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-Caveat Lector-

Demography is Destiny

The Daily Reckoning

Paris, France

Thursday, 27 March 2003


*** Credit card delinquencies at record...mortgage
foreclosures too...grim earnings...

*** Economic demons from hell! Durable orders down...new
home sales down...

*** Gold up...a rising star in politics...the field
marshal...and more!

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The bad news continues to trickle out as though from a
leaky sewage pipe.

Credit card delinquencies are at a new high. So are
mortgage foreclosures. As people borrowed more and more
against the 'equity' in their houses, they found it harder
and harder to make the payments. But the borrowers didn't
seem to notice...and the lenders didn't seem to mind;
refinancings continued to rise alongside foreclosure rates.

In the last two weeks, however, either the borrowers have
been distracted by war on prime time...or they've finally
begun to come to their senses. Or maybe a slight increase
in mortgage rates caught their eyes just as they were
getting ready to sign on for another $20,000 slug of debt.
Whatever the cause, refinancing activity has fallen over
the last couple of weeks, with the most recent week's
activity 9% below the previous week.

Consumer confidence is at a 10-year low. And as reported
here yesterday, debt is growing at its fastest pace in 15

And how's business? Like the rest of the financial
effluent, it is smelly and repulsive. A "Grim Earnings
Season" is how TheStreet.com describes the most recent

Even the news from the Iraqi front is a little grim. While
the situation could change by tonight's news, so far, the
Iraqis do not seem to appreciate their liberators. If this
ingratitude continues, the price tag for installing a
puppet government - oops, we mean bringing freedom to the
Iraqi people - could rise well beyond the $75 billion Bush
has asked for to see him through September.

While we have no doubts about the nobility of the cause, we
can't help but wonder whether bringing democracy to the
desert might turn out to be a little like building an
expensive opera house in the jungle: it might look good for
a while, but it would soon have vines growing through the
unused air-ducts and bird droppings on the carpet - while
the bonds sold to pay for the project would still need to
be paid.

Not that we have any better idea than George Bush or Alan
Greenspan of what will happen. It's just that this Lenten
Season finds us unusually worried. Maybe the war will turn
out well...but maybe it won't. Maybe the dollar will hold
up...but maybe it won't. Maybe stocks and the economy will
enter a new boom phase...but maybe they won't.

"As usual," writes the Mogambo Guru with his customary
reserve, "I look for the dark cloud. But when the cloud is
this big and that dark, and heavy, threatening clouds cover
the earth like a death shroud from pole to pole, lightning
bolts and flash floods everywhere, the silver lining that I
am instructed to be on the lookout for may, truly, be out
there, beyond the horizon, but I can't see it."

Nor can we. If things go well, we might reasonably hope for
a modest boom in the stock market...as the nation's lumpen
investor/voters celebrate the quick and easy victory over
Iraq that they expected. Should this happen, dear reader,
you are advised to use it as a selling opportunity. Because
it will be followed, most likely, by a bust, in which the
correction that began in March 2000, made worse by
procrastination and more debt, resumes.

If things go badly...on the other hand...

While America cannot lose the war in Iraq, it can make a
mess of it. If that happens, the dollar could be the
biggest casualty. And if the greenback goes down, it could
"unleash the demons of hell", as the Mogambo Guru puts it.

These demons will be worse than any we've ever seen, he
continues: "Economic demons from Hell are what you got in
the Old Days! These new demons are actually even worse!
These economic demons are the ones that the regular demons
in Hell are afraid of!"

So there! What are you worrying about?!

[Editor's note: You can read more from the 'Gambo here:
The Second Coming of The Stock Market?]



Eric Fry, reporting from New York...

- President Bush rallied the troops yesterday, but failed
to rally the stock market. A cock-sure and confident
Commander-in-Chief addressed the troops yesterday at a
hangar at McDill Air Force Base. "We will be relentless in
pursuit of victory," Bush proclaimed with a half-snarl.
Unfortunately, the inspiring oratory did not inspire
investors to buy stocks. The Dow lost 50 points to 8,230,
while the Nasdaq dipped 3 to 1,387. Weakness on Wall Street
pulled the dollar lower against the euro for the third
straight day. The greenback fell about half a percent to
$1.0687 against the "currency of the doves".

- Meanwhile, a relentless barrage of hostile economic data
has the forces of recovery pinned down in the trenches.
U.S. durable goods orders dropped in February for the third
month in four, while new home sales tumbled to their lowest
level in more than two years.

- Orders for durable goods fell 1.2%, according to the
Commerce Department, while orders for non-defense capital
goods excluding aircraft fell more than twice as much. In
other words, the private sector is sitting on its
hands...and home-buyers are sitting on their wallets.

- New home sales plummeted 8.1% in February, as the
inventory of new homes increased to a five-month supply.
That's the largest inventory of unsold homes since December
1996, which suggests that the housing market is cooling, if
not heading into a deep freeze.

- Most of the learned economists blame the advent of war
for the nation's sluggish economic activity. But we suspect
that the postbellum U.S. economy - whenever that might
arrive - will bear a striking resemblance to the current
one. In fact, we may discover that spending $75 billion -
or even $175 billion - to blow up buildings in the Iraqi
dessert is distinctly "unbullish" for our
economy...although it might be bullish for gold.

- In the months leading up to the Iraqi conflict, stashing
a few gold bars under the mattress seemed like a reasonable
idea. Accordingly, the safe-haven metal soared roughly 20%
between early December and early February, only to
relinquish the entire gain over the last few weeks.

- As the build-up to war gained momentum and a swift
American victory seemed baked in the cake, the gold price
underwent a reverse alchemy - falling like lead. Initially,
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld assured us that "shock
and awe" would topple the Iraqi regime faster than you can
say "fedayeen". But he has since revised his outlook to
allow for the possibility that the Iraqi campaign might
last for a few months. Given the uncertain duration and
ferocity of the Iraqi conflict, gold may quickly regain its
luster. In the event, folks may wish to hang on to their
ingots, or perhaps stuff a few more of the shiny lumps
under their mattresses.

- And let's not forget the U.S. dollar. Even without our
expensive war in the Middle East, the greenback would be a
currency under the siege of a soaring current account
deficit. The dollar has been weakening for months and, as
every gold bug knows, the dollar's weakness is gold's

- The reason to own gold is not the battle for Baghdad, but
the battered U.S. dollar, says John Hathaway, manager of
Tocqueville Gold Fund. Over the long term, he asserts,
foreign investors will tire of funding America's ballooning
deficits. As they retreat from U.S. assets, the dollar will
slide, thereby boosting the gold price.

- "We're about to see some shock and awe in the gold
market," my friend Jay Shartsis told me yesterday. "The
gold shares are about to mount a major advance." Jay, a
successful long-time options trader and occasional
contributor to the "Striking Price" column in Barron's,
tells me that put-buying on many gold shares is soaring.
This contrary indicator reflects widespread bearishness
toward gold stocks, which is a bullish indicator.

- Typically, extreme bearishness precedes strong rallies.
To illustrate his point, Shartsis notes that put-buying on
the XAU Index of gold stocks has reached the highest levels
since last October, immediately prior to a major rally.
Shartsis also notes that put-buying on Newmont Mining is
"the heaviest is has been in several years"...Gold
investors take note!


Back in Old Europe...

*** Gold rose above $330 yesterday. A quick and easy
victory in Iraq could cause gold to go down again...as
investors confuse military might with financial strength.
More likely, the yellow metal has found a little firm
ground and will stand there for a while. Of course,
anything could happen. Anything could happen...but not many
things would make the price of gold go down. Quite a few
could make it go up.

*** A young man with a promising future:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A New Jersey teenager who became the
first U.S. minor ever charged with securities fraud 2 1/2
years ago, is now running for political office.

In his hometown of Cedar Grove, Jonathan Lebed said he is a
candidate for one of two open seats on the five-seat town
council. He is 18 and graduated from high school last June.

When he was 15, Lebed agreed to pay $285,000 to the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission.

*** Your editor missed his deadline yesterday because of a
domestic incident: He was summoned to the principal's
office at his son Edward's school.

The school is supposed to be one of the best in Paris. Its
director looks a little like Victor Hugo, with a white
beard encircling a stern 19th century face. If he had not
gone into education, he might have made a good field

With hardly a moment's delay, he read a review of Edward's
situation as if it were a battle report...so stark, direct
and honest that it might have brought a tear to a mother's
eye and caused a father to review his Last Will.

"The boy is on the edge of trouble. His grades are on the
borderline. He doesn't pay attention. He rarely completes
the work that is assigned to him and it is rarely checked
by the parents. His math is acceptable, but his level in
French below the acceptable level. He seems happy, but the
other students sometimes make fun of him...partly because
he is a bit of a class clown and partly because his work is
so poor."

When he was finished reading, the field marshal raised his
head. "Your response...?" he asked.

Elizabeth was ready for him. She explained that she was
aware of the problems and that she had hired a tutor to
work with him. She pointed out also that he had made
progress on his most recent report card.

"Do you speak French at home?" continued the interrogation.

"No, we speak English," came the answer.

"How then can you expect your child to succeed in school?
This is a difficult school. It is competitive. Your son has
a disadvantage. I suggest that when you are in France, you
live like French people...speak French...eat French food.
If you speak French at home, I can guarantee you that
Edward will improve. He will be less confused about how to
form sentences...how to think in the French way and how to
approach problems..."

The meeting ended with a treaty. The parents agreed to
speak French at home during the week. The field marshal
agreed to take Edward at least until next October.

*** "That's ridiculous," said Maria, 17, upon hearing the
armistice results. "Who does he think he is? There is no
way I'm going to speak French at home. Besides, Dad and
Grandma can barely speak French at all!"

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The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS: As if massive unpaid debts
weren't bad enough, the West is also facing a rather
daunting natural phenomenon - over which it may have no
control over whatever...

By John Mauldin

As the American Baby Boomer generation approaches
retirement, there are many problems we will face. We can
predict that the average retirement age will rise, medical
costs as a percentage of GDP will rise, lifestyles will not
be what we expect, and there will be downward pressure on
stocks as boomers sell assets to finance retirement, among
other issues.

Today, however, we are going to look not at the U.S., but
at the rest of the world. If we think of the U.S. problems
as severe, then the facts suggest the rest of the developed
world is facing a major crisis. Over the next few decades,
we are going to see a shift in economic and political power
that is simply staggering in its implications.

Martin Barnes and his crew at the Canadian-based Bank
Credit Analyst have come up with some sobering conclusions
on the subject:

"The population of the 'developed countries' will drop
rapidly over the next 50 years, while those of undeveloped
countries, especially Islamic countries, will rise
dramatically. Germany will experience no population growth
and remains at 80 million people, while Yemen grows from 18
million to over 84 million.

"Russia will drop from 145 million to slightly over 100
million. Iran grows from 66 million to 105 million. Japan
drops to 109 million, while Iraq and Saudi Arabia grow to
110 million. Italy declines from 57 million to 45 million,
while Afghanistan grows from 21 to 70 million."

These figures underscore a 100-page CIA report released in
July 2001, entitled "Long-Term Global Demographic Trends:
Reshaping the Geopolitical Landscape". The report
determined that "dramatic population declines have created
power vacuums that new ethnic groups exploit. Differential
population growth rates between neighbors have historically
altered conventional balances of power....Our allies in the
industrialized world will face an unprecedented challenge
of aging. Both Europe and Japan stand to lose global power
and influence...

"The failure to adequately integrate large youth
populations in the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa is
likely to perpetuate the cycle of political instability,
ethnic wars, revolutions and anti-regime activities that
already affect many of these countries. Unemployed youth
provide exceptional fodder for radical movements and
terrorist organizations, particularly in the Middle East."

This 2001 report led the BCA to an interesting insight
concerning the current situation in Iraq. "The cynical view
is that the U.S. desire to attack Iraq is mainly about oil.
That may be part of the agenda, but other long-term
strategic considerations are probably at work.

"The growing number of young people in a number of unstable
or troubled countries could work both ways. For example,
there are signs that many young people in Iran want the
country to move away from fundamentalism, toward a more
relaxed regime. The rising power of youth can be a force
for positive change as opposed to instability. However,
there will be a huge challenge in bringing democracy to
countries that have no history of it. This will be
especially true if the global economy is struggling because
poor demographics are undermining demand in the
industrialized world."

The world economy is currently dominated by the U.S.,
Europe and Japan. These studies show that there will be
little or no help from Europe and Japan with regard to
world growth. The world is already far too U.S.-centric;
everyone wants to sell to the U.S. consumer. Our
international trade deficit, which in January was over $41
billion, simply cannot be sustained.

The BCA suggests that the Japanese government debt will
grow to 300% of GDP in the coming decades. To put this into
perspective, think of it as the equivalent of a $36
trillion dollar U.S. debt. Even with zero interest rates,
this is a staggering sum.

The Japanese economy cannot handle such a deficit without
turning on the printing press in a manner unprecedented for
major countries. It is hard to imagine the dollar, as weak
as it may be, dropping against such massive and mounting
deficits financed by attempts at inflation.

Europe is already spending a very small percentage of its
budget on defense. As one wag puts it, they will be faced
with a choice: "guns, or rocking chairs?" With a declining
population, they will be hard-pressed to find enough bodies
to man their military as it currently exists.

Unless they unwind their pension promises, Europe will play
a smaller role in the world of the future, notwithstanding
the view from France. The role of Asia, especially China
and India, will be far more significant in the future world
of our children.

The problems outlined in the two studies suggest that
turmoil is coming to the developed countries of Europe and
to Japan. They cannot pay for their promises to retirees
and still grow their economies; they will have to choose
one or the other. If they choose higher taxes and fewer
opportunities, the best of young Europe will vote with
their feet, as did their ancestors in the 18th and 19th
centuries. That will only make their situation worse. But
can a majority retiring population vote to cut their

In short, for the world economy to grow, developing
countries are going to have to look to themselves for
growth. The aging developed countries will simply not
continue to constitute the growth engine they have been for
the last half of the last century.

For forward-looking investors, this means there will be
real business growth opportunities in the emerging markets
and those countries which can sell to them.

As the BCA noted, it is critical that the Iraqi experiment
in democracy be successful for the future stability of the
world. In 1945, there were many who thought it would be
impossible for the regimented Japanese to establish a
successful democracy. Today, we watch as China moves toward
a capitalist economy and democracy. What stock market
performed the best last year? It was Russia, who - not
coincidentally - has some of the lowest tax rates.

Call me naïve, but I do not think the primary consideration
for the Iraqi war was/is oil, American hegemony or
establishing a democracy in Iraq. But I do think that the
current U.S. administration intends to use the event to do
its best to bring about a thriving Islamic democracy.

The Iraqi people are educated, entrepreneurial and
business-oriented. Given the chance, I expect they may
surprise many in the world with how fast they rebound.
Given their explosive population growth rate, they could
become an engine for growth in the region. If Bush is
serious about helping Iraq, he should get rid of any and
all trade barriers with the new regime and stand back and
let the free market work.

Only a few years ago, we were fearful of the Chinese hordes
and their army. They were the enemy. Today, our economies
are so inextricably interwoven that it is in our best
interest to work any problems out peacefully. We now depend
upon each other. If we want to find peace with Iraq and the
Arab world, we need to find ways to establish economic ties
with them as well.

I hope this is a beginning. If it is not, the demographic
issues I outlined above will have very negative
consequences for us, our children and our grandchildren.

Best regards,

John Mauldin,
for the Daily Reckoning

Editor's note: John Mauldin is the creative force behind
the Millennium Wave investment theory and author of the
weekly e-mail The Millennium Wave Investor. As well as a
contributor to The Fleet Street Letter and Strategic
Investment, Mr. Mauldin is authoring a book titled
"Absolute Returns", covering the hedge fund industry. You
can learn more about Mauldin's work by subscribing to his
free e-letter...

The Accredited Investor Letter


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Financial Publishing. If you'd like practical advice
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