-Caveat Lector-

>From Associated Press

Netanyahu Angrily Accuses Arafat

By NICOLAS B. TATRO Associated Press Writer

JERUSALEM (AP) -- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday accused
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat of ``making a farce'' of the Wye River
peace accords and said he would not agree to further troop withdrawals
until there was a halt to anti-Israel violence.

Netanyahu, in an interview with The Associated Press, said the Palestinians
were encouraged to foment street riots and threaten to declare statehood.

``The Palestinians are making a farce out of the Wye River accord. They
think they have the United States in their back pocket,'' said the Israeli
leader. ``As long as that is the case, they will not change their

Netanyahu said he did not believe the United States was siding with the
Palestinians, but his remarks sent a strong signal that he would like
President Clinton to intervene and lower Palestinian expectations prior to
his Dec. 12-15 trip.

Palestinians claim Israel has violated the summit agreement reached in
October by not freeing jailed political activists, confiscating West Bank
land for roads and allowing Jewish settlers to seize hilltops for

Ahmed Qureia, speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council and the head
of the peace team that negotiated the Oslo accords, told reporters Sunday
``all means of resistance'' was justified in opposing settler activity.

Netanyahu, who rejected claims of settlement expansion as ``bunk,'' was
interviewed in the Cabinet room after a meeting of his unruly coalition
government, which rallied behind him on his tough stance.

But officials said Science Minister Silvan Shalom attacked him for being
too generous to the Palestinians by agreeing to the Clinton visit next week
to Gaza and the West Bank.

``We are not going to give up territory when there are violations of the
agreement and attempts to get things that weren't achieved at Wye using
violence,'' Netanyahu said.

Israel has threatened to scrap the next Israeli troop pullback, scheduled
for Dec. 18, three days after Clinton's departure. The United States has
said the pullback should go ahead as scheduled.

Palestinians see the Clinton trip as implicit recognition of their struggle
for statehood, even though Clinton has specifically said in an interview
aired on Israel's Channel 2 television that it should not be read that way.

There have been reports that Clinton's plane would fly from Jerusalem to
the newly opened Palestinian airport in Gaza. Netanyahu made clear he would
be annoyed if Air Force One landed at the airport, which aides said would
be viewed as a strong symbol of support for Palestinian demands for

``We will be very disappointed if that is the case. We've said to the
United States that we don't think that is necessary,'' Netanyahu said.

He said traveling by motorcade would be quicker and more politically
considerate. ``Unless somebody wants to put a thumb in our eye, I think
there are better ways to travel,'' Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu stressed that he opposed Palestinian statehood and demanded that
Arafat stop threatening to declare independence on May 4, 1999, when the
Palestinians maintain the Oslo accords expire.

``What must be is that Yasser Arafat retracts this open and incipient
violation of the Oslo and Wye River accords and recommits himself to
negotiating until we get white smoke, until we get a solution. That's the
only way we'll get a real peace between Israel and the Palestinians,''
Netanyahu said.

In a conciliatory speech over the weekend in Sweden, Arafat stressed that
he sought a negotiated settlement and did not mention May 4 as a deadline.
He also said any Palestinian state would not make alliances with states
hostile to Israel, one of Netanyahu's key concerns.

The Israeli leader also is demanding that Arafat drop claims that Netanyahu
promised at Wye to release 750 Palestinians jailed for anti-Israel attacks
that resulted in bloodshed, rather than freeing car thieves and petty

Each side has a different interpretation of the understanding regarding the
prisoners. Netanyahu maintains he never agreed to free those with ``blood
on their hands.''

``It's high time that Yasser Arafat admits this was agreed upon and that
he's not going to make demands on Israel, including the incitement of
violence ... on a trumped-up charge,'' he said. ``Israel never promised to
release murders at Wye, and it won't release them.''

The issue has been the focal point for a new wave of violent protests and
demonstrations in the West Bank and a hunger strike by 1,700 Palestinian
inmates that began Saturday.

Israel also is upset by statements that the nearly 600-member Palestinian
National Council will not reaffirm in a vote that anti-Israel clauses in
the Palestinian charter have been deleted. Netanyahu maintained that only
25 members out of hundreds who live abroad had been invited so far.

Netanyahu quoted Clinton as telling him that the purpose of his visit was
to ``personally make sure that they actually rescind this charter that
calls for Israel's destruction.''

 AP-NY-12-06-98 1501EST


Iraq's Aziz in Moscow for Talks

MOSCOW (AP) -- Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz traveled to Moscow on
Sunday for four days of talks about Iraq's compliance with U.N. weapons

Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Viktor Posuvalyuk said Aziz will meet
Monday with Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov and Foreign Minister Igor

Posuvalyuk said Russia will stress that Iraq must cooperate with U.N.
weapons inspectors.

Aziz also will visit the Russian Foreign Relations Institute and hold
several meetings with lawmakers, the ITAR-Tass news agency said.

``Russia's task is to stave off a new crisis around Iraq, to continue a
constructive solution of all remaining questions and to remove tension in
the Gulf zone,'' Ivanov said Saturday, according to ITAR-Tass.

U.N. weapons inspectors must certify that Iraq has destroyed its weapons of
mass destruction before the Security Council will lift sanctions imposed in
1990 after Iraq invaded Kuwait. The sanctions limit the sale of oil, ban
air travel and bar other financial dealings.

Russia has staunchly opposed the use of force against Iraq, while urging it
to cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors. The Iraqi government credited
Russian diplomacy for helping end last month's crisis over U.N. inspections

Iraq has long accused the inspectors of working on behalf of the United
States to prolong the sanctions.

The two sides also will discuss the participation of Russian companies in
the ``oil for food'' program, which allows Iraq to sell oil to pay for
humanitarian goods, Posuvalyuk said.

 AP-NY-12-06-98 1608EST
>From Korean Central News Agency (www.kcna.co.jp)
<<Do I sense a sense of pseudo-hyperbole?>>
<< "...kindle the train of war":  mixed metaphor?>>

United States must clearly know its opponent = military commentator's
article =

Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) - Rodong Sinmun today runs an article titled
"the United States had better clearly know its opponent before attacking
it" contributed by a military commentator. Pointing out that a war will
inevitably break out in case the United States defiantly carries out the
"operation plan 5027," the article warns that the U.S. imperialist
aggressors must not judge the DPRK to be a country like Iraq nor think they
can survive war. The article says: If a war is imposed, the Korean People's
Army and people, not missing the opportunity, will certainly wreak their
pent-up wrath and resentment against the U.S. imperialists with the general
mobilisation of all means and potentials they have prepared and
strengthened for scores of years. The fact that the United States has set
out to execute the "operation plan 5027" eloquently proves that it's
arrogant design for invading the DPRK has reached the stage of adventurous
war beyond the danger line. Now, the U.S. conservative hard-liners are
clamouring about "DPRK's threats of attack" and "underground nuclear
facility" in a bid to find a pretext to unleash a war of aggression. It is
a revolutionary character of our People's Army and people and their
intrinsic mode of counteraction to answer fire with fire. The U.S. attempt
to subdue us with threats and blackmail is foolish. Our People's Army is
replete with the spirit of resolutely safeguarding the leader, the spirit
of human bombs and the spirit of suicidal attack, and these spirits are its
specific character. If the U.S. warmongers finally kindle the train of war
in disregard of this, our heroic armed forces will mercilessly annihilate
the aggressors with the ideological strength built up for scores of years.
We have powerful means and capabilities to defeat any armed invasion by
formidable enemies at a sweep. There is no limit to this strike and on this
planet, there is no room for escaping it. The target of our strike is not
only the U.S.imperialist aggression forces but also the South Korean who
are willing to serve as their bullet-shield and Japanese reactionaries and
all others that support them behind the scenes. Our People's Army and
people will mete out a stern punishment on anyone who dares to infringe
upon the dignity and sovereignty of the Korean nation.


Strike will be thousandfold

Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) - Reckless provocative moves now being carried
on by the U.S.imperialists and the South Korean ruling quarters for war
against North Korea have brought about a touch-and-go situation to the
Korean peninsula, says Rodong Sinmun in a commentary today. The news
analyst continues: The opening to the public of the north-targeted war plan
codenamed "operation plan 5027", while the U.S.imperialists and their
followers are spreading the fiction of "suspected underground nuclear
facilities" in the north, is, in actuality, as good as a declaration of war
against the DPRK. The DPRK's publication of the statement of the spokesman
for the general staff of the Korean People's Army is a legitimate
self-defensive measure to cope with such a dangerous situation. The Korean
people did not want to regard the United States as the sworn enemy. But,
the DPRK can not show friendly feelings and tolerance to the United States,
since it sticks to the aggressive policy towards the DPRK and runs wild to
invade it by force of arms, thus proving to be the sworn enemy. Strength
and the right to choice do not rest only with the United States. If the
U.S. imperialists provoke a war the Korean people will give a thousand-fold
blow to the enemies at home and abroad and totally smash them, with the
dignity and honour of Juche Korea.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes
but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

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