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Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 13:52:07 -0700
From: Paul Blumstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Recipient List Suppressed:  ;
Subject: [JBirch] Ten Worst Tax Laws


        Ten Worst Tax Laws

Human Events asked a panel of 14 distinguished judges, ranging from
Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman to our own Stephen
Moore, to pick the Ten Worst provisions in the federal tax code.
Each judge made nominations, then submitted a ballot ranking their
Ten Worst from the full list of nominees.  A provision received ten
points for a Number 1 vote, nine points for a Number 2 vote, and so
on.  The estate tax won with the highest aggregate score of 71.  Here
are all the winners in ignoble order.

1. Estate Tax

*       Score: 71
*       Started when: 1916
*       By whom:  President Woodrow Wilson signed the estate tax into law.
*       Why: To tax the "rich" and redistribute wealth.
*       What it does:  Nicknamed the "death tax," it requires
families or other heirs to pay up to half the assessed value of a
deceased person's estate.  Before the Bush cut, rates ranged from 18%
to 55%. A 5-percent surtax was imposed on transfers between $10
million and $17.2 million, creating an effective 60-percent rate.
Under the Bush cut, the top rate was instantly reduced to 50%, and
the 5-percent surtax repealed.  The rate will be reduced and the
unified credit increased from $625,000 to $3.5 million until 2010
when the estate tax will be repealed.  But the repeal will expire on
December 31, 2010.
*       Revenue: In fiscal 2002, the unified estate and gift taxes
brought in $27.2 billion in revenue-1.3% of the over $2 trillion in
federal revenues.
*       Reform efforts: In 2000, President Clinton vetoed a repeal of
the estate tax passed by Congress. In 2002, the House voted to make
the repeal permanent, but Senate Democrats blocked it. This year,
five bills have been introduced to make the repeal permanent.

2. Double Taxation of Dividends

*       Score: 68
*       Started when: 1913
*       By whom: President Howard Taft, evading the Constitution,
signed the first federal corporate income tax in 1909 (see Number
5).  In 1913, President Wilson's original income tax law taxed
dividends as income.
*       Why:  Conservative economists say that politicians at the
time did not bother to think that by taxing dividends they were
taxing the same corporate profits twice.
*       What it does: By taxing corporate income through the
corporate income tax and then taxing that same income again when it
is paid to shareholders as dividends, the government creates a
disincentive for corporations to pay dividends and for investors to
buy stocks.  Double taxation makes dividends a highly inefficient way
to distribute corporate profits-imposing an effective tax rate of up
to 60% on money paid out in dividends.
*       Revenue: OMB estimates that taxation of dividends will bring
in about $24.9 billion in fiscal 2004.  If the tax is eliminated that
much will go back into taxpayers pockets.
*       Reform efforts: President Bush has proposed abolishing the
dividend tax.

3. Alternative Minimum Tax

*       Score: 61
*       Started when: 1969
*       By whom:  President Richard Nixon signed it.  House Ways and
Means Chairman Wilbur Mills (D.-Ark.) pushed it through Congress.
*       Why:  To make sure the "rich" who are eligible for tax
credits and deductions pay their "fair share."
*       What it does: The personal AMT ensures that if a taxpayer's
tax bill falls below a certain threshold because his taxable income
has been reduced by legally applicable credits and deductions-home
mortgage interest, dependent deductions, child-care credits,
charitable contributions-he will have to pay a higher, predetermined
rate of tax.  Because the AMT is not indexed for inflation, each year
it applies to Americans at lower and lower real income levels.   By
2010, almost one-third of American taxpayers (35 million people)
could see their taxes hiked by the AMT.  Only 2.7 million are
affected now.  The corporate AMT discourages investment in capital
equipment, thus reducing long-term economic growth.
*       Revenue: In 1999, the personal AMT yielded $6.5 billion (0.3%
of total revenue), a 29.2% increase over the previous year.
According to the Tax Foundation, in 1998, corporations paid $3.3
billion in AMT.
*       Reform efforts:  Rep. Phil English (R.-Pa.) has introduced HR
1233 to repeal both the personal and corporate AMTs.

4. Capital Gains Tax

*       Score: 59
*       Started when: 1921
*       By whom: President Warren Harding signed this tax into law
after a Republican Congress approved it.
*       Why: The tax was considered a cut at the time: revenues from
the sale of assets would be taxed at a lower rate than earned income.
*       What it does:  Discourages saving and investment by taxing
the increase in value of an asset between the time someone purchases
an item and  when he sells it.  In 1997, when the capital gains rate
was cut from 28% to 20%, government receipts from the tax actually
*       Revenue: In 2001, the federal government brought in $115
billion, or 5.4% of total federal tax revenue, from the capital gains
*       Reform efforts:  Mike Pence (R.-Ind.) and David Dreier
(R.-Calif.) have talked about reducing the maximum capital gains tax
to 10% this session. There is a bipartisan "zero capital gains tax"
caucus, led by Senators Zell Miller (D.-Ga.), Orrin Hatch (R.-Utah)
and Wayne Allard (R.-Colo.), and by Representatives Chris Cox
(R.-Calif.) and Ralph Hall (D.-Tex.) in the House.  The Senate came
within three votes of passing a bill last year to cut the capital
gains tax from 20% to 15%.

5. Corporate Income Tax

*       Score: 52
*       Started when:  1909
*       By whom:  President Taft (R.) pushed it through a Republican Congress.
*       Why:  Taft believed he could head off the creation of a
personal income tax if he could raise revenues by taxing corporations
instead.  He was wrong.  To avoid arguments against the
constitutionality of a federal income tax-the 16th Amendment had not
been ratified-Taft called it an "excise" tax.
*       What it does:  Taxes corporate profits, increasing the price
of goods and services.  The tax also drives U.S. corporations to
relocate overseas.  It is also a double tax, since untaxed corporate
profits can be distributed to individuals through dividends, which
are also taxed (see Number 2).
*       Revenue:  In fiscal 2002, the corporate tax brought in $211.5
billion in revenue, or 10.4% of total federal tax revenue.
*       Reform efforts:  Republican President Warren Harding and
Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt each tried unsuccessfully to
abolish it.   In the 1970s, the left-wing Americans for Democratic
Action urged repeal because it is regressive, hitting low-income
workers hardest.  Today, no serious plan exists in Congress to
abolish the corporate income tax.  Many large corporations see the
complicated tax code as an advantage over smaller competitors.

6. Progressivity of Income Tax  Rates

*       Score: 47
*       Started when: 1913
*       By whom:  President Wilson's original income tax law featured
progressive rates.
*       Why:  Class war.  Politicians argue that people who make more
money should pay a larger share of it in taxes.  It is central to the
politics of envy and resentment that is the staple of the Democratic
*       What it does:  The tax rate escalates in steps for
progressively higher levels of income.  Under current tax law, the
first $12,000 in taxable income is taxed at 10%; from $12,000 to
$46,700 at 15%; from $46,700 at $112,850 at 27%; from $112,850 to
$171,950 at 30%; from $171,950 to $307,050 at 35%; and from $307,050
up at 38.6%. This punishes people as they make more and reduces their
incentive to invest and create jobs.
*       Revenue:  In 1999, the highest personal income tax bracket
yielded $164 billion in revenue, 8.6% of total federal revenues.
*       Reform efforts: The drive for a flat income tax, boosted by
the Steve Forbes in his 1996 presidential campaign and promoted by
now-retired Rep. Dick Armey (R.-Tex.), has stalled.

7. Income Tax Withholding

*       Score: 46
*       Started when: 1943
*       By whom: President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Current Tax
Payment Act into law.
*       Why:  Roosevelt promoted it as "a temporary wartime measure"
to ensure a steady flow of funding for World War II.  Lawmakers
feared taxpayers might refuse to pay the higher tax rates and
surcharges enacted in the Revenue Act of 1942.
*       What it does:  Compels employers to withhold federal taxes
from workers' paychecks and pay them directly to the government on
the workers' behalf
*       Revenue: According to the IRS, in fiscal year 2002, the
federal government took in $1.39 trillion through income and payroll
tax withholding.
*       Reform efforts: In 2001, Representatives Ron Paul (R.-Tex.),
Jeff Flake (R.-Ariz.), and Steve Largent (R.-Okla.) introduced H.R.
1364, the Cost of Government Awareness Act, which would have
eliminated the withholding of income taxes and required individuals
to pay income taxes in monthly installments.   No serious effort is
now under way to pass such a law.

8. Social Security Tax

*       Score: 42
*       Started when: 1935
*       By whom: President Roosevelt pushed the Social Security Act
through Congress.
*       Why:  Roosevelt said Social Security "will take care of human
needs and at the same time provide for the United States an economic
structure of vastly greater soundness."
*       What it does:  Social Security is a Ponzi scheme that can
only be sustained as long as working taxpayers vastly outnumber
Social Security recipients.  It socializes savings, making many
elderly Americans dependent on the government.  In 1950 there were 16
workers paying taxes to support at each retiree. Today, there are
3.3. By 2025, there will be only two.  Congress saves not one penny
of current surplus Social Security tax.  All is spent on current
programs.  Unless the system is converted into private retirement
accounts, the prospect looks bad for younger workers getting any
return on the approximately 13% of their income taken by this tax.
*       Revenue:   In 2002, the Social Security tax brought in $565
billion, or 28% of federal revenues.
*       Reform efforts:  President Bush has proposed allowing workers
to choose whether to put a small portion of their Social Security tax
in a private retirement account.  .

9. Taxation of Social Security Benefits

*       Score: 41
*       By whom:  President Bill Clinton dramatically increased taxes
on Social Security benefits in his record tax hike of 1993.
*       Why: Democrats, in complete control of the government, wanted
more money for more government.
*       What it does:  Social Security recipients pay Social Security
taxes during their working years.  Then when they retire and receive
benefits, the government taxes those benefits as income even if the
recipient only earns a modest amount of money above the benefits.
Before 1993, Social Security recipients paid income taxes on half
their benefits if their income exceeded $25,000 for individuals or
$32,000 for couples.  The Clinton tax plan forced individual seniors
making more than $34,000, and married couples making more than
$44,000, to pay income taxes on up to 85% of their Social Security
*       Revenue:  Economists estimate that seniors returned between
$12 and $36 billion in Social Security benefits to the government in
*       Reform efforts:  In March, the Senate failed by one vote to
repeal this tax. Senators Gordon Smith (R.-Ore.) and Evan Bayh
(D.-Ind.) and Rep. Sam Johnson (R.-Tex.) are now pushing another bill
to abolish it.

10. High Marginal Income Tax Rates

*       Score: 40
*       Started when:  In 1913, the highest bracket was 7%.  By 1917,
it was 67% for income over $2 million.   In Word War II, the top rate
hit 94%.  President Kennedy's tax cut reduced the top rate to 70% and
then Reagan's 1981 cuts put it at 50%.  The 1986 tax reform cut it to
28% but eliminated many exemptions.  It trended back up during under
the senior President Bush and President Clinton.  President George W.
Bush so far has managed to cut it to 38.6%.
*       By whom: President Woodrow Wilson started it.
*       Why: World War I was the excuse.
*       What it does:  High income tax rates, compounded by other
forms of taxes, impose a charge against the next dollar that an
earner makes.  The higher this marginal rate is, the less incentive
someone has to do the work or make the investment that will earn him
that dollar.  High marginal tax rates therefore work as a drag on
economic growth and job creation.
*       Reform efforts: President Bush tax proposal calls for
accelerating cuts in the income tax rates already set to take effect
in future years.

© Human Events, 2003

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