figure out this one out. It doesn't take a genius to figure out this one. Comon America, wake up and smell the coffee, are you not tired of being taken for a ride by the chickhawk express???

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