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-Caveat Lector-

Mossad's role in the "Monica Lewinsky" affair

(1) Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2003 22:43:21 -0800 From: Jeffrey Blankfort

While it has been well documented that Mossad and at least one allied
organization, the ADL, conduct spying activities in the United States,
it is highly unlikely that Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad agent. What is
more likely is that Mossad became aware of Clinton's peccadilloes and
determined to make use of them if necessary, and there is little doubt
that a number of members of Congress ask "How high? when the lobby
"Jump!" because of information that has been collected about them by
Mossad and or the ADL.

The Clinton administration was not about to impose any peace plan on
Israel. His administration witnessed a clash between the liberal wing
the Jewish establishment represented by such as Martin Indyk (an
given a quick citizenship by Clinton), Dennis Ross, Stuart Eizenstaat,
Sandy Berger, etc. vs. the right wing most personified by the noxious
Morton Klein of the Zionist Organization of America. The former
supported the Labor position of a truncated Bantustan for the
Palestinians and the latter wanted them ethnically cleansed.

But Clinton had learned from Carter's experience. He wasn't about to
impose anything.


The New Federalist September 21, 1998

What Was the Mossad Role in the Lewinsky Affair? by Edward Spannaus


Sept. 16 (EIRNS)--According to a little-noticed passage in the Starr
Report, during March 1997, President Clinton told Monica Lewinsky that
he suspected a foreign embassy was tapping his telephone

Nothing more is said in the report about the incident, but according
information received by this news service, that reference could
the key to the entire Lewinsky scandal and to the setting-up and
entrapment of the President. Reportedly, the embassy involved was that
of Israel, under the control of the right-wing Likud government of
Benjamin Netanyahu.

First, the time-frame of the Lewinsky affair should be taken into
account. It is bounded by two events: (1) the assassination of
Clinton's partner in the Middle East peace process, Israeli Prime
Minister Yitzak Rabin, on Nov. 4, 1995, which opens the path for
Netanyahu becoming Prime Minister in May 1996; and (2) Netanyahu's
to Washington in mid-January 1998--just as the Lewinsky affair was
breaking in the U.S. news media. On this visit, Netanyahu publicly
insulted the President by meeting with Bill Clinton's worst enemies,
televangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.

Netanyahu carried out this affront over the objections of both
Clinton and moderate Jewish leaders in the United States.

The question must be asked: Was the set-up of President Clinton part
the effort by the Likud fanatics in Israel, and their "Temple Mount"
backers in London, to punish the President for his efforts to force
through an implementation of the 1993 Oslo peace accords?

The Real Lewinsky Tapes British investigative journalist Kevin Dowling
has released an article for publication to a variety of British and
American news organizations, charging that the Israeli Mossad was
bugging the Watergate apartment telephone of Monica Lewinsky, and was
able to obtain material used to blackmail the Clinton administration
into shutting down a probe of widespread Israeli espionage in

Dowling reports that well-placed sources in Tel Aviv say that full
transcripts of more than 30 sexually explicit conversations between
Clinton and Lewinsky are held by the Israeli foreign intelligence
service, the Mossad.

The backdrop is as follows, Dowling reports, and it is backed up by
published sources in the U.S., that the U.S. government was aware,
late 1995 on, that the Mossad was carrying out extensive espionage
activity in the United States. When the Defense Investigative Service
issued a warning to defense contractors about the Israeli spy program,
the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith went into an all-out
mobilization to denounce the DIS memo as "anti-Semitic." Of course,
one year earlier, the ADL had been the subject of a lengthy espionage
probe by the FBI and the San Francisco Police; and the ADL had earlier
been deeply implicated in the Jonathan Pollard spy affair.

In May of 1997, the Washington Post and other media reported that the
U.S. National Security Agency had intercepted a phone conversation
between a Mossad officer posted at the Israeli embassy in Washington,
and Danny Yaton, the Mossad chief, in Tel Aviv, during January 1997.
Mossad agent was seeking clarification whether he should attempt to
obtain a copy of private letter from then-Secretary of State Warren
Christopher to Yassir Arafat, via a Mossad mole high-up in the Clinton
administration codenamed "Mega." The Mossad boss told the agent that
under no circumstances should "Mega" be approached, as he/she was the
top Israeli penetration agent inside the Clinton inner circle. An
extensive FBI counterintelligence probe to determine the identity of
high-level Israeli mole in the U.S. government was triggered by the

Comparisons to the Pollard spy affair were naturally raised; the
issue is that many observers believe that Pollard's controller
(sometimes referred to as "Mr.. X," or the "X Committee") is still
burrowed deep in a high-level position in a U.S. government agency.

According to the Tel Aviv sources cited by Dowling, there was an
emergency meeting of top Israeli intelligence officials, as soon as
NSA intercept was discovered; a Mossad electronic-bugging team of
yalohim was dispatched to Washington, and one of the targets of their
operation was the home telephone of Monica Lewinsky.

According to the Dowling sources, the Mossad obtained wiretap tapes of
at least 30 X-rated conversations between the President and Lewinsky.
These tapes, according to the sources, were hand-carried back to Tel
Aviv, and were then used to blackmail the Clinton administration into
calling off the search for "Mega"; the threat was that if the search
"Mega" were not shut down, the Israelis would begin leaking material
from the tapes.

According to Michael Isikoff, the reporter who first started
investigating the Lewinsky story, he first learned about a story
involving the President and "an intern" in March-April of 1997.

The Dowling story is consistent with many leads assembled by this news
service over the past several years, suggesting that the Israelis were
operating against the Clinton Presidency in underhanded ways, as well
in an overt policy was, to sabotage the Middle East peace process.

It should not be overlooked that the appellate attorney for convicted
spy Jonathan Pollard was Theodore Olson--Kenneth Starr's long-time
colleague and close friend, and host of the "Get Clinton" salon. Olson
was still Pollard's lawyer as late as 1993, when Olson was already
launching the anti-Clinton "Arkansas Project" with the American
Spectator magazine and Richard Mellon Scaife's money--out of which
operation came the Whitewater investigation and the Paula Jones case.

 On 9/14/98, during a White House press conference, a reporter asked
Mike McCurry , "Is it true that the White House is bugged by a foreign

McCurry said he had no comment on that and moved on to other things.

It is known that Bill Clinton ordered the FBI to stop searching for a
White House mole code-named "Mega".The prevailing story is that
was being blackmailed by a recording of Bill having phone sex with
Monica Lewinsky. It's now known that the Israeli owned companies
providing billing and tapping sevices were well positioned to
any and all phone calls going into Monica's Watergate apartment, as
as all phone calls in and out of the secure White House communications


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], The Webfairy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: [BATR] Thomas Reveals Mossad's Role In Lewinsky
> Affair
> http://www.rense.com/general36/lew.htm
> Gordon Thomas discloses Mossad's role in the "Monica
> Lewinsky" scandal
> Monica Lewinsky may have been a Mossad agent.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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