-Caveat Lector-

A search on In Touch Ministries' founder
http://www.intouch.org/inside/about_us/biography_76833.html Dr. Charles F.
Stanley, comes up with this page:

More below ...

- jt


US soldiers in Iraq asked to pray for Bush
Last Update: Sunday, March 30, 2003. 2:55am (AEST)

They may be the ones facing danger on the battlefield, but US soldiers in
Iraq are being asked to pray for President George W Bush.

Thousands of marines have been given a pamphlet called "A Christian's Duty,"
a mini prayer book which includes a tear-out section to be mailed to the
White House pledging the soldier who sends it in has been praying for Bush.

"I have committed to pray for you, your family, your staff and our troops
during this time of uncertainty and tumult. May God's peace be your guide,"
says the pledge, according to a journalist embedded with coalition forces.

The pamphlet, produced by a group called In Touch Ministries, offers a daily
prayer to be made for the US president, a born-again Christian who likes to
invoke his God in speeches.

Sunday's is "Pray that the President and his advisers will seek God and his
wisdom daily and not rely on their own understanding".

Monday's reads "Pray that the President and his advisers will be strong and
courageous to do what is right regardless of critics".

Falwell sent this out (below) recently - being on that email list is
interesting, definitely revealing. Falwell is also the owner of a Charles F.
Stanley book store, the link found on an earlier search, the guy who founded
the ministries who wrote and printed the pamphlets exhorting troops to pray
for the president every day and send evidence of doing this in the form of a
daily pledge back to command. I also notice that Falwell does not ask for
prayers for the innocent Iraqi people who were brutalized under Saddam (with
the tacit and sometimes outright approval of the US), and who are also
currently being killed by errant and other munitions. I'm curious if the
pamphlet effort was one of Bush's "faith-based initiatives."

I certainly don't have a problem with Christianity per se, as there are
people who practice it with a stunning humility and compassion, but
televangelists are about the scum of the earth as far as I'm concerned. Are
these the people he hooked up with when Bush got sober and found "God?" We
all knew it was some born-again thing, but is it connected to Falwell? I'm
really curious now.

- jt

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerry Falwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 1:14 PM


FROM: Jerry Falwell
DATE: March 28, 2003


At this critical time in our nation's history, it is imperative that
Christians join together in prayer for our troops who wage war against a
merciless enemy. This column is designed to offer suggestions on how to
effectively pray for our troops, our leaders and our nation during this
time of war and social unrest.


"The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers
them" (Psalm 34:7, NKJV).

I often reflect on this verse when praying for our military personnel now
fighting for the liberation of Iraq. It is comforting to know that God
wants to guard and deliver those who trust Him. That is why it is so
vitally important that Christians blanket our soldiers, sailors, airmen
and marines in prayer.

I was heartened to witness a variety of news reports documenting the many
worship services that were taking place prior to the military campaign
into Iraq. One very moving photo showed a young man being baptized in a
modified pool there. Baptist Press also showed a young technician being
baptized in a munitions crate aboard the U.S.S. Harry S Truman.

Many of the men and women fighting to liberate Iraq are Christian brothers
and sisters. In fact, several Liberty University students and graduates
are now serving in the region as chaplains. I am confident that these
individuals - and many others - are standing as outspoken representatives
for Christ in the midst of battle. I have been praying that many American
service members come to know Christ as Savior while serving their nation.

Let us also continue to pray that the Lord will safely deliver our troops
to their families and friends who await their return. And may our nation
welcome them home as heroes when they return to us.


Earlier this year, President Bush said, "We pray for wisdom to know and do
what is right and we pray for God's peace in the affairs of men."

Since our nation's founding, many of our leaders have sought God's hand in
human endeavors. We continue to call on Him to direct our leaders.

In his "A Prayer for America," author Max Lucado beautifully expressed his
hope for the nation in the wake of September 11: "Let your mercy be upon
our President, Vice President, and their families. Grant to those who lead
us wisdom beyond their years and experience. Have mercy upon the souls who
have departed and the wounded who remain. Give us grace that we might
forgive and faith that we might believe. And look kindly upon your church.
For 2,000 years you've used her to heal a hurting world. Do it again,
Lord. Do it again."

I Timothy 2:1-2 tells us: "Therefore, I exhort first of all that
supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for
all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet
and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence."

Our responsibility is to support our leaders in prayer. The Bible recounts
times in the past when God's people did not take this responsibility
seriously and the consequence was often the rise to power of evil
monarchs. I encourage readers to honor President Bush and the members of
his administration with your faithful prayers.


Proverbs 14:34 reminds us, "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a
reproach to any people."

This is why it is so vitally important that Christians become involved in
the democratic process. It is essential that we vote for leaders who will
uphold Judeo-Christian values.

Anne Graham Lotz, appearing on CBS's Early Show on Sept. 13, 2001,
discussed the importance of prayer in sustaining our nation. She noted
that God is "emotionally involved in our pain" and that He "can bring
comfort beyond human understanding."

During this time of war and potential terror, many people are asking
important questions about life and personal peace. Christians must be
ready to provide appropriate answers that point people toward the
outstretched hand of Christ. This is how true revival can begin in our

Furthermore, if we are to be involved in instigating a spiritual
reawakening in America, we must look to Ephesians chapter five to make
sure that we, as Christians, are living as true examples of Christ.


I would encourage Christians everywhere to continue to diligently pray for
our troops, our leaders and our nation. No matter how dark the hour may
seem, God continues to hear and answer our prayers. Galatians 6:9 tells us
how important it is to be persistent in our Christian efforts: "And let us
not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do
not lose heart."

If you have not yet joined with thousands of others who have already
enlisted in our national PRAYER FORCE, please do so today by clicking on
this link: http://www.falwell.com/prayer


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