sub list 4/17/99

Hi !

Attached please find Issue #26. A home page should be available for this
issue at:
<A HREF="">S.M.A.R.T.'s Ritual
Abuse Page</A>  in the next few days.

Special on last conference's tapes - US $36 ($40 Canada, Mexico; rest of
world $44) for 9 tapes (for a limited time only). Please go to
 July, 1998 Ritual Abuse Conference Tape Information</A>  and see attached
issue for tape information.

Ten Percent off 1999 conference registration if fees and forms are received
by 5/15/99 -
<A HREF="">Ritual
Abuse Conference - 1999</A>

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely,   Neil Brick
This is the subscriber's copy of Issue #26.

                           S M A R T 
           (Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today)
                         P. O Box 1295, 
                 Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 USA
                   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
    Home page:
 1999 conference information:
                      Issue 26 - May 1999
The purpose of this newsletter is to help stop secretive organizations and
groups from abusing others and to help those who have been allegedly abused
by the Masons, Mormons, government agencies and other secretive  groups.

This newsletter is not a substitute for other ways of recovering from
ritual abuse. Readers should use caution while reading this newsletter. If
necessary, make sure other support systems are available during and after
reading this newsletter.


     The resources mentioned in this newsletter are for educational value
only. Reading the books cited may or may not help your recovery process,
so use caution when reading any book or contacting any resource mentioned
in this newsletter. Some may have a religious or other agenda that may be
separate from your own recovery process. Others may have valuable
information on the Masons and other organizations, but have triggers or be
somewhat sympathetic to those organizations.  Resources listed, quoted and
individual articles, etc.  and their writers do not necessarily support all
or any of the views mentioned in this newsletter. Also, the views, facts 
and opinions mentioned in this newsletter are solely the opinions of the
authors and are not necessarily the opinions of this newsletter or its

     Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved.   

No reproduction of any material without written permission from the editor
and individual authors.

Ten Percent off 1999 conference registration if fees and forms are received by 5/15/99 
- see
website listed above

Special on all 9 tapes ($36, in US) from our 1998 conference until 5/15/99 - see page 
11 for
ordering information

                                Editor's Page

The following article is by Neil Brick, the editor and founder of S.M.A.R.T.

With an often biased media barrage that the false memory syndrome exists, even
those survivors with a great deal of documentation and many years of memories may
occasionally doubt their memories. I wanted to share a few quotes from: "Memory,
Trauma Treatment, and the Law" by Brown, Scheflin and Hammond," (ISBN 0-393-70254-5)
W.W. Norton and Co. New York and London, C 1998 ( Page
365-366. The book has excellent information about memory studies and a chapter
called "The False Logic of the False Memory Controversy and the Irrational Element
in Scientific Research on Memory" (pg. 382) 

>From chapter 11: "A Critical  Evaluation of the Memory Scientific Experiments,"

"Loftus's claim that human memory in general is fallible (1979a,b) and that
therefore memories recovered in psychotherapy are equally fallible (1993) is both
overstated and oversimplified (Koss et al., 1995)." The conclusion that "negative
emotional arousal hinders accurate...memory" (Loftus, 1980, p.78) is
misleading..." Loftus' conclusion  only applies "to laboratory simulation studies
of memory for complex visual presentations" when a certain type of information is
measured. "These simulation studies rarely show memory fallibility with respect
to the emotional arousing event itself." Generalizing findings on memory
fallibilty are misleading when "certain types of visual information presented in
the laboratory" are transferred to the "autobiographical memory of patients in

"....The early studies... led to a distorted view of memory fallibilty because
they were biased toward assessing memory performance in terms of" all the
information contained in "a complex visual stimulus presentation (Clifford &
Hollin, 1981; Clifford & Scott, 1978)" or because they looked for "peripheral
background details..." "More sophisticated studies...have clearly demonstrated
that memory is well and accurately retained for the gist of a central action...
or a negative emotional event even over long retention intervals," where "only the
peripheral background details are poorly retained." This compares to
"...Bartlett's (1932) original studies on memory for the War of the Ghosts,...
gist memory was well preserved while memory for minor details was highly

"General, overstated claims about memory fallibility" don't take into
consideration "the complex interaction of variables that affect memory


The following article comes from a survivor. Please use caution while reading. It
may be triggering. It has been edited for legal reasons. Please note: all
accusations are alleged.

My Anger, My Friend

In 1988 I began having all the symptoms of PTSD; anxiety and panic attacks,
nightmares, flashbacks, etc.  I enlisted the help of a therapist and was diagnosed
with PTSD, MPD [now called DID] and depression.

My memories include Satanic Ritual Abuse and alleged Government Mind Control
Experimentation and Torture.   My abuse began at birth and continued throughout
my teen years.  I don't know the actual date it stopped.  I do know its effects
continued throughout adulthood.  I didn't choose my life; I was trained to meet
certain people, to join specific groups and/or factions and to study definite
beliefs.  In essence, my life was not my own.  This was the effect which the
alleged Government Mind Control Experimentation and Torture had on me.  I was

The first time a counselor pointed out my flat affect was 1977.    My face didn't
tell what I felt.  I had a monotone voice.  My smile was deceptive. It didn't
always mean  I was happy.

In 1988 as therapy progressed, emotions surfaced.  I was terrified of any feeling. 
I tried to block them all.  When I finally cried for the first time, I thought the
flood of tears would never end.  Sadness enveloped my life for seven years.

I was especially terrified of anger, rage and wrath.  I would experience brief
periods of rage punctuated with great fear and trepidation.  I felt like something
horrible would happen to me or someone else.  I couldn't endure anyone's anger

For the first seven years of my recovery, I didn't have a contextual reference for
some of my memories.  I called them military experimentation and torture.  The
memories were ambiguous.  I didn't understand them.  They didn't fit with the SRA
memories.  Furthermore I thought they weren't very important.  I soon learned

Eventually the Government Mind Control memories emerged with clarity in 1997.  At
last I had a context for these memories; the abuse happened before and/or after
rituals.  And sometimes the MC abuse occurred without connection to a ritual. 
Further I began to understand my fear and trepidation of anger, rage and wrath.

One significant memory involves being trained to assassinate.  My "trainers" and
"handlers" purposely used drugs and various stimuli to enrage me.  Once in a rage,
I was trained to unleash wrath upon someone and assassinate them.  If I failed to
complete my "assignment" I was threatened with death.  Finally I understood my
feelings about expressing any degree of anger.  Anger and its expression meant
death for either me or someone else.    A change began within my system.    At
last there was a separation between truth and MC programming.  The truth was no
one would die if I got angry now. 

Ownership of my anger occurred with the support of my therapist.   The therapist
demonstrated healthy anger to me and validated the horrors of my abuse.  Whenever
I shared memories, he expressed anger and mirrored my own anger back to me.  The
disconnection from my anger began to fade.  The more the therapist validated and
mirrored me, the more I began to let go and express the rage and anger within. 
As I did, I experienced more freedom from the MC programming.  I began to take
back my own life.  I could accept all of me.  All emotions were okay, even the
once dreaded and feared anger. 

In the months to follow, I found many healthy ways to express my anger. Instead
of  a lined journal I bought a large artist's sketch book.  I told everyone
within, "This is your place to express your feelings any way you  choose." 
Without lines any age alter can emerge to write or draw. Memories emerge more
freely too.  I also use collage, cut pictures out of magazines to create a new

Recently I added one more step to this process.  I use collage as a reservoir of
information and feelings.  From there I design a drawing with colored pencils
which may contain some or all of the elements in the collage.   I am free to
express whatever feelings that arise during this process.  I can do this verbally,
artistically or through journaling.  It depends on who is out, their talents and

Perhaps the most important was acceptance of any expression which would allow
feelings and inflict no harm on myself or others.  During this time I accepted a
major part's method to express their feelings.  Her avenue was/is play acting, 
playing and acting out the abuse and speaking it out loud.  Furthermore this
method confirmed memories and revealed many important names and places.  During
these times of play acting all emotions are available.

In conclusion, my anger is my friend.  My anger helped me leave an abusive
marriage.  My anger protects me and gives me boundaries.  My anger is a creative
and freeing force in my life.  My anger empowers and fuels my creativity in art.

Ultimately, my anger is the power which enables me to move beyond survivor to

Kaitland, a pseudonym
age 45 
The following article comes from a letter written to us by a subscriber. Please
use caution while reading. It has descriptions of rituals and may be triggering.
It has been edited to protect the identity of the survivor and for legal reasons.
Please note: all accusations are alleged.

Dear Neil,

Please renew my subscription to S.M.A.R.T. Enclosed is a check for $12.00. I want
to thank you for  providing this valuable publication. In 1997, after an elaborate
triggering process that  I endured I  discovered that I was  a Mind Control
experiment for the Masonic order my father belonged to. The memories I was dealing
with were so extremely evil that I had no idea nor could I imagine that such
evilness existed in this world. Thankfully, I reached out to many organizations.
S.M.A.R.T. was the first organization I had come in contact with that really
helped me immensely in understanding that I am not alone and talked about some of
the things I endured. I cannot express to you enough how extremely important your
work is to all of us survivors or how grateful I am that you were out there when
I was discovering what was done to my life. I am also profoundly sorry that you
and so many others have suffered as I did and I hope that you continue to recover
and thrive in this world.

I have documented my story with several other organizations. I only wish there was
some sort of independent task force interested in investigating survivors' stories
and taking an active stance in stopping this insanity and exposing it. This is
important because as long as these people are able to do such atrocities  and hide
it from their victims by trauma, hypnosis, drugs, e-weapons and brainwashing
techniques they will continue to do this to other children.

I want to address electronic weaponry by stating that I have been victimized
periodically throughout my life by these weapons. These weapons do exist and they
are extremely destructive. Masonry is an alleged hangout for witchcraft and
Satanism and these people use e-weapons to create illusions of divine intervention
demon possession and Satanic forces, witchcraft and black magic There is no magic
only e-weapons that are completely devastating to their victims. E-weapons are
their power source not only for victims of alleged Masonic Ritual Abuse but for
the people born into the Masonic Control System.

I believe that what was done to me and my Mother was allegedly Government
sponsored. Periodically, throughout my childhood I was severely abused.
Simultaneously, the same thing was happening to my Mother. Even though we both
lived together neither of us knew what was being done to each other nor to
ourselves. My Mother was allegedly murdered in a sick secretive ceremony on
Halloween 1975. My Mother was institutionalized when I was 3-4 years old. She was
given electroshock treatment causing her to have no memories of what occurred to
her in the institution. She was then told she had Systemic Lupus Erythmatosis
which I believe was drug induced so that they could continue to medically abuse
her until they allegedly murdered her. From what I remember that was done to me
is at 6 years old in 1966.  I was tortured vaginally followed by being forced to
handle disgusting things, stab potatoes and then dead cats. For second and third
grade I was put into special classes where I was hypnotized and forced into
participating in the torture of cats. In 1975, I was drugged and kidnapped where
I was gang raped by my Father and  my future in-law family. After the rape I was
drugged again, brought into a room, strapped to a chair with a helmet on where I
only remember flashing images and lights and feeling intense pain for even
thinking the wrong thoughts or the thoughts they did not want me to have.  I awoke
a week later at my home with my father telling me my Mother was dead and I had no
memory of what was done to me except that I knew I was missing a week. My Mother's
funeral was completely staged. I believe they implanted my Mother so that she had
no control of her body. She was murdered. I met my husband a few years later and
moved  with him. His family was always psychologically abusive to me (they are
also Nazis) in 1997. In 1997, I was retraumatized and for the first time in my
life I am dealing with the truth of what has been done to my life. All of this was
made possible by people in my life. This took the cooperation of police officers,
lawyers, doctors, therapists, hospitals, public schools, the funeral home, my
family and friends. An elaborate lifelong struggle that I am not impressed with
but completely disgusted with. Even though I know you've heard a lot of stories
out there, my story still seems unbelievable, but it is the truth. It's just so
disgusting that so many people were involved in making this happen and hiding the
truth. I know that I did not do a very good job at telling the story, but it is
very difficult for me to articulate in words just what was done to me and to my
Mother. I have not read about staging funerals so that the person can be murdered
on a Satanic holiday without drawing attention to it. I wanted to provide this
information to you.  So that if you chose to share it with your readers you could. 
It is important that we address what these people are capable of doing to another
human being.

I finally found a therapist and I continue to see her. I pray every day that there
are no more children enduring this craziness. Thanks again, Neil.

Sincerely, R. M.

S.M.A.R.T. wants to thank R. M. for sending us this letter. Many of the rituals
mentioned in this letter have happened to other survivors of alleged Masonic
ritual abuse.   

                        Masonic Infiltration Article
The Campaign for Radical Truth in History website has information on the "Masonic
Infiltration of British Police Investigated." at and
"Masonic Symbolism in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy" by J. Downard with M. 
II at  Please use caution at these sites, 
they may be
very triggering.  Also, connected sites may be anti-Semitic.

The following quotes are from the first site (all accusations are alleged): "The
English press reported in February, 1998 that the leaders of Britain's Freemasons"
were told to "name members involved in infiltrating and corrupting the police."

"The United Grand Lodge of England is the target of a Parliamentary probe" looking
"to register Freemasons ... employed as police officers." Last summer "Parliament
asked the Grand Lodge to identify which of 161 people" were Masons and were
"involved in a series of notorious police scandals..." which included "setting up
innocent people for bombings and a shoot-to-kill, vigilante police squad..."

The United Grand Lodge, claimed  it found "only ten possible Masons on the list,

"....There are 340,000 Freemasons in England and Wales, and their influence
reaches into the British Royal Family."  

                                Legal Article

The following article comes from information from the "Houston Chronicle, 03/30/99
Pg. 17, titled "Another ex-defendant wants government to pay legal costs" by Mark Smith

"A former Spring Shadows Glen hospital administrator" who recently freed himself
from fraud charges (on insurance), wants the government to pay his legal expenses. 

"George Jerry Mueck filed a motion in federal court Monday" looking for "as much
as $1.7 million in attorney fees and other expenses" via a 1977 law that lets
criminal defendants that win "in federal court to collect legal expenses if the
prosecution is deemed "vexatious, frivolous or in bad faith.""

Mueck's attorneys claimed that federal prosecutors knew that "neither law nor
evidence provided grounds for prosecuting the former hospital administrator." The
brief was filed by Thomas Hagemann, with Mayor, Day, Caldwell & Keeton.

"Five former Spring Shadows Glen workers were tried on charges of using "mind
control" techniques to prolong patients' treatment..." Patients testified the
therapy "induced or reinforced memories of abuse in a satanic cult." Some claim
they believe the memories are now false. "Defense attorneys said their clients
provided appropriate treatment." A mistrial was declared, when the panel of jurors
and alternates dropped to 11. "The government decided not to retry the case and
the charges were dismissed."

One other therapist has also filed charges and three more also have a limited time
to do so.

The following poems are from  a subscriber. Please use caution while reading. They
may be triggering.


I went to 'Nam - without ever having been sent to boot camp.
I had a gun pointed into my back. Often heard gunfire.

I was tied to a bed with rope
Blindfolded, and raped.
Tortured, totally in the darkness, in fear and alone.
I was threatened.
I was told not to tell. Not... to... breathe... --- a anybody.
-or I would be killed and my mother also.

So I didn't tell...anyone. Sometimes, I still can't. I am MUTE then.
And no one knew or I would be killed.
And no one knew or my MOM would be killed.
I had to be silent   Prepared.. Ready for the gun. For anything.- Without boot
No one knew that I was blinded.
I told no one that I had been raped.
I believed the threats because of who he was. I believed them and accepted them
into the innermost part of my unique being.
I was a soldier. Without knowing about boot camp. I fought many wars. ALONE.  

I was raped, blinded, tortured, pled for my sanity and prayed to be left alone. 
I was told I would be killed, and when I died, that I would be sent to hell.
-That there would be no redemption.
I was slain, and eventually died.
                                                                     I fought in cold 
wars, with no one knowing,...
with no escaping. . . without ever leaving home.
And my mom, and my brother, and my sister-in-law. and my Aunt.              -They can 
say what they want to.
But I had courage
...I have courage

By J. D.

Recovery from Incest

I have a saying
for when my self destruct tapes surface
I don't hurt myself
I don't hurt someone else
I don't destroy property
I don't go crazy

It's okay to love myself

I have another saying
"each time I am able to get thru the pain of my anguish without hurting myself
I've built up a little more of the warrior spirit and haven't let my perps destroy
me" *

I know constructive ways of dealing with anger and other feelings.

S. Progress c 1992

*"The Courage to Heal" (Bass/Davis)


Please note: Listing of these resources does not necessarily constitute our
endorsement of them. They are for educational value only and some may be

Please also note. Some of the conferences listed may not necessarily be safe for
all survivors. S.M.A.R.T. recommends always bringing a support person to all
conferences. If you are a survivor of mind control and/or ritual abuse, S.M.A.R.T.
recommends that you try to bring a support person that is familiar with mind
control techniques.

SMART 1998 conference tapes are now on special until 5/15/99. All 9 tapes total
cost US $36, Canada and Mexico $40, rest of world $44. Please send payment in US
dollars, US bank checks (payable to S.M.A.R.T.) only, please. Please see page 11
for tape descriptions.

The Professional Paranoid by H. Michael Sweeney. How to fight back if followed,
surveilled, stalked, investigated, or harassed by any person, group, or agency.
There is information on electronic eavesdropping, computer security,  mind-control
issues, women's safety issues and stalkers. Hundreds of alleged CIA fronts (over
200 mind-control related) are listed along with other revealing tidbits on/from
FBI, NSA, CIA, etc. It also addresses the psychological issues involved with being
investigated, harassed, or simply labeled as "paranoid." Order from Feral House
at, from, or any local bookstore. As always, please use
caution when contacting any organization or reading any book listed in our
resource section.

House of Peace Ministries has speakers available for speaking engagements on the
topic of SRA. Write: P O Box 486, Bloomington, IN 47402

Women in Renewal, Inc. provides Christian-based counseling and support to
facilitate emotional healing and spiritual growth in families dealing with
domestic violence. Write: P O Box 102, Berrien Ctr, MI 49102

Please use caution while reading.  This may be triggering.
Looking for survivors of ritual abuse by cult practicing "magick" in New York or
elsewhere. Led by a man with a red beard and a Scottish accent, possibly called
a "master" or "high priest." He would be approximately 70 today. The rituals took
place in the 1960's and 70's.
Please send all replies to S.M.A.R.T. with .75 postage for forwarding. As always,
please use caution contacting any resource in this newsletter. 

Media Anonymous is for individuals who share their experience, strength and hope
with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to
recover from the effects of media dependency. The only requirement for membership
is a desire to stop compulsive bottom line behavior in relation to media. For
info, see:

When God Becomes a Drug: Breaking the Chains of Religious Addiction and Abuse by
Father Leo Booth, Jeremy P. Tarcher Pub. L.A., the following quotes are from, John A. Speyrer, reviewer. "...use
of a rigid religious belief a means of escaping or avoiding painful
feelings....the personal rigidity of its purveyors who discourage any kind of
questioning or disbelief (make a system addictive)....The author believes that
there is oftentimes a pairing of alcohol addiction or food abuse with religious
addiction....the development of religious addiction is similar to the development
of alcohol addiction and makes his point with a number of case studies....12 step
program(s)...(are) a way to recovery from religious addiction..." 

Please use caution at the following site.  The graphics and text may be
Secret Societies/New World Order by Milton William Cooper. This includes
discussion of brotherhoods, initiations, Nazis, KKK, the Templars, Illuminati,
Freemasons, Skulls and Bones, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission,
the alleged connection of the current Pope to selling cyanide gas to the Nazis in
WWII, the Bilderbergs, etc. The article is available at:

Please use caution, may be triggering.
Messing With Our Minds, an article by Husayn Al-Kurdi, "with (alleged) links to
CIA mind control experts and accused child abusers, the false memory movement
turns "blaming the victim" into a science." The article mentions West, Orne,
Singer, MK-Ultra, the Freyds, Underwager and Wakefield, Loftus, etc., at: 

Kai Bashir has a mind control information home page at: Please use caution at this page
and when watching these videos.  They may be triggering. He also has free video
tapes from a five-part series on mind control and the government radiation
experiments that aired on Cincinnati's public TV station. For more info., write
K. Bashir, P O Box 30366, Cinc. OH 45230, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The four URL's are listed below may be very triggering and/or are sympathetic to
alleged perpetrators. Please use caution when visiting these sites., Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted
Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction web site, has  information about the
Freemasons and the schizophrenia research program., The Museum of Our Natural Heritage web site, is an
American History Museum founded and supported by 32 degree Scottish Rite
Freemasons., "Population Control, Nazism
and the UN" by Anton Chaitkin discusses eugenics, the Rockefeller foundation, the
Nazis,  I. G. Farben, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and Mengele., "British psychiatry: from eugenics
to assassination" by Anton Chaitkin discusses MK-Ultra, the Rockefeller
foundation, the Nazis, the Freemasons, Mengele, the CIA, etc.

Tape Order Form for The First Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive
Organizations and Mind Control Conference - 1998 

Some of the topics discussed on these tapes may  be very triggering. These tapes are 
and not intended as therapy or treatment.  Statements made on these tapes are the 
speaker's own
statements only and don't necessarily  represent the policies or views of conference 
cosponsor, speakers, exhibitors or organizers.  Speaker descriptions will follow 

#1 -  Neil Brick - "My recovery, newsletter and fight to stop ritual abuse"

#2 -  Jeff Callahan, Lori Fremder - "Eroding the Base: Survivors' Strategies for 
Fighting Back"

#3 -  Kathleen Sullivan - "Sharing Personal Observations about how to integrate 

#4 - Helen McGonigle, Esq. - "Hypnosis and the Law - Reviewing Ritual Abuse 
Allegations in
legal cases and the Backlash" 

#5 - Lynne Moss-Sharman, Blanche Chavoustie, "ACHES and the Developmental History of
Mind Control in Our Time"

#6 - Anna Richardson "Her experiences and recovery while writing a book about ritual 

#7 - Lynne Moss-Sharman "Alleged Links between the CIA, MKULTRA and secret societies   
      (Masons, OTO, etc.)

#8 - Survivor and Co-survivor Forum (Hal Pepinsky, Lora Burton and Kathryn Blair)

#9 - deJoly LaBrier "My Satanic Cult Abuse with its Alleged Military Involvement"
Tapes are  90 minutes long.  Tapes are $5 each. Freight charges on tapes are $1.50 
(US) for the
first tape, .50 for each additional. Canada
$2.00 first tape, .75 each additional, rest of world, $3.00 first tape, $1.00 each 
Please mail form below and checks (US Banks only, please), money orders (US) to P. O 
1295, Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 USA E-mail:

Please list all tapes wanted by number. Thank you.



Street: ______________________________________________________

City: ______________________________________State:____________

Zip:__________E-mail:  (in case we have questions)_________________

Speakers and Biographies

Neil Brick is a survivor of alleged Masonic Ritual Abuse. He is the editor of 
S.M.A.R.T. - A
Ritual Abuse Newsletter. He has published numerous articles on ritual abuse.

Jeff Callahan has a background in theology and has recently gone full time working as 
of the S.E.L.F. Assistance Community, a research and education agency devoted to 
educating the 
general public, survivors, and pro-survivors about ritual and traumatic abuse, for the 
healing and
empowerment of survivors.

Lori Fremder is an Illinois certified elementary teacher and has worked as a QMRP/case 
with the mentally  ill and developmentally disabled population.  She recently has gone 
full time as
co-director of the S.E.L.F. Assistance Community.  Lori is also a survivor. Lori and 
Jeff will
present: Eroding the Base: Survivors' Strategies for Fighting Back, overviewing the  
between Satanic cults, child abuse and mind control. Documented evidence of a "Global 
and their  "Plan of the Centuries" will be examined.

Kathleen Sullivan is a survivor of several decades of criminal occult ritual abuse and 
governmental mind-control and slavery. She is the founder of P.A.R.C.-V.R.A.M.C. 
Activism, Remembrance and Commemoration for Victims of Ritual Abuse and
Mind Control.)

Helen McGonigle, Esq. has been an attorney of law since 1986. She has a Juris 
Doctorate from
Loyola University. She is a member of the American Bar Association and an advisory 
member of the International Association of Forensic Hypnosis. She was also the 
plaintiff's lawyer
in a landmark case in the Second Circuit involving the admissibility of post-hypnotic 

Lynne Moss-Sharman is a survivor of alleged CIA child mind control experimentation and 
ritual abuse. She is the Canada contact for ACHES-MC (Advocacy Committee for Human
Experimentation Survivors - Mind Control)  and produces The Stone Angels Journal
in Thunder Bay, Ontario  (writings and  drawings by survivors of alleged 
intergenerational cult
ritual abuse, Masonic and other secret society torture, government/military mind 

Blanche Chavoustie  is a survivor of mind control programming. She has a Master's in 
in Counseling Therapy and she has 30 years experience as a teacher, writer and 

Anna Richardson (a pseudonym) is the author of Double Vision: A Travelogue of Recovery 
Ritual Abuse (Trilogy Books). She has published numerous stories and poems in a 
variety of
publications. She has a Master's in English Literature from Cambridge University and 
received a
Kennedy scholarship to Harvard.
deJoly LaBrier  is a  survivor of Satanic Cult Abuse. She has written Diary of a 
Survivor in Art
and Poetry  (Shadowood Publications), and is the founder of the MPD Support Group in 
Petersburg.  She has a monthly  column in Womyn' s Words called In Her Own Voice and 
presented information on MPD, mind control, cult issues and the healing process.

Reply via email to