-Caveat Lector-

klewis wrote:
> http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/3/28/90101.shtml
> British intelligence officers have learned that up to a dozen al-Qaeda
> volunteers were fighting alongside the pro-Baghdad guerrilla forces in As
> Zubaya, a town outside Basra.

Russian intel reports that since Bush's illegal conquest of Iraq began, Islamic
radicals from all over Eurasia have come to Iraq to fight alongside the
so-called "pro-Baghdad guerrilla forces". The fact that some of these Islamic
radicals that have come to Iraq to fight alongside "the pro-Baghdad guerrilla
forces" happen to al-Qaeda should surprise no one.

Obviously, al-Qaeda members in Iraq are not fighting for Saddam as much as
they're fighting against Anglo-American imperialism in the Middle East. They
would be fighting alongside "guerrilla forces" if this illegal invasion had
taken place in Iran, Syria, Libya, etc., or any of the Mid-East countries on
the 'neocon' wish list. Implying that al-Qaeda presence in war-torn Iraq
signifies a link between Saddam and 9-11 is absurd.

Hell, its been a year and a half since 9-11 and I'm still waiting for them to
present any type of compelling evidence that links al-Qaeda itself to 9-11!

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