-Caveat Lector-

Asked why there could be such military errors on the part of
the allies, he responded: ``This war is not being planned by the
military, but by civilians, the Rumsfelds, the Perles and
Wolfowitzes. And there is a President who snuck out of going to
VietNam, he defended Texas from the Vietnamese.''
>>>And this is ANOTHER thing he was not very succesful at.  I recall that
once Saigon fell, the Americans imported some VietNamese who made a
pists stop on Guam (while the maintenance people HOSED out the
aircrafts).  The civilian 707s were loaded beyond the maximum for military
equivalents.  They'd take off of Piti Point and drop down off the cliff
before they could be seen rising into the sky some miles later.  The
imported people wound up on the Gulf Coast ... so much for thwarting the
invasion!  A<:>E<:>R <<<

Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum


Posted By: Rosalinda
Date: Wednesday, 26 March 2003, 12:38 p.m.

In Response To: DAT SIX OF THE WAR: THE FOG THICKENS (Rosalinda)

source: {Yomiuri Shimbun} On-Line; {Guardian}; March 25, 2003]]

Richard Cobbold, director of the Royal United Services Institute,
told a Japanese interviewer that "outside the big cities there is
not a great deal of communication from Baghdad. The soldiers are
acting on their own initiative.... [T]hey are not opposing the
Americans as they come through, but they are coming up from
behind and attacking the far weaker supply lines....
"n one-to-one combat, an Iraqi tank against a coalition
tank is no match....

"[A]fter attacking the supply line the Iraqis have to vanish
quickly.... [U]nless the Iraqis withdraw very quickly they will
come under fire.... This `quick in, quick out' strategy is
typical guerrilla warfare and has limitations.

"The objective of these soldiers is twofold. One is to
harass the allies who are trying to prepare Umm Qasr Port. This
type of sabotage is typical of how RESISTANCE FORCES HAVE WORKED
HISTORICALLY. [emphasis added]

"The second objective is to try and draw the coalition
forces into the town and to provoke them into urban warfare. In
this situation .... you start forcing coalition casualties.
Significantly, the allies do not take casualties as well as the Iraqis.

"Even if a small number of soldiers are killed, it will be
all over the media that night. There is a certain squeamishness
about death. In fact these are ordinary human feelings about the
tragedy of young lives cut short. But, importantly, it causes a
negative reaction...."

This viewpoint was corroborated by members of the Royal
Scots Dragoon Guards battle group, quoted in the Guardian:
"...the difficulties British troops were facing were caused
by Iraqi renegades out of uniform who were `not playing by the
rules.'" Another Dragoon leader said: "It's not the Iraqi army we
have to worry about, it's the person with the Kalashnikov in the back

Another added, that it had been assumed that the Shiite
population of Basra hated Saddam Hussein, and that the central
Iraqi government would not "concern itself with the fall of
Basra.... We always had the idea that everyone in this area hated
Saddam. Clearly there are a number who don't."

(Source: ntv, germany 25.3.03)

SCHOLL-LATOUR, on NTV television. Even he was ``surprised'' at
the depth of resistance in Southern Iraq, he said, noting,
``Basra has become the bulwark of the resistance.''

He mentioned the IHT article that predicted
people would be dancing in the streets with US flags.

Those who expected an uprising of Shiites against Baghdad,
have forgotten the last war, he said, when the Shiites did heed
the US call for rebellion against Baghdad. And, after rising up
in Kerbala, Naseriya and Najaf, they were suddenly presented with
the news of a ceasefire, and were then mowed down by the Iraqis.
Scholl-Latour, who knows Iraq intimately, said he had heard
the US troops are now marching near Najaf and heading for
Kerbala. He said, this is ``astonishing. I hope they are not so
stupid to go in. These are holy Shiite cities, with the tomb of
Ali, more sacred to the Shiites than Mecca or Medina. All the
Shiites will move against the Americans, if they do.''

Asked how the US could underestimate so badly, given 1991,
he said, ``The stupidity of man knows no bounds,'' to applause.
It was possible, that if the regime were overthrown, some
would welcome this, he said. But, ``now I don't think so. there
has been a shift. The unwoundable colossus has been wounded.''

On Umm Qasr, he said it's incredible that after ten years of
surveillance and monitoring, of Nasiriyeh, the allies couldn't
take it easily. ``Umm Qasr is small, naked in the desert....''

Asked why there could be such military errors on the part of
the allies, he responded: ``This war is not being planned by the
military, but by civilians, the Rumsfelds, the Perles and
Wolfowitzes. And there is a President who snuck out of going to
VietNam, he defended Texas from the Vietnamese.''

Had the US/UK delivered a massive shock initially, it would
have consolidated control over Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt,
all dependent on the US. Syria would have been so frightened, as
to play it safe, and Iran, too. Now, that is not the case.

He went so far as to predict that, even if or when Saddam
Hussein is killed, the battle will continue. It is partisan
warfare, and the popualtion is fighting. He said Saddam Hussein
knows he will die, and that gives him freedom. He expressed his
astonishment at the lack of knowledge and the many illusions,
that the allies have shown.

On Turkey, he said he thought there was a secret deal,
whereby the US got overflight rights in exchange for de facto
allowing Turkish troops into northern Iraq.

[Source: Le Figaro, March 25]


"Drawing the lessons of the first Gulf War, the Iraqi
regime seems to have abandoned the idea of a tactical war, in
favor of guerrilla warfare fought by autonomous and mobile
units," states Isabelle Lasserre in an article in {Le Figaro} today.

"On the eve of the war, Saddam Hussein divided the country
into four military zones, each having large powers. This military
division of the country allows the regime today to face up more
efficiently to the breakdown of the lines of command with Baghdad
which will follow the encirclement of cities by the coalition armies.

Just before the beginning of the war, members of Saddam's
Feddayin, of the paramilitary organization of the Ba'ath Party,
of the Republican Guard, and of the security special forces,
groups loyal to the regime, were integrated in the units of the
regular army, as was the case in Oum Qasr, in order to stop them
from capitulating."

Those small mobile groups, often mixed in
with the civilian population, carry out ambushes in urban areas,
launch attacks against the American forces, in the same way that
the Chechens have been doing for years against the Russians in Grozny."

[Source: Le Figaro, oped, March 25]


In an op-ed for {Le Figaro}, Col. Jean Claude Dufour
analyzes some of the errors of the Anglo-American allies
which the Iraqis are using to their own advantage.

The fact that the Anglo-Americans
opted in the beginning for a strategy aimed at "decapitating" the
Iraqi regime, gave room to the regular army, which was able to
deploy itself according to its new strategy in the different cities.

Also, since the Americans don't want to have to
reconstruct infrastructure after the war, they decided not to
destroy that infrastructure.

Thus telephones, electricity,
bridges, and roads have not been destroyed, something which the
Iraqis are also using to their advantage.

The Americans will also
pay a penalty because they didn't deploy enough troops,
and have therefore not been able to take and secure cities
such as Nasiriyah and Basra.

Dufour mentions the deployment of small, camouflaged Iraqi units,
against the 507 logistical company, in a flanking rear attack
aimed at cutting off the supplies of the invaders.

[Source: Liberation, March 25]

PROVOKED A PATRIOTIC REFLEX" IN IRAQ, is the title of a striking
Liberation editorial today, listing the numerous errors of the
Anglo-American coalition as it went to war. The U.S., they say,
decided to wage this war without an international mandate, in a
totally hostile isolation.

Even "the pillars of their alliance,
such as Turkey" defected, creating grave military problems for
the warring coalition. Then, the general evaluation of the war
was wrong. "It was supposed to be like a very large police
operation aimed at stopping a small number of people linked to
the dictatorship and not a war of destruction of the large Iraqi cities."

Unlike the 1991 war, this war is based on a "political
hypothesis" which is turning out to be wrong, the idea that
political and military pressure would be enough to make the
regime collapse. The first five days of this war has shown all
this to be false. "One does not see refugees fleeing the combat
zone, as in 1991. The camps built at the borders are empty. It is
even a contrary movement that one sees: More than 5,000 Iraqis
living in Jordan have gone back to Iraq since the beginning of
hostilities." "Small numbers of people have surrendered," only
3,000, according to General Franks, while in 1991, after four
days of war, it had been tens of thousands.

Finally, there is not one media image "showing the Iraqis
receiving the Anglo-American troops as liberators, as there were in 1991."
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