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-Caveat Lector-

Old news, but still evidence of the satanic underbelly of the UN

U.N. Finally Forced to Probe Its Pedophilia Scandal 

NewsMax.com Wires and NewsMax.com
Tuesday, May 7, 2002 

GENEVA, Switzerland – The United Nations' massive pedophilia scandal has
not received 1 percent of the media attention given to the Catholic
Church's homosexual priest scandal. Finally some attention is being paid,
now that the U.N.'s cover is blown.
As world leaders converge on New York for the controversial conference on
children this week, U.N. investigators and relief agencies say they are
finally trying to stop recurrence of sexual abuse against West African
refugee children by U.N. "peacekeepers" and aid workers.

The scale of allegations, partly revealed Feb. 26, sent shock waves through
the "international aid community" and led to calls from U.N.
Secretary-General Kofi Annan and governments for an urgent investigation in
Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea.

Calls were raised for measures to ensure that refugee children were
protected worldwide from abuse.

About a half-dozen investigators from the U.N. Office of Internal Oversight
Services in New York, plus investigators from the office of the
inspector-general of the U.N. High Commissioner of Refugees, were still
examining the allegations, senior U.N. officials told United Press

The U.N. investigating team also includes a medical doctor, the same
sources said.

It was unclear how long the investigation will last. "We're all waiting for
the results of the inquiry to take action," said an official from one of
the agencies under investigation. 

After formal moves by UNHCR last December, a preliminary OIOS investigation
was initiated in January, but it only moved into full gear in March, said a
U.N. official.

Not Much Progress

The U.N.'s investigating arm, however, also came under heavy criticism by
senior Western diplomats for the slow pace of its work on the ground in the
three countries. The limited number of investigators at the oversight
office, less than 20, partly explains the grinding pace of the inquiry.

"We can barely cope with the cases that are being referred to us," Dileep
Nair, U.N. undersecretary general and chief of OIOS, told UPI.

In 2001, the burdened OIOS had more than 400 cases referred to it ranging
from petty to serious alleged breaches linked to U.N. matters.

Some officials close to the investigation reckon a final report could be
ready by the end of the month.

Parallel investigations in the field have also been initiated by many of
the nearly 40 non-governmental organizations such as Save the Children-UK
and Doctors Without Borders.

Brendan Paddy, a spokesman for Save the Children-UK, told UPI on Sunday
that the agency has conducted its own investigation and sacked one staff
member in Guinea and stopped two community volunteers from participating in
its aid work.

Similarly, a spokesman for Doctors Without Borders, Rafael Vilasanjuan,
told UPI the group has also been conducting an investigation into the
allegations but so far "we have not found any concrete evidence.

"If there is any evidence, we will take all the measures." He said Doctors
Without Borders had "no tolerance" for such behavior.

In the meantime, U.N. agencies and many of the NGOs were busy at work
putting in place new checks and balances in the field to prevent sexual
abuse of refugee children.

Some of the measures have included beefing up staff by more than 35 in
areas such as UNHCR emergency, protection and community services in the
three countries, including 12 solely to respond to sexual exploitation.

Rotation of staff to different camps has also been expanded.

Moreover, the U.N. World Food Program has increased the number of female
monitors and held meetings with all staff and NGOs to highlight the
agency's "zero tolerance" policy over sexual abuse, said WFP spokeswoman
Christiane Berthiaume.

Reactionary U.N. Knew of Atrocities

However, the United Nations has not always been that proactive on this

A full copy of the joint study sponsored by the UNHCR and SC-UK, obtained
by UPI, notes that during debriefing sessions in all three countries:

"UNHCR staff, government representatives and the agency staff, including
senior managers, acknowledged that they knew such practices happened.
Regrettably, even in situations where such information had been brought to
their attention in the past, no action had been taken to monitor or redress
the situation."

The number of allegations documented "is a critical indicator of the scale
of this problem," it said.

U.N. Workers Among 'Worst Sexual Exploiters of Children'

"Agency workers from the international and local NGOs as well as U.N.
agencies were ranked as among the worst sex exploiters of children, often
using the very humanitarian aid and services intended to benefit the
refugee population as a tool of exploitation."

The assessment team listed sexual allegations and called for further
investigation against workers from 42 agencies and 67 individuals.

"The details of these allegations were submitted to UNHCR in confidential
lists as the mission was ongoing," the report said.

Some 'Peacekeepers'

The U.N. agencies identified included UNHCR and WFP and the international
"peacekeepers" from nine countries stationed in Sierra Leone.

United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) battalions whose
"peacekeepers" are alleged to be involved in sexual exploitation include
those from Britain, Kenya, Ghana, Guinea, India, Nigeria (Ecomog force
before 2000), Pakistan, Bangladesh and Zambia. 

In addition, the assessment mission report identified staff from 10 NGOs in
Liberia, 10 NGOs in Sierra Leone and 16 NGOs in Guinea for alleged sexual

Besides Doctors Without Borders and Save the Children-UK, other NGOs listed
for alleged abuses by their mainly locally employed staff included, among

The Red Cross in Trouble Yet Again

The American Refugee Committee; the International Federation of the Red
Cross and Red Crescent Societies/Guinean Red Cross; Lutheran World
Service/World Federation; Norwegian Refuge Council; Council of Churches,
Sierra Leone; Germany's BMZ; and Medical Relief International (MERLIN); and
Family Empowerment Program.

In July 2001, children accounted for about 45 percent of the world's
refugees and others of concern assisted by the U.N. refugee agency. The
percentage of children, the report said, was even higher in Guinea and
Liberia: at 63 percent in Guinea or 426,140; and 50 percent in Liberia, or

The full 84-page report, written in January after a six-week mission to the
three countries, has not yet been published. 

BBC Exposes the Cover-up

It was only after the British Broadcasting Corp. revealed the contents of
the assessment mission that UNHCR and Save the Children group revealed some
of report's findings and recommendations.

The initial refusal by UNHCR and Save the Children-UK to furnish to other
NGOs, confidentially, the names of the alleged 67 individuals created
tensions among the normally close-knit "humanitarian community." The UNHCR
cited legal concerns, fears about the safety of child victims still living
in camps, and the limitations of anecdotal information, for its stance.

After a number of heated closed-door meetings, however, the NGOs were
furnished with the confidential information they had been seeking in March.

But humanitarian officials familiar with the brief said many sex abuse
victims are afraid to take part in a formal investigation and don't come
forward for fear of vengeance and recrimination.

The report notes that most "incidents of sexual violence go unreported,"
and concludes that the incidence of the problem may be much higher than the
numbers cited in the report suggest.

Indeed, sources close to the investigation said early indications were that
they had difficulties to get firsthand accounts from victims.

Observations in the report highlight the problems victims face.

"In order for a refugee to make a report, they would have to go through the
same persons who themselves are perpetrators of sexual exploitation. Most
staff appear to connive to hide the actions of other staff." 

Sickening Double Standard

So let's see: Senior U.N. officials knew of the widespread pedophilia. Not
only did they not take action against the perpetrators, they covered up the

And even after the scandal comes to light, most media give this major news
event little or no coverage.

Imagine the screaming headlines and worldwide outrage if the Catholic
Church or any other church allowed sexual abuse of children on such a
massive scale. Could the media establishment's pro-U.N., anti-religious
bias have anything to do with the stunning discrepancy? 

Copyright 2002 by United Press International.

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