-Caveat Lector-
 Good afternoon

Early this morning I thought I would lock into three huge volcanic eruptions, so yet another brand new unpolished offering and eventually tedious number crunching.

The Great Mountain Conspiracy

So far I have rather failed to reach many with my ‘Measurement Messages’ in respect of the Biblical understanding of a very influential spirit realm ruled in part by the Adversary.

OK, so to yet another but a much more powerful example using the extremely significant ‘Time Marker’ of September 11th 2001 and another ‘Time Marker’ of February 1st 2003, the former the ‘Day 9.11’ and the latter, the ‘Ring of Fire Day’.

Thus the two dates represent the destruction of New York’s two ‘sign posts’ that of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers, killing some 3,000 innocent people, and the other the destruction of the space shuttle orbiter ‘STS 107 Columbia’, killing the seven crew.

Now my three mountain measurements in time are those where humankind obviously had no say whatsoever, whereas those people who were the perpetrators of the ‘Day 9.11’ horror, I say, were those who were affected mentally by the so called ‘Invisible Hand’ who is the Adversary, (an event which seemingly required over one hundred conspirators and a considerable amount of finance).

The fundamental reference number of the Adversary is 155

So to the Great Mountain Conspiracy where time is paramount so to speak, those of Krakatoa on August 27th 1883 and Katmai on June 6th 1912 and Mount St. Helens on May 18th 1980.

Mountain 1 - Krakatoa – August 27th 1883

One of the most powerful volcanic explosions in the history of the world occurred on August 27th 1883 at Krakatoa in the last century, once a volcanic island located between Java and Sumatra.

In May 1883, a series of eruptions commenced which continued until August 27th, 1883, when a cataclysmic explosion blew the island apart. The island exploded with the force of 100 megatons (the Hiroshima atomic bomb was about 20 kilotons). The explosion was heard as far away as Madagascar some 2,200 miles. And some 36,000 people died

Simon Winchester’s book ‘Krakatoa - The Day the World Exploded: August 27, 1883’ has recently been published by Harper Collins in April 2003, who writes:

“The legendary annihilation in 1883 of the volcano-island of Krakatoa -- the name has since become a byword for a cataclysmic disaster -- was followed by an immense tsunami that killed nearly forty thousand people. Beyond the purely physical horrors of an event that has only very recently been properly understood, the eruption changed the world in more ways than could possibly be imagined. Dust swirled round die planet for years, causing temperatures to plummet and sunsets to turn vivid with lurid and unsettling displays of light. The effects of the immense waves were felt as far away as France. Barometers in Bogota and Washington, D.C., went haywire. Bodies were washed up in Zanzibar. The sound of the island's destruction was heard in Australia and India and on islands thousands of miles away. And the eruption helped to trigger in Java a wave of murderous anti-Western militancy among fundamentalist Muslims: one of the first outbreaks of such killings anywhere. Simon Winchester's long experience in the world wandering as well as his knowledge of history and geology offer a new perspective on this iconic event.”

Mountain 2 - Katmai and Novarupta – June 6th 1912

Katmai was once a cluster of 3 or 4 small volcanoes. The 1912 eruption of Katmai was the largest in North America in this century, when more than 7 cubic miles of ash was erupted in only 60 hours, covering 46,000 square miles.

The June 6th 1912 eruption of Novarupta Volcano altered the Katmai area of the Alaska Peninsula dramatically. Severe earthquakes rocked the area for a week before Novarupta exploded with cataclysmic force. Enormous quantities of hot, glowing pumice and ash were ejected from Novarupta and nearby fissures. This material flowed over the terrain, destroying all life in its path. Trees up slope were snapped off and carbonized by the blasts of hot wind and gas. For several days ash, pumice, and gas were ejected and a haze darkened the sky over most of the Northern Hemisphere. When it was over, more than 40 square miles of lush green land lay buried beneath volcanic deposits as much as 700 feet deep. At nearby Kodiak, for two days a person could not see a lantern held at arm's length. Acid rain caused clothes to disintegrate on clotheslines in distant Vancouver, Canada. The eruption was ten times more forceful than the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens.

"The magnitude of the eruption can perhaps be best realized if one could imagine a similar outburst centered in New York City. All of Greater New York would be buried under from ten to fifteen feet of ash; Philadelphia would be covered by a foot of gray ash and would be in total darkness for sixty hours; Washington and Buffalo would receive a quarter of an inch of ash, with a shorter period of darkness. The sound of the explosion would be heard in Atlanta and St. Louis, and the fumes noticed as far awa y as Denver, San Antonio, and Jamaica." Robert F. Griggs, National Geographic Magazine, 1917

“The largest eruption in the world this century occurred in 1912 at Novarupta on the Alaska Peninsula…Little was known about the spectacular effects of this great eruption until 1916, when a scientific expedition sponsored by the National Geographic Society visited the area. To their amazement, they found a broad valley northwest of Novarupta marked by a flat plain of loose, "sandy" ash material from which thousands of jets of steam were hissing. The eruption had produced pyroclastic flows that swept about 21 kilometers down the upper Ukak River valley. The thickness of the resulting pumice and ash deposits in the upper valley is not known but may be as great as 200 meters. In 1916, the deposits were still hot enough to boil water and form countless steaming fumaroles; hence the expedition named this part of the Ukak River the "Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes". Brantley, 1994, Volcanoes in the United States: USGS General Interest Publication.

Mountain 3 - Mount St. Helens – May 18th 1980

On May 18th 1980 in the State of Washington, USA the mountain called Mount St. Helens, was reduced in height by 1,312 feet, that is from 9,677 feet before the volcanic explosion down to 8,364 feet.

“Mount St. Helens was once one of the most beautiful mountains in the entire Cascade range in the American Northwest. In 1805, William Clark in the Lewis and Clark expedition described Mount St. Helens as "perhaps the greatest pinnacle in America." NGDC/NOAA.

“However, the serenity of the mountain and its surroundings was misleading. One of the Indian names for Mount St. Helens was "fire mountain," and local Indians were reluctant to approach the mountain despite the abundant game in the area. To the experienced observer, the conical shape and composition of rocks on the mountain boldly proclaimed Mount St. Helens' true nature--it was a volcano. Lava flows and multiple layers of ash (powdered volcanic rock) lay everywhere under the carpet of trees--abundant evidence of numerous prior eruptions. Volcanic deposits had literally reshaped the entire region around the mountain. Even beautiful Spirit Lake was a volcanic accident, created by a giant mudflow that rolled down the mountain about 3000 years ago and backed up a stream. Photo: University of Colorado.” NGDC/NOAA.

“On May 18, 1980, at 8:32 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time, a magnitude 5.1 earthquake shook Mount St. Helens. The bulge and surrounding area slid away in a gigantic rockslide and debris avalanche, releasing pressure, and triggering a major pumice and ash eruption of the volcano. Thirteen-hundred feet of the peak collapsed or blew outwards. As a result, 24 square miles of valley was filled by a debris avalanche, 250 square miles of recreation, timber, and private lands were damaged by a lateral blast, and an estimated 200 million cubic yards of material was deposited directly by lahars (volcanic mudflows) into the river channels. Fifty-seven people were killed or are still missing.” USGS

The catastrophic eruption of Mt. St. Helens 23 years ago is said to rank among the most important natural events of the twentieth century in the United States. Because Mt. St. Helens is in a remote area of the Cascades Mountains, and only 57 people were killed by the eruption, but property damage and destruction totaled in the billions of dollars.

The ‘Spiritual Conspiracy’

The Ancient Egyptian god Horus, the falcon masked god at 610 the merciless killer of the sky, + Anubis, the jackal masked god at 630, the ‘funeral director’ of the dead is 8 times the Adversary at 155.

The Bible’s most important reference number is 1260 days or 42 months (of 30 days) that is ‘time, times and half a time’ a very serious spiritual measurement. So 630 + 630 is 1260 and 25.1 x 25.1 is Anubis at 630.00100. So the ‘falcon’ does the killing and the ‘jackal’ does the navigating of those killed over into the other world.

OK, the Great Mountain Conspiracy uses ‘9.11 Day’ of September 11th 2001 and ‘Ring of Fire Day’ 2003 as the ‘Time Markers’ for the dates of volcanic explosions of Krakatoa on August 27th 1883 and Katmai on June 6th 1912 and Mount St. Helens on May 18th 1980.

This is the calculation where I relate each of the three volcanic explosions to both ‘Time Markers’ and add the quantity of years together.

The volcanic dates of August 27th 1883 is day 238 and June 6th 1912 is day 156 and May 18th 1980 is day 137, so 531 days /365.242198 days + years of 1883 + 1912 + 1980 is 5,776.45383.

And September 11th 2001 is day 253 and February 1st 2003 is day 31 and so 284 days /365.242198 days + years 2001 + 2003 is 4,004.77756

So I first take 4,004.77756 x 3 and deduct 5,776.45383 x 2 is 461.425038 years.

OK, with the 461.25038 years in mind I go to the man made mountain, the Great Pyramid, where even Leonardo knew of its measurements.

The Great Pyramid is the symbol on Earth of the ‘Dead’, and the volume of the body of the Great Pyramid with the capstone plinth of 11,375 cubic feet is 91,575,000 cubic feet and to this is added the small golden tip-stone of the Ancient Egyptian falcon masked god Horus of the Horizon at 61 thrice some 183 cubic feet, the merciless killer of the sky.

And next I multiply the Earth’s symbol of ‘Death’ at 91,575,000 x 11,375 x 183 and squared and divided by the Ancient Egyptian god Anubis at 6.3001000e+26 (2.5100e+13 x 2.5100e+13) is 461.425284 years.

And this Great Pyramid’s calculation divided by the Ancient Egyptian Funeral Director reveals a time for death of 461.425284 years compared to the mountain-time of 461.425038 years, a difference of only 2 hours 9 minutes.

So I say there is a ‘Spiritual Conspiracy’, that is the ‘Great Mountain Conspiracy’ when using probably the world’s three most major volcanic eruptions in the last 120 years.



“Anubis was an ancient Egyptian god of the underworld who guided and protected the spirits of the dead. He was known as the 'Lord of the Hallowed Land' - the necropolis - and Khenty Amentiu…He was generally depicted as a black jackal-headed man, or as a black jackal…Anubis was painted black to further link him with the deceased - a body that has been embalmed became a pitch black color. Black was also the color of fertility, and thus linked to death and rebirth in the afterlife. Anubis was also seen as the deity of embalming, as well as a god of the dead. To the Egyptians, Anubis was the protector of embalming and guardian of both the mummy and the necropolis. Anubis was often identified by the word sab, 'jackal' rather than 'dog' (iwiw). Though to the Egyptians there was not a great deal of difference between the two canines, so there is some confusion over which animal Anubis actually was.” Caroline Seawright


Leonardo’s Mountain

OK, so the Mona Lisa, the symbol I suggest, of the ‘Invisible Hand’ that could enter the mind of Leonardo da Vinci.

And to show how this 18 year old girl in the enigmatic priceless painting in the Louvre Museum, actually designed the volume of the Great Pyramid by using two measurements of the painting at 30.25 x 20.875 inches.

The calculation is 100,000 and /18 x the ratio 30.25/20.875 inches x the plinth at 11,3750 cubic feet is 91,575,183.0 cubic feet, the full volume of the Great Pyramid, with body, capstone plinth and tip-stone of Horus of the Horizon.







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