-Caveat Lector-

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From:                   New Jersey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Sun, 30 Mar 2003 16:21:19 -0500 (EST)
Subject:                !b_a_Act: [P] Breach of Geneva Conventions and Crimes Against 
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Breach of Geneva Conventions
and Crimes Against Humanity

"The Geneva Convention indicates that it's
not permitted to photograph and
embarrass or humiliate prisoners of war."
    [Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld]

   "The American media have dutifully taken their cue and waxed indignant
   over Iraq's alleged breach of the Geneva Conventions. After remaining
   silent on the US trashing of the Conventions in its treatment of
   Taliban soldiers captured in Afghanistan, the press and TV news
   channels have taken to pronouncing on the sanctity of the provisions
   on POWs. Academic "experts" have popped up on TV screens to denounce
   the Iraqis, without making any reference to Washington's far more
   grievous violations of international law concerning the treatment of
   POWs."  [Henry Michaels, "Washington's use and abuse of the Geneva
   Conventions" - World Socialist Web Site (WSWS) - March 29, 2003]

As I have also written here before, the US ignores the International Court
of Justice at the Hague. It ignored the court when it decided it was
illegal for the United States to mine the Nicaraguan harbor and it ignored
the court's order for reparations.

   "The Bush administration has gone further by rejecting the new
   International Criminal Court, which opened this month.....The US has
   demanded treaties with other countries not to prosecute American
   representatives for crimes against humanity..." [WSWS]

I have written (see http://pnews.org/ for links and articles) how the U.S.
only pays attention to the United Nations when it suits it. The new
International Criminal Court has not been endorsed by the U.S. for fear
that Americans from previous administrations (and this one) would be
prosecuted for genocide and other crimes against humanity.

"Secretary of State Colin Powell demanded that Belgium change its war
crimes legislation in order to halt a case against Powell, George Bush
senior, Vice President Dick Cheney and former US army commander Norman
Schwarzkopf for committing war crimes during the 1991 Gulf War. Washington
fears a similar lawsuit is about to be made against George W. Bush for
human rights violations and civilian deaths in the current war." [WSWS]


   "Lawyers Against the War, an international legal group, has accused the
   current Bush administration of "committing the supreme international
   crime, as defined by the Nuremberg Tribunal," by launching an
   unprovoked assault on Iraq in defiance of the UN Security Council.
   According to one of the group's founders, Professor Michael Mandel of
   Canada's Osgoode Hall Law School, the Nuremberg International War
   Tribunal, which prosecuted Nazis leaders after World War II, said that
   "to initiate a war of aggression is the supreme international crime,
   differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself
   the accumulated evil of the whole."" [WSWS]

The treatment of Taliban and al-Qaeda prisoners of war (who they refuse to
recognize as POWS) is the most egregious of George Bush's flagrant and
demonstrable violations of the Geneva Conventions.

    ".....It is illegally holding hundreds of Taliban soldiers
   captured in Afghanistan at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. When the first of
   the detainees arrived in Guantanamo in January 2002, the Pentagon
   released photographs and footage of them in orange jumpsuits, kneeling
   before US soldiers, shackled, handcuffed and wearing blacked-out
   goggles over their eyes and masks covering the mouth and nose. The
   images shocked world opinion, but Bush, Rumsfeld and Powell refused to
   recognize the detainees as POWs." [WSWS]

The very same day that George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld accused Iraq of
violating the Geneva Convention by video filming and photographing
American POWs the U.S. flew 30 Taliban prisoners from Afghanistan to
Cuba (tied together, unable to use a toilet, not fed and hooded).
660 prisoners have been incarcerated in Cuba. They have not been able to
talk to anyone. No legal represenation has been permitted. These prisoners
are treated as non-persons. They come from 40 different countries and they
are being held without charges. This is a violation of all the law of
human decency. Many have been held now for over a year.

   "From the outset, the US government refused to have the status of the
   Taliban captives determined by a "competent tribunal," as required
   under Article 5 of the Third Geneva Convention. It has unilaterally
   declared them to be "terrorists" and "unlawful combatants"--terms not
   used in the Conventions--even though they were fighting with the armed
   forces of the Taliban government, then the UN-recognized
   administration of Afghanistan, which was a signatory to the
   Conventions." [WSWS]

Do you get the feeling that we're no better than Nazis? This is the
conduct of a criminal regime. These are the kinds of accusations we hear
leveled against so-called "cruel" regimes and people like Saddam Hussein.

   "In its definition of POWs, Article 4 of the Conventions specifically
   includes "members of militias or volunteer corps forming part of "a
   country's armed forces," as well as "organized resistance movements"
   and inhabitants who "spontaneously take up arms to resist invading
   forces, without having had time to form themselves into regular armed
   units." [WSWS]

These Taliban and al-Qaeda prisoners meet the requirments of the
Convention to be defined as POWs yet the Bush administration refuses to
recognize them as prisoners. To the Bush administration they are
non-persons. They are not entitled to rights and therefore can be tortured
to death and they have been. Someday history will provide the evidence and
those seeking justice will demand that George Bush and all those who
participated in this travesty of justice are perpetrators of these crimes
and will be tried and punished for crimes against humanity.

Hank Roth

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