-Caveat Lector-

Beware of United Nations II
By Mike Schelstrate

Geopolitics are spiraling out of control. Old European alliances have been cast aside. 
NATO appears to be permanently split between pro and anti American allegiances. Bush 
has defied and derided the United Nations Security Council. Russia and China are 
voicing strong objections to the Iraq invasion. France and Germany are clearly replete 
with anti-American sentiment. In Orwellian doublespeak; Oceana versus Eurasia. Kofi 
Annan is vainly attempting to retain relevance as the Secretary General of the United 
Nations. To the “Get US out of the UN” movement, this may appear to be great news. 
Appearances are deceiving. Do not fall for this great act of theatre being played out 
on the world stage. The Globalists have devised an extremely sinister plot that will 
initially appear to reduce the power of the UN. To the contrary, these momentous 
events are a carefully scripted series of actions designed to greatly increase the 
power of the World Government.

Already, an outpouring of criticisms and concerns are filling foreign and domestic 
political and media outlets. What will the world do without an effective United 
Nations? What institution will manage world events? This cannot be allowed to happen, 
they say. We must do something to contain the sole superpower America, and restore 
world order. The so-called conservative pundits are laughing with glee. Rush Limbaugh 
could not be more pleased with the US decision to bypass the UN Security council. His 
daily talk show consistently depicts the UN as an ineffective and anti-American 
institution. We are Americans, we do not kneel before the UN! It is almost comical to 
watch this theatre play out. How anyone could believe this drivel is beyond me.

George W. Bush and Colin Powell have been the leading stars of the theatre production. 
The entire charade of going to the UN for approval to invade Iraq has been an act 
designed to show the world that the UN is in desperate need of revamping. Bush 
submitted to Congress a bill requesting approval to go to war. Congress answered by 
passing a resolution authorizing action against Iraq contingent upon UN approval. This 
is entirely unconstitutional. Our national sovereignty does not require the permission 
of any supra-national organization to act in what is supposed to be our national 
self-defense. The problem is that Iraq does not threaten our security; therefore, 
Congress does not have legal authority declare war. They answered this by passing a 
compromise resolution that placed the responsibility on the UN to authorize conflict. 
Shortly after this bill was passed by Congress, Bush began beating the war drums 
against Iraq. Colin Powell immediately came out stating we must pursue
omatic solutions through the UN prior to beginning the invasion.  Multilateralism 
versus Unilateralism; generate a coalition of Nations sanctioned by the UN or go it 
alone. A rift between the State Department and the Department of Defense was widely 
described by the political pundits. This intra-administration conflict was designed 
and created by the Globalist propaganda machine, and was totally scripted and 
blatantly false. There is no conflict within the Bush Administration. All players have 
been assigned a role, and they are performing them to perfection. Every perceived 
argument and public disagreement is nothing more that lines in a prepared script. Kofi 
Annan and Bill Clinton, slated to be the next Secretary General of the UN, have their 
parts in this fantasy also. Mr. Annan has begun grumbling about the US being in 
violation of International Law. Mr. Clinton has been quoted as declaring the US is 
treading on dangerous territory when bypassing the authority of the Secur
 ity C
ouncil. Three of the five permanent members of the Security Council have come out 
against the US led war against Iraq, and are demanding an immediate halt to the 
aggression. American Imperialism must be halted in its tracks! Representatives from 
all world governments must come together at the UN to coalesce around this important 
geopolitical crisis. Tom Friedman of the New York Times is busy writing columns 
explaining the danger of this rift in the UN. This is a sure sign that the 
establishment propaganda machine is ready to move forward with the next act in the 
play. The UN General Assembly is meeting to write a resolution condemning the US 
invasion of Iraq. Many countries are discussing creating a coalition to arrest 
American colonialism.

Where will this preprogrammed series of events lead? The climax to this real-life 
adventure will be Earth shattering, and will usher in the New World Order. It is my 
firm belief that the result of this fractious series of hand wringing cries of protest 
and decrying the sorry and confused state of the world will be a complete rewrite of 
the UN Charter and reorganization of the UN. The Globalists are not satisfied with the 
amount of power currently delegated to the UN. In order to fulfill their global 
ambitions, they required a more powerful global government. Look for future articles 
in the Council on Foreign Relations publication Foreign Affairs further explaining 
this necessity. The UN is in danger of becoming irrelevant, the articles will state. 
What is needed is the authorization of additional powers to this global body of 
nations. If the rest of the world does not want to see the USA extends their hegemony 
abroad in a series of imperialistic invasions following Iraq, they
 to create a new, stronger United Nations to offset this aggression.

One of the first acts in this new play will be to hand over control of Iraqi oil to 
the UN for ‘safekeeping for the Iraqi people’. A new world trade tax will follow 
shortly after. These revenue sources will give the UN the necessary funding to pursue 
their future goals. These additional powers will include their most pressing 
requirement; a ‘peacekeeping’ force complete with a nuclear arsenal. It is possible 
that NATO and the UN will merge. This will be the best of both worlds for the 
Globalists. A World government controlled by the International Bankers, with a ready 
made army provided by NATO.

Once the UN has secured adequate revenue, and a standing army, the next phase will 
begin. This will consist of a new world constitution created as a replacement for the 
current UN charter created in 1948 in San Francisco by the victors of World War II. 
This new constitution will combine the current portions of the UN Charter and its 
ancillary organizations that favor the Globalists including the infamous UNESCO, the 
International Criminal Court, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank. They will 
then write the new constitution to effectively remove any possible future serious 
competitors and dissention. Human Rights will appear to be the centerpiece of this 
document, but the small print will wipe out all civil liberties of every citizen.

We are now in the final stage of the world takeover by the Globalists. Soon, it will 
be too late to attempt to stop these actions. Within the next decade, the UN will 
solidify their new powers, and exert total control over all of the nations of the 
world. Any indication of independence will be met with immediate military response. 
American sovereignty will be lost forever. The future does indeed appear to be very 
grim. True patriotic Americans must stand up to this tyranny, and fight for their 
country before it is too late!

In biblical prophesy, Revelation 7 and 13, the Seventh Head(US/UN) of the Beast(World 
Empire or Power) receives a deadly wound.  The Eighth and final Head(resurrected UN) 
of the Beast(Empire) is the Empire that is resurrected from the 7th Head(US/UN) that 
received the deadly wound, and becomes the world government of the Anti-Christ that 
will subdue all nations and will rule from Jerusalem instead of New York.
America, The deadly wound is dead ahead.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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