The New World Order Exposed: 
The Alibi Club and the Blackout on Truth
by Lisa Guliani 

NOTE: Lisa’s group, “The New World Order Corner” can be found at:

NOTE: Victor’s book, “The New World Order Exposed” is available at:

“The United States has declared war on terrorists, but there’s a much more important war taking place that the media isn’t telling you about. It’s a war between the Globalists, those who want a slavish New World Order, and a group of patriotic Nationalists who love America and want to save it from being destroyed.”

~ Victor Thorn ~
The New World Order Exposed, Ch. 53

“Most of the news on television is, ultimately, what the government says is news.”

~ Bill Moyers ~
American “journalist”

Did you know that the very same people who control the mainstream media sources (television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet) also play a KEY role in the destruction of America? No, I suppose many of you aren’t aware of this fact. And, I imagine that some of you refuse to believe this simply because you didn’t hear it from Dan Rather or Tom Brokaw. Well, guess what? Don’t hold your breath – because Dan and Tom have other priorities, none of which involve telling any of us the truth.

Americans like to think they live in a society that revolves around the concept of a “free press”. Free? Hardly so. In fact, why don’t we stop calling this group of liars the “press” and call them what they really are: “The Alibi Club”. These alleged “journalists” are the largest organized group of liars and disinformation artists in existence today. According to Victor Thorn, the “Alibi Club” is “an elite group of 50 business executives and political officials who have joined together with the “intelligence” community to influence what we see, hear, and read in the media.”

The spin machine repetitively “zaps” us with slogans like “fair and balanced news” or “all the news that’s fit to print”. These story-sniffing news bunnies regularly interrupt already mindless programming-in-progress to alert us of “Breaking News”. They add carefully selected background music to this drama which heightens the impact upon their national audience. As a people, we are exposed to such mental conditioning 24/7. Why? Because in order for the “hard sell” to achieve its desired result, they have to use techniques and tactics that tug on our heartstrings, make our hearts race, enrage us and perpetuate fear and anxiety. It’s quite a show, isn’t it? And all the while, the “Alibi Club” assures the American people that what we’re getting is “all news, all the time”. Oh, is that so…? How many of us are completely “sucked” into that television screen? How many sit glued and mesmerized, watching and listening to the incessant “front line coverage” of whatever “disaster du jour” happens to be rolling across the idiot box?

If the “Alibi Club” is so thorough, accurate, fair and balanced, then how is it that ALL of them have failed to report on such newsworthy items as the annual meeting of the Bilderberg group? If anyone wants to know this type of information, don’t expect Bill O’Reilly or pretty-boy Sean Hannity to scoop the story. FOX News, along with the rest of the Alibi Club (ABC, CBS, NBS, MSNBC, and CNN) is completely controlled by multi-national corporations. Those perpetually re-running flashes of so-called “news reports” by our favorite TV spin doctors are nothing more than carefully worded fabrications and distortions. There is nothing even remotely “truthful, accurate, fair or balanced about any of it. Don’t believe this? Then, maybe you might be interested to know this: (quoted from The New World Order Exposed, p. 429)

- Time Magazine: CONTROLLED
- The New York Times: CONTROLLED
- The Washington Post: CONTROLLED
- Newsweek: CONTROLLED
- U.S. News & World Report: CONTROLLED

“Only about 20% of the CIA’s career employees work on intelligence analysis and information processing. About 2/3 of all CIA funds and manpower are spent on “covert operations” such as the manipulation of public opinion and elections and its mass media manipulation activity.” (The New World Order Exposed, p. 430 - with the original quoted material sourced from The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, Marchetti & Marks).

Think about that for a moment. Think too about September 11th or Flight 93. Ask yourself: why has the mainstream media deliberately failed to inform its national audience about the recently disbanded Voter News Service (VNS) which had a MAJOR influence on the outcome of our national elections? If the news bunnies REALLY wanted to give us breaking news, how is it that the American Free Press - an independent newspaper – managed to “scoop” every single one of the major network news stations regarding the Bilderberg Group’s upcoming 2003 yearly meeting which will be held this year in Versailles? After all, it’s not like our news bunnies don’t know about these annual meetings. They ATTEND them every year! They just don’t like to talk about it, particularly to the people footing the tab for these posh little “vacations”. Well, you DO realize who foots the bill, don’t you? The American taxpayers. I guess Peter Jennings must’ve forgotten to tell you about that, along with the rest of the GENUINE “Breaking News” that’s happening on a daily basis around the globe. Do you REALLY believe that what you see on television is ALL that’s going on in the world? Do you?

The American people have a choice. We can all sit and let our eyes spin vacantly in front of our television sets, blindly accepting and believing that which is “purported” to be “real news,” or we can find out for ourselves. But, this means we have to snap out of the hypnosis for a little while and actually do some thinking of OUR OWN for a change.

You want REAL news? You want truth? Then you’ll have to seek it out. It may not be accompanied by orchestrated “war drum effects” or powerful repetitive images or theme music – but I absolutely PROMISE you that it will RIVET your attention and snap you out of the mental “dead zone”. If honesty is up your alley, then you’ll need to check into independent sources like the American Free Press newspaper and read The New World Order Exposed by Victor Thorn. The information you seek is out there. The question is, do you really want to know the truth?

Consider this, too. They don’t call it “programming” for nothing… 

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